Unit I A) Fluid Flow Around Submerged Objects: Page 1 of 8

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Unit I a) Fluid Flow around Submerged Objects

1. Whenever a plate is held immersed at some angle with the direction of flow of the liquid,
it is subjected to some pressure. The component of this pressure, in the direction of flow
of the liquid, is known as
A. Lift
B. Drag
C. Stagnation pressure
D. Bulk modulus
Answer: Option B

2. The region between the separation of streamline and boundary surface of the solid body
is known as
A. Wake
B. Drag
C. Lift
D. Boundary layer
Answer: Option A

3. Whenever a plate is held immersed at some angle with the direction of flow of the liquid,
it is subjected to some pressure. The component of this pressure, at right angles to the
direction of flow of the liquid is known as …
A. Wake
B. Drag
C. Lift
D. Boundary layer
Answer: Option C

4. Drag is defined as the force exerted by a flowing fluid on a solid body

A. in the direction of flow
B. perpendicular to the direction of flow
C. in the direction which is at an angle of 450 to the direction of flow.
D. none of the above.
Answer: Option A

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5. Lift force is defined as the force exerted by a flowing fluid on a solid body
A. in the direction of flow
B. perpendicular to the direction of flow
C. in the direction which is at an angle of 450 to the direction of flow.
D. none of the above.
Answer: Option B

6. Drag force (FD) is expressed mathematically, as

FD  V 2CD A
A. 2

B. FD  V CD A

C. FD  2 V CD A

D. none of the above.

Answer: Option A

7. Lift force (FL) is expressed mathematically, as

FL  V 2CL
A. 2
FL  V 2CL A
B. 2

C. FL  2 V CL A

D. FL  V CL A .

Answer: Option B

8. Total drag on body is the sum of

A. pressure drag and velocity drag
B. pressure drag and friction drag
C. friction drag and velocity drag
D. none of the above.
Answer: Option B

9. A body is called stream lined body when it is placed in a flow and the surface of the body
A. coincides with streamlines
B. does not coincide with streamlines

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C. is perpendicular to the streamlines
D. none of the above.
Answer: Option A

10. A body is called bluff body if the surface of the body

A. coincides with streamlines
B. does not coincide with streamlines
C. is very smooth
D. none of the above.
Answer: Option B

11. The drag on the sphere (FD) for Reynolds’s number less than 0.2 is given by
A. FD  5 DU

B. FD   DU

C. FD  2 DU

D. FD  3 DU .
Answer: Option D

12. The skin friction drag on the sphere (for Reynolds’s number less than 0.2) is equal to
A. one third of the total drag
B. half of the total drag
C. two third of the total drag
D. None of the above.
Answer: Option C

13. The pressure drag on the sphere (for Reynolds’s number less than 0.2) is equal to
A. one third of the total drag
B. half of the total drag
C. two third of the total drag
D. None of the above.
Answer: Option A

14. The terminal fall velocity of falling body is equal to

A. a maximum velocity with which body will fall
B. a maximum constant velocity with which body will fall

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C. half of the maximum velocity
D. none of the above.
Answer: Option B

15. When a falling body has attained terminal velocity, the weight of the body is equal to
A. drag force minus buoyant force
B. buoyant force minus drag force
C. drag force plus the buoyant force
D. none of the above.
Answer: Option C

16. The tangential velocity of ideal fluid at any point on the surface of the cylinder is given
u  U sin 
A. 2

B. u  U sin 

C. u  2U sin 
D. none of the above.
Answer: Option C

17. The Lift force (FL) produced on a rotating circular cylinder in a uniform flow is given
by…(where L = length of the cylinder, U= Free stream velocity, Г= Circulation).
LU 
FL 
A. 

B. FL   LU 
U 
FL 
C. 

 LU
FL 
D.  .
Answer: Option B

18. The lift co-efficient (CL) for a rotating circular cylinder in a uniform flow is given by…
(where R = Radius of the cylinder, U= Free stream velocity, Г= Circulation).
CL 
A. R

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CL 
B. U

CL 
CL 
D.  .
Answer: Option C

19. The pressure drag depends upon

A. the characteristics of the oncoming flow
B. the boundary formation
C. the separation of boundary layer and the size of the wake
D. the shear stresses generated on the body surface.
Answer: Option C

20. In case of airfoils, the profile drag is one which is caused by

A. the compressibility effects
B. the shape and orientation of airfoil
C. the circulation induced around aerofoil
D. none of the above.
Answer: Option B

21. A flat plate 1.5 m x 1.5 m moves at 50 km/hr in stationary air of density 1.15 kg/m 3. If
the co-efficient of drag and lift are 0.15 and 0.75 respectively, determine lift force and
choose the correct answer from the following
A. 150.23 N
B. 178.60 N
C. 108.85 N
D. 187.20 N.
Answer: Option D

22. A flat plate 1.5 m x 1.5 m moves at 50 km/hr in stationary air of density 1.15 kg/m 3. If
the co-efficient of drag and lift are 0.15 and 0.75 respectively, determine drag force and
choose the correct answer from the following
A. 50.23 N
B. 78.60 N

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C. 37.44 N
D. 87.20 N.
Answer: Option C

23. A flat plate 1.5 m x 1.5 m moves at 50 km/hr in stationary air of density 1.15 kg/m 3. If
the drag and lift force are 37.44 N and 187.20 N respectively, determine the resultant
force and choose the correct answer from the following
A. 160.23 N
B. 178.60 N
C. 137.44 N
D. 190.85 N.
Answer: Option D

24. A flat plate 1.5 m x 1.5 m moves at 50 km/hr in stationary air of density 1.15 kg/m 3. If
the drag and lift force are 37.44 N and 187.20 N respectively, determine the power
required to keep the plate in motion in kW and choose the correct answer from the
A. 0.519
B. 0.456
C. 0.789
D. 0.528 .
Answer: Option A

25. A flat plate 2 m x 2 m moving at a speed of 4 m/s normal to its plane in water, determine
the drag force in N and choose the correct answer from the following
A. 36800
B. 35800
C. 36750
D. 36000 .
Answer: Option A

26. A flat plate 2 m x 2 m moving at a speed of 4 m/s normal to its plane in air of density
1.24 kg/m3, determine the drag force in N and choose the correct answer from the
A. 36.80
B. 35.80
C. 45.60

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D. 36.00.
Answer: Option C

27. A metallic ball of diameter 2x10-3 m drops in a fluid of sp. gr. 0.95 and viscosity 15
Poise. The density of metallic ball is 12000 kg/m 3. Determine the drag force in N exerted
by fluid on metallic ball.
A. 0.000459
B. 0.000454
C. 0.000786
D. 0.000108.
Answer: Option B

28. A metallic ball of diameter 2x10-3 m drops in a fluid of sp. gr. 0.95 and viscosity 15
Poise. The density of metallic ball is 12000 kg/m 3. If drag force is 0.000454 N exerted by
fluid on metallic ball, find the pressure drag and skin friction drag.
A. 0.0001513 N and 0.0003028 N
B. 0.0001613 N and 0.0003328 N
C. 0.0001583 N and 0.0003928 N
D. 0.0001583 N and 0.0003828 N.
Answer: Option A

29. A metallic ball of diameter 2x10-3 m drops in a fluid of sp. gr. 0.95 and viscosity 15
Poise. The density of metallic ball is 12000 kg/m 3. If drag force is 0.000454 N exerted by
fluid on metallic ball, find terminal fall velocity.
A. 0.019
B. 0.007
C. 0.016
D. 0.018.
Answer: Option C

30. A metallic ball of diameter 2x10-3 m drops in a fluid of sp. gr. 0.95 and viscosity 15
Poise. The density of metallic ball is 12000 kg/m3. If the maximum constant velocity of
falling metallic ball is 0.016 m/s, find the Reynolds number.
A. 100
B. 7
C. 10.756
D. 0.02.

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Answer: Option D.

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Unit III a) Uniform Flow

Q.1 If Velocity, pressure, density etc., do not change at a point with respect to time, flow is called

a) Uniform

b) Incompressible

c) Non-Uniform

d) Steady

Ans: d

Q.2 If velocity, pressure, density etc., change at a point with respect to time, flow is called

a) Uniform

b) Compressible

c) Unsteady

d) Incompressible

Ans: c

Q.3 If the velocity in a fluid flow does not change with respect to length of direction of flow, it is called

a) Steady flow

b) Uniform flow

c) Incompressible

d) Rotational

Ans: b

Q.4 If the velocity in a fluid flow change with respect to length of direction of flow, it is called

a) Unsteady flow

b) Compressible flow

c) Irrotational flow

d) None of the above

Ans: d

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Q.5 If the density of the fluid is constant from point to point in a flow region, it is called

a) Steady flow.

b) Incompressible Flow

c) Uniform flow

d) Rotational flow.

Ans: b

Q.6 If the density of the flow changes from point to point in a flow region, it is called

a) Steady flow.

b) Unsteady flow

c) Non uniform

d) compressible

Ans: d

Q.7 Chezy’s Formula is given as

a) V= S√(RC)

b) V= C √(RS)

c) V= R √(CS)

d) None of the above.

Ans: b

Q.8 The discharge through the rectangular channel is maximum when

a) R= d/3

b) R= d/2

c) R= 2d

d) R= 3d/2

Where, R= hydraulic mean depth, d= depth of the flow

Ans: b

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Q.9 The discharge through the trapezoidal channel is maximum when

a) Half of the top width= sloping side

b) Top width= Half of the sloping side

c) Top width= 1.5 X Sloping side

d) None of the above

Ans: a

Q.10 The maximum velocity through a circular channel when depth flow is equal to

a) 0.95 X diameter

b) 0.5 X diameter

c) 0.81 X diameter

d) None of the above

Ans: c

Q.11 The maximum discharge through a circular channel takes place when depth of flow is equal to

a) 0.95 X diameter

b) 0.3 X diameter

c) 0.81 X diameter

d) 0.5 X diameter

Ans: a

Q.12 For a circular channel the wetted perimeter is given by

a) Rθ/2

b) 3Rθ

c) 2Rθ

d) Rθ

Where, R= Radius of circular channel and θ= Half the angle subtended by water surface at the

Ans: c

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Q.13 For a circular channel, the area of the flow is given by

a) R2[(2θ-sin2θ)/2]

b) R2[(θ-sin2θ)/2]

c) R2(θ-sin2θ)

d) None of the above

Where, R= Radius of circular channel and θ= Half the angle subtended by water surface at the

Ans: b

Q.14 The most economical section is one for which a given cross sectional area, the slope of the bed (s)
and coefficient of resistance has

a) Maximum wetted perimeter

b) Maximum discharge

c) Maximum depth of flow

d) None of the above

Ans: b

Q.15 A triangular irrigation lined canal carries a discharge of 225 m 3/s at bed slope = 1/6000. If the side
slopes of the canals are 1 : 1 and Manning’s coefficient is 0.018, the central depth of flow is equal to…

e) 2.98m

f) 3.62m

g) 4.91m

h) 5.61m

Ans: c

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Q.16 A hydraulically efficient trapezoidal section has a side slopes of 2 horizontal :1 vertical. The ratio of
the bed width to depth B/y in this channel is

a) 4.94

b) 2.19

c) 0.472

d) 0.236

Ans: c

Q.17 A rigid boundary rectangular channel having a bed slope of 1/800 has its width and depth of the
flow equal to 2m and 1m respectively. If the flow is uniform and the value of Chezy’s constant is 60, the
discharge through the channel is

a) 1.0 m3/s

b) 1.5m3/s

c) 2.0m3/s

d) 3.0m3/s

Ans: b

Q.18 A hydraulically efficient trapezoidal section of the open channel flow carries water at the optimal
depth of 0.6m. Chezy’s coefficient is 75 and bed slope is 1 in 250. What is the discharge through the

a) 1.44m3/s

b) 1.62m3/s

c) 1.92m3/s

d) 2.24m3/s

Ans: b

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Unit III b) Hydraulic Jump

Q.1 A hydraulic jump takes place in a horizontal rectangular channel from a depth of 0.20m to 2.40m The
discharge in the channel in m3/s per meter width is…

a) 2.47

b) 12.0

c) 3.2

d) 0.08

Ans: a

Q.2 A hydraulic jump occurs at the top of a spillway. The depth before jump is 0.2m. The sequent depth
is 3.2m. What is the energy dissipated in m (approximate)?

a) 27

b) 10.5

c) 15

d) 42

Ans: b

Q.3 The hydraulic jump always occurs from

a) A M2 curve to a M1 curve

b) A H3 curve to a H1 curve

c) Below normal depth to above normal depth

d) Below critical depth to above critical depth

Ans: d

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Q.4 A wide rectangular channel carries a flow of 2.96 m 3/s per meter width. The bed slope of the channel
is 1.0x10-4 and Manning’s n=0.021. If at a section the depth of flow is 1.5m the energy slope at that
section is

a) 0.01

b) 0.00228

c) 0.0009

d) 0.001

Ans: d

Q.5 In a horizontal rectangular channel a hydraulic jump with a sequent depth ratio of 5.0 is formed. This
jump can be classified as

a) Weak jump

b) Oscillating jump

c) Strong jump

d) Steady jump

Ans: b

Q.6 For a given discharge in a horizontal frictionless channel two depths may have the same specific
force. These two depths are known as…

a) Sudden depth
b) Conjugate depths
c) Sequent depths
d) Normal and critical depths
Ans: c

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● Unit V Turbineshn

Q.1 A turbine is a device, which converts

a) Hydraulic energy into mechanical energy

b) Mechanical energy into hydraulic energy
c) Kinetic energy into mechanical energy
d) Electrical energy into mechanical energy

Ans: a

Q.2 An impulse turbine:

a) Is always operates submerged

b) Is makes use of draft tube

c) Is most suited for low head installation

d) Operates by initial complete conversion to kinetic head

Ans: d

Q.3 An impulse turbine is installed

a) Always above the tail race

b) Always submerged

c) Depends on flow situation

d) Partly submerged

Ans: a

Q.4 A Pelton turbine is

a) An impulse turbine

b) A tangential flow

c) High had and low specific speed turbine

d) All of the above

Ans: d

Q.5 Modern Francis turbine is a

a) Reaction radial flow turbine

b) Mixed flow reaction turbine

c) Mixed flow impulse turbine

d) Propeller turbine

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Ans: b

Q.6 The reaction turbine is one in which the available hydraulic energy is converted to kinetic energy
before the fluid enters the runner

a) Fully
b) Partially
c) Fully or partially
d) Fully and partially

Ans: b

Q.7 The function of draft tube is

a) Recuperation of energy

b) To make it possible to establish the turbine above tail race

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None

Ans: c

Q.8 A draft tube is a part of the installation of a

a) Propeller turbine

b) Pelton turbine

c) Turbine impulse wheel

d) All the turbines

Ans: a

Q.9 A turbine develops 3417hp at 240 r.p.m. The torque in the shaft is

a) 400KN.m
b) 3335KN.m
c) 1000KN.m
d) 100KN.m

Ans: d

Q.10 The work done by the water on the runner per second per unit weight of water is

a) [Vw1U1]/g
b) [Vw2U2]/g
c) [Vw1U1]/2g
d) [Vw1U1]/2g

Vw1= Velocity of whirl at this inlet,

U1= Peripheral velocity at the inlet

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Ans: a

Q.11 A reaction turbine discharges 50m3/sec of water under a head of 7.5m with an overall efficiency
of 80%. The H.P. Developed is:

a) 5000
b) 300
c) 4000
d) 400

Ans: c

Q.12 To generate 8.1 MW under a head of 81m while working at a speed of 540rpm, what type of
turbine is suitable?

a) Pelton wheel
b) Francis turbine
c) Kaplan turbine
d) Propeller turbine

Ans: b

Q.13 A turbine works at 20 m head and speed of 500 rpm. Its 1:2 scale model to be tested at same
head should have a rotational speed of

a) 1000rpm
b) 750rpm
c) 500rpm
d) 250rpm

Ans: d

Q.14 The speed ratio of an impulse turbine operating under a head off 400m is 0.46. The p.c.d of
turbine wheel is 22.25m then rotational speed, in rpm is

a) 245
b) 346
c) 692
d) 946

Ans: b

Q.15 Mechanical efficiency of a turbine is the ratio of

a) Power at the inlet to the power at the shaft of turbine

b) Power at the shaft to the power given to the runner
c) Power at the shaft to the power at the inlet of turbine
d) None of the above

Ans: b

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Q.16 The overall efficiency of the turbine is the ratio of

a) Power at the inlet of the turbine to the power at the shaft

b) Power at the shaft to the power given to the runner
c) Power at the shaft to the power at the inlet of turbine
d) None of the above

Ans: c

Q.17 The relation between hydraulic efficiency (ηh), mechanical efficiency (ηm) and overall efficiency
(ηo) is

a) ηh= ηo x ηm
b) ηo= ηh x ηm
c) ηo= ηm/ηh
d) None off the above

Ans: b

Q.18 Specific speed of the turbine is defined as the speed at which the turbine runs when

a) Working under unit head and discharging one liter per second
b) Working under unit head and develops unit horse power
c) Develops unit horse power and discharges one liter per second
d) None of the above

Ans: b

Q.19 The Unit speed is the speed of a turbine when it is working

a) Under unit head and develops unit power

b) Under unit head and discharge one m3/sec
c) Under unit head
d) None of the above

Ans: c

Q.20 The ratio of actual work available at the turbine to the energy imparted to the wheel is known as
_____________ efficiency.

a) Hydraulic

b) Mechanical

c) Overall

d) None of the above

Ans: b

Q.21 Which of the following turbine is preferred 0 to 25m head of water?

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a) Pelton wheel

b) Kaplan turbine

c) Francis turbine

d) None of the above

Ans: b

Q.22 A Francis turbine is used when the available head of water is

a) 0 to 25m
b) 25 to 250m
c) Above 250m
d) None of these

Ans: c

Q.23 The unit discharge through the turbine is

a) Q/√H
b) Q/H
c) Q/H3/2
d) Q/H2

Ans: a

Q.24 In a reaction turbine, the draft tube is used…

a) To run the turbine full

b) To prevent air to enter the turbine
c) To increase the head of water by an amount equal to the height of the runner outlet above the
tail race
d) To transport water to downstream

Ans: c

Unit VI Gradually Varied Flow

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Q.1 For a given discharge in a horizontal frictionless channel two depths may have the same specific
force. These two depths are known as…

a) Sudden depth
b) Conjugate depths
c) Sequent depths
d) Normal and critical depths

Ans: c

Q.2 The differential equation of the gradually varied flow can be written by using Manning’s Formula
for the case off a wide rectangular channel as (dy/dx) =

a) S0{[1-(yn/y)3.33]/[1-(yn/y)3]}
b) S0{[1-(yc/y)3.33]/[1-(yc/y)3]}
c) S0{[1-(yn/y)3]/[1-(yn/y)3]}
d) S0{[1-(yo/yc)3]/[1-(yn/y)3.33]}

Ans: a

Q.3 If E = specific energy at a section in a gradually varied flow, then (dE/dx) =

a) S0+Sf
b) S0-Sf
c) Sf-S0
d) SfS0-1

Ans: b

Q.4 Which of the following equations are used for the derivation of the differential equations for
water surface profile in open channel flow?

1. Continuity equation
2. Energy equation
3. Momentum equation

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

a) 1,2 and 3
b) 1 and 3 only
c) 1 and 2 only
d) 2 and 3 only

Ans: a

Q.5 Calculate the rate of change of depth of a rectangular channel having depth 1m and width 4m.
Given: C= 40, S0= 1/900, Sf= 0.0005.

a) 4.94x10-4m
b) 5.94x10-4m
c) 6.94x10-4m
d) 7.94x10-4m

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Ans: c

Q.6 Calculate the value of rate of change of specific energy for a triangular channel having depth
3.5m and the side slope is 1H:2V. Given: V=2.5m/s, dy/dx= 8.6x10-4

a) 3.74x10-4m
b) 4.47 x10-4m
c) 5.47 x10-4m
d) 6.47 x10-4m

Ans: c

Q.7 The dimensions of a rectangular channel section is 2.5mX1m. Calculate the value of S f if the bed
slope of the channel is 1 in 600. Given: dy/dx= 1.52x10-3.

a) 0.0002
b) 0.0003
c) 0.0004
d) 0.0005
e) x10-4m

Ans: d

Q.8 Calculate the velocity of flow in a triangular channel having depth 7m and the side slope of the
channel is 1H:4V if the bed slope of the channel is 1 in 1200 and the slope of the energy line is
0.00010. Given: (dy)/dx= 7.55m.

a) 1 m/s
b) 2m/s
c) 3m/s
d) 4m/s

Ans: a

Q.9 Calculate the value of Sf for trapezoidal channel having depth 2m, width 5m and side slope of
1H:1.5V. Given: dy/dx= 1.18x10-3, S0= 1 in 1000, C= 50.

a) 0.00001
b) 0.00002
c) 0.00003
d) 0.00004

Ans: a

Q.10 Calculate the rate of change of depth of a triangular channel if the depth is 4m and the side slope
is 1H:2V. Given: S0= 1 in 1500; Sf= 0.00004 and n=0.010.

a) 8.95x10-4m
b) 9.95 x10-4m
c) 10.95 x10-4m
d) 11.95 x10-4m

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Ans: a

Q.11 When S0 is equal to zero, it is called -----

a) Adverse slope
b) Horizontal slope
c) Critical slope
d) Mild slope

Ans: b

Q.12 Hydraulic radius for wide rectangular channel section is---

a) 3y
b) 2y
c) y
d) y/2

Ans: c

Q.13 Specific energy in GVF changes only under which of the following conditions:

a) Difference between bed slope and slope of the energy line

b) Both bed slope and energy slope are equal
c) Presence of bed slope alone
d) Presence of energy slope alone

Ans: a

Q.14 When Yn is greater than Yc and So greater than 0, it is called as ----

a) Adverse
b) Horizontal
c) Critical
d) Mild

Ans: d

Q.15 A slope based on the culvert bottom is called----

a) Hydraulic slope
b) Hydraulic curve
c) Adverse slope
d) Horizontal slope

Ans: a

Q.16 A slope based on a relationship between water depth and critical depth is called---

a) Hydraulic slope
b) Hydraulic curve

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c) Adverse slope
d) Horizontal slope

Ans: b

Q.17 When S0 greater than 0 and Yn less than Yc it is called as

a) Adverse
b) Horizontal
c) Critical
d) Steep

Ans: d

Q.18 Which of the following assumptions are true in case of GVF?

a) Flow is not steady

b) Stream lines are parallel
c) Pressure distribution is not hydrostatic
d) Channel has varying alignment and shape

Ans: b

Q.19 What happens to depth of flow when there is obstruction in path

a) Remains same
b) Increases
c) Decreases
d) Flow stops

Ans: b

Q.20 Calculate the value of Froud’s number if the ratio of rate of change of specific energy and rate of
change of depth is 0.9.

a) 0.29
b) 0.30
c) 0.31
d) 0.32

Ans: c

Q.21 If the difference between specific energies is 2m, calculate the rate of change of specific
energies if the length of backwater curve is 26314 m.

a) 6.6x10-5m
b) 7.6 x10-5m
c) 8.6 x10-5m
d) 9.6 x10-5m

Ans: b

Q.22 When gravitational force is equal to the friction drag, what type of depth is formed?

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a) Critical depth
b) Normal depth
c) Cylindrical depth
d) Conical depth

Ans: b

Q.23 Determine the length of backwater curve if E1=2.8m, E2=5.6m, S0=0.00009, Sf= 0.00004.

a) 26000m
b) 36000m
c) 46000m
d) 56000m

Ans: d

Q.24 Calculate the bed slope of the channel if the slop of the energy line is 0.00024 and the length of
backwater curve is 104166.67m. If E1-E2= 3m.

a) 2.28x 10-5
b) 3.28 x10-5
c) 4.28 x10-5
d) 5.28 x10-5

Ans: d

Q.25 calculate the frictional slope of a triangular channel having depth 2.5m and side slope of 1H:2V.
If the rate of change of specific energy is 1.6 x10 -5m/s, If V= 1.57 m/s.

a) 5.53 x10-4m
b) 6.53 x10-4m
c) 7.53 x10-4m
d) 8.53 x10-4m

Ans: c

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Unit IV a) Impact of Jet

Q.1 The force exerted by jet of the water on stationary vertical plate in the direction of the jet is given by

a) Fx= ρAV2sin2θ

b) Fx= ρAV2(1+cosθ)

c) Fx= ρAV2

d) None of the above

Ans: c

Q.2 The force exerted by jet of the water on stationary inclined plate in the direction of the jet is given by

a) Fx= ρAV2

b) Fx= ρAV2sin2θ

c) Fx= ρAV2 (1+cosθ)

d) Fx= ρAV2 (1+sinθ)

Ans: b

Q.3 The force exerted by jet of the water on stationary curved plate in the direction of the jet is given by

a) Fx = ρAV2sin2θ

b) Fx = ρAV2(1+cosθ)

c) Fx = ρAV2

d) Fx = ρAV2 (1+sinθ)

Ans: b

Q.4 The force exerted by jet of the water having velocity V on a vertical plate moving with a velocity u is
given by

a) Fx = ρA(V-u) 2sin2θ

b) Fx = ρA(V-u) 2

c) Fx = ρA(V-u) 2 [1+cosθ]

d) None of the above

Ans: b

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Q.5 The force exerted by jet of the water having velocity V on a series of vertical plate moving with a
velocity u is given by,

a) Fx= ρAV2.

b) Fx = ρA(V-u) 2

c) Fx = ρAVu.

d) None of the above.

Ans: a

Q.6 Efficiency of the jet of the water having velocity V & Striking a series if vertical plates moving with
a velocity u is given by,

a) η= [2V(V-u)]/u2

b) η= [2u(V-u)]/V2

c) η= u2/[v2(V-u)]

d) None of the above.

Ans: b

Q.7 Efficiency off the jet of the water having velocity V & Striking a series of vertical plates moving with
a velocity u, is maximum when

a) 1/g (Vw1u1 + Vw2u2)

b) 1/g[V1u1+V2u2]

c) 1/g[Vw1u1±Vw2u2.]

d) None of the above

Ans: d

Q.8 For a series o curved radial vanes, the work done per second per unit weight is equal to

a) 1/g (Vw1u1 + Vw2u2)

b) 1/g[V1u1+V2u2]

c) 1/g[Vw1u1±Vw2u2.]

d) None of the above

Ans: c

Unit IV b) Centrifugal Pump

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Q.1 The work done by centrifugal pump on water per second per unit weight of water is given by

a) 1/g[Vw1u1]

b) 1/g[Vw2u2]

c) 1/g[Vw2u2-Vw1u1]

d) None of the above

Ans: b

Q.2 The manometric head Hm of a centrifugal pump is given by

a) Pressure head at the outlet of the pump – pressure head at the inlet

b) Total head at inlet – Total head at outlet

c) Total head at outlet - Total head at Inlet

d) None of the above

Ans: c

Q.3 The manometric efficiency (ηman) of a centrifugal pump is given by

a) Hm/gVw2u2

b) gHm/Vw2u2

c) Vw2u2/gHm

d) gVw2u2/Hm

Ans: b

Q.4 Mechanical efficiency (ηmech) of a centrifugal pump is given by

a) (Power at the impeller)/ S.H.P.

b) S.H.P/ Power at the impeller

c) Power possessed by water/ power at the impeller

d) Power possessed by water/ S.H.P

Ans: a

Q.5 To produce a high head by multistage centrifugal pumps, the impellers are connected…

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a) In Parallel

b) In series

c) In parallel and in series both

d) None of the above

Ans: b

Q.6 To discharge a large quantity of liquid by multi-stage centrifugal pump, the impellers are connected

a) In parallel

b) In series

c) In parallel and in series both

d) None of the above

Ans: a

Q.7 Specific speed of a pump is the speed at which a pump runs when

a) Head developed is unity and discharge is one cubic meter

b) Head developed is unity and shat horse power is also unity

c) Discharge is one cubic meter and shaft horse power is unity

d) None of the above

Ans: a

Q.8 The specific speed (Ns) of aa pump is given by thee expression

a) Ns= [N√Q]/[Hm5/4]

b) Ns= [N√P]/[Hm3/4]

c) Ns= [N√Q]/[Hm3/4]

d) Ns= [N√P]/[Hm5/4]

Ans: c

Q.9 Cavitation will take place if the pressure of the flowing fluid at any point is

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a) More than vapor pressure of the fluid

b) Equal to vapor pressure of the fluid

c) Is less than vapor pressure of the fluid

d) None of the above

Ans: c

Q.10 Cavitation can take place in case of

a) Pelton wheel

b) Francis turbine

c) Reciprocating pump

d) Centrifugal pump

Ans: b

Q.11 Air vessel in reciprocating pump is used

a) To obtain continuous supply of water at uniform rate

b) To reduce suction head

c) To increase the delivery head

d) None of the above

Ans: a

Q.12 During suction stroke of a reciprocating pump, the separation may take place

a) At the end of the suction stroke

b) In the middle of the suction stroke

c) In the beginning of the suction stroke

d) Non off the above

Ans: c

Q.13 During delivery stroke of a reciprocating pump, the separation may take place

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a) At the end of the suction stroke

b) In the middle of the suction stroke

c) In the beginning of the suction stroke

d) Non off the above

Ans: a

Q. 14 Discharge of centrifugal pump is

a) Directly proportional to diameter of its impeller

b) Inversely proportional to diameter of its impeller

c) Directly proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller

d) Inversely proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller

Ans: c

Q.15 The ratio of quantity off liquid discharged per second from the pump to the quantity of liquid
passing per second through the impeller is known as

a) Manometric efficiency

b) Mechanical efficiency

c) Overall efficiency

d) Volumetric efficiency

Ans: d

Q.16 Multi-stage centrifugal pump are used to

a) Give high discharge

b) Produce high heads

c) Pump viscous fluids

d) All of these

Ans: b

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Q.17 The specific speed of a centrifugal pump, delivering 750 liters of water per second against a head of
15 meters at 725r.p.m., is

a) 24.8r.p.m.

b) 48.2r.p.m.

c) 82.4r.p.m.

d) 248r.p.m.

Ans: c

Q.18 The specific speed from a centrifugal pump indicates that the pump is

a) Slow speed at radial flow at outlet

b) Medium speed with radial flow at outlet

c) High speed with radial flow at outlet

d) High speed with axial flow at outlet

Ans: d

Q.19 Discharge of a centrifugal pump is (where N= speed of the pump impeller)

a) Directly proportional to N

b) Inversely proportional to N

c) Directly proportional to N2

d) Inversely proportional to N2

Ans: A

Q.20 For a centrifugal pump impeller, the maximum value of the vane exit angle is

a) 10o to 15o

b) 15o to 20o

c) 20o to 25o

d) 25o to 30o

Ans: c

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