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into the cardbox md p13Cf> it IO eoe sldc.

lWnovethltn:d deck Ihlll1.WO 'box !U>d hbld it ta¢ down. Spread the eards betweentbe 1l811J!s, Or ~n
Spread ~ OlIlhe ta1>le. ~ . nut to "'l'- me 13 Cilrds III fhe bottom (or) at ""'$ItakinS car. noh Qshow
the \yords "" lhe b.Jol< eal~). Iryon ~o:p the ettds SO ~ the letters Ire AT 1'l'lF. JUGHT <II tho back
lOO have .mple space 10, llpp.nml!)', sIio'¥ all tit <l'a.rd$ with regular backS. Also, take ~ 1.0 $bOw ma~,
sogular4rds llS you ClIP (the cards ~O\ltlollOJ'S). Dti not ~ke a 1>'111 deal 0111 orllU$. )'00 are tit" on!y<1no"bo
knows there is samethillg llJ IUde. Sil. "'hf.nUt ifllObody IS chaldng you1
Sq..... rc the ear&, tl1lIl iIm deck Illce up oUd.sproa<l iI W<lSS theubi.. A.'II< the spe<U1<>r te IWll<; tile vahre
of lllsca.rd, Ill.en, ei!h(tYll\l or 1ll" ,$Jleeuror• .\Iidc Out !he four cardsh."ing tlull value. AtJt~,youlmow
thc=tallyse\ecIed cardllllE:CAlWmAT I '1'AK ,N.Ii,ROM 11'.IE1'RONT(I'AC6) Bl..QCKIS Tfl}i:ONE
1m IS ~G 01'1Reroe1fl!ler itl
Ooce the four cards have been wlthdOWll. IiCQOP up the spread and tun. llllO deck Jiu down Sp{Clld the
tlli' d'!!""" deck ><tOSS the table, ensuring th. 1 the <lards a"'wo-the oonoOl block ueSl"':ad widety'10 .$b.ow lIS
tUi1tJI of t~ !>lekl> Pi possible, TIle bonom blo k ~ also ~d but olil.l' ll]argiJlbJJ;,.\,
Picl: lip the fow' ofa kfud thaI were jll~ "'..noved, sqU8l'1>lheroattls race up and,;u so doing, IflIUlage 10
tI1O\~ lbe)])et1,lJll)y selected card to Ute bQtljlm.
Hand \he face up packet totlJCr6Pc«,loraut! len ItllluhatJ! wilH:lwlnalCrc.ud Tell him to dc.fme t0l!
card ,fil ee down erne fbI> table, He places the 1111:" cl\td r.. up lijld~<lIl.I\ tb. pa kct.1Ie placesthe Jll!X\ card
alilo the table; tuming it face down, then h.. places tile 0. '" oatil (ll ¢e<:tiou) filoc up to lhe biltrom. F'JIlallyh"
al!i1& thenllXt c6td.Illee d~Wl1 to tbMat>1e which l...ves bitn will! 0lI1)' i!PHird (lb. ~lcctI<iu).
At this J'OOm the SJl':CIator. will react WIthe res! oft1le aodlen. WOl.l t lmnw why; !lO yon!l1l\Y SlIJi ~rl'll
/onir $Ilrpri,ted. end W$ balli ql(JW ,<fry: riwl 'I ""? ~, SI1.;{pf'4 f:./rtst m, , wrll}'OI( nam« Ih. 1;111'(/ flm!)'Oll hiM'
hron Ilunking of." JIJld he names thevery oard lhllt11. is lWldlns.!
FlllaU , My. "11'. gO( Ilwr. lWemuall,p., 1I"""I"'r. J iWttld 110W mtld<! l!llJlt!.r trwlw!t II)I eMer! (Jf' i'f)'tIJ1I
iff J~t:LJII.U<lOked '" 1he hQCJa, oJ~"" <ott1$. If J hod ~:P>• .1 MIld flO)'" .pot' d y""1' CYl<fl a mit tm'UyJ"
AI ~ rOlll(l~ the Card JiolJ1 the $pCllIaror' grasp and 1 if face dom' Pit'O Ilt",iable (0 =.. l the
W!itul&OOlhe baekl


• You mal' Will. 10 eliruu.a'e the '" oJiJnillarion'( rneaa, aSk We 6\leetator ro """'OVO tlie selcetillo &<ltn III
red baGlted d~ fun. apl'~rently show aU the rei! baeks b)' spre~dblg the ellT4s . s ""Plaint<! "" I iImo :tiIlD"\li!
"YOUR CARD' on the baek. <lfthe selet:rion.Jt cO.llld b. more'dttO<lt,
• Another presertlt!tloo:1<ce:p 'he 13 cards Al tile flUle (lf thc redl>.cked ded< in a ~ Q~r (lISt
) 'OUJ' OWl! tiI\'Otlte).lUvc lbe card solGated In lhe blue decltas per lbe original"'"'. 0111 ~be red bao;l/ed tl<leJ. IlOd
lll'=d it on the lablo. fusl fae<;, down lIIld theu flteec up. Tum .l'!,lll tlead.Wlti~e invlte the ""'~tal<lr 10 rotllO''O
his card, by sliding it oil! of lite spread.. Ask hIm 10 5qllAre the deck and then to OO\'er the &elected bi.
hilnd.Tllfll tp fa~ ther II/dienoe, pl l< up Uttedec!> aod liP/cad tbcemts u oeup, Local;"..,.the tci:!slng ctfd,(willull
the llr$. 1.3 cardS of·rhe60.1<) ond name it ThC,l b. ve tbe ~Iltnr ' UIll 0= l>a card10 r""eal~wotdS "YO l\.
• tllke t<l l,;eep lwo,on bree-indJlrl!J:ent ..ntH I t1te llloe jlfthe red d<:ck S\l lltat in \he'llYolll tliat llle \IeI)'
liJ'st eaxdischosen it will not beat lbe fltc:e.1 lmow. it doe. nOt eIlaogo much, l)us! reel \llOre confort,lIte tli.t
wa y;

AJdo ColQln birl-j"s 'I !lMA .M1A MAGI

17298 FalconPlace. Grtlllada tftlls, CA91·44 (USA)
Phone (8'18) 360'· 3% 9 · PAX (Sll) 36(l.~756
Free catato~\IJXlJl ~C'l~l _

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