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Kenneth Tumulak

Rica Lanorias
Raulene Molo
Glorry May Baludo
Lyndie Blase

Competency: EN9WC-Ib-8: Distinguish between and among informative, journalistic, and literary

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students must have:
A. Distinguished informative, journalistic, and literary writing;
B. Presented an essay with the theme peace; and
C. Discussed the value of orderliness.

II. Subject Matter: Informative, Journalistic, and Literary writing.

III. Instructional Materials
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Tag boards
 Video Presentation

IV. Teaching Method: 5As


1. Review: “I Found The Gem!”

To identify your fully understanding with regard to our previous topic, let us
have a quick review.

Directions: Arrange the given piece of cut pictures on the board to unlock the
hidden illustration.
 Those students who got the envelope will be tasked to assemble
the pictures and unlock the hidden meaning.
 Inside the envelope, there's a cut image that needs to be assembled
in front of it.
 Those students who have the envelope will be charged with
bringing together the photos and unlocking the hidden meaning.
 After presenting the hidden image, the teacher will ask a few
questions to determine their comprehension.
The questions are:
1. What can you see on the picture?
2. What do you think is the role of Zeus in the Mt. Olympus?
3. What power does Zeus possessed based on the picture?
4. Why do you think Hades was so envy with Zeus?
5. What are the qualities of Zeus to be crowned as the God of
all Gods?
 After the student answers the question, the other
students will decide if the answers are correct or not.
 The teacher will even inform everyone if the answers
are correct.


 The class will watch a video showing the life of a writer.
 The video contains how the writer express his thoughts and feelings
through his written works.
 After watching the video, the teacher will ask the following questions:
- What have you noticed with the video?
- Can you tell that the man in the video is an effective writer?
- What are the styles of writing he used to express himself?
- Do you write something based on emotions and feelings?
-Do you know what styles did he used?

3. Statement of the Aim:

Therefore, this morning you will learn about Informative,
Journalistic, and Literary writing.
 The class will be divided into 4 groups.
 On the first activity, each group will be given tag boards to write their
 They will be given 1 minute to finalize their answers before raising the
tag boards.
 The second activity will be an essay writing.
 Each group must create and essay that they will present in front
 They will be given 10 minutes; 5 minutes for the making the essay,
and 5 more minutes for the presentation.

Activity 1. Make Me Proud! Raise me UP!

 The teacher will give each group a tag board for their answers to be
written there.
 The teacher will present phrases that will be identified by the students.
 They will write INFORM if the given phrase is informative,
JOURNAL if it is journalistic, LIT if it states literary writing.
 The group who will get the highest score will be the winner.

Activity 2. WRITE AND PLAY

1. The class will be divided into 3 groups.
2. Group 1 for INFORMATIVE, Group 2 for JOURNALISTIC, and
Group 3 for LITERARY.
3. Each group will create an essay with the theme peace.
4. They will be given 10 minutes for the making of the essay.
5. After, they will present it in front creatively.
6. The score will based on the given criteria.
Content - 5pts.
Organization - 5pts.
Creativity - 5pts.
Total: 15pts.


 The teacher will assess the students through asking questions
based on the given activities.
 The students will be asked to give a situation based on the topic
 The student who will be chosen randomly and will answer the
question given by the teacher.
 The teacher will check whether the answers are correct.
 The activities given are easy for the students to identify since it is
being used most of the time.
 Students will answer these questions:
 How did you differentiated the styles of writing?
 Did we assess ourselves in making a good and effective
written work?
 Why is it important to mindful of the styles and structure
 Do we need to order our ideas for us to write effectively?
Value Integration:
The students will be asked by these questions:
a. How does it feel to express yourself through writing?
b. Do you think you created a good essay?
c. What are your basis in doing so?
d. Do you think that each style has its corresponding purpose?
e. Why do you think we need order our ideas in writing?
f. Does having an order and organize ideas can help us in
writing a good essay?

Directions: The students must choose their own group, each group consists of 5 members.
Each group shall produce a comic book that features hyperbole and litotes. The comic book must
contain a moral lesson. The comic should have a title cover, illustration and dialogue. This will
serve as the final output for the final grading period.

V. Assignment:
Directions: Make a 2 minute video about what you have learned in the discussion and
highlight some points that a student should remember in using the styles in writing. This
will be uploaded on the class group page.
Content - 10 pts.
Organization - 5 pts.
Understanding - 5 pts.

Total: 20 points

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