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4 That’s Life!

Episode 1
Check your answers

1 Read the complete story and check your answers.

2 Can you remember the everyday expressions in this

episode? Underline them.

3 Look again at the box on page 4 of your Student’s

Book to check.

My name’s Lucy Patterson and I’m

British. I work for an advertising
agency. I’m a personal assistant.
This is my boyfriend. His name’s
Jordan Morris and he’s Australian.
He’s a computer engineer, but he
really wants to be an actor.

Cindy Morning, Peter. How are you?

Peter Fine, thanks, Cindy. And you?
I’m Peter Columbo. I’m from the Cindy Yes, OK. Are you busy?
USA, but I live in London. I work Peter Yes, I am. We’re moving to our new offices
for a magazine company. This is
my girlfriend, Sarah Chen. She’s
this week.
from Singapore and she’s a student Cindy How’s Sarah? Is she away at the moment?
at London University. Peter Yes, she’s in Manchester.
Cindy Really? Our daughter, Melanie, is at
university there.
Peter How’s your son these days?
Cindy Russell? I don’t know. He’s travelling round
the world. He was in Mexico last month.

My name’s Cindy Gaskell and that’s

my husband, Ryan. I’m from Britain,
but Ryan is from Ireland. This is our Arrival of flight VK964
Internet café. We’ve got two children. from Mexico City.
Melanie is 21 and Russell is 24.

Oh, it’s good

to be home!

Now ...
3 listen and practise saying the story.

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