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44 That’s Life!

Episode 6
Test your memory, test your listening

1 Read the gapped story and guess the missing words.

Complete the ‘Guess’ part of the table.

2 Listen and complete the ‘Listen’ part of the table.

3 Read the full story and check your answers.

Word Guess Listen
Word Guess Listen 7
1 don’t, doesn’t, isn’t doesn’t 8
2 9
3 10
4 11
5 12
6 13

1 Jordan works in London, but he 1_____ live there. Every 2 Later...

day he drives to work in his van and every evening he drives
home. He doesn’t like it. He 2_____ a flat in London.

Jordan Excuse 3__. Do you know this place – York House?

It’s a block of flats. Jordan Excuse me. Is this seat 5____?
Sarah Yes, I live near York House – it’s in Park Road, Sarah Sure. 6__ ahead.
over 4_____. Jordan Thanks. Oh, hello again!
Jordan Thanks. Sarah I’m sorry. Do I know you? … Oh, 7___. I remember. York House.

3 4 5

Sarah So 8__ you like the flat? Sarah Lucy, we’ve got a new neighbour.
Jordan Yes, I do. My name’s Jordan. 12
____ is Jordan.
Sarah Pleased to 9____ you. I’m Lucy Excuse me. Is 10____ seat free? Lucy You!
Sarah. I … oh, look. There’s Man No, I’m sorry. It’s taken. Jordan Hello again.
my friend Lucy. Sarah Lucy! 11______ a seat over here! Sarah Oh, do you 13____ each other?

Now ...
3 listen and practise saying the story.

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