Oral Production Activity # 2: Pairs

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English 5

Oral production activity # 2

Week: 6 Unit: 5
Course: English 5
Topic: health, medical issues, medicine
Communicative function: Talking about health issues
Interaction: pairs
Target language:
a. vocabulary associated with the topic of health
b. perfect and passive infinitives
c. expressions to ask for and give opinions
d. language banks from unit 5 online sessions
Length of video: Your video should last from 3’ to 4´ (3 to 4 minutes).
Technical requirements:
 email, Workplace or any social network to make arrangements with your partner
 any video recording tool
 any video editing tool, if necessary
Note: If you use www.Youtube.com to make the video, change video privacy setting to “unlisted” so your
teacher can view it, but not strangers on the internet.
Assessment criteria:
 pronunciation and intonation
 accuracy
 interactive communication
 task achievement (organization, clarity and use of webcam)

See the rubrics in Información General on Blackboard.

Timeline and deadline:
This task should be prepared during week 6.
Each student must upload their video or paste the link to their video on Blackboard (Unit 5 file) by Sunday,
May 2nd at 23:59 p.m.

English online
English 5


In session 3, you talked about the importance of having reliable information in times of a
global health crisis like Covid-19 pandemic. Continue talking about the importance of being
well informed when it comes to health issues.

In your conversation, talk about:

1. what you have learned about the coronavirus so far
2. The vaccination process against Covid-19
3. food and exercise tips to help people during Covid-19 global health emergency
4. what governments can do to prevent and slow down transmission
5. if you think scientists or virologists will find a cure for the coronavirus
6. the main challenges that Covid-19 has brought to us

Ask and answer follow-up questions to keep the conversation going.

End your conversation.

Do not use scripts in your conversation.


Before recording
Review unit 5. Use resources from English Discoveries and Blackboard.
 Watch unit 5 class recordings on Blackboard.
 In pairs, plan how you are going to start, develop and end your conversation. Avoid scripting your
conversation. Improvisation is welcome.
 Make sure you will use the vocabulary and grammar structures you have learned in Unit 5. See Target
language above.
 Make sure both of you will speak equally.
 You may want to practice some times before recording the final version of your video.
 Check the rubrics with specific criteria for grading oral production activities.

While recording
 Interact with your partner.
 Be in a well-lit area.
 Speak as clearly and naturally as possible.
 Look at the camera while you talk (as often as possible).
 Smile.
 Be confident.
 Do not just read.
 Show objects, pictures or other people doing things, if necessary.
 Use nonverbal communication.
English 5
After recording
 Make sure both of you have spoken equally.
 Make sure your video respects the time limit.
 Test your video works well before sending the link or uploading the video file.
 Paste the link of your video or upload the video file and the script (the script is referential) in the
Assignment section (actividad in Unit 5) on Blackboard. Each student should do so.
 Check you have submitted your assignment in Review submission history (Revisar historial de envíos).

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