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Date: May 2, 2021






Subject: application for temporary leave

Dear Mr. / Mrs. {{NAME BOSS/HR MANAGER}},

I am writing this letter to inform you of a medical issue which renders me unable to attend office. I
am positively test for COVID-19 infection and my doctor has advised me 14 days complete bed rest in
I apologize for the inconvenience that I now must apply for leave during this busy season that is
already heavily impacted by the Coronavirus outbreak. On the other hand, I had completed most of
the work and will email the results to you shortly for your review. After leave, I will put in extra
efforts to patch up the pending work.
Thank you in advance and please alert my colleagues that they keep extra attention to their health
these days and follow all WHO/CDC and local precautions that are advised.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly for urgent matters, or my colleague
{{NAME COLLEAGUE}} who will take over most of my work during this period of leave.

Looking forward to your reply,

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Yours sincerely,



{{Formal Name + Title}}

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