Perkins 1306 Charge Alternator Electrical Failures

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Technical Information
TIB 0157
9th December 2013

SUBJECT: Perkins 1306 charge alternator electrical failures


Electrical failures have been reported of the charge alternator used on the Perkins 1306 genset
engine. Some of these failed charge alternators were returned for disassembly and analysis.

This examination showed:

- The root cause of these failures to be overheated and fused diodes.
- The solder on the diodes had melted.
- The eutectic alloy of 63% tin & 37% lead used for electrical solder has a melting point of 183
degrees C.
- The only known reason for these diodes to be subjected to a temperature this high is
isolation of the battery while the genset is operating.
- Isolation of the battery during genset running causes a sudden and large voltage spike within
the charge alternator.
- This voltage spike causes very high temperatures and thermal damage to the diodes.


The following genset models (with a battery isolator switch) are affected: GEH220-4, GEH250-4,
XQE250-2 and GEH275-4.


In the event of this failure, replace the charge alternator with the same part (shown below).

Part Name Part Number Quantity Required

Alternator Charging (1306) 10000-25549 1 per genset


We strongly recommend that the battery is never isolated during genset running, as this will cause
instant failure of the charge alternator.

For this reason, this failure mode of the charge alternator cannot be covered under our warranty
terms and conditions.

For more information contact

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