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Cat® C9.


U.S. EPA Tier 4 Interim,
EU Stage IIIB and C18 ACERT
> 560 kW/750 hp - C32 ACERT
U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final, EU Stage
IV Engines

application &
installation guide

2 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Table of Contents

The information contained in this supplement is confidential and proprietary to Caterpillar. It is intended for
circulation only to Caterpillar and Cat® dealer employees, or to employees of OEMs intending to purchase and
install C9.3 ACERT™ – C32 ACERT U.S. EPA Tier 4 Interim, EU Stage IIIB and C18 ACERT > 560 kW/750 hp –
C32 ACERT U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final, EU Stage IV Cat engines in their equipment. Distribution of this material must
be limited to personnel whose duties require knowledge of such material and is intended exclusively for their
information and training. Distribution of this material for other purposes is strictly prohibited.
Correct practices and procedures including safety and lifting information should be followed as outlined in the
following appropriate service manuals:
• Operation and Maintenance Manual (OMM) • Specifications (Specs)
• System Operation Test and Adjust (SOTA) • Disassembly and Assembly (D&A)

1 Purpose & General Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

2 Recommended Test Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 Engine Jacket Water Cooling Fill Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11
5 Cavitation Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-15
6 Drawdown Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18
7 Ambient Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-23
8 Charge Air Cooled (CAC) Outlet Corrected Temperature Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
8.1 Air-to-Air Aftercooled Testing (ATAAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-31
8.2 Separate Circuit Aftercooled Testing (SCAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
9 Charge Air Cooled Restriction Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-34
10 Air Inlet Restriction Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-36
11 Exhaust Backpressure Allotment Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-39
12 Fuel Inlet Temperature Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-42
13 Low Pressure Fuel System Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-44
14 Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Installation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-47
15 JW External Restriction Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-49
16 Under Hood Thermal Test (C9.3 ACERT – C18 ACERT only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-54
17 Minimum DOC Inlet Temperature Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-56
18 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-86
Appendix A: Acceptable Water Pump Inlet and Outlet Pressure Sampling Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-59
• Sampling Pressure Rise across C9.3 ACERT Engine Jacket Water Pumps
• Sampling Pressure Rise across C13 ACERT Engine Jacket Water Pumps
• Sampling Pressure Rise across C15 ACERT/C18 ACERT Engine Jacket Water Pumps
Appendix B: Under Hood Thermal (UHT) Thermocouple Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-64
Appendix C: Recommended Thermocouple Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Appendix D: Required Fuel Pressure & Temperature Sampling Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66-68
Appendix E: Audit Tool List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-72
Appendix F: Blocking Open Thermostats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73-78
Appendix G: Start-Up and Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79-82
Appendix H: Exhaust & Aftertreatment System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83-84
Appendix H: Rev 00 Changes to Rev -01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-88

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 3
Purpose & General Notes

1 Introduction and Purpose

These test procedures pertain to Tier 4 Interim C9.3 ACERT, C13 ACERT, C15 ACERT, C18 ACERT, C27 ACERT, and
C32 ACERT engines.

Serial number prefixes for these engines are:


C9.3 ACERT: D9N (Greenville built)

1. These test procedures have been created to provide instructions for performing a series of qualifying tests on
Tier 4 industrial engine systems.

During the design of engine systems (cooling, fuel etc.), OEM customers should refer to these tests as design
constraints. All systems must be capable of passing these tests.

2. Industrial power units are sometimes offered that provide the radiator, ATAAC, and fan installed from
Caterpillar. Field tests are sometimes not necessary if these cooling systems are used without altering them
in any way. However, in many cases these power units are altered in some way. Applicable tests from this
procedure will be required when these power units are altered. These as well as many other alterations to the
power unit will require certain tests to be run. The field test engineer should attend the Caterpillar provided
training course to be prepared to recognize which tests are required for all potential system changes and to
fully understand all testing requirements. Table 1.1 provides guidance on changes to power units and what
tests might be required. This table should be used only for reference. Is it up to the application engineer to
determine specifically what tests might be required on a case-by-case basis.

3. It is not recommended that these test procedures be used by a person who has not attended Cat Application
and Installation Training. Contact your Caterpillar A&I engineer for course availability.

4. Throughout the test procedures, thermocouple nomenclature is suggested.

For example:
(T5) Charge Air Cooled Outlet (CACout) Temperature of combustion air just before it enters the engine air
inlet elbow.

This nomenclature is suggested, not required. The thermocouple nomenclature is provided to give clarity
throughout this Field Test document.

4 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Purpose & General Notes

Table 1.1

Understanding Testing Impacts When Altering Power Units

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 5
Recommended Test Order

2 Recommended Test Order

Based on the state of the installation, there are several ways to approach this group of tests.

If all tests must be run, this is typically the most efficient order.

1. B
 ucket Fill Test: This test can be run just after changing to blocked open thermostats since is it likely that the
blocked open thermostats, thermocouples and pressure test ports must be installed with no coolant in
the system.

2. C
 avitation Test: This test tends to work well just after the bucket fill since the engine has typically not been
warmed up yet. This test typically starts at low top tank temperatures so it fits well in this position. Due
to changes in the method for calculating Cavitation Temperature the Field Test person will not be able to
determine pass or fail on this test until the Ambient Capability Test is completed.

3. D
 rawdown Test: Following the Cavitation Test, it is relatively easy to cool the engine down and stabilize it at
180°F (82°C) engine coolant temperature.

4. U
 nder Hood Thermal (UHT) Testing

5. E xhaust Backpressure Allotment Test: During under hood thermal testing, a full ash service regen is required.
Exhaust backpressure must be measured after completing an ash service regen. The exhaust backpressure
test may be iterative in order to achieve the target backpressure values. This depends on the engine model and
rating being tested. Modifications to the exhaust system that increase or decrease exhaust backpressure may
have an effect on the engine’s heat rejection. Therefore, this testing should be completed prior to any Charge
Air Cooling or Ambient Capability testing.

6. A
 mbient Capability, Charge Air Cooled Outlet Corrected Temperature, and Fuel Inlet Temperature Tests
Simultaneously: These three tests follow nicely after Cavitation and Drawdown since the engine and
surrounding installation is typically well heat soaked.

7. L ow Pressure Fuel System Pressure Tests: These tests are to be carried out with very low levels of fuel in
the tank. Having just completed the fuel temperature testing, the fuel tank should be down very near to empty.
This is a good time to run the low pressure fuel systems tests. In addition, these tests must typically be run on
all IOPU installations since the low pressure inlet and return to tank piping as well as the fuel tank is always
customer provided.

8. J W External System Restriction Test

9. Hose Fill Test: Allow engine to cool before proceeding, remove thermocouples, install working thermostats.

10. V
 irtual Ambient Temperature Test

11. A
 ir Inlet Restriction Test

12. C
 harge Air Cooled Restriction Test

13. Under Hood Thermal Test

6 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E

3 Terminology
ARD – Auxiliary Regeneration Device
ATAAC – Air-to-Air Aftercooled (type of CAC)
CAC – Charge Air Cooled
Cat ET – Cat Electronic Technician
Cat RS – Cat Regeneration System
CEM – Clean Emissions Module
CPS – Compact Power System (C4.4 ACERT – C7.1 ACERT)
dP – Delta Pressure
EPA – Environmental Protection Agency
EU – European Union
GPM – Gallons Per Minute
ID – Inside Diameter
JW – Jacket Water (Engine)
kPa – Kilo Pascals (SI Unit of Pressure)
LPM – Liters Per Minute
LPS – Large Power System (C9.3 ACERT – C18 ACERT <750 hp)
LRC – Lesser Regulated Country
rpm – Revolutions Per Minute
OD – Outside Diameter
OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer
P1…P2 – Pressure Test Points
PMS – Programmable Monitoring System
psi – Pounds per Square Inch (Non-SI Unit of Pressure)
PTO – Power Take Off
ROA – Rise Over Ambient
SAE – Society of Automotive Engineering
SCAC – Separate Circuit Aftercooled
T1…T7 – Temperature Test Points
UHT – Under Hood Thermal

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 7
Engine Jacket Water Cooling System Fill Tests

4 Engine Jacket Water Cooling System Fill Tests

A&I Form Worksheet: Bucket and Hose Fill

Note: F or OEM applications with complex heater circuits, (tractors for example) consult with the individual OEM
for special radiator filling procedures.

Bucket Fill Test

Bucket Fill Acceptability Criteria:

TMI data required: None, this test is simply to establish system volume.

Bucket Fill Test Preparation:

• Drain all water from the cooling system including draining the radiator, lines, engine block, heater cores,
auxiliary jacket water cooling system circuits etc.
• Install blocked open thermostat(s). Test may be done with working thermostat(s). However, this will require the
engine to warm up enough to open the thermostat.
• Determine what the “full” indicator is for the cooling system. Often systems are considered full when the water
level reaches the bottom of the filler neck. This full mark is critical in order to correctly complete the bucket fill
test. Take time to ensure that the full mark is understood with the customer prior to running this test. Document
this full mark on the Installation Audit form.
• A graduated container is required in order to add known quantities of water to the system.
• It is best to use a laptop computer with the Installation Audit Form ready for test data entry to assist in
evaluation and analysis of test results.
• Any other circuits, such as cab heaters, etc., which would affect jacket water flow must be in place and operating.

Bucket Fill Test Procedure:

1. Pour a known quantity of water using the graduated container into the cooling system filler neck. Allow the
water to settle, repeat until the system is full per the customer’s full mark (refer to test preparation). Allow the
water level to come to rest between each bucket full. Record the volume of water poured into the system as
“Initial Fill Volume” (reference Installation Audit Form Sheet “Bucket and Hose Fill”).
2. Start the engine and run it at low idle for five minutes while monitoring pump pressure rise. Then gradually
increase engine speed to see if the trapped air will purge itself. Return to low idle for a few more minutes if
pump pressure rise falls off or fails to rise with engine speed. The system may need modification to prevent the
pump air lock if the trapped air is not purged.
3. Carefully install a loose-fitting radiator cap to prevent over-spills. Do not lock the cap on. The system should not
be pressurized for this test. If pump pressure rise appears normal, run engine at rated speed or high idle for five
minutes or until it appears that all air has been purged from the cooling system.
4. Shut down the engine.
5. Carefully remove the loose-fitting radiator cap. Pour a known quantity of water using a graduated container into
the cooling system filler neck. Repeat until the system water level is even with the customer’s full mark again.
The quantity of water required to bring the system back to the customer’s full mark should be recorded as
“Volume added to brim full after running engine” (reference Installation Audit Form Sheet “Bucket and
Hose Fill”).
6. Enter both values into the “Bucket Hose Fill” spreadsheet which is part of the Installation Audit Form. Once both
values have been entered the form will simply add the two values together and provide “Total system capacity
per Bucket Fill test.” This value will be used to determine pass/fail criteria for future tests.

8 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Engine Jacket Water Cooling System Fill Tests

Bucket Fill Results Analysis:

None required.

Hose Fill Test

Hose Fill Acceptability Criteria:
TMI data required:
• Minimum fill rate is designated in TMI system data as “MAX UNINTERRUPTED FILL RATE.”

Cooling system must accept 88% or more of its total volume when filled at the TMI designated fill rate. This 88%
value is universal and not stored in TMI.

Hose Fill Test Preparation:

• Drain all water from the cooling system including draining the radiator, lines, engine block, heater cores,
auxiliary jacket water cooling system circuits, etc.
• Install operational thermostat(s).
• A source of constantly flowing water (a garden-type hose for example) is required.
Note: It is recommended that the hose be equipped with two valves. One valve is used to control the water
flow and the second valve be used to start and stop the water flow. Also, it is recommended that the
water line used for this test be on a separate circuit so that the water flow is not subjected to external
flow rate variations while the fill test is being performed.
• Any other circuits, such as cab heaters, etc., which would affect jacket water flow must be in place and operating.
• Ensure that the customer has installed all vent lines intended for the installation.

Hose Fill Test Procedure:

1. The constantly flowing water source must be calibrated in gallons per minute. Liters per minute may be used.
A. First fill a five gallon bucket using the graduated container from the bucket fill test.
B. Mark the bucket at the water level. Masking tape or a large marker on the outside of the bucket work best.
C. Dump the water from the bucket and open the hose valve to a known position.
D. Get a stopwatch ready.
E. Once the water source is flowing constantly, place the flow into the calibrated bucket and start the
stopwatch simultaneously.
F. T he water level should reach your mark from Step B in one minute.
If the water level doesn’t reach the mark before one minute, dump the bucket, increase the water flow rate
and repeat. Continue to repeat until you can fill the five gallon bucket in one minute or slightly less.
Note: This calibration should be done within a few feet of the vertical location of the radiator filler. If a hose is
calibrated at ground level and the filler more than a few feet vertically up, the flow rate may be below
5 GPM when the hose is raised high enough to fill the system.
2. Fill the cooling system using the calibrated water hose. Measure the amount of time from initiating the fill until
even with full mark. Once the system reaches the full mark STOP the fill. Do not continue to top off if the system
water level drops on its own.
3. Record this amount of time as the “Time to Fill” (reference Installation Audit Form Sheet “Bucket and Hose Fill”).
4. Start the engine and run it at low idle for two minutes while monitoring pump pressure rise. Gradually increase
engine speed to see if any trapped air will purge itself. Return to low idle for a few more minutes if pump
pressure rise falls off or fails to rise with engine speed. The system may need modification to prevent the pump
air lock if the trapped air is not purged.
5. If pump pressure rise appears normal, install a loose-fitting radiator cap (to prevent over-spills) and run
engine at rated speed or high idle for five minutes or until it appears that all air has been purged from the
cooling system.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 9
Engine Jacket Water Cooling System Fill Tests

6. If the water level is now below the customer’s full mark, pour a known quantity of water using a graduated
container into the cooling system filler neck.
7. Repeat Step #6 until the system water level is even with the customer’s full mark again. The quantity of water
required to bring the system back to the customer’s full mark should be recorded as “Volume added to brim full
after running engine” (reference Installation Audit Form Sheet “Bucket and Hose Fill”).

Hose Fill Results Analysis:

The volume of water added in Step #8 must be less than or equal to 12% of total cooling system volume
established during the bucket fill test.

Hose Fill Results Review:

10 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Engine Jacket Water Cooling System Fill Tests

Difficulties in meeting filling requirements are usually traceable to Manufacturing, Assembly, or Design. Each one
of these difficulties is discussed briefly.

Since the passageways for removing air in the filling process are small, it is important that all machining is
completed. Holes not drilled to sufficient depth would fail to vent air out of the system. A careful review of the
parts involved in the air venting path is needed to define this problem.

An omission of scheduled external venting components, such as vent lines, is a possibility. Vent lines being
forgotten or installed in the wrong port may cause venting problems.

Several areas of possible design deficiencies exist:
• Air vented from the system has to pass through a layer of incoming coolant.
• The shunt line ID is too small. This is not only critical for filling but will affect cavitation temperature.
• Exit or entrance of the shunt line is too restrictive, i.e. port or fitting size.
• Shunt line runs horizontal after it exits the radiator top tank, or an equivalent situation occurs within the top tank.
An air lock will tend to occur, especially in the bucket fill test.
• Filler necks can be located directly over the shunt line’s entrance into the top tank. This can cause aerated
water to collect in the shunt line and create an air lock in the shunt line.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 11
Cavitation Test

5 Cavitation Test
A&I Form Worksheet: Cavitation
This test is to determine if the engine’s coolant circulating pump performance is satisfactory throughout the
expected coolant temperature range.

Cavitation Test Acceptability Criteria:

TMI Data Required: From TMI System Data – Cooling System
• Water pump pressure rise (water pump outlet pressure – water pump inlet pressure) at the calculated cavitation
temperature must achieve a minimum of 90% of the reference pressure rise established during the test procedure.
Note: C9.3 ACERT Tier 4 engine typical value is 20% not 10% as other engines have been. Always verify this value in TMI.
Note: Acceptable Cavitation Temperature determination has changed please review the Cavitation Test Results
Analysis Section for details.

Cavitation Test Preparation:

• Ensure that installation is in a level position. If this test is run with the installation at an angle, the results may
be invalid.
• Any other circuits affecting jacket water flow, such as cab heaters, etc., must be in place and operating.
• Install blocked open thermostat(s). Refer to Appendix F.
• (T6) Install a thermocouple at engine water pump inlet.
• Install engine water pressure ports at the water pump inlet and outlet. See Appendix A for acceptable locations.
Ensure that these ports are not adjacent to any other water connection such as a shunt line or cab heater.
• Fill cooling system with water to the customer’s full mark. Reference filling tests.
• Install specially vented radiator cap with vent line. In lieu of a specially vented cap, a zip tie may be used on the
existing cap. Using a zip tie push the interior facing rubber seal back and wrap the zip tie around the center piece.
This should be done in such a way as to prevent pressure build up. The standard overflow tube may then be used.
• Check engine lube oil level.
• Photograph all pressure port locations.
•  It is best to use a laptop computer with the Installation Audit Form ready for test data entry to assist in
evaluation and analysis of test results.
• Connect Cat ET.
• Engine speed set with Cat ET for zero droop at customer’s rated speed (Cat ET Top Engine Limit) setting. This
speed should also be common between the Drawdown and Cavitation Tests.

Cavitation Test Procedure:

1. Start the engine and idle for approximately five minutes. Recheck the cooling system to ensure it is even with
the customer’s full mark. If not, add water to ensure the system is at the full mark before proceeding.
2. Ensure that the engine water pump inlet temperature is below 120°F (49°C). Raise engine speed to customer’s
rated rpm. Engine rpm must not change throughout this test. Cat ET Dyno mode can be used if necessary.
3. Raise the engine water pump inlet temperature to 120°F (49°C). This can be accomplished by simply running
the engine or impeding cooling fan airflow using cardboard. This should be done carefully as to establish
meaningful engine water pump pressure rise.
4.  Once 120°F engine water pump inlet temp has been carefully established, note the water pump inlet and outlet
pressures in the Level 3 audit form. Raise engine water pump inlet temperature at an approximate rate of 5°F
every two to three minutes. Accomplish this temperature increase by impeding cooling fan air flow.

12 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Cavitation Test

5. As engine water pump inlet temperature is increased, record pump pressures, temperatures, and time in the
installation audit sheet. Reference Installation Audit Form Sheet “Cavitation.”
6. S
 pecial care should be taken between 185°F and 210°F to carefully examine the engine water pump pressure
rise characteristics.
Note: I n this temperature range the engine water pump will start to cavitate. The cavitation temperature depends
on the external cooling system capability. This will be evident with drop off in engine water pump pressure
rise. The test should continue until either 210°F engine water pump inlet temperature is reached or a 10%
reduction in engine water pump pressure rise is observed.

Cavitation Test Results Analysis:

The Cavitation Temperature Requirement calculation has been updated. Previously, 201°F was used as a base
point and then modified based on heat rejection, water flow, atmospheric pressure, etc.

The updated method for calculating the Cavitation Temperature Requirement will begin by using 210°F or 99°C as a
base point. This point is used because it is slightly below the boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure.

Pump Inlet Pump Outlet Pump Inlet Pump Rise

Temp. [°F] Pressure [kPa] Pressure [kPa] dP [in kPa]

135 160.0 7.5 152.5 9:57 AM

140 158.0 7.5 150.5 9:59 AM

145 158.0 7.5 150.5 9:59 AM

150 158.0 7.5 150.5 10:01 AM

155 157.0 7.5 149.5 10:02 AM

160 157.0 7.5 149.5 10:05 AM

165 157.0 7.5 149.5 10:06 AM

170 157.0 7.5 149.5 10:07 AM

175 157.0 7.5 149.5 10:08 AM

180 156.0 7.5 148.5 10:09 AM

184 156.0 7.5 148.5 10:10 AM

188 156.0 7.0 149.0 10:11 AM

190 155.0 7.0 148.0 10:13 AM

192 155.0 7.0 148.0 10:13 AM

194 155.0 7.0 148.0 10:14 AM

196 154.0 7.0 147.0 10:16 AM

198 154.0 7.0 147.0 10:17 AM

200 152.5 7.0 145.5 10:18 AM

201 150.0 7.0 143.0 10:19 AM

202 150.0 7.0 143.0 10:19 AM

203 145.0 7.0 138.0 10:21 AM

204 140.0 7.0 133.0 10:23 AM

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 13
Cavitation Test

Adjustments to the Cavitation Temperature Requirement:

Step #1 Adjusting for Atmospheric Pressure Adjustment
The base point temperature is based on the boiling point or phase change of water at standard atmospheric
pressure (29.60 in Hg). Therefore, it must be modified based on the atmospheric pressure at the field test location.
• For every 0.5 in Hg that the field test location atmospheric pressure is above 29.60 in Hg the Cavitation
Temperature Requirement must be increased by 1°F.
• For every 0.5 in Hg that the field test location atmospheric pressure is below 29.60 in Hg the Cavitation
Temperature Requirement should be reduced by 1°F.

An example of this adjustment is provided below.

Step #2 Adjusting for External Jacket Water Cooling System Temperature Drop
The objective of this test is to ensure that the jacket water pump can maintain the TMI System Data designated
“MAX ALLOWABLE PUMP PRESS RISE LOSS” when the engine coolant outlet temperature is at the base point
(210°F or 99°C), which is just prior to the boiling point.

In order to calculate this adjustment it is first necessary to know the stabilized temperatures T6 and T7 per the
Ambient Capability Test Section 7. Therefore, if the Cavitation Test is conducted before the Ambient Capability
Test, this adjustment cannot be determined until the Ambient Capability Test has been completed.

• T6 and T7 definitions per Appendix C

• T6 = Jacket water to engine
• T7 = Jacket water from engine

Note: T6 and T7 are determined during the Ambient Capability Test Section 7.

Ext. JW Cooling System Temp Drop = T7 - T6

Step #3 Cavitation Temperature Test Requirement is calculated by:
Cavitation Temperature Requirement = Base Point temperature –(Atmospheric Pressure Adjustment + External JW
Cooling System Temp Drop Adjustment)

Cavitation Temperature Requirement = (Base Point temperature –External JW Cooling System Temp Drop
Adjustment) +/- barometric pressure adjustment

Note: In the formula above: “+/- barometric pressure adjustment” this adjustment must be properly applied.
Again, per Step #1:

• If the field test site atmospheric pressure is above 29.60 hg, then add the adjustment
• If the field test site atmospheric pressure is below 29.60 hg, then subtract the adjustment.

Example Cavitation Temperature Adjustment Results and Calculations:

Step #1 Atmospheric Pressure Adjustment:
• Example field test condition: Cavitation Test conducted at 28.60 in Hg
• 29.60 in Hg – 28.60 in Hg = 1.0 in Hg
• Since the field test condition atmospheric pressure is 1.0 in Hg lower than 29.60 in Hg, the cavitation temperature
base point must be decreased by 2°F.

Note: If this value is to be decreased by two then the value will be +/- etc.

14 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Cavitation Test

Step #2 External JW Cooling System Temp Drop Adjustment:

Example stabilized results from the Ambient Cap. Test indicate that:
• T6 = 170°F
• T7 = 181°F

Ext. JW Cooling System Temp Drop = T7 - T6

Step #3 Cavitation Temperature Test Requirement is calculated by: (Based on the example results provided)
Cavitation Temperature Requirement = (Base Point temperature –External JW Cooling System Temp Drop
Adjustment) +/- barometric pressure adjustment

Cavitation Temperature Requirement = (210°F - 11°F) - 2°F)

Note: The example value for atmospheric value is below 28.60 hg so the 2°F is subtracted. If the example value for
atmospheric value had been above 29.60 hg, the applicable adjustment would have been added.

Cavitation Temperature Requirement = 210°F-(13°F)

Cavitation Temperature Requirement = 197°F

Cavitation Test

Possible difficulties if cavitation requirement is not met:

• Restriction prior to the pump inlet is too high. This can be the result of the following deficiencies:
- Piping is too restrictive because of size, routing, number or severity of bends.
- Bottom tank of radiator is too shallow or contains excessive restrictive components such as oil coolers.
- Radiator does not contain enough tubes to provide adequate coolant flow path internally.
• A shunt-type system can have the following deficiencies:
- Shunt line ID is too small.
- Shunt line length is too long.
- Vent tube is too large.
- Baffle in radiator top tank is leaking.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 15
Drawdown Test

6 Drawdown Test
A&I Form Worksheet: Drawdown
This test determines the reserve quantity of the cooling system and the correct position of the low water mark or
coolant loss sensor in the radiator top tank or shunt filling tank. Typically this test follows the cavitation test.

Drawdown Test Acceptability Criteria:

TMI Data Required: From TMI System Data – Cooling System.
Both values are expressed as a percentage.

Other Data:
• The engine cooling system must not lose pump rise equal to or greater than “COOL LOSS-MAX % OF PUMP
PRESS RISE LOSS” while coolant volume equaling or exceeding “COOL LOSS-MAX % OF PUMP PRESS RISE
LOSS” is removed.
• Enough coolant should typically be removed to achieve a pump pressure rise loss equal to “COOL LOSS-MAX %
OF PUMP PRESS RISE LOSS.” The engine cooling system must recover from this pump pressure rise loss due to
aeration of the system within 60 seconds.

Drawdown Test Preparation:

• Ensure that installation is in a level position. If this test is run with the installation at an angle, the results may
not be valid.
• Any other circuits affecting jacket water flow, such as cab heaters, etc., must be in place and operating.
• Install blocked open thermostat(s). Refer to Appendix F.
• (T7) Install a thermocouple at engine water pump inlet.
• Install engine water pressure ports at the water pump inlet and outlet. See Appendix A for acceptable locations.
Ensure that these ports are not adjacent to any other water connection such as a shunt line or cab heater.
• Connect a drain hose to the radiator bottom tank.
• Fill cooling system with water to the customer’s full mark. Reference filling tests.
• Check engine lube oil level.
• Install specially vented radiator cap with vent line. In lieu of a specially vented cap, a zip tie may be used on the
existing cap. Using a zip tie push the interior facing rubber seal back and wrap the zip tie around the center piece.
This should be done in such a way as to prevent pressure build up. The standard overflow tube may then be used.
• Graduated container
• Five gallon bucket
• Photograph all pressure port locations.
• If the installation uses a low coolant level switch, Cat ET should be used to set the Monitoring System low
coolant level parameters to “Warn” only. Set Time Delay for Warning to two seconds. Derate and Shutdown
should be temporarily turned off. This is necessary to complete the drawdown test without the engine derating
or shutting down. Make SURE that the Warn, Derate, and Shutdown settings are returned to their previous
customer programmed state when this test is completed.
• Connect Cat ET.
• Set engine speed with Cat ET for zero speed droop at customer’s Rated Speed setting. This speed should also be
common between the Drawdown and Cavitation Tests.
• It is best to use a laptop computer with the Installation Audit Form ready for test data entry to assist in
evaluation and analysis of test results.

16 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Drawdown Test

Drawdown Test Procedure:

1. Ensure that engine coolant is at the full mark. This test must start with the engine coolant level even with the
full mark, not above or below the full mark, but right at it.
2. Using the information from the Bucket Fill Test, multiply the “Total system capacity per Bucket Fill test”
(reference Installation Audit Form Sheet “Bucket and Hose Fill”) times 0.12 or 12%. This amount of water
must be removed during the test using the drain hose connected to the radiator bottom tank. Determine what
increments you will use to remove coolant. Of course some typical options are pints, quarts, or liters. This
decision is based on the total coolant to be removed from the system.
3. Ensure that the engine is operating at the customer’s desired Rated Speed and engine speed must remain
constant during the entire test. This speed should also be common between the Drawdown and Cavitation Tests.
4. Using cardboard to impede cooling fan airflow, get the engine water pump inlet temperature to run between
178°F (81°C) and 182°F (83°F). Proceed only after the temperature is stable within that temperature window for
five minutes.
5. Once the five minutes have passed, read and record the engine water pump pressure rise before removing
any coolant on the Installation Audit Form Sheet “Drawdown.”
6. Remove the first measured amount of coolant from the system. Note that quart, pint, or liter increments can be
used depending upon the total amount that must be removed. The Installation Audit Form Sheet “Drawdown”
tab can be relabeled to quarts, pints, or liters.
7. If at all possible, when the coolant is removed, put it into a container to be added back later in the test
procedure. If this is not possible, it is acceptable to add the water in during later steps from the hose or some
other source. However, in either case, water must be added back into the system later in the procedure.
8. Wait for a minimum of 30 seconds after removing the coolant from the system. Monitor the water pump
pressure rise while waiting.
9. Once 30 seconds have passed, record the water pump inlet and outlet pressure values.
10. If so equipped, check to ensure the “Engine Warning” lamp or Cat ET is not indicating a low water level
event code. The coolant increment at which the PMS system warns low coolant, should be recorded on the
Installation Audit Form Sheet “Drawdown.” This event is required to take place before the engine water pump
loses 10% of its pressure rise.
11. Repeat Steps #6-9, monitoring pump pressure rise until the pump has actually demonstrated a loss of at least
10% pressure rise.
Note: In some cases the field test engineer may stop once the required minimum coolant has been removed.
This may be due to environment conditions or cooling system geometry (risk of rapid pump rise loss)
continuing. This is acceptable.
12. Carefully remove the vented radiator cap.
13. Pour the same water back into the radiator in the same increments that it was removed.
14. For each increment of coolant returned to the system, allow 30 seconds to pass before recording the water
pump inlet and outlet pressure values.
Note: Do not exceed the amount of coolant removed during the test.
15. Continue to return the same water back into the cooling system until the pump pressure rise has returned to at
least 95% of the reference pump pressure rise.
16. Stop adding coolant to the system.
17. Shut the engine down and measure the distance from the full mark to the current water level. Record this on
the Installation Audit Form Sheet “Drawdown.”

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 17
Drawdown Test


Coolant Removed (Quarts)

Drawdown Test Results Analysis:

If the system has maintained at least 90% of reference pressure rise with 12% of its total system volume removed,
the system passes Drawdown test.

Possible difficulties if Drawdown requirement is not met:

• Reserve volume in the radiator top tank is not large enough.
• Shunt line on a shunt-type system is located too high in the radiator, or vortex action is drawing air into the
shunt line.

18 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Ambient Capability

7 Ambient Capability
A&I Form Worksheet: Heat Transfer & CAC

This test is to determine the ambient temperature at which maximum engine water outlet design temperature limit
will be reached.

Engine Jacket Water Ambient Capability Acceptability Criteria

TMI Data Required: From TMI System Data – Cooling System

1. The engine coolant outlet temperature limit is designated in TMI system data. It is called “MAX ALLOW ENGINE
2. Engine ambient capability is designated in TMI system data. It is called “AMBIENT COOLING CAPABILITY AT RATED SPD.”
C9.3 ACERT – C18 ACERT engines
• Ambient capability must be at least 100°F (38°C) during the “Standard Cooling System Capability Test.”
• Ambient capability must be >/= the value called out above as TMI system data – Cooling System “AMBIENT
COOLING CAPABILITY AT RATED SPD” During the “High Ambient Cooling System Capacity Test.”
C27 ACERT and C32 ACERT engines
• C27 ACERT and C32 ACERT engines cannot run the “High Ambient Cooling System Capacity Test.” Therefore,
ambient capability must be at least 118°F (48°C) during the “Standard Cooling System Capability Test.”
For any engine model:
• If the customer can demonstrate that their machine will not be subjected to 118°F (48°C) ambient temperatures,
this requirement can be reduced on a case-by-case basis.
• If the customer indicates that their machine will be subjected to > 118°F (48°C) ambient temperatures, this
requirement must be increased to match the customer’s requirement.
• Testing at altitudes >/= 5,500 feet (82.7 kPa absolute pressure)
- Is allowed IF the installation is intended to continue to operate at >/= 5,500 feet (82.7 kPa absolute pressure)
for its service life.
- Is NOT allowed if the installation is intended to operate at </= 5,000 feet (82.7 kPa absolute pressure) for its
service life. The installation must be taken to a lower altitude in order to run this test.

Engine Jacket Water Ambient Capability Test Preparation:

• Exhaust backpressure must be within the acceptable range prior to running this test. Refer to Section 11 Exhaust
Backpressure Test for more details.
• Ambient temperature must be at least 40°F (4°C).
• All sheet metal/enclosure around the engine or any other components which might affect cooling fan airflow
must be in production location.
• Any other circuits affecting jacket water heat rejection or flow, such as cab heaters, etc., must be in place and
operating. Preferably at maximum design temperature, or as a minimum at a measured design temperature.
• Install blocked open thermostat(s) refer to Appendix F.
• Install thermocouples in the following locations:
• - Ambient temperature; determine a suitable location to measure ambient temperature.
• - Jacket Water to Engine Temperature (reference Appendix C for locations)
• - Jacket Water from Engine Temperature (reference Appendix C for locations)
• - Thermocouple any coolant to oil coolers that might have been added or utilized by the customer. This includes
any external water circuit such as Caterpillar installed transmission oil coolers or customer-installed oil
coolers. This also includes any cooler which is in the cooling fan airflow. For example, air to oil hydraulic oil
coolers placed in the engine cooling fan airflow.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 19
Ambient Capability

• Photograph all thermocouple locations.

• Fill cooling system with water to the customer’s full mark. Reference filling tests.
• 14 psi (1 bar) pressure cap installed.
• If the installation uses a variable speed fan, the fan should be locked into the maximum allowable speed. This
speed is determined by the OEM’s system design.
• Determine engine speed for application’s maximum engine operating load. This speed is typically the same speed
used during the cavitation and drawdown tests for flat power curves. However, in cases of agricultural or power
bulge rating curves, it may be necessary to test the engine at its maximum power. Further, if the engine will speed
a significant amount of time in lug, it may be necessary to test the system’s performance at peak torque. This
speed choice is application dependant and should be per the best judgement of the field test person.
• It is best to use a laptop computer with the Installation Audit Form ready for test data entry to assist in
evaluation and analysis of test results.
• Connect Cat ET.

Engine Jacket Water Ambient Capability Test Procedure:

Ambient Capability, Charge Air Cooling System and Fuel Temperature testing can often be evaluated simultaneously.

1. Review the DPF Soot Load % to ensure that there is sufficient room in the DPF to run throughout the test.
• Not required for C18 ACERT > 560 kW/750 hp, C27 ACERT, and C32 ACERT engines.
2. With all preparation finished, start the data logger.
3. Ensure that all thermocouples are reading a reasonable value for the current state of machine operation.
4. This step must be done using Cat ET
Note: Previously this step was broken down into two options. All current I-6 engine and Cat ET software is
capable of running the Cooling System Capacity Test so the second possible option has been removed.
C27 ACERT and C32 ACERT engines will require current engine software and Cat ET 2012Bv1.0 at a
minimum in order to run the Cooling System Capacity Test. If you are running a cooling test on a
C27 ACERT or C32 ACERT prior to Cat ET 2012BV1.0 being released please follow step 4B from the
–00 release of this document.
A. Using Cat ET invoke the “Cooling System Capacity Test”
• The Cat ET path to this is: Diagnostics>Diagnostic Tests> Cooling System Capacity Test.
B. C  at ET will ask the field test engineer: “Do you want to run the Standard Cooling System Capability
Test?” The field test engineer should indicate to proceed.
• During the test, Cat ET must be left on its current window. If Cat ET is changed to view status screens,
for instance, the test will terminate.
• This test will operate the engine in a standard method to ensure cooling test accuracy.
• During this Cat ET test, Cat ET parameter data logging will not be possible. However, the following
parameters will be available on screen during the Cat ET Test:
1. Engine Speed
2. Desired Engine Speed
3. Delivered Fuel Volume
4. Torque Limit Fuel Volume
5. Engine Load Factor
6. Air Inlet Temperature
7. Engine Charge Air Cooled #1 Outlet Temperature
8. Fuel Temperature
9. DPF #1 Soot Loading Percent
10. Atmospheric Pressure
11. Heat Rejection Correction Factor

20 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Ambient Capability

5. If using a dyno, apply load to the engine. If testing the machine in its most arduous application, put the
machine to work.
6. Continue to operate the engine until the engine coolant outlet temperature has stabilized or is tracking equally
with ambient temperature for a minimum of 30 minutes. Some applications could lend themselves to a long
period of stable temperatures. This is at the test engineer’s discretion.
A. During the course of the test, monitor the engine coolant outlet temperature displayed on Cat ET as compared
to the values being logged via thermocouple. These values should track closely with one another.
7. This step must be done using Cat ET. Step 7 is applicable to C9.3 ACERT – C18 ACERT engines; if testing a
C27 ACERT or C32 ACERT engine, skip to Step 8.
A. At this point Cat ET should be asking: “Press OK When Test is complete.” Press “OK.”
B. Cat ET will ask the field test engineer: “Do you want to run the High Ambient Cooling System Capability
Test?” The field test engineer should indicate to proceed.
• During the test Cat ET must be left on its current window. If Cat ET is changed to view status screens, for
instance, the test will terminate.
• This test will operate the engine in a high ambient method to ensure cooling test accuracy. It is very like
that T6 and T7 temperatures will both be reduced during this test.
• During this Cat ET test, Cat ET parameter data logging will not be possible. However, the following
parameters will be available on screen during the Cat ET Test:
1. Engine Speed
2. Desired Engine Speed
3. Delivered Fuel Volume
4. Torque Limit Fuel Volume
5. Engine Load Factor
6. Air Inlet Temperature
7. Engine Charge Air Cooled #1 Outlet Temperature
8. Fuel Temperature
9. DPF #1 Soot Loading Percent
10. Atmospheric Pressure
11. Heat Rejection Correction Factor
C. Previously, at conclusion of test, a Cat ET data log was required. Given the use of Cat ET, this data log is
no longer possible.
8. Once stabilization has been achieved, the load can be removed from the engine or, in the case of a working
cycle test, the machine should be stopped.
9. At this point Cat ET should be asking: “Press OK When Test is complete.” Press “OK.”
A. Cat ET will NOT automatically stop or time out while running this test. The Field Test Engineer should
follow Step #8 and stop the test when stabilization has been achieved.
10. At this time, the data should be pulled from the thermocouple data logger and the file stored in a safe location
on a laptop.

Engine Jacket Water Ambient Capability Results Analysis:

Ambient Capability is defined as the ambient temperature at which the engine coolant outlet temp reaches its
design limit. During this testing the engine achieved a stabilized top tank temperature.

Note: C27 ACERT and C32 ACERT engines only require ambient capability calculations with regard to the
“Standard Ambient Capability Cooling Test.”

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 21
Ambient Capability

Since there are two acceptability criteria, the following calculations must be run twice for C9.3 ACERT – C18 ACERT
< 560 kW/750 hp. As stated, C27 ACERT and C32 ACERT engines only require one ambient capability calculation
with regard to the “Standard Ambient Capability Cooling Test.”
• The first calculation is to ensure that the Jacket Water Ambient Capability must be at least 38°C (100°F) during
the “Standard Cooling System Capability Test.”
• The second iteration is to verify that the Jacket Water Ambient Capability is >/= 48°C (118°F) during the “High
Ambient Cooling System Capacity Test.”

22 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Ambient Capability

Engine Jacket Water Ambient Capability Results Review:

If the jacket water cooling system does not demonstrate adequate cooling capability, there are several things to
• Review engine coolant inlet and outlet temperature. In most cases these two values will be no more than 10°F to
12°F different. If these two values are significantly greater than 12°F different, it is likely that the system is overly
restrictive. This can cause inadequate system capability.
• If using a belt-driven fan, ensure that the belt is properly tightened.
• Review the area around the jacket water cooling core for hot air recirculating to the core. This raises the
ambient air temperature to the core and can significantly reduce performance.
• Review the fan tip clearance to the shroud. Airflow through the core can be significantly reduced if this tip
clearance is excessive.
• Review the distance from the cooling fan to the cooling core. If this distance is not adequate, the ambient air
will not flow through the core evenly, causing local areas of high airflow.
• Increase cooling fan rpm if fan tip speed limits allow. This will also have a significant effect in sound.
• Increase the number of fins per inch if core plugging is not a concern.
• Increase core size.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 23
Charge Air Cooled Outlet Corrected Temperature Test

8 Charge Air Cooled (CAC) Outlet Corrected

Temperature Test
A&I Form Worksheet: Heat Transfer & CAC

Emission-related Installation Instructions:

Failing to follow these instructions when installing a certified engine in a piece of nonroad equipment violates
federal law [40 CFR 1068.105(b)], subject to fines or other penalties as described in the Clean Air Act.

Acronym Definitions:
CAC: Charge Air Cooled
ATAAC: Air-to-Air Aftercooled (a specific type of CAC)
SCAC: Separate Circuit Aftercooled (a specific type of CAC)

8.1 Air-to-Air Aftercooled Testing (ATAAC)

Regulatory Considerations:
On CAC engines the cooling of the charge directly affects the combustion process. The reduction in intake
temperature gives reduced in-cylinder temperatures throughout the combustion cycle. This results in a reduction
in the formation of oxides of nitrogen; therefore, effective charge cooling is an essential part of the emission
control system. In addition, the combustion efficiency is improved, which directly benefits power and specific fuel
consumption. The reduced temperature enhances the durability of the engine by lowering the temperature of all
the in-cylinder components and the exhaust gas temperature. Therefore, it is essential that the defined level of
charge cooling is achieved in each application. This will ensure durability and performance objectives are met.
Charge temperature increases with both engine speed and load with the maximum being at the maximum power
condition. It is at this condition that the assessment should be carried out.

All C9.3 ACERT – C18 ACERT Tier 4 Industrial engines have been developed with fixed CAC outlet temperatures.
This means that the engine ratings are developed at all speed and load points while holding CAC outlet
temperature constant. This allows cooling fan airflow to be altered while using charge air outlet and coolant temp
as control points. However, the fact that these engines have been developed as fixed IMT engines does not mean
that cooling air flow must be altered to maintain temperatures. Engine belt-driven fixed ratio fans are acceptable
if they meet the charge air outlet temperature requirement.

ATAAC Test Acceptability Criteria:

TMI Data Required:
• Fixed/Floating IMT: All TMI Systems data has been updated to designate these engines as “Fixed IMT.”
• Air to Air Aftercooled Outlet temperature: For C9.3 ACERT - C18 ACERT engines, TMI system data will also carry
the requirement as “MAX ALLOWABLE ATAAC OUT TEMP (25C DAY).” For C27 ACERT and C32 ACERT engines,
TMI system data designates this temperature as “MAX ALLOW INTAKE MANIFOLD TEMP.”

Test procedures for engines certified to a Fixed CAC-out temperature must be designed to ensure that the
corrected CAC-out temperature (T5c) does not exceed the TMI system data value “MAX ALLOWABLE ATAAC OUT
TEMP (25C DAY)” under at any condition in the engine load and speed range.

24 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Charge Air Cooled Outlet Corrected Temperature Test

ATAAC Capability Test Preparation:

• Ambient Temperature must be at least 40°F (4°C).
• ATAAC system must be fully production intent.
• All sheet metal/enclosure around the engine or any other components which might affect cooling fan airflow
must be in production location.
• Blocked open or operational thermostat(s) are acceptable.
• Install thermocouples in the following locations:
(T1) Ambient temperature, determine a suitable location at which to measure ambient temperature
(T2) Air to charge air core – average: An averaging grid of thermocouples for the measurement of cooling air
temperature into the ATAAC.
(T3) Air to Turbo: Temperature of combustion air to engine turbocharger compressor.
(T4) ATAAC inlet: Temperature of combustion air from the turbocharger compressor. The tap that is provided for
the measurement of the compressor pressure can be jointly used for this temperature measurement with
the use of a tee. However, the temperature probe must be long enough to be in the air stream.
(T5) ATAAC outlet: Temperature of combustion air just before it enters the engine intake manifold. The tap that
is provided for the measurement of the inlet manifold pressure can be jointly used for this temperature
measurement with the use of a tee.
Note: Do not use engine charge air outlet temperature reading in Cat ET.
• Photograph all thermocouple locations.
• Fill cooling system with water to the customer’s full mark. Reference filling tests.
• 14 psi (1 bar) pressure cap installed.
• If the installation uses a variable speed fan, the fan should be locked into the maximum allowable speed. This
speed is determined by the OEM’s system design.
• It is best to use a laptop computer with the Installation Audit Form ready for test data entry to assist in
evaluation and analysis of test results.
• Connect Cat ET.
• Engine speed set with Cat ET for zero droop at customer’s Rated Speed setting.

Figure 1

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 25
Charge Air Cooled Outlet Corrected Temperature Test

CAC Test Procedure:

1. Ensure that the installation is production intent.
2. Determine testing method, stationary or mobile.
3. Review Fan type:
A. Belt-driven no clutch, record fan part number and belt drive ratio.
B. B  elt-driven with clutch, ensure clutch is locked in throughout test, record fan part number, clutch part
number and belt drive ratio.
C. Remote-mounted auxiliary-driven. Ensure that fan is driven at maximum speed throughout test.
D. Variable blade pitch fan. Ensure that fan remains at full flow blade pitch (maximum air flow) throughout test.
4. Review the DPF Soot Load % to ensure that there is sufficient room in the DPF to run throughout the test.
A. I t is acceptable for High Speed Regeneration Mode to operate during this test. If this does occur, the start
and stop time of the regeneration event should be documented.
5. With all preparation finished, start the data logger.
6. Ensure that all thermocouples are reading a reasonable value for the current state of machine operation.
7. This step must be done using Cat ET.
Note: P  reviously this step was broken down into two options. All current I-6 engine and Cat ET software is
capable of running the Cooling System Capacity Test so the second possible option has been removed.
C27 ACERT and C32 ACERT engines will require current engine software and Cat ET 2012Bv1.0 at a
minimum in order to run the Cooling System Capacity Test. If you are running a test on a C27 ACERT or
C32 ACERT prior to Cat ET 2012BV1.0 being released please follow step 4B from the –00 release of this
A. Using Cat ET invoke the “Cooling System Capacity Test.”
• The Cat ET path to this is: Diagnostics>Diagnostic Tests>Cooling System Capacity Test.
B. C  at ET will ask the field test engineer: “Do you want to run the Standard Cooling System Capability Test?” The
field test engineer should indicate to proceed.
• During the test, Cat ET must be left on its current window. If Cat ET is changed to view status screens, for
instance, the test will terminate.
• This test will operate the engine in a standard method to ensure Charge Air Cooled Outlet Temperature
Test accuracy.
• During this Cat ET test, Cat ET parameter data logging will not be possible. However, the following
parameters will be available on screen during the Cat ET Test:
1. Engine Speed
2. Desired Engine Speed
3. Delivered Fuel Volume
4. Torque Limit Fuel Volume
5. Engine Load Factor
6. Air Inlet Temperature
7. Engine Charge Air Cooled #1 Outlet Temperature
8. Fuel Temperature
9. DPF #1 Soot Loading Percent
10. Atmospheric Pressure
11. Heat Rejection Correction Factor
8. If using a dyno, apply load to the engine. If testing the machine is most arduous application, put the machine
to work.

26 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Charge Air Cooled Outlet Corrected Temperature Test

9. C
 ontinue to operate the engine until the engine coolant outlet temperature has stabilized or is tracking equally
with ambient temperature for a minimum of 30 minutes. Some applications could lend themselves to a long
period of stable temperatures. This is at the test engineer’s discretion.
10. This step must be done using Cat ET:
A. At this point Cat ET should be asking: “Press OK When Test is complete.” Press “OK.”
B. Cat ET will ask the field test engineer: “Do you want to run the High Ambient Cooling System Capability
C. The field test engineer should indicate NOT to proceed.
Note: A  t this point if this test is being run simultaneously with the Ambient Capability Test then the field test
engineer should indicate to proceed. However, any thermocouple information logged after this point
in time should NOT be used in for the CAC Results Analysis. Data gathered from the charge air cooled
thermocouples while the High Ambient Cooling System Capability Test is invoked are NOT relevant for
charge air cooled outlet temperature evaluation.
11. Once stabilization has been achieved and the field test engineer has indicated NOT to proceed with the High
Ambient Cooling System Capability Test, the load can be removed from the engine or in the case of a working
cycle test, the machine should be stopped.
12. At this time, the data should be pulled from the data logger and the file stored in a safe location on a laptop.

ATAAC system testing is carried out in one of two ways. The first way is a stationary manner using some sort of
dyno or by simply operating the unit (such as an air compressor). The second is by actually operating the machine
in its most arduous cycle.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 27
Charge Air Cooled Outlet Corrected Temperature Test

Stationary Tests:
Stationary testing is a relatively simple procedure. The engine is simply run up to full speed and placed under the
highest load it would ever see in actual use. The engine should be run in this condition for at least 30 minutes of
steady, stable thermocouple readings. During this time Thermocouples 1-5 (see test preparation) should be data
logged. These values are used later in the analysis section to correct results to SAE standard conditions and
determine if the ATAAC is capable of satisfying Caterpillar specifications. ATAAC testing absolutely requires stable
ambient air, air-to-turbo and air to ATAAC core. Testing outside is preferred over testing in a building. Testing
ATAAC systems outside will typically provide for stable air temperature readings. Testing inside a building will
require a significant amount of extra time and may even prove impossible. Testing inside a building requires the
test engineer to counteract the heat rejection to atmosphere (from the engine and testing activity) by opening
doors or turning on ventilation. If stable temperatures can not be attained inside, testing will not be meaningful.

Mobile Tests:
Mobile equipment charge cooler performance testing is similar to mobile equipment ambient capability testing.
However, there is one important exception. In evaluating a cooling system for a self propelled machine, other
than in cases where a PTO dynamometer is used (as Ag Tractors), the test is carried out using the most severe
working cycle normally encountered. This is satisfactory for coolant, as the temperature response time is
relatively slow due to the thermal inertia of both the coolant and the engine structure. This evens out the
temperature variations during the cycle and gives a stabilized “average” temperature. However the air charge
cooling system has a much lower inertia and will respond much more rapidly to variations in engine operating
condition during the working cycle. The Corrected Charge Air Outlet specification is to be met at maximum power
and rpm, a condition often met for only brief periods during a test depending on the facilities available. Almost
any machine will, at some time, encounter this condition for a period long enough to reach a stabilized charge
temperature; therefore, the appraisal test must ensure that the evaluation is carried out to simulate this. Data
logging of thermocouple readings is essential to properly carry out this sort of testing.

Ambient Temperature Measurement:

Temperature measurements should be recorded at the locations indicated in Figure 1. The ambient air
temperature (T1) is one of the most important values recorded during the cooling system evaluation. As a
guideline for the measurement of the ambient air temperature, it is recommended that a thermocouple be placed
3 to 5 ft (.9 to 1.5 m) directly ahead and mid-center of the engine for suction fan installations and in a similar
location off the flywheel end of the engine for blower fan installations such that the air being drawn into the
engine cooling fan is being measured. This thermocouple should not be in direct sunlight. Engineering judgment,
particular to each test environment, may require modifications to these guidelines.

General Testing Notes:

Cat ET should be used to monitor engine percent load during the ATAAC test.
Some customers will use engine cooling fans that are capable of varying airflow through the cooling cores. Some
examples are:
• Belt drive clutch fans
• Variable blade pitch fans (Flexxaire)
• Hydraulically driven remote mounted fans
• Electrically driven fans

28 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Charge Air Cooled Outlet Corrected Temperature Test

When testing a charge air system it is essential that the installation be in its final production intent form.
Specifically, all components within the installation which affect cooling fan airflow or air temperature must be in
place and in final production form. ATAAC tests are very sensitive to air temperature and air flow. Any installation
component which affects air flow, air flow path or air temperature must be in its production intent location and
state. Preferably this evaluation should happen prior to a prototype installation so that the customer understands
what configuration is required prior to the installation audit commencing.

Examples of components which must be in production intent form for proper testing are:

• ATAAC and radiator assembly

• Engine cooling fan
• Engine cooling fan drive ratio
• Engine cooling fan shroud
• Enclosures (sheet metal, fiberglass, plastic, etc.)
• Enclosure ventilation hole size and position
• Rubber enclosure seals
• Auxiliary cooler position and temperature
• Air compressor air aftercoolers
• Air conditioner condenser cores
• Transmission oil coolers
• Fuel coolers
• Cat Clean Emission Module position
• Exhaust pipe routing and insulation
• Turbo position and exhaust outlet location
• Air cleaner type and position
• Air intake position
• Exhaust outlet location

This is not an all inclusive list. It is intended to be a starting point for production intent evaluation. Each installation’s
“completeness” must be evaluated using good engineering judgment on its own merits before testing.

Engine Cooling Fans and Cooling Fan Air Flow:

Fixed charge air cooled outlet temperature allows the installation to modulate the engine’s cooling fan air flow
according to charge air outlet temperature. ATAAC outlet temperature is broadcast on the J1939 data link. Refer
to the Tier 4 electronic A&I guide for the specific PGN and SPN. Fan air flow can typically be varied either by
controlling fan speed independent of engine speed or by varying fan blade pitch. Typical examples are clutched
fans, electric fans, hydraulically driven fans or variable blade pitch fans. Modulating the engine’s cooling fan
air flow will provide better fuel consumption at part load conditions by reducing fan power demand. In addition,
modulating the engine’s cooling fan air flow typically reduces fan noise.

When conducting charge air cooling tests, engine cooling fan air flow must be held constant. Constant air flow
may be constant fan rpm in the case of fixed blade pitch fans or full air flow for variable blade pitch fans. The
installation audit must document engine cooling fan speed or blade pitch with data logged test results.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 29
Charge Air Cooled Outlet Corrected Temperature Test

ATAAC Results Analysis:

If the test ambient (T1) is not at the prescribed 77°F (25°C) or turbo air outlet temperature (T4) does not agree with
that stated in the engine performance data, the following formulas should be applied to the data.

e = (T4 – T5)/(T4 – T2)

(Aftercooler effectiveness)

T4c = T4 spec + T3 – T1 (See Note A)

T2c = 77°F or 25°C + (T2 – T1) (See Note B)

T5c = T4c – e(T4 c – T2c) (See Note C)

“c” indicates corrected value.

Note A: T4 spec is the value stated for the turbocharger air outlet temperature found in TMI performance data:

Note B: This equation corrects fan recirculation and/or heat exchanger cores located in front of the
Air-to-Air core.

Note C: T5c is the corrected ATAAC outlet temperature expected when the ambient (T1) is at required 77°F (25°C).
The corrected ATAAC outlet temperature (T5c) of an acceptable Air-to-Air system must not be greater
than that shown in the TMI performance data: “MAX ALLOWABLE ATAAC OUT TEMP (25C DAY) ” for the
specified horsepower rating.

Note D: The maximum recommended temperature rise from ambient (T1) to the turbocharger inlet (T3) is 20°F

The most effective way to review charge air cooled test results is by importing the data log file to a spreadsheet.
Once this information is in spreadsheet form, effectiveness, T2c, T4c, and T5c can be calculated in real time and
plotted on a graph. This is a real time calculation of corrected charge air cooled out temperature. As you can see,
this installation does NOT demonstrate capability to provide 122°F (50°C) corrected charge air outlet temperature.

30 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Charge Air Cooled Outlet Corrected Temperature Test

Corrected ATAAC Outlet Temperature – Deg C

ATAAC Results Review:

If the charge air system does not demonstrate adequate cooling capability, there are several things to consider:
• Determine the OEM’s T5c design goal and assumptions made within the design. Often, the design does not
anticipate either the proper temperature rise between ambient and turbo compressor inlet (T3) or proper
temperature rise to the ATAAC core (T2).
• ATAAC effectiveness is typically between 85 and 95%. If the ATAAC effectiveness is not at least 85%, increasing
engine cooling fan airflow may help significantly. This effectiveness is a result of the ATAAC design configuration
and materials as well as engine cooling fan airflow.
• The ATAAC should not have other cooling cores (such as transmission or hydraulic) placed in front of it.
• Possibly missing air flow seals around the cooler core resulting in recirculation and in increased air temperature
rise to core.

ATAAC effectiveness is typically affected by:

• Fan air flow has diminishing returns with increased air flow
• Placement of other cores – JW, trans. cooler, refrigeration compressor, fuel coolers, etc.
• Core area – fins per square inch
• Restriction interaction
• Ambient temp
• Corrections

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 31
Charge Air Cooled Outlet Corrected Temperature Test

8.2 Separate Circuit Aftercooled Testing (SCAC)

To Be Determined, this aftercooling method will be allowed.

32 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R
Charge Air Cooled Restriction Test

9 CAC Restriction Test

A&I Form Entry Worksheet: Heat Transfer & CAC
A&I Form Entry: CAC Differential Pressure Clearance kPa

Emission-related Installation Instructions:

Failing to follow these instructions when installing a certified engine in a piece of nonroad equipment violates
federal law [40 CFR 1068.105(b)], subject to fines or other penalties as described in the Clean Air Act.

Charge air cooling systems place a flow resistance between the turbo compressor outlet and engine air inlet.
This resistance is measured as a pressure difference between measured values at the turbo compressor outlet
and engine air inlet. Charge air restriction (or differential pressure) must be controlled to value set during engine

CAC Restriction Test Criteria:

TMI data required:
• Pressure drop from the turbo compressor outlet to the engine air inlet must not exceed values specified in TMI
systems data. This value is specified for C9.3 ACERT - C18 ACERT engines, as “ALLOW PRESS DROP-COMPR
OUT TO MIXER IN.” For C27 ACERT and C32 ACERT engines this value is specified as “ALLOW PRESS DROP-

CAC Restriction Test Preparation:

• Charge air cooling system must be fully production intent.
• Blocked open or operational thermostat(s).
• Place pressure taps per A&I guide in two locations:
• - As close as possible to the turbo compressor outlet.
• - As close as possible to the engine air inlet.
• Photograph all pressure port locations.
• Connect these two pressure ports to a gauge capable of measuring differential pressure.
• - Reference Appendix D Tool List, Omega HPP-807/SIL.
• Note: Alternatively, a pressure sensor can be used and its values read with a data logger.
• Fill cooling system with water to the customer’s full mark. Reference filling tests.
• Install 14 psi (1 bar) pressure cap.
• It is best to use a laptop computer with the Installation Audit Form ready for test data entry to assist in
evaluation and analysis of test results.
• Connect Cat ET.
• Set engine speed with Cat ET for zero droop at customer’s rated speed setting.
Note: alternatively, pressure sensors can be used and their values read with a data logger.
• During the measurement, Cat ET must be used to invoke the Cooling System Capacity Test. This is required to
ensure that the Cat NOx Reduction system is operating in full flow mode. Refer to Step #4 in the Test Procedure
to follow.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 33
Charge Air Cooled Restriction Test

CAC Restriction Test Procedure:

1. Ensure that the engine installation is fully heat soaked. It is best to do this test just after completing the ambient
capability and charge air cooling test.
2. Before starting the engine, connect the hand-held gauge and zero it.
3. Start the engine and place it under the highest possible load it will see in actual use. Refer to charge air cooling
test procedure for more detail if necessary.
4. This step must be done using Cat ET:
Note: Previously this step was broken down into 2 options. All current I-6 engine and Cat ET software is
capable of running the Cooling System Capacity Test so the second possible option has been removed.
C27 ACERT and C32 ACERT engines will require current engine software and Cat ET 2012Bv1.0 at a
minimum in order to run the Cooling System Capacity Test. If you are running a test on a C27 ACERT or
C32 ACERT prior to Cat ET 2012BV1.0 being released please follow step 4B from the –00 release of this
A. Using Cat ET invoke the “Cooling System Capacity Test”:
• The Cat ET path to this is: Diagnostics>Diagnostic Tests> Cooling System Capacity Test.
B. Cat ET will ask the field test engineer: “Do you want to run the Standard Cooling System Capability Test?”
The field test engineer should indicate to proceed.
• During the test, Cat ET must be left on its current window. If Cat ET is changed to view status screens, for
instance, the test will terminate.
• This test will operate the engine in a standard method to ensure Charge Air Cooled Restriction test
5. When the engine is under its highest possible load, record the value on the differential pressure gauge.
6. This step must be done using Cat ET:
A. At this point Cat ET should be asking: “Press OK When Test is complete.” Press “OK.”
B. Cat ET will ask the field test engineer: “Do you want to run the High Ambient Cooling System Capability
C. The field test engineer should indicate NOT to proceed and this will conclude the test.
Note: C  harge Air Cooled Restriction pressure values recorded while the High Ambient Cooling System
Capability Test is invoked are not relevant for charge air cooled restriction evaluation.

CAC Restriction Test Results Analysis:

The value measured in Step #4 of the test procedure must be less than the value found in the above test criteria.

CAC Restriction Test Results Review:

If the system does not pass this requirement there are several things to consider:
• Has the system passed the CAC outlet temperature test? If not, the results of this restriction test are of
no significance.
• Re-run the test and measure the pressures at the following points. The results of this test will help you quantify
which part of the system to look at first.
• - Turbo compressor outlet
• - CAC inlet
• - CAC outlet
• - Engine air inlet
• If the system has any mitered bends in CAC pipes, they should be targeted first for changing to proper bend
• CAC lines should take the shortest routing with the fewest bends possible.
• CAC lines can be larger diameter if necessary.

34 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R
Air Inlet Restriction Test

10 Air Inlet Restriction Test

A&I Form Entry Worksheet: Intake Restriction at Full Load Rated
Speed, Measured Near to the Turbo Inlet per Cat A&I Manual

Emission-related Installation Instructions:

Failing to follow these instructions when installing a certified engine in a piece of nonroad equipment violates
federal law [40 CFR 1068.105(b)], subject to fines or other penalties as described in the Clean Air Act.

Induction systems, especially air filters, place a flow resistance between ambient air and the turbo compressor
inlet. This resistance is measured as a negative pressure as opposed to atmospheric. Air Inlet Restriction (or
negative pressure at the turbo compressor inlet) must be controlled to the value set during engine development.

Air Inlet Restriction Test Criteria:

TMI data required:
• Air inlet restriction must not exceed values specified in TMI systems data. This value is specified as “MAX

Air Inlet Restriction Test Preparation:

• Ensure that a new air cleaner is fitted.
• Blocked open or operational thermostat(s).
• Place a pressure tap per A&I guide:
• - As close as possible to the turbo compressor inlet.
• - At the air inlet restriction measurement location.
• Photograph all pressure port locations.
• Connect this pressure port to a gauge capable of measuring negative pressure. Gauge must be accurate when
operating near the test limit.
• - Reference Appendix D Tool List, Omega HPP-807/SIL
• Note: Alternatively, a pressure sensor can be used and its values read with a data logger.
• Fill cooling system with water to the customer’s full mark. Reference filling tests.
• It is best to use a laptop computer with the Installation Audit Form ready for test data entry to assist in
evaluation and analysis of test results.
• Connect Cat ET.
• Set engine speed with Cat ET for zero droop at customer’s Rated Speed setting.
• During the measurement, Cat ET must be used to invoke the Cooling System Capacity Test. This is required to
ensure that the Cat NOx Reduction system is operating in full flow mode. Refer to Step #5 in the Test Procedure
to follow.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 35
Air Inlet Restriction Test

Air Inlet Restriction Test Procedure:

1. Ensure that the installation is production intent.
2. Ensure that the engine installation is fully heat soaked. It is best to do this test just after completing the ambient
capability and CAC test.
3. Before starting the engine, connect the hand-held gauge and zero if necessary.
4. Start the engine and place the engine under the highest possible load it will see in actual use. Refer to CAC test
procedure for more detail if necessary.
5. This step must be done using Cat ET:
Note: Previously this step was broken down into 2 options. All current I-6 engine and Cat ET software is
capable of running the Cooling System Capacity Test so the second possible option has been removed.
C27 ACERT and C32 ACERT engines will require current engine software and Cat ET 2012Bv1.0 at a
minimum in order to run the Cooling System Capacity Test. If you are running a test on a C27 ACERT or
C32 ACERT prior to Cat ET 2012BV1.0 being released please follow step 4B from the –00 release of this
A. Using Cat ET invoke the “Cooling System Capacity Test.”:
• The Cat ET path to this is: Diagnostics>Diagnostic Tests>Cooling System Capacity Test.
B. Cat ET will ask the field test engineer: “Do you want to run the Standard Cooling System Capability Test?”
The field test engineer should indicate to proceed.
• During the test, Cat ET must be left on its current window. If Cat ET is changed to view status screens, for
instance, the test will terminate.
• This test will operate the engine in a standard method to ensure Air Inlet Restriction Test accuracy.
6. When the engine is under its highest possible load, record the value on the pressure gauge:
A. As close as possible to the turbo compressor inlet.
B. At the air inlet restriction measurement location.
7. This step must be done using Cat ET.
A. At this point Cat ET should be asking: “Press OK When Test is complete.” Press “OK.”
B. Cat ET will ask the field test engineer: “Do you want to run the High Ambient Cooling System Capability Test?”
C. The field test engineer should indicate NOT to proceed and this will conclude the test.
Note: A ir Inlet Restriction pressure values recorded while the High Ambient Cooling System Capability Test is
invoked are not relevant for charge air cooled restriction evaluation.
Air Inlet Restriction Test Results Analysis:
• The value measured in Step #5 of the test procedure must be less than the value described in the test
criteria section.
• Ensure that the restriction indication value has been selected such that it will trip when the value at the turbo
exceeds the dirty filter limit. This value is typically 6.2 kPa; however, TMI should always be referenced for the
correct value. The TMI systems data value used to designate dirty air filter restriction is “MAX ALLOW INTAKE
Air Inlet Restriction Test Results Review:
If the system does not pass this requirement there are several things to consider:
• Re-run the test to verify.
• Ensure that your test ports are in the proper location per the A&I guide.
• Ensure that test ports are per the A&I guide with no burrs around the sampling holes.
• If the system has any mitered bends in pipes, they should be targeted first for changing to proper bend radii.
• Air cleaner sizing should be verified with fresh air flow to ensure air cleaner is correctly sized.
• Air inlet piping should take the shortest routing with the fewest bends possible.
• Air inlet piping can be larger diameter if necessary.

36 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Exhaust Backpressure Allotment Test

11 Exhaust Backpressure Allotment Test

A&I Form Entry Worksheet: TBD
Emission-related Installation Instructions:
Failing to follow these instructions when installing a certified engine in a piece of nonroad equipment violates
federal law [40 CFR 1068.105(b)], subject to fines or other penalties as described in the Clean Air Act.
Exhaust systems place a flow resistance against the turbo exhaust outlet. This resistance is measured as a
pressure difference between atmospheric and a measure value at the turbo exhaust outlet. The addition of
aftertreatment brings a level of complication to exhaust backpressure. The total exhaust backpressure must be
shared between Caterpillar and installer-provided components.

Exhaust Backpressure Test Criteria:

Exhaust backpressure measured at the turbo outlet must fall within a specified range. Acceptable values are
specified in charts which are found in TMI by selecting “Component Data” after entering the engine serial
number or applicable Performance Number. The charts are called “EXHAUST BACK PRESSURE LIMITS.” The
charts are only available in metric form.

Exhaust Backpressure Test Preparation:

• Ensure that the exhaust system is fully production intent with all rain caps, etc., installed.
• Blocked open or operational thermostat(s).
• Place a pressure tap per A&I guide as close as possible to the turbo exhaust outlet.
• - Locate the pressure tap in a straight length of exhaust pipe as close to the turbocharger as possible
• - Locate the tap at least 3 pipe diameters from any upstream pipe transition
• - Locate the tap at least 2 pipe diameters from any downstream pipe transition
If these requirements cannot be satisfied, a halo arrangement should be used. A halo consists of:
• - 4 pressure taps radially around the exhaust pipe at 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00 positions.
• - Preferably one pipe diameter away from the turbo outlet. If this is not possible, the ports should be placed as
per the above 3 bullet points in the best compromised position considering that not all can be satisfied.
• - These 4 pressure taps must be connected to a single measurement port with a complete loop around the
exhaust pipe.

Exhaust Halo
• Photograph this pressure port location.
• Connect to this pressure port using tubing material capable of withstanding idle exhaust temperatures (such as
hard line or braided steel line) long enough to complete an ash service regen.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 37
Exhaust Backpressure Allotment Test

• - This tube should be long enough to get away from heat sources in order to use a pressure gauge.
• - Temporarily plug the other end of this high temperature tube.
• -Connect this pressure port to a gauge capable of measuring a suitable pressure value. Gauge must be
accurate when operating near the test limit.
• - Reference Appendix D Tool List, Omega HPP-807/SIL
• Note: Alternatively, a pressure sensor can be used and its values read with a data logger.
• During the measurement, Cat ET must be used to invoke the Cooling System Capacity Test. This is required to
ensure that the Cat NOx Reduction system is operating in full flow mode. Refer to Step #6 in the Test Procedure
to follow.
• Fill cooling system with water to the customer’s full mark. Reference filling tests.
• It is best to use a laptop computer with the Installation Audit Form ready for test data entry to assist in
evaluation and analysis of test results.
• Connect Cat ET.
• Set engine speed with Cat ET for zero droop at customer’s Rated Speed setting.
• Test must be completed within the first 200 hours of engine use.

Exhaust Backpressure Test Procedure:

1. Use Cat ET to perform a complete “Ash Service Regen.” This will take about one hour.
A. It is best to complete this test just after the Under Hood Thermal test. The ash service regen is a required
part of that test.
B. Backpressure test must be carried out no more than 10 minutes of engine running time after the ash service
regen is completed.
C. T he engine should not be allowed to cool after the ash service regen has finished.
2. Shut down the engine.
3. Remove the plug from the high temperature tube connected to the exhaust pressure port.
4. Connect the tube to a suitable pressure gauge and zero the gauge.
5. Start the engine and place the engine under the highest possible load it will see in actual use. Refer to CAC test
procedure for more detail if necessary.
A. It is acceptable to put the installation into an arduous work cycle in order to measure this value. However,
the machine must be put to work while monitoring exhaust backpressure immediately following the ash
service regen and the high load condition must be seen within 10 minutes of starting the work cycle.
6. This step must be done using Cat ET.
Note: P  reviously this step was broken down into two options. All current I-6 engine and Cat ET software is
capable of running the Cooling System Capacity Test so the second possible option has been removed.
C27 ACERT and C32 ACERT engines will require current engine software and Cat ET 2012Bv1.0 at a
minimum in order to run the Cooling System Capacity Test. If you are running a test on a C27 ACERT or
C32 ACERT prior to Cat ET 2012BV1.0 being released please follow step 4B from the –00 release of this
A. Using Cat ET invoke the “Cooling System Capacity Test.”
• The Cat ET path to this is: Diagnostics>Diagnostic Tests>Cooling System Capacity Test.
B. Cat ET will ask the field test engineer: “Do you want to run the Standard Cooling System Capability Test?”
The field test engineer should indicate to proceed.
• During the test, Cat ET must be left on its current window. If Cat ET is changed to view status screens, for
instance, the test will terminate.
• This test will operate the engine in a standard method to ensure Exhaust Backpressure Allotment Test
7. When the engine is under its highest possible load, record the value on the pressure gauge.

38 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Exhaust Backpressure Allotment Test

Exhaust Backpressure Test Results Analysis:

Exhaust Backpressure specifications for Tier 4 is specified in a different manner than previous engines. Tier
4 Interim engines require that the exhaust backpressure for a given engine size, rating, speed and test power
condition be within a range. The allowable range is specified in TMI as defined in Exhaust Backpressure Test
Criteria: section of this test procedure.
Determining the installation’s acceptable exhaust backpressure range using the Exhaust Backpressure charts is a
multi step process. The inputs to this process are:
• Determine the customers chosen rated speed. This is typically the Cat ET configuration parameter “Top Engine Limit.”
• Determine which configuration of Cat Clean Emission Module (CEM) the customer has specified. The typical
options are with or without a muffler.
• - C9.3 ACERT also can use a 12” or 13” diameter CEM.
Note: F or C9.3 ACERT there is a chart for 12” and a chart for 13” so this must be known prior to selecting the
proper chart in TMI Component Data
• Determine the load at which the field test will be run at. This would be same load used in Step #5 of the test
procedure in this section.
Once the proper exhaust backpressure chart has been obtained from TMI Component Data these inputs are used
to determine:
• Acceptable exhaust backpressure range and target backpressure.
• Anticipated pressure drop through the Cat CEM.
• Anticipated exhaust flow within the exhaust backpressure range window.

Exhaust Backpressure Test Results Review:

If the exhaust backpressure is not within the acceptable range there are several things to consider:
• If the value is too low, backpressure restriction must be increased.
• - Decrease pipe diameter.
• - Tighten bend radius.
• - Add an orifice to the system between the engine and Cat RS inlet.
• If the value is too high, backpressure must be decreased.
• - If the system has any mitered bends in the exhaust pipes, they should be targeted first for changing to proper
bend radii.
• - Exhaust pipes should take the shortest routing with the fewest bends possible.
• - Exhaust pipes can be larger diameter if necessary.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 39
Fuel Inlet Temperature Test

12 Fuel Inlet Temperature Test

Fuel Inlet Temperature Test Acceptability Criteria:
TMI Systems data required called out as:

Other Data Required:

• Fuel temperature ambient capability must be at least 118°F (48°C).
• - If the customer can demonstrate that their machine will not be subjected to 118°F (48°C) ambient temperatures,
this requirement can be reduced on a case-by-case basis.
Note: If the customer indicates that their machine will be subjected to > 118°F (48°C) ambient temperatures,
this requirement must be increased to match the customer’s requirement.

Fuel Inlet Temperature Test Preparation:

• Ambient temperature must be at least 40°F (4°C).
• Determine a suitable location at which to measure ambient temperature.
• Have no more than two hours worth of fuel in the tank. This is a guideline, if there is more than two hours of fuel
in the tank, the test will have to proceed long enough to satisfy Step #5 of the test procedure below.
• - TMI performance data fuel rates can be used to determine the required fuel quantity to last two hours.
• All sheet metal/enclosure around the engine or any other components which might affect cooling fan air flow
must be in production location.
• If the installation uses a variable speed fan, the fan should be locked into the maximum allowable speed. This
speed is determined by the OEM’s system design.
• Blocked open or operational thermostat(s) are acceptable.
• Determine engine speed for application’s maximum engine operating load.
• Install thermocouples in the following locations:
• - (T1) Ambient temperature
• - (T7) Jacket water from engine temperature
• - (T8) Fuel temperature to secondary fuel filters
• - (T9) Fuel temperature between engine outlet and fuel cooler inlet
• - (T10) Fuel temperature between fuel cooler outlet and fuel tank
• Refer to Appendix D for detail on thermocouple locations.
• Photograph all thermocouple locations.
• Identify customer’s fuel tank low level alarm; alternatively, determine how to know that the fuel level in the tank
is within 5% of empty.
• It is best to use a laptop computer with the Installation Audit Form ready for test data entry to assist in
evaluation and analysis of test results.
• Connect Cat ET.
• Determine engine speed for application’s maximum engine operating load.
• The fuel line running from the secondary filter to the engine supply must not be run near heat sources such
as exhaust components, hydraulic tanks, etc. Since the fuel temperature will be measured at the inlet to the
secondary filters the fuel must not be heated prior to that or the results of this test are invalid.

40 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Fuel Inlet Temperature Test

Fuel Temperature Test Procedure:

1. Review the DPF Soot Load % to ensure that there is sufficient room in the DPF to run throughout the test.
A. It is acceptable for High Speed Regeneration Mode to operate during this test. If this does occur, the start
and stop time of the regeneration event should be documented.
2. With all preparation finished, start the data logger.
3. Ensure that all thermocouples are reading a reasonable value for the current state of machine operation.
4. During the course of the test, monitor the fuel temperatures displayed on Cat ET as compared to the values
being logged via thermocouple. These values should track closely with one another.
5. If using a dyno, apply load to the engine. If testing the machine in its most arduous application, put the machine
to work.
6. When the fuel tank is nearing empty, use Cat ET to run a five-minute data log. Use a sample rate of 240 samples
per minute.
A. The recorded group should be made up of these parameters:
• Air Inlet Temperature (Deg F or C)
• Atmospheric Pressure (psi or kPa)
• Boost Pressure (psi or kPa)
• DPF #1 Soot Loading Percent (%)
• Delivered Fuel Volume (mm3)
• Desired Engine Speed (rpm)
• EGR Temperature (Deg F or C)
• Engine CAC #1 Outlet Temperature (Deg F or C)
• Engine Coolant Temperature (Deg F or C)
• Engine Intake Manifold #1 Temperature (Deg F or C)
• Engine Load Factor (%)
• Engine Power Derate (%)
• Engine Speed (rpm)
• Fuel Temperature (Deg F or C)
• Intake Manifold Air Temperature (Deg F or C)
• Intake Manifold Pressure (absolute) (psi or kPa)
• Torque Limit Fuel Volume (mm3)
Note: P  arameter names in Cat ET may vary slightly from this list. The object of this step in the procedure is to
document the engine’s operating state during part of the period of top tank stabilization. The field test
engineer may choose to alter the group of parameters recorded to achieve the best information.
7. Continue to operate the installation until either:
A. The low fuel level alarm goes off.
B. The fuel tank is within 5% of empty.

Note: At this point DO NOT re-fuel the engine. Stop and perform the low pressure fuel system tests while the
tank is < 5% full or at the low level alarm.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 41
Fuel Inlet Temperature Test

Fuel Temperature Test Results Analysis:

Fuel Temperature is assumed to increase at a rate of 80% against Ambient Temperature. As seen in the
calculations below.

Fuel Temperature Test Results Review:

If the fuel cooling system does not demonstrate adequate cooling capability, there are several things to consider:
• Review the temperature drop across the fuel cooler (T9 & T10).
• Make sure to run the cooling system inlet and outlet restriction tests. Passing these tests ensures that the fuel
system is flowing properly. If you do not pass the pressure tests, this temperature test is not meaningful.
• If using a belt-driven fan, ensure that the belt is properly tightened.
• Review the area around the fuel cooling core of hot air re-circulating to the fuel cooler core. This raises the
ambient air temperature to the core and can significantly reduce performance.
• Review the fuel cooler placement in the cooling package. Changing the fuel cooler’s position might reduce the
ambient air temperature to the core thus increasing the fuel cooler’s capability. However, making a change
like this requires charge air cooling and jacket water cooling tests to be rerun to ensure that other systems’
performances are not inadequate.
• Review the fan tip clearance to the shroud. Airflow through the core can be significantly reduced if this tip
clearance is excessive.
• Increase cooling fan rpm if fan tip speed limits allow. This will also have a significant affect in sound.
• Increase the number of fins per inch if core plugging is not a concern.
• Increase core size.

42 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Low Pressure Fuel System Tests

13 Low Pressure Fuel System Tests

Fuel Inlet & Return to Tank Restriction Test Acceptability Criteria:
TMI data required:
• Fuel inlet restriction must be less than the value stated in TMI Systems data: “MAX ALLOW FUEL SUPPLY LINE
• Fuel return to tank restriction must be less than the value stated in TMI Systems data “MAX ALLOW FUEL

Fuel Inlet & Return to Tank Restriction Test Preparation:

• Ensure that the customer-supplied low pressure fuel system is production intent.
• - Tank size and location
• - Line size
• - Fitting type and locations
• - Fuel cooler position
• - If fuel system will be modified in any way for cold weather or ease of filter service, these modifications must
be in place for this restriction test.
• Fuel level in the tank must be at a minimum. This test should follow the fuel temperature testing in order to run
the test with < 5% of fuel in the tank or at the customers alarm trigger point.
• - Typically it is best for this test to follow the fuel temp test AND prior to refueling.
• Blocked open or operational thermostat(s) are acceptable.
• Install two fuel pressure sampling ports; for pictures of these pressure ports, refer to Appendix D.
• - As close as possible to the fuel transfer pump inlet
• - As close as possible to the fuel return to tank connection
• Install thermocouples in the following locations:
• - (T1) Ambient temperature
• - (T7) Jacket water from engine temperature
• - (T8) Fuel temperature to secondary fuel filters
• - (T9) Fuel temperature between engine outlet and fuel cooler inlet
• - (T10) Fuel temperature between fuel cooler outlet and fuel tank.
• Refer to Appendix D for detail on thermocouple locations.
• Photograph all pressure port and thermocouple locations.
• It is recommended to install new fuel filters. If new filters are not installed, engine hours on the current fuel
filters should be recorded.
• Determine what speed the engine will run when operated at full speed and minimum load.
• Identify customer’s fuel tank low level alarm. Alternatively, determine how to know that the fuel level in the tank
is within 5% of empty.
• It is best to use a laptop computer with the Installation Audit Form ready for test data entry to assist in
evaluation and analysis of test results.
• Connect Cat ET.
• Verify that High Idle and Top Engine Limit (TEL) are set at the customer’s specification.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 43
Low Pressure Fuel System Tests

Fuel Inlet & Return to Tank Restriction Test Procedure:

1. Connect a suitable gauge to the fuel inlet and fuel return pressure ports. Per the TMI Systems data values,
the gauge should be suitable to measure applicable pressure values. Ensure that the gauges are at the same
elevation as the pressure sampling port. Make sure that the hose to the gauge does not contain any fuel or
other fluids.
• Reference Appendix D Tool List, Omega HPP-807/SIL.
Note: Alternatively, a pressure sensor can be used and its values read with a data logger.
2. The fuel inlet port pressure will be negative pressure.
3. The fuel return port will be positive pressure.
4. Start the engine.
5. Verify that none of the fuel connections are leaking.
6. Operate the engine at full speed and minimum load. This speed should be somewhere between TEL and High
Idle rpm.
7. Record the values from each gauge on the A&I form.

Fuel Inlet & Return to Tank Restriction Test Results Analysis:

• The negative pressure value recorded on the gauge from the port located as close as possible to the fuel
transfer pump inlet must be less than the value found in TMI Systems data for “MAX ALLOW FUEL SUPPLY LINE
• The positive pressure value recorded on the gauge from the port located as close to the fuel return to tank
connection must be less than the value found in TMI Systems data for “MAX ALLOW FUEL RETURN LINE RESTR.”

Fuel Inlet & Return to Tank Restriction Test Results Review:

• Inlet Restriction Exceeded
• - Reduce the number of fittings, especially 90° and 45° fittings.
• - Fitting passageway ID. Some inexpensive fittings have incorrect small ID passageways leading to high
restriction values.
• - Increase fuel line ID.
• - Fuel lines too long.
• - Reduce fuel line length.
• - Fuel tank location is too far below engine.
Note: Review the Mechanical A&I Guide LEBH0004 for reference information with regard to pressure drop
through various fuel line lengths and sizes as well as though certain 45° and 90° fittings.
• Return to Tank Pressure Too High
• - Reduce the number of fittings especially 90° and 45° fittings.
• - Fitting passage way ID. Some inexpensive fittings have incorrect small ID passageways leading to high
restriction values.
• - Increase fuel line ID.
• - Reduce fuel line length.
• - Fuel cooler is too far away.

44 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Installation Procedure

14 Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Installation Procedure

Emission-related Installation Instructions
Failing to follow these instructions when installing a certified engine in a piece of nonroad equipment violates
federal law [40 CFR 1068.105(b)], subject to fines or other penalties as described in the Clean Air Act.

The engine now needs to measure ambient air temperature. This value is impossible to measure with an engine-
mounted sensor since the installation affects the air temperature near the engine. Some examples of factors
which affect ambient temperature measured near the engine are:
• Exhaust location
• Air Intake location
• Engine cooling fan drive type
Note: Variable flow or variable speed cooling fans present a challenge in properly conducting this test. In
general, the High Flow calibration should be completed with the cooling fan at its highest design speed and the
Low Flow calibration should be done at the lowest design fan speed. Best engineering judgment should be used
given the specific installation to ensure that the calibrations are run in a way which replicates field or in use
• Engine cooling fan air flow direction
• Engine heat rejection to atmosphere
• CEM location
• Engine enclosure type and ventilation

Given these and other factors, it is necessary to determine the difference between the engine’s air inlet
temperature sensor measurement and a true ambient temperature value. Refer to “Ambient Temperature
Measurement” in Section 8.

Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Installation Criteria:

This value is determined as a result of the customer’s installation.

Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Installation Preparation:

• Engine Inlet Air Temperature sensor must be installed (now and for all future production) between the air
cleaner and turbo compressor inlet, as close as possible to the air cleaner.
• Production installation in all respects, especially:
• - All sheet metal/enclosure around the engine or any other components which might affect cooling fan air flow
• - Air filter and all air intake piping
• - Exhaust pipe and component position and routing
• - Any components that affect airflow around the installation
• Operational thermostat(s)
• Fill cooling system with water to the customer’s full mark. Reference filling tests.
• Determine a suitable location at which to measure ambient temperature. Ideally, this would be the same
measurement location used for both Ambient Capability and Air-to-Air Aftercooled testing.
• Connect Cat ET.
• A minimum of one thermocouple is required to measure ambient temperature.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 45
Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Installation Procedure

Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Installation Procedure:

1. Ensure that the installation is production intent.
2. Ensure that the engine installation is fully heat soaked.
3. Start the engine.
4. Initiate the Air Inlet Temperature Installation Procedure in Cat ET:
Service>Calibration>Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Installation Procedure
A. During this procedure in Cat ET certain warnings will be provided. The field test engineer should read these
carefully before proceeding.
B. If Cat ET asks: “Do you wish to perform the High Flow Calibration?” answer “Yes.”
5. Next, Cat ET will say: “Enter the actual measured ambient temperature.”
A. At this time, enter the ambient temperature measurement from your thermocouple and hit “enter.”
6. At this point, the engine should be placed under a relatively high load and high engine speed operating
condition. This does not necessarily have to be the highest possible load the installation could see.
7. Next Cat ET may display “Calibration Test Unsuccessful.” This message is displayed if:
A. The difference between ambient and air inlet temperature is greater than 25°C. (This condition is
not allowed.)
B. The air inlet temperature sensor reading is below the value entered for ambient, since this is not possible.
8. If the test is successful (skipping Step #7) Cat ET will ask: “Do you wish to perform the Low Flow Calibration?”
answer “Yes.”
9. Next, Cat ET will say: “Enter the actual measured ambient temperature.”
A. At this time enter the ambient temperature measurement from your thermocouple and hit “enter.”
• If the high and low flow tests are being run at the same time, this temperature should be the same as
entered in Step #5.
• If the ambient has changed since the High Flow test was run, an appropriate temperature should be
10. Reduce engine load to a minimum typically achievable value. Also reduce engine speed to a relatively low
rpm. Typically this will be the engine’s idle speed.
A. During this time, the engine is looking for a minimum engine air flow difference as compared with the High
Flow test. If the engine does not see a satisfactory flow difference in this test versus the High Flow test,
Cat ET will communicate an error message and the tests must be re-run.
Note: This test has been designed to run successfully with typical industrial engine loading profiles.
11. If the test has been successful, Cat ET will indicate this.
12. Following the calibration, Cat ET should write a value into the configuration screen under the parameter name:
“Air Inlet Temperature Calibration Value.” Be certain to record this 8 digit alphanumeric code on the audit form.
Note: This value must be entered into future identical engine installations. This value in the Configuration
screen will be picked up by Cat ET fleet configuration or can be entered manually.

46 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Installation Procedure

There are several other potential steps during this test. Cat ET has been designed with messages to guide the
field test engineer through the process. The high and low flow tests do not have to be run at the same time.
Cat ET will allow one test to be run at a time.

Note: T his procedure establishes a virtual ambient temperature offset value for the specific installation being
reviewed. This offset is an installation parameter and must be programmed into Cat ET for all future
production. Any changes to the installation, which might cause this offset to change, should result in the
tests being rerun.

Virtual Ambient Temperature Calibration Results Analysis:

None Required.

Virtual Ambient Temperature Calibration Results Review:

No Review Necessary.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 47
JW External Restriction Test

15 JW External Restriction Test

Jacket Water External System restriction is now a critical system parameter. Control of this parameter helps
ensure acceptable coolant flow volume and velocity throughout the engine coolant passageways.

Jacket Water External Restriction Test Criteria:

TMI data required:
• Engine water pump curves

Note: T hese curves were previously supplied external to the TMI system. The curves are now available in TMI.
To locate the water pump curve for a particular engine follow these instructions:
1. Determine the Engine Gp-Core for the engine serial number being tested.
2. Breakdown the Engine Gp-Core in TMI and locate the Pump Gp-Water.
3. Enter this Pump Gp-Water into TMI as a part number. Select Retrieve and then Component Data.
4. Several water pump curves will be displayed. Each curve is for a specific engine speed.
5. Scroll down the page to the pump curve that corresponds to the customer’s chosen Top Engine Limit (TEL)
speed. (Refer to the Electronic A&I guide for more information on TEL.)
6. The measured jacket water external system restriction must not exceed the maximum pressure rise shown for
the chosen engine speed specific pump curve.
6. • This maximum external system restriction on the TMI supplied water pump curve corresponds to the
intersection of the red line and the engine speed specific pump curve on previously supplied information.

Other Data:
Jacket Water External Restriction must not exceed the values shown on the engine water pump curves. These
limitations are engine and operating speed specific. The water pump curve should be reviewed to determine the
limit for each installation.

Jacket Water External Restriction Test Preparation:

• Install blocked open thermostat(s). Refer to Appendix F.
• Install water pressure ports at the engine water pump inlet and engine water outlet.
• It is critical not to connect water pump inlet pressure port adjacent to any coolant return port. Examples of
coolant return ports would be the CEM coolant return or cab heater coolant return.
• Both pressure ports should only be located in a horizontal orientation and a minimum of five pipe diameters
away from any bends in the coolant pipes.
• Photograph all pressure port locations.
• Fill cooling system with water to the customer’s full mark. Reference filling tests.
• Set engine speed with Cat ET for zero droop at customer’s Rated Speed setting.
• No pressure cap installed.
• Connect Cat ET.

48 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
JW External Restriction Test

Jacket Water External Restriction Test Procedure:

1. Ensure that the installation is production intent with respect to the water system including cab heater or other
auxiliary water circuits such as those used on nitrogen heaters.
2. Ensure that the engine installation is fully heat soaked. It may be best to do this test just after completing the
ambient capability and charge air cooling tests.
3. Connect the differential pressure gauge to the ports installed at the engine water outlet and engine water
pump inlet.
6. A. Reference Appendix D Tool List, Omega HPP-807/SIL.
Note: Alternatively, a pressure sensor can be used and its values read with a data logger.
4. Operate the engine at its highest possible engine speed.
5. Engine coolant outlet temperature must be higher than the thermostat “start to open” open temperature. This
can be accomplished by impeding airflow to the radiator.
6. After the top tank temperature has stabilized for at least one minute above 150°F (65°C), record the value on the
differential pressure gauge.

Jacket Water External Restriction Test Results Analysis:

This value must be less than the value determined in the test criteria.

Jacket Water External Restriction Test Results Review:

If the value exceeds the value established in the criteria, the external system must be altered
to reduce the external system restriction below the limit. Some places to look to reduce external system
restriction are:
• Shorter coolant pipes
• Less restrictive radiator core
• Fewer bends in coolant pipes
• Larger bend radii in coolant pipes

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 49
Under Hood Thermal Test

16 Under Hood Thermal Test (C9.3 ACERT – C18 ACERT only)

Under Hood Thermal testing (UHT) is critical given higher heat rejection to atmosphere with the addition of CEMs.
The purpose of UHT is to gather high-risk component temperatures to confirm operation is within maximum
temperature limits during operation and hot shutdown conditions.

This test requires that a full ash service regeneration be completed. In some cases it has been noted that the
engine may stop ash service regenerations if certain electronic components exceed required temperature limits.
Be mindful of this potential situation during testing. If the engine broadcasts a diagnostic code and terminates
the ash service regeneration prematurely, check each component temperature to ensure that one or more
component temperatures have not exceeded their maximum value.

Note: T hermocouples should be used for the required component testing. However, in certain cases either the
customer or field test engineer may consider other areas to be of significant risk. In this case, thermal
measurement labels may be useful. Several of these labels are available from Caterpillar.

• 8T-2820 140°F-190°F (60°C-88°C)

• 8T-2821 180°F-230°F (82°C-110°C)
• 8T-2822 220°F-270°F (104°C-132°C)
• 8T-2823 260°F-310°F (127°C-154°C)
• 8T-2824 300°F-350°F (149°C-177°C)

UHT Testing Criteria:

TMI data required: TMI Component Data for Temperature Limitations is available based on the Module Gp - Exh
part number.

50 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Under Hood Thermal Test

Temperatures recorded and corrected to maximum application ambient must be less than values designated in
TMI system data. These values are not yet in TMI system data. In the interim these values will be designated
within this field test procedure. Once the temperature values are in TMI, they will be removed from the field test

Recommended C9.3 C13 C15 C18 ACERT C18 ACERT C27 ACERT/
Channel Name ACERT ACERT ACERT < 750 hp > 750 hp C32 ACERT

Heated Nozzle Relay hot_nozzle_relay X X X X

Electric Cat RS
Combustion Air crs_cmb_air_sol X X X X
Solenoid DPF

Inlet Pressure Sensor dpf_in_prs_snsr X X X X

Cat RS Pilot Valve crs_pilot_vlv X X X X

A5M8 H-bridge Driver hbridge_driver X X X X


nrs_abs_snsr X X X X X
Pressure Sensor

Coolant Temp Sensor clt_tmp_snsr X

Coolant Valve Cover

clt_con_vlv_cvr X X X X
Connector Pass Through

IVA Pressure Sensor iva_prs_snsr X

IVA End of Rail Valve iva_eor_vlv X

Only applies to engine with new style,

Cat Air Cleaner Cat_air_clean
typically CEM mounted optional air cleaner

CEM Vibration ISO Mounts ISO_Mount X X X X

ISO mount maximum temperatures are available in TMI Physical Data. Testing the ISO mounts will only apply if ISO mounts
are used and the field test engineer deems it necessary. ISO mount maximum temperatures are available in TMI Physical
Data. Testing the ISO mounts will only apply if ISO mounts are used and the field test engineer deems it necessary.

UHT Testing Test Preparation:

• Production installation in all respects, especially:
• - All sheet metal/enclosure around the engine or any other components which might affect cooling fan air flow.
• - Air filter and all air intake piping.
• - Exhaust pipe and component position and routing.
• - ANY components that affect airflow around the installation.
• Review fan type
• - Belt driven no clutch; record fan part number and belt drive ratio.
• - Belt driven with clutch; ensure clutch is locked in throughout test, record fan part number, clutch part number
and belt drive ratio.
• - Remote mounted auxiliary driven; ensure that fan is driven at maximum speed throughout test.
• - Variable blade pitch fan; ensure that fan remains at full flow blade pitch (maximum air flow) throughout test.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 51
Under Hood Thermal Test

• Ambient temperature must be at least 40°F (4°C).

• Determine a suitable location at which to measure ambient temperature.
• Operational thermostat(s) are typically used. If the field test engineer is confident that blocked open thermostats
will provide the same or very similar test results, they may be used. Further, this allows part of the UHT test to be
run in tandem with the ambient capability and charge air cooling test. Care should be taken to only use blocked
open thermostats when the field test engineer has prior knowledge of the installation in terms of result similarity.
Further, ambient temperature should also be considered in a decision to use blocked open thermostats. The
further the test ambient is from the installation’s maximum ambient temperature, the more likely functional
thermostats should be used.
• Fill cooling system with water to the customer’s full mark; reference filling tests.
• Install thermocouples at required locations.
• - (T1) Ambient temperature, determine a suitable location at which to measure ambient temperature.
• - Refer to the UHT testing criteria section above for required components.
• - Refer to Appendix B for pictorial references to the proper installation of the thermocouple and the component’s
location on the engine or CEM.
• Photograph all thermocouple locations.
• 14 psi (1 bar) pressure cap installed
• Connect Cat ET.

UHT Testing Test Procedure:

1. Ensure that all thermocouples are reading a reasonable value for the current state of machine operation.
2. Start the data logger.
3. Start the engine.
4. Operate the engine at maximum load (it will see in operation) full speed.
5. Continue to operate the installation in this manner until all thermocouples have stabilized or are tracking
equally with ambient temperature for a minimum of 30 minutes. Some applications may take in excess of an
hour to demonstrate stabilized temperatures.
6. Once a stabilization period of 30 minutes per Step #5 has passed, shut the engine down with minimum cool-
down time. Leave the data logger running.
7. Once the engine is shut down, continue taking thermocouple readings for a minimum of 15 minutes or until all
readings have peaked and started to decrease. If testing a C18 ACERT > 560 kW/750 hp engine, skip to step 12.
8. Start the engine.
9. Run a full length Ash Service Regen using Cat ET.
10. Once the regen has finished, shut down the engine with minimum cool-down time.
11. Once the engine is shut down, continue taking for a minimum of 15 minutes or until all thermocouple readings
have peaked and then steadily decreased at least 5°C/9°F.
12. If the installation is to operate at peak torque at any time, repeat Steps #5-7 while operating the engine at peak
torque speed rather than rated speed.

52 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Under Hood Thermal Test

UHT Testing Test Results Analysis:

When the testing is completed, you will have two stabilized operating temperatures and two temperature peaks
from hot shutdowns for each thermocouple location. The greater of the two operating and the greater of the two
stabilized values should be used.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 53
Under Hood Thermal Test

UHT Testing Test Results Review:

If any of the operating or shutdown requirements have not been met, the installation must be modified to
achieve acceptable temperatures. Several aspects of the installation can affect airflow. It is critical to assess
the problem area and review the use of heat shields and additional ventilation.

54 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Minimum DOC Inlet Temperature Test

17 Minimum DOC Inlet Temperature Test

Emission-related Installation Instructions:
Failing to follow these instructions when installing a certified engine in a piece of nonroad equipment violates
federal law [40 CFR 1068.105(b)], subject to fines or other penalties as described in the Clean Air Act.

Minimum DOC Inlet Temperature Test Criteria:

TMI data required: None

Prepare to run the engine at 100% or 50% load for the test. If either of these loads is not achievable the test can
be run at a load between 100% and 50% and the allowable temperature drop will need to be linearly interpolated
from the values provided in table below.


100% Rated Load 50% Rated Load
Engine Max Allowable Max Allowable
Platform Allowable Engine rpm Allowable Engine rpm
Temp Drop Range During Temp Drop Range During
(°C) Test (°C) Test
< 560 kW 75 Peak Torque 50 Peak Torque
to to
C18 ACERT – C32 ACERT 50 Rated Speed 25 Rated Speed
> 560 kW

Minimum DOC Inlet Temperature Test Preparation:

• Exhaust backpressure must be within the acceptable range prior to running this test. Refer to Section 11 Exhaust
Backpressure Test for more details.
• Ambient temperature must be at least 40°F (4°C).
• All sheet metal/enclosure around the engine or any other components which might affect cooling fan airflow
must be in production location.
• Install operational thermostat(s).
• Install a thermocouple no more than six inches downstream of the turbo exhaust outlet and connect it to a
data logger.
• Photograph the thermocouple location.
• Fill cooling system with water to the customer’s full mark; reference filling tests.
• 14 psi (1 bar) pressure cap installed.
• If the installation uses a variable speed fan, the fan should be locked into the maximum allowable speed.
This speed is determined by the OEM’s system design.
• Determine engine speed for application’s maximum engine operating load.
• It is best to use a laptop computer with the Installation Audit Form ready for test data entry to assist in
evaluation and analysis of test results.
• Connect Cat ET, locate DPF Inlet Temperature on the status screen.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 55
Minimum DOC Inlet Temperature Test

Minimum DOC Inlet Temperature Test Procedure:

1. Use Cat ET to perform a complete “Ash Service Regen” this will take about one hour.
A. It is best to complete this test just after the UHT Test. The Ash service regen is a required part of that test.
B. This test must be carried out no more that 10 minutes of engine running time after the Ash Service Regen
is completed.
C. The engine should not be allowed to cool after the Ash Service Regen has finished.
2. Start the engine and place the engine under load between 50% and 100% load per the test criteria.
3. Start the data logger.
4. On Cat ET, monitor the DPF Inlet Temperature.
5. Wait until DPF Inlet Temperature and Engine Coolant Temperature shown in the Cat ET status screens have
6. Run a five-minute Cat ET data log.
A. The recorded group should be made up of these parameters:
• Air Inlet Temperature (Deg F or C)
• Atmospheric Pressure (psi or kPa)
• Boost Pressure (psi or kPa)
• DPF #1 Soot Loading Percent (%)
• DPF #1 Inlet Temperature
• Delivered Fuel Volume (mm3)
• Desired Engine Speed (rpm)
• Engine Coolant Temperature (Deg F or C)
• Engine Load Factor (%)
• Engine Speed (rpm)
Note: Parameter names in Cat ET may vary slightly from this list. The object of this step in the procedure is to
document the engine’s operating state during part of the period of top tank stabilization. Field test engineer
may choose to alter the group of parameters recorded to achieve the best information.
7. Once the Cat ET data log has run five minutes, stop the data logger initiated in Step #3.
8. Remove the load and shut down the engine.

Minimum DOC Inlet Temperature Test Results Analysis:

Review the Cat ET data log of DPF Inlet. The stabilized value for DPF #1 Inlet Temperature must be subtracted
from the value recorded no more than six inches downstream of the turbo exhaust outlet. This product must be
less than or equal to the values found in the table in test criteria.

Minimum DOC Inlet Temperature Test Results Review

If the temperature drop measured between the temperature value recorded no more than six inches downstream
of the turbo exhaust outlet and the temperature value recorded by Cat ET as “DPF #1 Inlet Temperature”
is greater than the maximum allowable value found in the test criteria, steps must be taken to reduce the
differential. A few suggestions to reduce the differential are:
• Wrap the exhaust pipe.
• Reroute the exhaust pipe to a low airflow area.
• Install shielding to direct airflow around the pipe rather than directly over it.

56 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix A

18 Appendices
Appendix A: A
 cceptable Water Pump Inlet and Outlet Pressure
Sampling Ports
Sampling Pressure Rise Across C9.3 ACERT Engine Jacket Water Pumps

Either of these two engine jacket water pump inlets might be installed. Any of the ports may be used unless there
are water systems connections adjacent. Refer to test preparation for more detail.

Any of these three engine jacket water pump outlets may be used.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 57
Appendix A

Sampling Pressure Rise Across C13 ACERT Engine Jacket Water Pumps

Any of these three engine jacket water pump inlets may be used.

Either of these two engine jacket water pump outlets may be used.

58 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix A

Sampling Pressure Rise Across C15 ACERT/C18 ACERT Engine Jacket Water Pumps

Any of these three engine jacket water pump inlets may be used.

Any of these three engine jacket water pump outlets may be used.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 59
Appendix B

Appendix B: Under Hood Thermal (UHT) Thermocouple Positions

60 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix B

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 61
Appendix B

Thermocouple location: Thermocouple location: on the plastic

1. Heated Nozzle Relay 2. Electric Cat RS Combustion Air Solenoid

62 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix B

Thermocouple location: on the hex, near heat source Thermocouple location: body of valve near heat

3. DPF Inlet Pressure Sensor 4. Cat RS Pilot Valve

Thermocouple location: surface of ECU Thermocouple location: on the hex, near heat

5. A5M8 H-Bridge Driver 6. Cat NRS ABS Pressure Sensor

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 63
Appendix B

Thermocouple location: on the connector here Thermocouple location: on the connector here

7. Coolant Temp Sensor, C9 ACERT only 8. C

 oolant Valve Cover Connector pass-through,

Thermocouple location: on the hex, near heat source Thermocouple location: body of valve near heat

9. IVA Pressure Sensor, C18 ACERT > 700-800 hp only 10. IVA End of Rail Valve, C18 ACERT > 700-800 hp only

64 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix C

Appendix C: Recommended Thermocouple Channels

# Description Channel Name

T1 Ambient ambient
T2 Air to charge air core – average air_to_core
T3 Air to turbo air_to_turbo
T4 Charge air cooled inlet CAC_inlet
T5 Charge air cooled outlet CAC_outlet
T6 Jacket water to engine JW_to_engine
T7 Jacket water from engine JW_from_engine
T8 Fuel temperature to secondary fuel filters fuel_to_engine
T9 Fuel temperature between engine outlet and fuel cooler inlet fuel_cooler_in
T10 Fuel temperature between fuel cooler outlet and fuel tank fuel_cooler_out
T11 Heated nozzle relay hot_nozzle_relay
T12 Electric Cat RS combustion air solenoid crs_cmb_air_sol
T13 DPF inlet pressure sensor dpf_in_prs_snsr
T14 Open Channel Open Channel
T15 Open Channel Open Channel
T16 Cat RS pilot valve crs_pilot_vlv
T17 A5M8 H-bridge driver hbridge_driver
T18 Cat NRS ABS pressure sensor nrs_abs_snsr
T19 Coolant temp sensor clt_tmp_snsr
T20 Coolant valve cover connector pass-through clt_con_vlv_cvr
T21 IVA pressure sensor iva_prs_snsr
T22 IVA end of rail valve iva_eor_vlv
T23 Open Channel Open Channel
Cat air cleaner, only applies to engine with new style,
T24 Cat_air_clean
typically CEM mounted optional air cleaner

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 65
Appendix D

Appendix D: Required Fuel Pressure & Temperature Sampling Locations

C9.3 ACERT Fuel Pressure and Temperature Ports

Will be added in next release, no pictures available yet.

C13 ACERT Fuel Pressure and Temperature Ports

C13 ACERT Tin #1: #10 STO: 7/8 14

Port on the RH side, in between the filter supply and engine feed, is shown in next picture

C13 ACERT Pin Hex Drive Plug: #8 STO: 3/4 16

66 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix D

C13 ACERT Tin Hex Drive Plug: #8 STO: 3/4 16

Outlet Port in Fuel Transfer Pump (used for inlet depression measurement)

C13 ACERT Pin: #6 STO: 9/16 18

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 67
Appendix D

Used for T9 & Fuel Outlet Pressure

C13 ACERT Pout: #8 STO: 3/4 16

Example location: T10 Return to tank (no pressure reading)

C15 ACERT & C18 ACERT Fuel Pressure and Temperature Ports

Will be added in next release, no pictures available yet.

68 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix E

Appendix E: Audit Tool List

This is a recommended list of tools for completing installation appraisals per Caterpillar industrial engine specs.
This list is not intended to be absolutely all encompassing. Some additional minor items may be necessary based
on engine type or model, etc.

Note: F uel line fittings for testing C6.6 ACERT and C4.4 ACERT common rail engines are not included. Refer to the
C6.6 ACERT/C4.4 ACERT Common Rail A&I Guide.

Incl. In Description/ Note: Associated

Qty. Supplier Range/Length Associated Test
Kit Below Part # Use Hardware
All Kits Will Need:
4 Caterpillar 8T-0821 52.5 feet Cavitation, drawdown, Tubing, clear plastic for N/A
inlet/exhaust pressure, use with tubing fittings
ATAAC pressure drop
20 Caterpillar 3B-7719 N/A Cavitation, drawdown, NPT Adapter, 1/8 NPTF N/A
inlet/exhaust pressure, female to 1/4 NPTF
ATAAC pressure drop female adapter
20 Caterpillar 4C-3972 N/A Cavitation, drawdown, Tubing swivel adapter, N/A
inlet/exhaust pressure, 90 deg swivel 1/8 NPTF
ATAAC pressure drop male to 8T-0821
plastic tubing
20 Caterpillar 4C-3973 N/A Cavitation, drawdown, Tubing swivel adapter, N/A
inlet/exhaust pressure, straight 1/8 NPTF male
ATAAC pressure drop to 8T-0821 plastic tubing
1 Caterpillar 275-5120 N/A All Com Adapter II N/A
1 Caterpillar Cat ET N/A All Cat Electronic N/A
1 Custom Various N/A Cavitation, drawdown Radiator cap, modified N/A
to vent pressure to a tube
1 or 2 Custom Various N/A Cavitation, drawdown, Thermostat, Will need to be created
heat transfer blocked open for each engine model
1 Various See Desc. 3 feet Exhaust backpressure, Tubing, 1/4” ID copper 1/8 NPTF to JIC fittings
ATAAC pressure drop Note: used to connect to
exhaust backpressure
and ATAAC hot side
4 Various See Desc. N/A Exhaust backpressure, Adapter NPT to JIC, 1/4” ID copper tubing
ATAAC pressure drop 1/8 NPTF Female to
JIC tubing fittings
(ref Parker fitting 46F-4-2)
refer to item #9
1 Various See Desc. Minimum 1 Cavitation, drawdown, Water container, N/A
Quart Capacity heat transfer graduated to pints
and quarts
10 Omega X TEC-K-10-9 10 feet All K-type thermocouple KMQSS-032U-6,
extension harnesses KMQSS-125U-6
10 Omega X KMQSS-032U-6 N/A All Thermocouple, air, thin TEC-K-10-9
thermocouple smaller plug
10 Omega X KMQSS-125U-6 N/A All Thermocouple, air/water, TEC-K-10-9
thick thermocouple
smaller plug, no pigtail

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 69
Appendix E

Incl. In Description/ Note: Associated

Qty. Supplier Part # Range/Length Associated Test
Kit Below Use Hardware
All Kits Will Need:
1 Caterpillar 225-8266 Hot nozzle activation Use to detect that None
customer has properly
wired the hot nozzle relay
5 Kirby Risk TDC6-4U-4B050- N/A All Thermocouple, air/water, For use with Cat
013R3L01-483 thick, pigtail, large plug thermocouple harnesses
4C6093 & 4C6097
1 Caterpillar 266-3144 10 cups Under hood thermal Two part epoxy to retain Under hood thermal
thermocouples thermocouples
1 Duct Tape 3M – standard type 1 roll Under hood thermal Tape is used to hold UHT
thermocouples down
before epoxy is applied
1 Various Any type N/A Under hood thermal Used to heat UHT
thermocouples to verify
channels on logger
are correct.
20 Omega 5SRTC-KK-K-30 N/A Under hood thermal UHT thermocouples
1 Various Various Under hood thermal Lens cleaning wipes,
used to clean the UHT
surface prior to applying

70 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix E

Incl. In Description/ Note: Associated

Qty. Supplier Part # Range/Length Associated Test
Kit Below Use Hardware
Air Water and Fuel Pressure Measurement
1 Caterpillar 8T-0862 -100/+ 500 kPa Cavitation & drawdown Measure pump inlet /
outlet pressure
1 Caterpillar 8T-0840 -100/+ 100 kPa Cavitation & drawdown Measure pump inlet/
outlet pressure
1 Comark C9557/SIL 100 kPa Cavitation, drawdown,
fuel pressure, inlet
and exhaust pressure
1 Sifam 2022P N/A ATAAC pressure drop, Digital differential 8T-0821, 3B-7719,
Instruments inlet depression, air pressure gauge 4C-3972, 4C-3973
Ltd Torquay exhaust restriction
1 Omega FL-6306BR 0-5 GPM Hose fill Flowmeter to provide Miscellaneous brass
proper uninterrupted flow fittings and ball valve
rate for hose fill test,
recommend using a
calibrated bucket in order
to verify flow rate
1 Pelican X Model 1650 N/A All Carry, storage and N/A
Case or 1620 shipping case
1 Grant X SQ2040-4F16 N/A All 16 channel datalogger
8 Grant X SQA425 N/A All Wiring kit
1 Grant X SquirrellView Plus N/A All Datalogger software
1 Caterpillar 4C-6093 N/A Thermocouple harness,
channels 1-8, may need to
rewire one end with
mini plugs
1 Caterpillar 4C-6097 N/A All Thermocouple harness, 4C6090
channels 9-16, may need
to rewire one end
with mini plugs

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 71
Appendix E

Upon the request of a few Cat Dealers, Computer Aided Solutions (the supplier for the recommended dataloggers)
has created a kit with the following contents. Please note that this kit contains only hardware associated with
thermocouples and the datalogger. Computer Aided Solutions Part #CAS-CATAUD-01 October 2008 Price = $7,750.

Incl. In Description/ Note: Associated

Qty. Supplier Part # Range/Length Associated Test
Kit Below Use Hardware
1 Grant SQ2040-4F16 N/A All 16 channel datalogger
1 Grant 8 SQA425 N/A All Wiring kit
1 Grant SquirrellView Plus N/A All Datalogger software
10 Omega TEC-K-10-9 10 feet All K-type thermocouple KMQSS-032U-6,
extension harnesses KMQSS-125U-6
10 Omega KMQSS-032U-6 N/A All Thermocouple, air, TEC-K-10-9
thin thermocouple
smaller plug
10 Omega KMQSS-125U-6 N/A All Thermocouple, air/water, TEC-K-10-9
thick thermocouple
smaller plug, no pigtail
1 Pelican Case Model 1650 N/A All Carry, storage N/A
or 1620 and shipping case

Other Misc Items

1. Various NPT and STOR fittings, unions, tees, etc.
2. Miscellaneous hand tools to take along, crescent wrenches, etc.

Contact Information
1. Kirby Risk, (309) 680-4265 – Vicki Holmes
2. Omega, (888) TC-OMEGA
3. Pelican,
4. Grant – Computer Aided Solutions (440) 729-2570

72 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix F

Appendix F: Blocking Open Thermostats

• C9.3 ACERT engines use one thermostat Cat part number: 318-0004. This thermostat should be blocked open
10.4 mm per the instructions below.

• C13 ACERT – C18 ACERT engines use two thermostats. Both are Cat part number 248-5513. These thermostats
should be blocked open 10.4 mm per the instructions in this appendix.

C9.3 ACERT Thermostat Blocking Instructions: To Be Determined

C13 ACERT – C18 ACERT Thermostat Blocking Instructions: To Be Determined

1. Center punch the thermocouple capsule as shown.

2. Drill a hole into the capsule using a #7 tap drill (suitable for a 1/4-20 tap).

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 73
Appendix F

3. Carefully apply heat to melt the wax out of the capsule.

4. Dip the thermostat in water.

74 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix F

5. Tap the capsule using a 1/4-20 tap.

6. A 2”-long 1/4-20 bolt will be required. Using a die, thread the entire length of the bolt.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 75
Appendix F

7. Blow the fully threaded bolt off with compressed air.

8. Clamp the capsule using a vise. Run a lock nut onto the bolt. Thread the bolt into the capsule until the
thermostat is opened 10 mm.

76 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix F

9. Lightly clamp the body of the thermostat. Using a pair of pliers and a box end wrench, tighten the lock nut.

10. Using a hacksaw, cut the bolt off just above the lock nut. Using the center punch, stake the remaining threads
to ensure the lock nut does not come loose.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 77
Appendix F

11. Using a file, remove all sharp edges.

78 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix G

Appendix G: Start-Up and Verification

NOTE: C18 ACERT > 560 kW/750 hp engines only require Step #6

These simple procedures are intended for use when starting a Tier 4 engine installation for the first time. These
procedures ensure that certain initial installation requirements have been fulfilled. Factory IOPUs as well as
shipped loose Cat Clean Emission Modules will need these steps to be taken. Both loose engines and IOPUs will
be shipped with the stated codes active.

Before connecting to a Tier 4 Engine with Cat ET:

1. Cat ET must be updated to the newest version available.
2. Cat ET must be set up for “Dual Data Link.” To do this select:
A. Utilities>Preferences>Communications
B. Cat Com II Adapter (Dual Data Link/Serial IP)

Step #1: Verify Priming Pump Selection Switch Operation:

This test is intended to verify that the fuel priming pump, manual priming switch and fuel selection valve are
correctly connected to the ECU. All Tier 4 < 560 kW (750 hp) engines are supplied with a primary fuel filter
which also is integrated with the fuel priming pump, fuel priming pump switch, and fuel flow selection valve. It
is acceptable for the customer to wire an additional fuel priming pump switch. If another switch or switches are
present, this test should be performed on all switches.

1. Ensure that all engine and CEM low-pressure fuel lines are properly tightened.
2. Turn the engine key switch “ON.”
3. Hold the priming pump switch in the “ON” position. After approximately three seconds of holding the switch
“ON,” the selection valve and fuel priming pump should be activated. The switch must continue to be held in
order to continue to prime the fuel system.
A. If the ECU does not detect the presence of the selection valve it will not energize the fuel priming pump.
Note: T he fuel priming pump should never be run unless the ECU turns it on. ECU control of this pump
ensures that the pump will not run unless the selection valve is wired properly.
B. If the selection valve and fuel priming pump will not operate, review the wiring instructions in the Electronic
A&I Guide. This wiring is specific to the primary and secondary fuel filters being located either on engine
installed from Caterpillar or remotely installed by the customer. Figures 6.22.1, 6.22.2, 6.22.3 are provided.
Again, each figure is specific to the primary and secondary fuel filters being on engine or remotely mounted.
4. Once the system operates as described in Step #3, the fuel priming pump switch should be held on until the
pump purges all air from the fuel system.
Note: T he fuel priming pump switch must be manually held “ON” in order for the pump to continue to run AND
the pump will only run uninterrupted for two minutes.
5. If the customer has installed any other fuel priming pump switches, repeat Step #3 to ensure that the additional
switches are also wired properly.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 79
Appendix G

Step #2: ARD Ignition Test:

This test has been put in place to ensure proper operation of the ARD once the engine and CEM have been
installed. This test will briefly operate the ARD system.
Note: T he ARD or Cat Regeneration System’s fuel delivery system is exposed to fuel pressure while the priming
pump is running. However, there is no fuel return from the ARD head. Therefore, the ARD head cannot
purge air and fully prime. After first being assembled, the CEM may attempt a regeneration several times
prior to its first successful ignition. This is normal and expected operation. The longer and larger inside
diameter these fuel lines are, the more regeneration attempts may be required prior to the first successful
1. When the engine is first started, a diagnostic code will appear on Cat ET [E1305 (1)] and on the J1939 Data Link
(3483-11). These codes indicate that the ARD Ignition Test has not yet been successfully completed.
A. The ARD Ignition Test operates the ARD for approximately five minutes. This test has been created to ensure
that the required customer connections have been properly installed.
2. There are two ways to initiate the ARD Ignition Test. In order to initiate the test, the engine must be running.
A. Press and hold the Force Regen input to the ECU for 15 seconds.
B. Using Cat ET, activate the ARD Ignition Test.
• The Cat ET menu selections are: Diagnostics>Diagnostic Tests>ARD Ignition Test.
C. Regardless of the method used to trigger the ARD Ignition Test, the HEST lamp will come on to indicate that
the test is in process.
Note: Cat ET may not be switched to any other screen during the test.
3. If the ARD cannot generate heat, a diagnostic code is activated. The code will indicate the specific problem
with the ARD or its installation. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide for further information.
4. If the ARD Ignition Test is successfully completed, the Cat ET [E1305 (1)] and on the J1939 Data Link
(3483-11) codes will be cleared.

Step #3: ARD Nozzle Heater Circuit Verification:

This test is to verify that the nozzle heater has been properly connected to the ECU and to Battery (+). The nozzle
heater is required to keep the fuel injector in the Cat RS head operating properly.

1. Start the engine.

A. Using Cat ET, activate the ARD Nozzle Heater Override.
• The Cat ET menu selections are: Diagnostics>Diagnostic Tests>ARD Nozzle Heater Circuit Test.

80 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix G

2. Check the current flow on the nozzle heater connection at the ARD head.
A. Test the current to the connection at #2 in the illustration below.
B. The current flow should be between 7.0A and 14A for a 12V system and between 3.5A and 7A for a
24V system.
C. If this current is not present, verify that the wiring shown in the Electronic A&I Guide LEBH0005-00,
Section 6.3, Figures 6.22.1, 6.22.2, 6.22.3 positive battery supply has been properly completed.

3. Once the current flow in Step #2A has been verified, the test is complete.

Step #4 Verify Operator Interface Lamps and J1939 Messages:

This quick test is to verify that the customer-installed lamps or J1939 displayed signals are properly installed
and communicated to the operator. These lamps are required and should be verified to ensure that all lamps,
especially those pertaining to aftertreatment, are communicating to the operator.

If the customer has installed lamps using the ECU pins (Hard I/O), the key switch can simply be cycled and all
lamps should be illuminated:
• Warning Lamp
• Stop Lamp
• DPF Lamp
• Inhibit Lamp
• HEST Lamp

If the customer has implemented these lamps as part of a J1939 display, the verification can be more difficult. It
is recommended that the J1939 display manufacturer provides verification that the ECU supplied signals to reach
the operator display. Very few of the signals can be triggered for verification.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 81
Appendix G

• Warning Lamp: No trigger available without actually causing an engine warning

• Stop Lamp: No trigger available without actually causing an engine stop condition
• DPF Lamp: No trigger available without actually exceeding 80% soot. Inhibiting regen through the installation
audit can sometimes do this. However, if regeneration is inhibited, the test engineer must watch the soot loading
VERY closely to avoid entering a derate condition or allowing the DPF to exceed maximum soot load. If the DPF
soot load exceeds 140% it cannot be recovered and must be replaced. This replacement cost will very likely
NOT be considered a warrantable failure.
• Inhibit Lamp: Simply use the operator input to inhibit regeneration and this J1939 parameter should be displayed
• - If the input is pressed and the inhibit lamp/J1939 message does not come on, use the Cat ET status screen to
verify that the engine is switching to inhibit mode.
• HEST Lamp: This J1939 parameter should be displayed during this previous test:
• - ARD Ignition Test

Step #5 Inhibit Switch Operation:

This quick test is to verify that the customer-installed force and inhibit regeneration switch is functional.

Whether the customer has implemented these two operator inputs as ECU pins (Hard I/O) or J1939 signals, the
functional test is very simple.

• If the inhibit input is pressed, the inhibit lamp/J1939 message discussed in Step #4 should come on.
• - If the input is pressed and the inhibit lamp/J1939 message does not come on, use the Cat ET status screen to
verify that the engine is switching to inhibit mode.
• If the force input is pressed, the HEST lamp/J1939 message discussed in Step #4 should come on.
• - If the input is pressed and the inhibit lamp/J1939 message does not come on, use the Cat ET status screen to
verify that the engine is receiving the Force Input.

Step #6 Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Installation Calibration:

ALL Tier 4 Interim engines will require that an air inlet temperature calibration be entered. This calibration is
necessary to ensure that the engine knows the difference between a true ambient temperature measurement
and the engine’s air inlet temperature. This sensor’s calibration procedure is documented in Section 14.0 for more
details on the calibration procedure, refer to that section.

1. Once a calibration has been determined for a given installation, this value must be entered in Cat ET via:
A. Manually typing it into the Cat ET Configuration screen
B. Via Cat ET Fleet Configuration
2. When the engine is first started a diagnostic code will appear in Cat ET (268-2) and on the J1939
Data Link (630-2).
A. This code indicates a missing programmable parameter.
B. This programmable parameter for the Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Calibration must be programmed before
the parameter will be cleared.
3. If this code is active, use Section 14.0 to determine what calibration to enter into the Cat ET configuration.

82 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix H

Appendix H: Exhaust & Aftertreatment System

A&I Form Entry: Exhaust Backpressure at Maximum Load Rated Speed

Tier 4 Interim/Stage IIIB engine exhaust backpressure measured at the installation’s chosen rated speed (Cat ET
Top Engine Limit) and maximum load must fall within a 10 kPa range. It is highly recommended that the exhaust
backpressure target the midpoint of this 10 kPa range. TMI altitude and performance data are specified at this
midpoint or target value. If the installation’s exhaust backpressure is on the low end of the 10 kPa range, the
engine may not achieve TMI values specified for altitude capability. If the installation’s exhaust backpressure is on
the upper end of the 10 kPa range, the engine may not achieve TMI values specified for fuel consumption.

In order to determine an installation’s required exhaust backpressure value, the supplied exhaust backpressure
charts must be used. These charts can be found in TMI Component Data for each engine performance number.

When using these exhaust backpressure charts, four inputs are required to determine the 10 kPa acceptable
1. Engine model and rated power
2. Engine rated speed (Cat ET Top Engine Limit setting)
3. Maximum engine power at engine rated speed (#2 above)
4. CEM part number (Module Gp – Exh).

Using these four inputs, the exhaust backpressure charts will provide three outputs:
1. Acceptable exhaust backpressure range
a. Target backpressure is determined by calculating the midpoint of the range.
2. Exhaust flow within the acceptable backpressure range
a. The installer should use this for exhaust system backpressure calculations.
3. Anticipated pressure drop through CEM
a. T his will allow the charts to provide an estimate of the pressure drop though the CEM. This value will be used
to calculate total system backpressure.
b. P ressure drop though CEM with three different size orifices installed in the CEM inlet is provided. These
restrictors are available; however, must be OEM installed. It is preferred to design the exhaust pipe targeting
the midpoint of the acceptable range in order to avoid the use of an orifice.

Note: O
 EMs must use industry standard stainless steel welding procedures during restrictor installation, in order
to maintain corrosion resistance.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 83
Appendix H

Exhaust Backpressure Example, Inputs:

1. Engine Model and Rated Power: C13 ACERT 385 hp (287 bkW) Rating
2. Engine rated speed (Cat ET Top Engine Limit setting): 2,000 rpm
3. Maximum engine power @ rated speed: 75% load, 289 hp (215 bkW)
4. CEM part number: Module Gp – Exh: 362-8743

Outputs: #4
1. Acceptable exhaust backpressure range: 11.4 – 21.4 kPa
a. Preferred target value: 11.4 + 5 = 16.4 kPa
2. Exhaust flow:
a. Wet exhaust flow rate = 36.7 m3/min
b. Exhaust mass flow rate 1,348.1 kg/hr
3. Anticipated pressure drop through CEM
a. No orifice: 6.5 kPa
b. With a 91 mm orifice: 8.8 kPa
c. With an 82 mm orifice: 11.2 kPa
d. With a 68 mm orifice: 18.6 kPa
Note: I n this case, the 68 mm orifice is not practical due to the target restriction value. This value is provided for
reference only.

If the anticipated engine load is between 50 and 75% load or between 75 and 100% load, mathematical linear
interpolation should be used to determine the outputs.

Since this exhaust system design is critical, any piping installed after the CEM must be of equivalent reliability
to the turbo outlet to CEM inlet exhaust pipe.

84 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T F I E L D T E S T P R O C E D U R E
Appendix I

Appendix I: Rev 01 Changes to Rev 02

Rev -01
Description Section
Page #
Changed the title from Cat® C9.3 ACERT™ – C32 ACERT Tier 4 Engines to Cat®
C9.3 ACERT™ – C32 ACERT U.S. EPA Tier 4 Interim, EU Stage IIIB and C18 ACERT N/A Front Cover
> 560 kW/750 hp – C32 ACERT U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final, EU Stage IV Engines.
Inserted Foreword: The information contained in this supplement is confidential
and proprietary to Caterpillar. It is intended for circulation only to Caterpillar and
Cat® dealer employees, or to employees of OEMs intending to purchase and
install U.S. EPA Tier 4 Interim/Final, EU Stage IV Cat engines in their equipment.
Distribution of this material must be limited to personnel whose duties require
knowledge of such material and is intended exclusively for their information and
training. Distribution of this material for other purposes is strictly prohibited. 3
Correct practices and procedures including safety and lifting information should
be followed as outlined in the following appropriate service manuals:
• Operation and Maintenance Manual (OMM)
• System Operation Test and Adjust (SOTA)
• Specifications (Specs)
• Disassembly and Assembly (D&A)"""
Step 1 sub bullet changed from: Not Application for C18 ACERT > 650 kW/750 hp,
C27 ACERT, and C32 ACERT engines
Ambient Capability 20
Changed to: Not required for C18 ACERT > 560 kW/750 hp, C27 ACERT, and
C32 ACERT engines.
Changed step 7 from: This step must be done using Cat ET. Step 7 is applicable to
C9.3 ACERT – C18 ACERT < 560 kW/750 hp engines; if testing a C18 ACERT >
560 kW/750 hp engine, skip to Step 8.
Ambient Capability 21
Changed to: This step must be done using Cat ET. Step 7 is applicable to
C9.3 ACERT – C18 ACERT engines; if testing a C27 ACERT or C32 ACERT engine,
skip to Step 8.
Changed the note at the bottom of the page to remove Previously, in the Engine
Jacket Water Ambient Capability Acceptability Criteria section there were two
Ambient Capability 21
acceptability criteria provided for C9.3 ACERT – C18 ACERT < 560 kW/750 hp
In the chart, changed item 1 under ROA may require 4 adjustments: The use of
coolant rather than water per the test procedure
Change to: The use of water for this testing when coolant will be used during Ambient Capability 22
normal operation.
This is not a change to any testing, simply a verbiage change for clarity.
Charge Air Cooled
Under Regulatory considerations, for clarity removed: that the installed engine
Outlet Corrected 24
complies with the conditions of emissions certification and that
Temperature Test
Corrected text below Note D changed from: As you can see, this installation does Charge Air Cooled
demonstrate capability . . . Outlet Corrected 30
Changed to: As you can see, this installation does NOT demonstrate capability . . . Temperature Test

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 85
Appendix I

Rev -01
Description Section
Page #
Under Step 7 Air Inlet Restriction Test Results Analysis: second bullet down
changed from: This value is typically 7.5 kPa; Air Inlet Restriction
Changed to: This value is typically 6.2 kPa; Test
This change was made to more accurately reflect typical values.
Under Exhaust Backpressure Test Preparation: Provided further explanation
including the possible use of halo type measurements below the original third
Backpressure 37
bullet: Place a pressure tap per A&I guide as close as possible to the turbo
Allotment Test
exhaust outlet
Added an additional bullet under Fuel Inlet Temperature Test Preparation: The fuel
line running from the secondary filter to the engine supply must not be run near
Fuel Inlet
heat sources such as exhaust components, hydraulic tanks, etc. Since the fuel 40
Temperature Test
temperature will be measured at the inlet to the secondary filters the fuel must not
be heated prior to that or the results of this test are invalid.
Changed the equation under Fuel Temperature Test Results Analysis from:
ACF = T1 + ((T8limit - T8s) / 0.80) Fuel Inlet
Temperature Test
Changed to: ACF = T1 + ((T8limit - T8s) X 0.80)"
Step 5 and Step 9 under Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Installation Procedure – Air Inlet Temperature
removed sub bullet B. This must be entered in °C. Cat ET will now allow this to be Sensor Installation 46
entered in °F. Procedure
Removed TBD = To Be Determined. Added ISO mount maximum temperatures
are available in TMI Physical Data. Testing the ISO mounts will only apply if
Under Hood Thermal
ISO mounts are used and the field test engineer deems it necessary. ISO mount
Test (C9.3 ACERT™ - 51
maximum temperatures are available in TMI Physical Data. Testing the ISO mounts
C18 ACERT only)
will only apply if ISO mounts are used and the field test engineer deems
it necessary."
Under UHT Testing Test Preparation: Changed sub bullet from: Operational
thermostat(s) to Operational thermostat(s) are typically used. If the field test
engineer is confident that blocked open thermostats will provide the same or very
similar test results, they may be used. Further, this allows part of the UHT test to
Under Hood Thermal
be run in tandem with the ambient capability and charge air cooling test. Care
Test (C9.3 ACERT™ - 52
should be taken to only use blocked open thermostats when the field test engineer
C18 ACERT only)
has prior knowledge of the installation in terms of result similarity. Further,
ambient temperature should also be considered in a decision to use blocked
open thermostats. The further the test ambient is from the installation’s maximum
ambient temperature, the more likely functional thermostats should be used.
Changed Omega to Comark and HHP 807/SIL to C9557/Sil. This is a very similar
Appendix E 71
pressure measurement device.
Corrected this line to from 4 to 8 and 8 SQA425 to SQA425. Appendix E 71
Under Step #2: ARD Ignition Test: Added Note: The ARD or Cat Regeneration
System’s fuel delivery system is exposed to fuel pressure while the priming pump
is running. However, there is no fuel return from the ARD head. Therefore, the
ARD head cannot purge air and fully prime. After first being assembled, the CEM
Appendix G 80
may attempt a regeneration several times prior to its first successful ignition. This
is normal and expected operation. The longer and larger inside diameter these
fuel lines are, the more regeneration attempts may be required prior to the first
successful ignition.

86 C 9 . 3 A C E R T ™ - C 3 2 A C E R T T I E R 4 E N G I N E S
Appendix I

Rev -01
Description Section
Page #
Under Step #3 ARD Nozzle Heater Circuit Verification: Step 1 "A" removed
Appendix G 80
unnecessary text: DPF Soot Loading Sensor Calibration
Under Step #4 Verify Operator Interface Lamps and J1939 Messages: last sub
bullet HEST Lamp removed: - DPF Soot Loading Sensor Calibration no longer Appendix G 82
Updated text under Step #6 Air Inlet Temperature Sensor Installation Calibration:
removing references to past Prod level software released. This information is no Appendix G 82
longer necessary.
Created an Appendix H with information from the Mechanical A&I Guide
LEBH0004. This provides the specifics of Exhaust Backpressure limits, etc. in the Appendix H 83-84
Test manual for convenience.

A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N   G U I D E 87
Your Local Resource.
Your Cat dealer is prepared to answer any questions you
may have about Cat Power Systems, customer support,
parts or service capability anywhere in the world. For the
name and number of the Cat dealer nearest you, visit
our website or contact Caterpillar Inc. World
Headquarters in Peoria, Illinois, U.S.A.

World Headquarters:
Caterpillar Inc.
Peoria, Illinois, U.S.A
Tel: (309) 578-6298
Fax: (309) 578-2559

Mailing Address:
Caterpillar Inc.
Industrial Power Systems
P.O. Box 610
Mossville, IL 61552

Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.

Rating ranges listed include the lowest and highest available for a
specific engine or family of engines. Load factor and time at rated load
and speed will determine the best engine/rating match.
CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, ACERT, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the
“Power Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used
herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.

LEBH0003-02 (12-13) ©2013 Caterpillar

All rights reserved.

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