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Chapter 7

A Time in a Life
• A recount is a piece of text that retells past
events, usually in the order in which they
• Listening to a recount is listening about
something that has happened in your life,
what you did at the weekend or exciting
• The purpose of recount is to give a
description of what occured and when it
Types of recount
• Personal recount
 This usually retells an event that the writer
was personally involved in.
• Biography recount
 This usually retells accounts of a person’s
• Factual recount
 This records an incidents, e.g. a science
experiment, police report, etc.
Continue ….
• Imaginative recount
 The writer writes an imaginary role and
giving details of events in the recount, e.g.
a day in the life of a pirate.

• Historical recount
 This retells historical events in the past.
Generic structure of a recount
• Title
• Orientation
(who were involved in the story, when, and
• Events
(tell what happened in a chronological order)
• Re-orientation
(the conclusion of the experience)
Pay attention on
• Tense used on recount text is past
• Pronouns
• Noun phrases
• Time connections
• Time conjunctions
• Capitalisation
• Punctuation
• The subjective pronouns (he, she, I, it, they,
you, we) are used for the subject of a clause.
• The objective pronouns (him, her, me, it,
them, you, us) are used for the object of a
verb or a preposition.
• The possessive before a noun (my, his, her,
our, their, its, your) is used to show
• The possessive after a noun (mine, his,
hers, theirs, yours, ours) is also used to
show possession.
Noun Phrases
• A noun phrase can consist of:
 noun and noun (e.g. a hockey stick)
 adjective and noun (e.g. a beautiful girl)
 noun and adverbial phrases (e.g. a girl
from his hometown)
Time Connectives
• Time connectives can be used to show chronological
order. Here are some of the words:
– at first - meanwhile - then
– when - now -soon after
– afterwards - lastly - next
– at this time - after a while - before that
Time Conjunctions
• The use of conjunctions:
– You can use a conjunction to link
words, phrases, and clauses.
• Conjunctions help to show time, cause,
opposition, choice, addition and effect.
• Find a Historical Recount in Indonesia (
for example ; The battle of Surabaya, The
5 Day Battle in Semarang ,Diponegoro
Fight etc )
• Make a summary of the historical recount
in your handwriting.( 1 page )
• Complete the historical recount with
some illustration pictures ( 2-4 pictures)
• Submit 2 pages ; 1 for your summary
1 for the pictures.

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