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Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171

Study of the rainfall-runoff process in the Andes region using a

continuous distributed model
I. Braud a,*, P. Fernandez b, F. Bouraoui c
Laboratoire d’etudes des Transferts (LTHE CNRS UMR 5564, INPG, UJF), BP 53, 38041 Grenoble Cédex 9, France
CONICET/INA-CRA, Casilla de Correo 6, 5500 Mendoza, Argentina
CEMAGREF, 17 Avenue de Cucillé, 35044 Rennes, France
Received 29 June 1998; received in revised form 2 November 1998; accepted 16 November 1998

The Precordillera area of the Andes Mountains (Mendoza, Argentina) is affected by severe flash floods, caused by heavy
rainfall events of short duration and high intensities. A telemetric network, installed on a pilot zone since 1983, provided a set of
about 150 rainfall events. In addition, about 50 flood events were recorded at the outlet of a 5.47 km 2 catchment. The distributed
model Areal Non-point Source Watershed Environment Response Simulation was adapted to this catchment and applied
continuously over the period 1983–1994. The year 1985 was used for calibration. The model was able to reproduce runoff
volume with an efficiency of 0.6, and peak discharge with an efficiency of 0.46. The largest events were however under-
estimated, although the model was able to reproduce the sharp increases in streamflow registered by the sensor. Based on the
assumption that the model had captured the catchment behaviour, it was used to determine the main processes involved in
runoff generation. The combination of rainfall and soil variability, mainly associated with a quasi-impervious area in the middle
of the catchment, was found to explain the rapid increases in streamflow. Vegetation, surface storage capacity, and initial soil
moisture were also influential but with a much smaller magnitude than the combination of rainfall and soil variability. 䉷 1999
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Distributed model; Runoff; Variability; Soil; Precipitation; Hydrology; Andes

1. Introduction Mendoza. Therefore, it was of particular interest to

understand the mechanisms leading to the runoff
The Piemont and Precordillera areas of the Andes generation in this region. A telemetric network of
mountains situated in western Mendoza (33–33.5⬚S, automatic rain gauges was set up in 1983 on a study
68.8–69.1⬚W) (Argentina) are subject to heavy area of about 600 km 2, westward of the city of
summer rainfall events of short duration and high Mendoza (Fernandez et al., 1988). A 5.47 km 2 catch-
intensities, characterised by a large spatial and ment, the Divisadero Largo, was also equipped with a
temporal variability over short distances (Fernandez sensor recording streamflow (Fig. 1).
et al., 1997). These events can generate severe flash The collected data were already used in various
floods, dangerous for the downstream city of rainfall-runoff and sediment delivery studies using
mainly event based models (Mulders et al., 1990a,b;
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 00-33-7682-5286. Hoefsloot et al., 1992; Ligtenberg et al., 1992;
E-mail address: (I. Braud) Sharma, 1993; Sharma et al., 1996a,b). The major
0022-1694/99/$ - see front matter 䉷 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0022-169 4(98)00292-3
156 I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171

Fig. 1. Location of the study area in the Mendoza Province (Argentina). The Divisadero Largo map shows the four rainfall gauges (numbered
1100, 1400, 1500 and 2000) and the associated Thiessen polygons (shaded areas). Streamflow was also measured at gauge 2000.

drawback of these models is the initialisation of 2. Material and methods

the moisture status of the catchment prior to each
storm. 2.1. Presentation of the Divisadero Largo catchment
Therefore, the purpose of the study was: (i) to
study the feasibility of using a continuous model The Divisadero Largo catchment (latitude:
on the Divisadero Largo catchment, and (ii) to 32⬚55 0 S, longitude: 68⬚55 0 W) is part of a pilot zone
determine the main processes involved in runoff defined westwards of the city of Mendoza, Argentina,
generation in order to explain the sharp stream- near the Chilean border (Fig. 1). The watershed is
flow increases registered at the outlet of the catch- characterised by large slopes with an altitude varying
ment. The distributed and continuous model Areal from 950 m at the outlet to 1420 m at the upper point.
Non-point Source Watershed Environment The catchment is 5.47 km 2. It has an elongated shape
Response Simulation (ANSWERS) (Beasley et with an average width and length of 1.5 and 7 km,
al., 1980), modified by Bouraoui and Dillaha respectively. The geology of the catchment is very
(1996) was used for these purposes. Available complex: eight different geological formations are
data and model are presented in Section 2. Section encountered at the surface: Potrerillos (1%), Cacheuta
3 describes the calibration and validation of the (1.5%), Barrancas (2%), Rio Blanco (3%), Violet
model. Finally, Section 4 presents a sensitivity Conglomerate (3.5%), Divisadero Largo (12%),
study conducted on the influence of the spatial Marine (37%), and Quaternary (40%). Five of these
variability of surface properties and rainfall on formations (Potrerillos, Cacheuta, Rio Blanco, Violet
the hydrological response of the catchment. Conglomerate and Divisadero Largo) can be
I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171 157

considered as impervious and their influence on runoff potential is satisfied. Then, throughfall can be infil-
generation must be considered. A fault (Papagayos trated into the soil (Green and Ampt, 1911 model).
fault) is present in the middle of the catchment. The When the rainfall intensity exceeds the infiltration
soils exhibit a very small thickness (from a few cm to capacity (Horton, 1940) or the soil reservoir is satu-
about 1 m) and are characterised by the presence of rated (saturation excess), water accumulates into
coarse fragments except for the marine formation. The micro-depressions. Once the storage capacity of
vegetation is sparse and dominated by shrubs less than micro-depressions exceeds, surface runoff overland
2 m high. It is important to mention that during 1989– flow begins. Excess water is transferred to the channel
1990, the catchment was closed to avoid cattle grazing and routed to the outlet (Bras, 1990). Water in excess
in order to become a natural reserve. Since then vege- of the field capacity can drain to the groundwater, if it
tation has developed, and an under storey of grass has exists. In the interstorm period, water is allowed to
grown up. Therefore, the cover is much higher than evaporate from the soil surface or to be transpired by
before and that of the surrounding area. the vegetation (Richie, 1972).
The watershed lies in a subtropical arid climate The catchment is described as a set of square grid
where rainfall (200–300 mm per year) is charac- cells, over which the hydrological properties are
terised by summer events of low duration (a few assumed to be uniform. However, these characteristic
hours) with high intensities. The response time of properties can vary from one cell to the other, taking
the catchment is very short (less than one hour). into account the spatial variability of topography, soil
Four rainfall stations were available (Fig. 1), covering and vegetation cover. The time evolution of vegeta-
homogeneously the whole basin. They are part of the tion characteristics and land use can also be accounted
automatic network operating in the region since 1982 for. Rainfall is described by measured hyetographs
(Fernandez et al., 1988). Recorded events show that, and the rainfall distribution over the watershed is
even at the catchment scale, the spatial variability of taken into account.
rainfall is large. The streamflow was measured at the In the context of the Divisadero Largo catchment,
outlet of the catchment up to 1994. A set of about 50 one modification of the model was introduced to
rainfall events was recorded and will be used in the represent the impervious nature of the subsoil (A.
present study. Vargas-Aranibar, personal communication). The
Green and Ampt (1911) assumes that for longer
2.2. The ANSWERS model and its adaptation for the times, the infiltration capacity converges towards the
Divisadero Largo catchment saturated hydraulic conductivity. This hypothesis is
valid for deep soils. When the subsoil is impervious,
The original version of the ANSWERS model was water cannot drain freely and the soil reservoir is
designed to study the impact of management practices progressively filled. Once it is filled, surface runoff
on runoff and sediment transport for single design is generated. The ANSWERS model was, therefore,
storms (Beasley et al., 1980; Dillaha and Beasley, modified to account for this process. Furthermore,
1983). Later on, phosphorous (Amin Sichani, 1982; about 20% of water in excess of field capacity was
Storm et al., 1988) and nitrogen (Dillaha et al., 1988) allowed to infiltrate in the subsoil and added to a pool,
transport were added to the model. At that time, it was available for sub-surface runoff. The latter can reach
an event-based model. It was modified by Bouraoui the drainage network rapidly.
and Dillaha (1996) into a continuous model. This last
version, restricted to water transfer only, is used in the 2.3. Input data for the model
present study. The computer code was extended to
handle the 6079 grid cells of 30 × 30 m 2 of the 2.3.1. Climatic and rainfall data
application. Daily potential evapotranspiration, used by the
Hydrological processes represented in the ANSWERS model, is computed using mean daily
ANSWERS model can be summarised as follows. air temperature and daily incoming solar radiation.
After rainfall begins, precipitation is intercepted by These data were obtained from the Mendoza airport
the vegetation canopy until the interception storage meteorological station (information obtained from
158 I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171

Table 1
Characteristics of the various types of channel elements for the 30 m resolution

Channel type Number of upstream elements Width (m) Manning roughness coefficient

Type 1 ⬎ 1200 5 0.07

Type 2 [501–1200] 4 0.06
Type 3 [151–500] 3 0.05
Type 4 [41–150] 2 0.04
Type 5 [6–40] 1 0.03

SMN-INTA and J. Morabito, INA-CRA). This station than six were considered as channel cells. The derived
is a representative of the desert conditions, which drainage network (Fig. 2) is similar to the one that can
prevail in the Divisadero Largo catchment. be observed in the field.
Four rainfall stations are located within the catch- Five types of channel elements were defined and
ment (Fig. 1). These rain gauges are automatic sensors their characteristics are given in Table 1. The
with an auger system of 1 mm capacity. The station upstream part of the riverbed is made of smooth
sends a signal to the alert centre each time the auger is rocks, whereas stones are present downstream.
filled, and a rainfall of 1 mm is recorded. Therefore, Further, in the wider downstream channels, the
the temporal resolution of the data increases with the presence of vegetation reduces the flow velocity.
rainfall intensity. The maximum intensity recorded These channel characteristics explain the downstream
from 1983 to 1994 was 276 mm h ⫺1 during 20 s on increase of the Manning coefficient.
14 February 1990. The structure of the ANSWERS Although Goodrich et al. (1997) showed the impor-
model, which can deal with irregular time steps tance of the infiltration of water within riverbed chan-
for the rainfall series and does not require the same nels for ephemeral flows, it is not considered in the
time step for all the stations, allowed us to directly present study.
use the data recorded by the automatic system.
The rainfall fields were interpolated with the 2.3.3. Soil characteristics
Thiessen polygon method (Fig. 1). Therefore, each The geology of the Divisadero Largo catchment is
cell of the grid was associated with one of the four complex. A 30 m resolution geology map, derived by
gauges. Hoefsloot et al. (1992), shows the existence of eight
formations at the surface. Ligtenberg et al. (1992)
determined the soil retention and hydraulic conduc-
2.3.2. Digital terrain model and drainage network tivity curves of three of those formations: Quaternary,
A digital elevation model (DEM) was digitised Marine and Barrancas. They classified the other five
from a contour map with 5 m intervals with a 30 × formations: Potrerillos, Cacheuta, Rio Blanco, Violet
30 m 2 grid size (Hoefsloot et al., 1992). The vertical Conglomerate and Divisadero Largo as quasi-
resolution of the 1:5000 DEM was 1 m. The impervious, and gathered them in the same soil
watershed was discretized into 6079 30 × 30 m 2 type. Indeed, for all these formations, the thickness
cells. The altitudes ranged from 949 m at the outlet of the soil is reduced to a few centimetres and their
(eastern part of the catchment) to 1421 m in the saturated hydraulic conductivity is very low. Six soil
western part of the catchment. The slope map of the classes were taken as a basis for the ANSWERS
catchment was calculated using the SLOPE function model. The values of the soil depth for the different
of the PC RASTER Package (Van Deursen and soil types were determined from in situ measurements
Wesseling, 1992) using the average of 3 × 3 cell and information from other scientists working on the
windows. The WATERSH module was used to derive catchment (M. Nave, personal communications). The
a local flow direction map, and the map of a number of texture of the soils was mostly sandy. Total porosity
upstream cells (‘‘Upstream Element map’’). Pixels and fraction of coarse fragments were taken from the
associated with an upstream element number higher work of Ligtenberg et al. (1992). The wilting point
I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171 159

Fig. 2. Drainage network of the Divisadero Largo catchment with the various channel types defined as inputs of the ANSWERS model.

was taken from the literature and the field capacity in Tables 2 and 3, and Fig. 3 presents their location
adjusted to reproduce the runoff volume (mentioned within the catchment.
later). The values of the saturated hydraulic conduc-
tivity were chosen such that the effective hydraulic 2.3.4. Vegetation characteristics
conductivity (taking the coarse fragments and the A Landsat TM map of 22 February 1986 was
influence of vegetation into account) was about processed by Mulders et al. (1990b). A ratio vegeta-
48 mm h ⫺1. This value corresponds to those obtained tion index (RVI) was calculated and four classes of
on the quaternary and marine formations by Nave et vegetation defined corresponding to a percent cover-
al. (1996) from infiltration tests performed with rain- age by the vegetation of 0%–5%, 5%–20%, 20%–
fall simulators (Nave, 1996). No measurement was 35% and ⬎ 35%, respectively. The month of Febru-
available for the first soil type (quasi-impervious ary that falls in the middle of the rainy season corre-
formations) and the value was calibrated (discussed sponds generally to the highest vegetation cover. The
later). Other properties, like wetting front suction four classes were taken as the basis for the four vege-
were estimated using the pedo-transfer functions tation types defined in ANSWERS. The main charac-
proposed by default in ANSWERS (Bouraoui and teristics of these classes are summarised in Table 4.
Dillaha, 1996). The main soil characteristics are listed Overland flow roughness coefficients for each of

Fig. 3. Map of the soil types used in the ANSWERS model.

160 I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171

Table 2
Characteristics of the soil types defined for the Divisadero Largo catchment

Soil type Depth Total Fraction of Field capacity Wilting point Saturated Wetting
(mm) porosity (–) coarse (fraction of (fraction of hydraulic front
fragments (%) saturation) saturation) conductivity suction (cm)
(mm h ⫺1)

1: Quasi-impervious 60 0.48 42 0.40 0.14 5.00 × 10 ⫺2 5.98

2: Quaternary I 300 0.48 42 0.40 0.14 65 5.98
3: Quaternary II 800 0.48 42 0.40 0.14 65 5.98
4: Marine I 100 0.49 10 0.40 0.14 55 5.33
5: Marine II 400 0.49 10 0.40 0.14 54 5.33
6: Barrancas 300 0.49 18 0.40 0.14 65 4.80

Table 3
Texture of the soil types defined for the Divisadero Largo catchment

1:Quasi-imprevious 2: Quaternary I 3: Quaternary II 4: Marine I 5: Marine II 6: Barrancas

Clay content (%) 1 1 1 1 1 1

Silt content (%) 6 6 6 12 12 7
Sand content (%) 93 93 93 87 87 92

Table 4
Characteristics of the vegetation types defined on the Divisadero Largo catchment

Vegetation type Coverage Leaf area Potential Manning coefficient Surface storage
(%) index interception for overland flow capacity (mm) a

Type 1: 0%–5% 5 0.13 0.00 0.05 2

Type 2: 5%–20% 15 0.41 0.02 0.05 5
Type 3: 20%–35% 30 0.89 0.05 0.07 9
Type 4: ⬎ 35% 40 1.27 0.10 0.09 9
This parameter was specified for each vegetation type as required by the original version of the ANSWERS model. It was not used later in
the subsequent analysis because a surface storage capacity map was used instead. In this way, a value per grid cell defined according to the
vegetation type and slope of the cell was used.

the vegetation classes were taken from Bouraoui 2.3.5. Surface storage capacity map
(1995). The surface storage capacity corresponds to the
As mentioned previously, the watershed was storage by micro-relief at the surface of the soil.
closed in 1989–1990. Since then, the vegetation has Once this reservoir is filled, surface runoff can
recovered and an under-storey of grass was able to occur. According to FAO standards, Ligtenberg et
develop. The image of 1986 was taken before the al. (1992) had built a surface storage capacity map
closing of the catchment and will, therefore be more with three levels: low, medium and high, which
representative of the 1983–1990 period. Unfortu- were used in ANSWERS to define the surface storage
nately, at the time of the study, no image representa- capacity of each grid cell. This map is a combination
tive of the post-closure period was available. of vegetation and slope information. Table 5
Therefore, the same image was used throughout the summarises the characteristics of these three classes.
whole study. It must also be mentioned that in 1989–1990, when
I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171 161

Fig. 4. Observed versus modelled (left) runoff (mm) and (right) peak discharge (m 3 s ⫺1) for the year 1985 (five events).

the catchment was closed, some barriers were also 2.3.6. Streamflow data
constructed in the upstream part of the catchment From 1983 to 1994, a sensor was installed at the
(small dams of about 300 m 3, Königel, 1997). These outlet of the catchment to measure the streamflow.
barriers retain water and sediments allowing the vege- However, not all the floods were registered, especially
tation to recover. This would lead to an increase of the during the first years of the experiment. A hydrogen
surface storage capacity in these zones. This was not bubble sensor was used to measure the streamflow
taken into account in this first study, given the diffi- associated with a triangular shape of the river section.
culty to locate their exact position within the catch- A reduced model of the terrain and measurement
ment. However, they could contribute to the lowering section was built in order to determine the stage–
and delaying of the runoff, although they were discharge relationship. However, as most of the time
perhaps not located in the most critical areas (Königel, the river was dry, some problems were encountered
1997). with the sensor (large inertia, obstruction of the

Table 5
Characteristics of the surface storage capacity classes

Surface storage capacity Slope (%) Vegetation coverage (%) Value of the
surface storage
reservoir (mm)

Low ⬎ 15% ⬍ 20% 2

⬎ 35%
Medium 10%–15% p 20% 5
⬎ 35%
High 0%–5% 20%–35% 9
⬎ 35%
162 I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171

Fig. 5. Comparison of observed (—) and modelled (…) hydrographs for four selected events. Events of 17 January 1985 and 22 November
1985 belong to the calibration set of events.

bubble system), leading to large uncertainties on the available data which could be used for model
registered flows, especially the lowest ones. For some verification.
storms, it was obvious that some problems occurred The following criteria were calculated for runoff
(oscillations in the hydrographs). Over the period volume and peak discharge using the 33 ‘‘reliable’’
1983–1994, 49 hydrographs were available. Sixteen storms, in order to quantify model performance:
doubtful storms were discarded from the statistical
analysis, comparing model and observations, leading mean bias B : B ˆ Y mod ⫺Y obs ; …1†
to a set of 33 ‘‘reliable’’ storms.
mean absolute error MAE:

1X n
2.4. Assessment of model performance MAE ˆ 兩 Y ⫺Y 兩; …2†
n iˆ1 imod iobs
The model was run on a continuous basis and was
initialised only once, at the beginning of the simula- P
…Yimod ⫺Yiobs †2
tion period. Model performance was assessed using efficiency E : E ˆ 1⫺ iˆ1
; …3†
runoff hydrographs for selected flood events. As the Pn
…Yiobs ⫺Y obs †2
riverbed was dry most of the time, it was the only iˆ1
I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171 163

Fig. 6. Top panel: observed versus modelled (left) runoff (mm) and (right) peak discharge (m 3 s ⫺1) for the whole data set (33 events). Bottom
panel: comparison of observed and modelled distributions of (left) runoff (mm) and (right) peak discharge (m 3 s ⫺1).

root mean square error RMSE: 3. Calibration and validation of the model
1 3.1. Calibration of the model
RMSE ˆ …Yimod ⫺Yiobs †2 ; …4†
The year 1985 was chosen for the first sensitivity
tests and calibration of the model. During this year,
regressionimod ˆ Slope × Yiobs recorded floods covered various possible scenarios,
with two examples of floods separated by three days
⫹Intercept with coefficient of determination R2 ; (17 and 20 January1985) and one day (21 and 22
January 1985), and another flood occurring after a
where Y stands either for runoff volume or peak long drying period (15 November 1985). The climate
discharge, Yiobs and Yimod the observed and modelled and rainfall data described in Section 2 were used as
values, and Y obs and Y mod their mean, and n the number input variables. The parameters presented in Section 2
of storms considered (n ˆ 33). were used with a 30 m grid resolution for these
164 I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171

Fig. 7. Variation (%) from the reference simulation (rainfall calculated using the four gauges interpolated with the Thiessen polygons) for
rainfall (top), runoff (middle) and peak discharge (bottom), when uniform rainfall taken at rain-gauge 1100 (K), 1400 ( ⫹ ), 1500 ( × ) or 2000
(S) was considered.

simulations. The time step used in the simulations was hydraulic conductivity of the quasi-impervious soil
10 s. type and roughness coefficients for the channel flow
According to Bouraoui and Dillaha (1996), were adjusted. However, this calibration was reduced
ANSWERS does not require calibration, and thus to a minimum and was only performed heuristically
can be used for ungauged catchments. Bouraoui by testing the influence of some key parameters. The
(1995) provides tables for the main parameters of saturated hydraulic conductivity of the quasi-impervious
the models in the case of agricultural catchments. soil type was set to a value of 0.05 mm h ⫺1. A lower
However, little information was provided related to value did not modify the results and a higher value
natural semi-arid catchments. Therefore, unmeasured suppressed the rapid observed peaks. The field capacity
parameters such as soil field capacity, saturated was adjusted to get a correct prediction of the volume.
I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171 165

Fig. 8. Simulated (…) hydrographs for the storm of 17 January 1985 when uniform rainfall from gauge 1100, 1400, 1500 and 2000 is
considered. The full line is the reference hydrograph obtained with the distributed rainfall.

Figs. 4(a) and (b) show the modelled versus

observed volume and peak discharge, respectively.
Table 6 The volume was, in general, overestimated and the
Statistical comparison of modelled and observed runoff and peak peak discharge underestimated. However, the model
discharge was able to reproduce the observed abrupt flow
Statistical criteria Runoff Peak
increases (Fig. 5(a)). Qualitatively at least, the
volume discharge model performed correctly. The same parameters
(mm) (m 3 s ⫺1) were then kept and the model validated on the
whole data set: 1983–1994.
Bias ⫺0.27 ⫺2.79
Mean absolute error 2.34 6.31
Efficiency 0.60 0.46 3.2. Validation of the model
Root mean square error 0.63 2.34
Slope 0.52 0.33 The criteria defined in Section 2.4 are presented in
Intercept 1.91 4.14 Table 6. Fig. 6 shows the corresponding scatterograms
Coefficient of 0.61 0.61
and distributions.
The scatter was quite large, but some of the
166 I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171

Fig. 9. Variation (%) from the reference simulation (use of the soil classification map) for runoff (top) and peak discharge (bottom) when
uniform soil type was used over the whole basin: soil 1 (triangle), soil 6 ( ⫹ ), soil 4 ( × ) and soil 5 (diamond). Variations of ⫺100% were
obtained when no runoff was predicted while the reference simulation indicates the presence of runoff.

hydrographs were reproduced correctly (Fig. 5, see after 16 November 1990, the rain gauge 1100 was
also Braud, 1998). In general, peak discharge was no longer working and was replaced by station
underestimated especially for the largest events, 1500. This could lead to an erroneous representation
which were not well reproduced by the model. This of rainfall, (ii) after 1990, the catchment was closed
could be explained by the smoothing effect of using a and the vegetation had developed. This was not taken
DEM of 30 m. Indeed, the maximum slope in the into account because only a vegetation map from 1986
model was about 49%, whereas some hillslopes was available. The increase of vegetation could delay
were almost vertically positioned into the catchment. the beginning of the runoff. The influence of barriers
Furthermore, it was observed that there is always a aiming at retaining water, built in the upper part of the
small flow in the intermediate part of the catchment. catchment in the year 1989–1990 would be identical,
This flow does not reach the outlet because it infil- and (iii) the deterioration of the sensor measuring the
trates in the most pervious soils situated in the outlet streamflow.
zone. This fact is not accounted for by the model, where Nevertheless, the results were considered satisfac-
it is assumed that the water height within the river is tory because the main features of the floods on the
zero at the beginning of the storm. This non-zero flow catchment could be captured, especially the rapid
could contribute to the largest and quickest peak flows. increase of streamflow, shortly after a high intensity
In general, when there were two events separated event. Given the uncertainties with the measured
by one day, the model tended to overestimate the first streamflow, further calibration of the model was not
one and underestimate the second. required. It was assumed that the model had captured
Furthermore, the simulated storms of the years the main physical processes leading to large floods. It
1991–1994 started, in general, before the observation. was used as a reference to study the influence of the
Several reasons might explain this discrepancy: (i) variability of inputs on modelled hydrographs.
I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171 167

Fig. 10. Contribution (%) of the rain gauge Thiessen areas to the runoff (top) and peak discharge (bottom) for 20 selected storms in 1985. In
these simulations, rainfall from a given gauge was applied to its associated Thiessen polygon area and set to zero elsewhere.

4. Study of the influence of the variability of Similarly, simulations with uniform soil types were
rainfall and surface properties on the generation of performed. Fig. 9 shows the percent variations of
surface runoff runoff and peak discharge. Variations of ⫺100%
were obtained when no runoff was predicted, while
The sensitivity study was conducted using the data the reference simulation indicated the presence of
from 1985. A reference simulation using all the maps runoff. For deeper soils (soil types 5 and 6), no runoff
described in Section 2, and the distributed rainfall was was produced except for the last three events. Varia-
defined. Then, different simulations were obtained by tions were larger than 100% when soil type 1 (quasi-
changing one parameter and keeping the others impervious) was used. Although soil type 4 has a
constant. Twenty events of 1985, where the ANSWERS relatively high saturated hydraulic conductivity, the
model produced runoff, were selected for this purpose. variations for some storms were significant. This is
For rainfall, four simulations were performed using mainly owing to the saturation of the soil, which is
uniform rainfall over the whole catchment succes- shallow. These tests show the importance of the quasi-
sively from rain gauges 1100, 1400, 1500 and 2000. impervious zone on runoff generation.
Fig. 7 shows the results in terms of percent of To further illustrate such an importance, additional
variation from the reference simulation for the 20 simulations were conducted. Rainfall was set to zero
events. Fig. 7 clearly demonstrates the high variability everywhere, except on the Thiessen polygon asso-
of rainfall, the average on the catchment varying by ciated with each rain gauge. The contribution of
more than 100%. The consequence on runoff and peak each ‘‘gauge’’ area to the total runoff could, therefore,
discharge is of the same order of magnitude. Fig. 8 be assessed (although total runoff was not exactly the
illustrates the consequence on simulated hydrographs sum of the contribution of each gauge area). Fig. 10
for the storm of 17 January 1985. shows the results in the form of barplots. The zone
168 I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171

Fig. 11. Variation (%) from the reference simulation (use of vegetation and surface storage capacity maps) for runoff (top) and peak discharge
(bottom) when uniform vegetation class 0%–5% (triangle), uniform storage capacity of 2 mm ( ⫹ ) or 9 mm ( × ) were used.

associated with gauge 1400, representing only 26% of Simulations were conducted with uniform vegetation
the catchment area, contributed to more than 80% of corresponding to the 0%–5% coverage, and constant
the runoff in each case and sometimes to almost all the surface storage capacity of 2 and 9 mm. Results are
runoff. This gauge area contained all the quasi-imper- presented in Fig. 11, and show that the modification of
vious soils confirming the importance of this area on the vegetation coverage did not influence the runoff
runoff generation. very much. The role of surface storage capacity was
The results also showed that the knowledge of the more important in delaying or advancing the begin-
rainfall field on this area was crucial to get a correct ning of runoff. With the 9 mm uniform value, the
prediction of the runoff. Analysis of all the simulated runoff volume and peak discharge were also signifi-
hydrographs showed that some storms were correctly cantly decreased.
reproduced, others were underestimated and some In order to test the advantage of using a continuous
others overestimated (Braud, 1998). This could be model, uniform initial moisture conditions corre-
explained by a bad representation of the rainfall sponding to the extreme values (i.e. wilting point or
field on the quasi-impervious area. Thus, affecting field capacity) were prescribed at the beginning of
the quasi impervious cells to the wrong rain gauge each storm event. A test was also performed with
may cause large discrepancies in the runoff volume 75% of the field capacity. Using the wilting point as
and timing. One recommendation could be to put initial condition only modified the results for the
more gauges on quasi-impervious areas to get a storms occurring within five days after another
more precise description of the rainfall field in these storm (this was the largest interval in the storm
zones. samples) (see Fig. 12). Results show that the wilting
Other tests were performed to assess the influence point was the initial moisture status of most rainfall
of vegetation cover and surface storage capacity. events in the reference simulation, except for the
I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171 169

Fig. 12. Variation (%) from the reference simulation (initialisation of soil moisture calculated by ANSWERS) for runoff (top) and peak
discharge (bottom) when an initialisation at the wilting point (triangle), field capacity ( ⫹ ) or 75% of field capacity ( × ) was used prior to each
rainfall event.

storms occurring within five days after another rain- 5. Conclusions

fall event. For these events, runoff volume and peak
discharge were modified by about 10%. The use of a The work presented in this article was a first
continuous model was, therefore, valuable for these attempt to apply a continuous and distributed model
events, even if the induced change in runoff volume on a catchment of the Andean Precordillera. The high
and peak discharge was much less than when rainfall temporal and spatial variability of rainfall, the discon-
or soil type variability was considered. With 75% of tinuous nature of the streamflow, and the spatial varia-
the field capacity as initial soil moisture, the increase bility of surface properties, especially soil types,
in runoff was of up to 80%–90%, and more than 200% complicated the modelling work. The distributed
when the field capacity was used. ANSWERS model was shown to perform satisfacto-
Finally, a set of tests was conducted to evaluate the rily on this catchment. Its distributed nature proved to
influence of slope (average slope of nine pixels versus be valuable for a correct representation of the sharp
maximum slope, average slope multiplied by 1.5), and rapid increase of the streamflows observed at the
Manning roughness coefficients of channel elements outlet. Silburn and Connolly (1995), and Connolly
(multiplied or divided by 2), channel width (divided and Silburn (1995) also reported good performance
by 2) on runoff. In general, the changes in runoff of the ANSWERS model on a pasture catchment in
volume were small. The changes in peak discharge Australia.
could reach 50% with changes in the roughness coef- The major role of spatial variability of rainfall and
ficients of channel elements and channel widths. The of soil types on runoff generation was shown. The
main influence was to modify the starting time of influence of a quasi-impervious area located in the
runoff. middle of the catchment was found to explain most
170 I. Braud et al. / Journal of Hydrology 216 (1999) 155–171

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