Module 3 Katheren

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In your own understanding, define culture.

- in my own understanding Culture refers to norms, religion, language and celebrating

Culture and Geography
important events in our lives and history. Culture is about way of life that characterizes a
particular group.

2. As a student and as a future teacher, why is it important to teach culture in the elementary

it is important to teach culture in elementary grade to have them knowledge about different groups
with different culture and at an early age they will learn to appreciate the culture we have and respect
the culture of others. It is important to prepare them to become better citizens.

3. Justify the statement below

“A reflection on the educational and cultural aspects of information could result in a better
qualified society made up of responsible and critical citizens.”

When you are educated and you know how to respect the culture of others and you do not tread on the
other people I think you are qualified because you're responsible citizens.

1. In your own understanding, define geography.

Describe the structure of the earth, this includes study of the organism that have inhabited in our
planet. Geography is about important events in our history.

2. Is it important to teach geography in the elementary grades? Why or why not?

Yes, it is important to teach geography in elementary grade to help students to understand the
cultural characteristics of the world and so that they know the history of our country.

3. Is it necessary to eradicate ignorance of geography in the elementary learners? Why or why


No, rather than remove should improve the teaching of geography in elementary, because many
students lack of knowledge when it comes Geography.

4. Compare and Contrast Culture and Geography in the teaching of elementary grades (You may
create your own graphic organizer)
Geography is a field of Culture different groups
science devoted to the study Those who study may have different culture.
of the lands, features, cultural geography A culture passed to the next
inhabitants, and phenomena have long generation by learning.
of the Earth and planets. understood the Culture seen in people's
close link between writing, religion, music,
Geography is an all- clothes, cooking and in what
cultures and the
encompassing discipline that they do
seeks an understanding of
geography of the
Earth and its human and
environments in
natural complexities—not
which those
merely where objects are, but
cultures develop.
also how they have changed
At first, particular
and come to be.
cultures develop
because of the

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