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28 That’s Life!

Episode 4
Check your answers

1 Read the complete story and check your 1


2 Can you remember the everyday expressions

in this episode? Underline them.

3 Look again at the box on page 28 of your
Student’s Book to check.

Jordan H  i. Sorry to disturb you, but there’s nobody at the reception desk. I’m
here about …
Felton Ah, come in. I’m Felton Windrush. What’s your name?
Jordan It’s Jordan Morris.
Felton Mm, you look familiar. We haven’t met before, have we?
Jordan No, I don’t think so.
Felton But I know your face. … Oh, yes – you were in that advert for Doggo
dog food, weren’t you? We edited it, you know.
Jordan Oh, I see. Yes, I was ‘the jogger in the park’, but they cut my bit from
the final version.
Felton Yes, I thought I recognized you. I never forget a face. Anyway, here
you are. Read this.
Jordan I’m sorry. I don’t understand.
Felton Come along. You’re an actor, aren’t you? Read the part of Red Mason.
Jordan OK. ‘Who’s that woman over there, Mrs Roland? I’m sure I’ve seen her
before. I … Oh, no, it isn’t! It can’t be … !’

2 Later ...

Felton Thank you. You read that very well.

And you’re Australian, aren’t you? 3
Jordan Yes, I am. I’m from Sydney.
Felton That’s ideal. Anyway, my
secretary Violet will be in
touch in the next few days.
Jordan In touch about what?
Felton About the part in our new
soap opera, Cavendish
Park. I’m the producer.
Jordan Oh, right. I didn’t know
anything about that.
No. Actually I’m here
Felton But you came here today
to fix the computer.
for an audition, didn’t you?

Now ...
✓ listen and practise saying the story.

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