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07-Jan-20 Chakraborty Ro code
Why additional strengthening is required in container ship?
Damaged ship stability
Material of piston, why hardened
Floating lever
Nox technical file
Hypermist system
07-Jan-20 Chakraborty 1. Ship grounded and made afloat, reached port and moored
alongside at repair yard- action by c/e and how to
determine any structural damage..anything we can do other
than db tank sounding to check structural failure, if any
2.HV system earthing and secondary means of safety after
3. IACS function in detail - difference with class function
How to become member of IACS
4. FLOATING lever in steering gear
5. Bareboat charter X questions
6. Boundry , hydrostatic and hydrodynamic lubricantion-
each and every bearing type specifically - when and how
7. Formal investigation after casualty- who does formal
investigation and what happens after that- then what is
next step
8. How to determine firing order of engine, what is
-difference in 2 stroke & 4 stroke
08-Jan-20 External : Mr Banerjee 1. Type of ship. I said tanker
Internal : Mr Which type of tanker
Chaudhary Whatt u carry.... petroleum products
Kindly explain discharge criteria.
2. Co insurance and diff between co insurance and re
3. Demurrage in detail.
4. Relationship with regular maintenance with ism code.
5. What council do ..inn onne line.
6. How to register ships as per what.
7. What is indian ship please tell me in detail. Take you time
start when u ready.
8. Define security in one line.
9. Then given me condition suppose u r here for
10. Describe act of god.
11. What correction carried out in loadline survey..

08-Jan-20 Internal- Choudhury 1. What is the most important consideration in fighting the
sir LPG fire?
External- Banerjee sir 2. Banning of ship
3. Can a ship be detained under MS act?
4. What are the affects of freeboard on a ship.. stability he
was not accepting
5. Who are the 4 important parties interested in operation
of a ship.
6. Marine insurance indemnity .. what are two type of i t ..
subrogation and contribution ..
09-Jan-20 Mukopadhya and 1) Types of ship sailed
Choudhury Sir 2) Constructionally difference between new and old bulk
3) Damage stability criteria for bulk carriers
4) Engine is not designed to operate in low sulpher how to
compliance with Sulpher 2020 regulation
5) ECG types, discharge requirements, Dealing with
sediments coming out from ECG in closed loop system
6) After March 2020 upto which time ECG installed vessel
can carry or use high Sulpher fuel
7) HRD question regarding dealing with newly joined a ship
as chief engineer where multinational crews are working,
how to deal with them
8) Whom to claim under GA and under PA and cross
9) IMDG code newly added six elements
10) New propeller advancements how they increase
11) ISM emergency preparedness
09-Jan-20 Internal Choudhury 1. What is affraightment, give examples
Sir 2. what is Salvage? Is it a contract?
External Banerjee Sir 3. What is the criteria for watch arrangements according to
4. What is offence as per STCW for master? Things to be
entered in official log book
5. What is an Indian ship?
6. Four criterias for vessel constructive total loss
7. What is interim Doc? When it is issued and validity
8. Isps code applied to which ships?
09-Jan-20 chakraborty and 1.reserve dynamic stability?
chaudhary 2.drydock plan.
3.what is ro ?some criteria of ro?
4.NOx technical file?compression ratio?

6 h and m and p and I?common

7.azimuth propulsion in high voltage ship?
09-Jan-20 Internal Chowdary Sir 1.Main engine bed plate corrosion, action?
External 2.Pyrolysis in incinerator, explain.
Mukhopadhyay Sir 3.Operational differences between chemical and product
4.Stcw code and stcw convention difference
5.Ship touches fixed and floating objects, covers under
which regulations other than colregs?
6.Fire on deck during welding in dry dock action as chief
7. Can carry different products in product carrier? If then
what is the system to discharge each products without
8.How much cargo amount can be left in cargo tank of a
product tanker.
09-Jan-20 Internal Chowdary Sir 1. Type of ship , I told afra max tankers . What is afra max.
External 2. what is new in tank venting arrangment.
Mukhopadhyay Sir 3.solas ch 13. How flag state will implement it.
4.iso and ism difference.
5.sestenable development in shipping. Seven points. does zero sack volume achieved in fuel injector.
09-Jan-20 Ext Mukhopadhyay 1.) Types of ship ..As per IMO venting arrangements..?
Sir 2.)Latest amendments in MLC....?
3.)from Jan 1,2020 LSFO using what all problems
facing....and resolve?
4.)four survey carry out for machinery? And about PMS
5.)in GA and PA who decide compensation amount?
6.) SOLAS CHAPTER XIII ....and then ask who monitors the
emmission at sea...?
7.)How will you motivate the crew as CE to get better
efficiency in multinational crew ?
10-Jan-20 External Sarkar sir 1.Drydock commercial aspect, some cross question on that .
2. Dumerage and despatch , why it required.
Diff between voyage and time charter.
3. One unit piston damage , u dont have time to overhauled
how will proceed port, what precation to take& why?
4.Vessel stranded in sea what action will take as ce, both
commercial and technical aspects.
5.Taking new vessel from yard, how will make pms system
and what it called.
6.budgets and its social requirements.
7.Different between CLC and bunker covention
And some cross questions.

8. Latest in marpol vi, as a ce how ll implement and wt are

difficulties you face?
10-Jan-20 External Sarkar sir 1. Turbocharger blade turbine side broken, ship reached
port. How to carry out repair .chief engineers responsibility.
2. Drydock commercial aspect.
3. Types of charter party.
4. Steel plate renewal drydock. How to ascertain the steel
plate is correct specs.
5. One unit cutoff. How to ascertain at what speed the
engine to be operated to reach the port.
6. CLC and bunker convention details and differences.
10-Jan-20 External Sarkar sir 1. Motivation. Have u faced motivational problem? How will
u ensure person is motivated? How will u motivate
demotivated person?
2. Insurance type. Diff of H&M and P&I. Cross questions
3. Cross head bearing running hot how will u reach port?
4. MLC advantage with respect to owner
5. Diff between time and voyage charter.
6. Heavy duty propeller
7. How will u take over ship from another management as
chief engineer. What all things to check?
8. Challenges of new sulphur oil
10-Jan-20 Sarkar sir and Chaki 1. Suppose you have joined a new vessel from yard. How
sir.... will you prepare a system for maintenance of all the
2. All about propeller curve and Engine Performance
3. Vessel in dry dock, Possible defects in the propeller and
how will you rectify them
4. All about RO code
5. Material requirement planning under inventory control
6. Difference between Marine Insurance and P& I
7. Why a shipper would be interested in hiring a ship on
Demise charter
8. 3rd Engineer reported CS deflection of one unit found
very high, what will be your course of action as CE
9. Additional survey....
What is the purpose and interval
12-Feb-20 sarkar 1. What is charter-party and what is
charterer ? Types of charters? Conditions
to become Demise charters?
2. What is condition monitoring? Explain with example
3. What structure of NSB ? And functions of NSB , with
example ?
4. What is formal safety assessment?
5. ME TIC turbine side blade broken , how u carry out

6. Your company is taking over a tanker vessel in next
month ? What are the commercial aspects ?
7. A person is injured onboard , what claims
he will get from P&l?
8. What is VED?
12-Feb-20 Sarkar/ Chaki sir 1.If you have to suggest your company which types of new
ships to be ordered in order to expand in coming 2/3 years
what will be your suggestion?
2. Your junior engg slipped inside crank case and had
injury..needs medical care..your action as CE?
3.As a shipper which type of charterer u will choose for
Difference between bareboat and demise charterer?
4.vibration monitor?
5. Economic order quantity?
6.variable cost?
12-Feb-20 Sarkar 1. requierements for cutting off one unit in main engine
2. dry dock commercial and major expenses
3. MLC motivation
4. Barriers of communication
5. FOB
6. Duties of coastal state and port state
7. c/ e duties before putting ship on time charter
8. how to calculate EEOI
9. Checks in sea trial
10. Actual Total loss
12-Feb-20 Banerjee with Chaki Special certificate carried by LNG carrier.
sir Gas fire, what special consideration to take? The most
important one only.
Maritime lien
Maritime mortgage
What is pooling
What things the insurer must declare for insurance
Class notation. What is the most important notation?
On what grounds ship is denied entry or expelled from Port.
Only security reasons required.
What is complacency?
Definition of equipment as per MS act. Detailed answer.
13-Feb-20 Banrjee Why grain loading in bulk is difficult?
Salvage as per ms act
Sue and labour clause
About gmdss
Type of epirb
Range of epirb

STCW section a viii details

Why need for registration
12-Feb-20 Sarkar sir and chaki 1. In Shipyard to choose main engine for a ship
sir 2. Crankshaft deflection readings what you
3. In DD how to decide for steel renewal for ship more than
15 years old.
4. 0.5 % Sulphur fuel problems and action as chief engineer.
5. How you will advice company for adding ..purchasing
vessel in company.
6. Liner crack. After changing liner what precautions you
will take ..Your vessel is in time charter..Answer keeping in
mind charterer speed requirements also.
7. Classification they are formed..what are
requirements to become a member of classification society.
Who are the persons in CS..
12-Feb-20 Banarjee 1. T/ c blower side blade broken u recieved a new blade
action as a chief engineer for fittment and testing of t/c
2. Stocks of ur last vessel how much was thermal
efficiency?how do u calculate thermal efficiency
3. Redo test at sea trials what all done redo condition how
4. Non verbal communication is sign language a verbal or
on verbal communication what are advantages of non
verbal communication
13-Feb-20 Banerjee Sir 1. Which company r u from. What type of vessels done. I
told chemical tankers. He asked what special certificate you
carry in chem tankers.
2. What is INMARSAT. Give special features. It's
significance. Some cross questions.
3.After doing AFF course. What things you should know.
Explain more.
4.What is B/L. What is it's significance.
5. York Antwerp rules. What is GA. Some cross questions
like what is extraordinary, sacrifice, rule paramount. Etc.
6. What survey to be carried out while registering a ship.
7. What details entered in Register while registering a ship.
8. What is warranty. Explain it's significance.
14-Feb-20 Banerjee sir 1.seafearer defination.
2.subrogation and contribution.
3.anchor watch in high sea .how u arrange as ce.
4.p and i club .what all things it handle atleast atleast 10.
5.personal effect defination.
6.what all documents register keep for registratuon.

7.what all things r there in builders certificate.

8.excemptions from seaman.
9.excepmtion from personal effect.what is other than
clothings.who decides it.
10.gmdss complied ship.diff between epirb and sart.range
of epirb.
11.something regarding human behaviour analysis.dont
remember exactly.
04-Mar-20 Sarkar sir 1.ME bearing damage, what precautions when going to next
port, during manoeuvring, which parties to inform
2.You in mumbai, present voyage charter over, next going
on time charter in 5 days. How to prepare, on and off hire
survey details.
3.Communication and barriers in communication, when in
sight, when not in sight.
4.Drydock preparations. Documents required in D/D. Five
most imp ones.
5.Commercial deployment of a new vessel, how to go about
and role of CE.
05-Mar-20 Mukhopadhyay sir 1. What is afra max tanker.
2. What is methan slip.
3, p and i club. What is meaning of p and i.
4. Imo guide line for banker tank cleaning. Points only. No
history lesson.
5. Ism elements deficiency.
6. Latest developments in Hull design.
7.who many ch. In Solas, what is ch 13 in details. How shop
is compling at mid sea.
05-Mar-20 Mokhopadhyay 1.iron ore transport moisture limit and relation with flow
moisture .
2.categories machinery survey responsibility many ism clement, tell 1st 4 and last one
5.New development in t/c and explain
6.Type of subrogation and explain principles of subrogation
7.marpol annex vI reg 18 and 4 describe
8.latest development in related to ship and equipment
9.Type of communication and explain open and close
communication, and which one prefer & why briefly
10.You are sailing with multi national,tell me few points
how will you get max output.
05-Mar-20 Mukhopadhyay sir. 1) Type if ship
2) Casualty Investigation. Who does it and process.
3) limitations of chief engineer by class for periodical

survey of machiniries.
4) what id demmurage.
5) What is average.
6) for co2 emissions what are imo guidelines and european
union guidelines and differences?
7) Emergency faced on ship and actions taken.
8) For changing to low sulphur fuel ( sulphur cap 2020) imo
guidelines and procedures for tank cleaning.
9) warranty and types?
10) difference between product and chemical tanker.
05-Mar-20 Internal Mr. 1.Technical experience and types of ships sailed
Chowdary 2.Operational differences in product and chemicals tankers
External Mr. 3.What all products carry in product tankers? palm oil and
Mukhopadhyay naphtha comes in which category?
4.Difference between PV valve and PV breaker in terms of
operation wise and construction wise
5.Inert gas plant alarms and safety shutdown devices
6.Marpol annex vi regulation 4
7.Low sulphur fuel oil operational difficulties and how to
8.Explain types of Exhaust gas cleaning systems and
effluent discharge criteria
9.C/E responsibilities in different types of charters
10.Latest developments in hull construction and energy
saving devices
11.Emergency preparedness on-board and explain any
emergency which you experienced in your career and how
dealt with it.
05-Mar-20 Mukhopadhyay sir. 1) Type if ship
2) Casualty Investigation. Who does it and process.
3) limitations of chief engineer by class for periodical
survey of machiniries.
4) what id demmurage.
5) What is average.
6) for co2 emissions what are imo guidelines and european
union guidelines and differences?
7) Emergency faced on ship and actions taken.
8) For changing to low sulphur fuel ( sulphur cap 2020) imo
guidelines and procedures for tank cleaning.
9) warranty and types?
10) difference between product and chemical tanker.
05-Mar-20 Mukhopadhyay & 1. Parametric Rolling & how to counteract
Choudhary 2. What is STCW ? Is it a code or a
Work and Rest Hours as per STCW & any other instrument

where IMO talks about it? Whats the difference, how to

compensate in case of Emergency situation
3. ISM ? Objectives of ISM, SMC, DOC, & SMS? How to
prepare for an SMS for a new or Takeover Vessel?? What r
the terms (he doesnt want explanations)?
4. CASK theory what is C ?
5. Exhaust temp and pressure of ur Vessel at sea, how TC
works ?( basically he wants to know how 400deg.C & 0.5bar
pressure of exhaust creates 1.6 bar scavenge pressure)
6. IMDG Code ? Latest amendments ?
7. Relationship between TEUs and Displacement? Where it
is mentioned? 8. Weight of a container where mentioned?
9. What is Average in General Average? As per insurance.
10. Marine Insurance Principles?
05-Mar-20 Mukhopadhyay & Type of vessel - Container Vessels
Choudhary 1. Parametric Rolling & how to counteract
2. What is STCW ? Is it a code or a
Work and Rest Hours as per STCW & any other instrument
where IMO talks about it? Whats the difference, how to
compensate in case of Emergency situation
3. ISM ? Objectives of ISM, SMC, DOC, & SMS? How to
prepare for an SMS for a new or Takeover Vessel?? What r
the terms (he doesnt want explanations)?
4. CASK theory what is C ??
5. Exhaust temp and pressure of ur Vessel at sea, how TC
works ?( basically he wants to know how 400deg.C & 0.5bar
pressure of exhaust creates 1.6 bar scavenge pressure)
6. IMDG Code ? Latest amendments ?
7. Relationship between TEUs and Displacement? Where it
is mentioned? 8. Weight of a container where mentioned?
9. What is Average in General Average? As per insurance.
10. Marine Insurance Principles?
29-Jun-20 External : chakraborty 1) type of ship I sailed
Internal : chaki 2) type of engine, MAN B&W ME, overall view
3) gear backlash
4)Function of the rod
5)MLC Detail
6)IMDG Code, latest amendments
7)Tierod bolts material and function
8) Arbitration, and cross questions
29-Jun-20 Ext- Banerjee Int- 1. Primary Legislation and Secondary Legislation
Chaki 2. MS ACT and MS rule . Name some of the MS rule
3. MS act applicability
4. What is Salvage?

5. What is York Antwerp Rule? What is General Avg? How

the contribution done?
6. Equipment definition as per MS act
7. What is affidavit?
8. What is calss notation?
9. GMDSS classed ship ? Equipment name ?
10. EPIRB?
11. What is Basic safety familiarization - what all things are
07-Jul-20 Banerjee sir. 1. What is an Indian ship.
2. Definition of Master as per M.S.Act.
3. What is salvage as per M.S. Act.
4. York Antwerp Rule..What is General Average. Define
5. EPIRB function and criteria.
6. What information you get from class notation. What is in
main class notation.
7. Condition for automatic withdrawal of class.
8. Condition monitoring system benefits.
9. Condition assessments scheme.
10. Offences as per STCW.
11. ISO 9001: 2015 details.
12. Crude oil types..
07-Jul-20 Banerjee Sir and 1.Types of vessel done. What is a chemical tanker.
Chaki 2. What is Navtex.
3. Registry of ship. What documents is kept with the
3.As a C.E how will u manage ER in Anchorage at open sea.
4. What is Manning levels.
5. what makes u eligible for Meo class. Besides training and
sea service.
6. What is co insurance.
7. What is repatriation.
8. What is Arbitration. Eligibility of an arbitrator.
19-Aug-20 Banarjee Sir 1. Master as per MS act
2.What are the things mentioned in Register book.
3.Consuler office as per M.S act
4.Free board correction and why correction for bow height.
5.Demurrage and lay time. What r the factors for deciding
6. What r the types of Indemnity and explain in detail.
7.Objective evidence
8. Function of MEPC
9. Security as per MS act

21-Aug-20 Internal - Kamath sir 1. Introduction, exp as 2E, type of ships.

External - Gadkar sir 2. Dry dock interval, and in case of Tmon DD interval.
3. Withdrawal of propeller, checks before withdrawal.
4. Checks on rudder in DD
5. Drydock before flooding checks, all checks at
intermediate stages of flooding
6. Tmon, condition for assigning tmon notation.
Procedure for fitting seals in place
7. Elements of ISM for engineered
8. How to prepare list of critical spares.
9. Statutory certificate for oil tanker.
10. Bunker convention
11. Emergency for pump not working in port action as CE
12. PSC codes for detention and for deficiency.
13. Checks during sea trial
06-Sep-20 Banarjee 1. How can an IV registered vessel be registered as foreign
going. Can it be?? If yes how??
2. Latest amendment in STCW
3. COASTAL STATE duties as in UNCLOS.
4. Different zones classified as in UNCLOS
5. Why we limit the liability.
6. Some thing related to IHS.
7. Derating certificate...not for main engine...
8. What does master review..why.. what all should he
09-Sep-20 External- Amitabh 1. As per M S Act definition of SEAMAN, PASSENGER.
Banarjee... Internal - 2. SALVAGE as per M S Act ..
Chaki.. 3. What is pooling?
4. Class Notation ?
5. Total loss and constructive loss ?
6. What things to check as per chief engineer that watches
are appropriate ?
7. Free board correction table a table b type A type B ship ?
09-Sep-20 Mukhopadhyay sir 1.Purpose of MS act?
2.Objective of NSB?
3.Who is the highest authority of NSB?( I answered
How he appointed? By whom?
4. Casualty investigation as per MS act? Who is proper
Whom to contact ? Where do u find whom to contact
5. Why casualty investigation code is there when various
conventions like solas,load line is given with the same?
6. LoF? Latest version?scopic clause?
7. how to assign load line for a new built ship? **( I said

about condition of assignment reg 10 to reg 26 of Load line

convention, and assignment of free board with corrections)
But he said he want at which height it would be marked I
don’t know whether he want freeboard correction formulas
or what
8. Difference between general insurance n marine
insurance? Principles of marine insurance
9.2 stroke or 4 stroke engine? How to suggest owner on
what basis?
10. Working of electronic governer to train sub ordinates on-board as C/E.
12. Polar code purpose n type of ships under it.
13. How polar code is different from all other code?
15-Sep-20 Ext. chako.... internal . 1.what do u mean by ovality? What are the reason for
Rao ovality of crank pin ?how you will measure? What to do in
case of ovality? Limits? Measures
2.what is preliminary investigation?who carries out?who is
govt of India?formal investigation when to proceed for
formal investigation?what is court of enquiry?
3. Azimuth propulsion system?
4. P and insurence what coveres and what is excluded ?
What do u mean by collision liability
4. Hydrostatic release unit? Explain principle?
5. Arbitration ? Criteria? When party can go to court ? Who
appoints arbitarator in case of maritime arbitration?
6. Sar convention? How activities are CO ordinaried during

K.m Rao
1. If any casualty happen on-board how as a ce u will
2. What do u mean by management?type of management?
As a ce engineer which management style u will
follow?what do you mean by manager?
15-Sep-20 Internal : Mr KM Rao 1. What is mlc, why it's came, who is responsible for crew
sir repatriation expenses? Who going to pay expenses if a
External: Mr seaman wants to sign off before contract completion due to
chakraborty sir some problem at home?
2. Arbitration in detail?
3. What's air lubrication, how does it works?
4. Why a ship needs to be registered?
What all certificate required for registration of a ship?
5. What all are engine room fire fighting system, what hi
expension foam ratio, why it is so, why not more?
6. What is fire fighting system on deck on n lng carrier,

constitutes of dcp?
7. What is voyage chartering, responsibilities of owner in
voyage chartering?
15-Sep-20 External- Amitabh 1. As per M S Act definition of SEAMAN, PASSENGER.
Banarjee... Internal - 2. SALVAGE as per M S Act ..
Chaki.. 3. What is pooling?
4. Class Notation ?
5. Total loss and constructive loss ?
6. What things to check as per chief engineer that watches
are appropriate ?
7. Free board correction table a table b type A type B ship?
17-Sep-20 External Biswas sir, 1. In time charter , owners liability?Ism under whom?
internal chaki sir 2. Despatch? Pay on what basis?
3. Saf con renewal survey, what things will check in engine
room? Which one is more important to check?
4. Load line survey preparation?
5. Tail shaft survey ? Tell me full details inspection?
6. H& M insurance ? What covers under H&M? Which
things are not cover under H&M?
7. Condition of class? Give some examples?
8. second hand ship registration? Which survey carried out
before registration? Told some survey , but told don’t
9. Ism ships management review? Period of review?what
all things mentioned and why?
10. In Ism why drills and training required?
05-Oct-20 Mr banerjee and a.k. as per ms act
chaudhry 2function of council
3. Human element of responsibility
4.non periodic survey.
5.responsibility of class
6.condition monitoring.
7.what is affidavit.
8. P&I what is indemnity.
9.isps certification.
10.ssas precaution
07-Oct-20 Internal : km roa sir 1.General introduction
External: 2.New regulations regarding venting
Mukhopadhyay sir 3.Types of engine done ,said RTA engine.... he asked any
DUAL fuel enine . operational,safety etc...
4.Wat is methane slip
GWP of methane ans comparision with CO2
5.EUMRV and IMODCS difference
6.c/e responsibility and comparison wrt time charter and
bareboat charter

7.latest development wrt exhaust ,wrt to CO2 reduction

11-Nov-20 External 1. Since you have sailed on both new and old bulk
Mukhopadhyay carriers,what difference you found.
Internal km rao Barriers in bulk carrier, primary & secondary.
2. You are working with multinational crew fitter stopped
working action as CE.
3. SOLAS CH-13,IMSAS audit?
4. Emergency preparedness.
5. Latest developments in cylinder lubrication.
6. ME engine,MEGI?
7. Types of charteres,which one you prefer & why?.
8. Other than sox & nox what other polutant as per annex vi.
11-Nov-20 Ext- Mukhopadhyay, 1. Additional requirements for Bulk carrier in Brief.
Internal - Rao 2. Action as per CE if EGCS one sensor fails. MEPC cir 833
3. Transportable Moisture Limit and Flow Moisture point In
Ore carrier .. What will be effects ? Which will be more ?
4. In multinational crew, u joined as CE . U see people are
making small groups and and not working satisfactorily..
What will be your actions ?
5. What is Strategy & Tactics ?
6. Started from Marine loss (GA & PA).
What is Max time for GA settlement?. What are the problem
faced in GA settlement ?
7. What are structural difference in old and new Bulk
Carrier design ?
8. Piston new developments? New design of piston rings ?
9. Limitations of ISM ?
11-Nov-20 External : 1. Different types of tankers based on sizes. Define Aframax
Mukhopadhyay .
Internal: K M Rao 2. Primary and secondary means of venting.
3. How to motivate crew.
4. All about chartering and responsibilities of CE in each .
5. Annex 6 Marpol whatever u can say 6. Developments in
T/c wrt energy saving
12-Nov-20 mukho and rao sir Introduce yourself.. types of chemical tankers
1. Imo structure
2.motivation theory..Maslow theory explain
3.types of certificate carried on board and example..
4. Solas chapter 13
5.Near miss definition and examples..
6.Charatering and role of CE..
7.Unseaworthy ship and unsafe ship..

23-Nov-20 Internal K.M. Rao sir, 1. Parametric rolling: what is it? Why it happens in
external mukho sir container ship? Can it happen to other ships? Actions as ce
to reduce it.
2. Mass-volume relationship in container.
3. Marpol Annex 6. Reg 4?
Challenges in using low sulphur fuel oil. What r the new
parameters added to test FO.
Compliance fuel not available! What will be ur action as CE.
4. Types of p&I
5. Latest development in general. Then asked abt latest
development in engine with regards to exhaust
6. Mlc latest inclusion. Did not accept piracy....
7. Latest development in NOx.
23-Nov-20 Ext-Mukhopadhyay, 1. Difference between old & new bulk carriers. Primary &
Int - K.M.Rao Secondary measures. Bulk carrier damage stability criteria.
Difference from old criteria.
2. Aframax tanker definition. Why Aframax named. Old and
new tankers difference.
3. Sustainability in shipping. 7 goal based standards. One
example is EEDI, what are the others?
4. Different types of survey. Difference between Annual &
Intermediate survey. IOPP survey what all checks in
intermediate and annual survey?
5. What is Re-insurance. Types of Re-insurance. Why Re-
6. Difference between ISM and ISO. Limitations of ISM.
23-Dec-20 Biswas sir and Rao Mr. SEN why you always wear whites??
sir. 1. Loadline survey. Form 11. Where it is found? Contents?
2. Class survey? Intervals?
3. Pulse jet lubrication? Pulse feed lubrication?
4. Goal based construction? Which convention allows this? I
said solas ch ii-1 reg 3.1. Rao sir said very good.
5. Tailshaft survey? Condition monitoring system? I said aft
bearing wear, Rao sir cross question where else you find
this? I said me main bearing. He asked the technology
6. Most important thing that P&I club covers and omits?
Difference between H&M and P&I? He wanted to hear non
profitable organization.
7. Nox tech file and lots of cross question?
8. CLC fund LLMC P&I
23-Dec-20 ext- Biswas int- rao 1. Role of class during construction of ship? The ship is
being built in japan but the boiler is coming from germany,
how class will ensure it is built upto its requirements?
During sea trials what all main engine trips to check? (Not

press temp trips)~~ i told overspeed trip, he asked for 1

more I didn’t know.
2. ESP. How to plan a survey from scratch? What all docs?
What all checks? Many cross questions, but wasn’t fully
3. What are points 1 & 2 in load line certificate?
4. Stp (special trading passenger ships) certifcate?
5. Charter party. How a charter party agreement will finally
come into force? Steps? Rider clause in C/P?
6. Man B&w design modifications/changes for slow
steaming? Derating?
7. How to calculate required EEDI? From where you will
get the values of a & c?
8. How to get the tonnage certificate after registration of
the ship (he was referring to some circular regarding it)
24-Dec-20 Internal Banerjee Sir 1.Distressed seaman
External Rao Sir 2.Repatriation
3.which all rank included in STCW operational and support
6.Restricted visibility what you will do as a ce
7.3E has done security couse whall all you can expect from
8.Demmurage(who will pay and to whom)
9.Hague Visby rules
28-Dec-20 Int: KM Rao/ Ext: A K 1. Who are the contributors to the IOPC
Biswas Fund? What are the three situations at which claim is
paid by FUND.? Protocol of FUND And limits paid ?
2.demurrage and dispatch in C/P?
3. Six points under ISM which must be include in SMS.
4. Where in ISM talks about onboard drills. 5 advantages to
crew of having drills
5.developments in Sulzer engine regarding low load
6.alpha lubricator in detail?how cyl oil pressure is
7. Change of class requirements in case both new and old
class are members of IACS?
8. Registeration of ship as per MS act in detail? What if
second hand ship? Where u will find tonnage of 2nd hand
ship if builder certificate is missing and certificate of
registry was issued by a state like panama,Liberia to which
Indian authorities will not trust?
By mr. Rao

1. CSR in detail?
2. Is class mandatory for all ships?
3. Which all solas conventions the applicable for less than
500 GT

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