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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Alexa Lopez Date of Activity: 4/9/21; 4/20/21

Faculty name: Professor O’Connell

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with (be
specific about the purpose and your role):

The event I virtually attended was the AHEC Rural Interprofessional Health Conference on April
9th, 2021. I also completed the COVID-19 ICU free course by the American Association of
Critical Care Nurses.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?

The conference was approximately 4.5 hrs and the COVID-19 course was about 4.5 hrs.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

The conference provided insight to the changes COVID-19 has brought upon the health care
system. Specifically, COVID-19 brought to light many disparities and inequities that minority
populations in Pima county face every day. Additionally, the conference also had various student
presentations on different topics related to COVID-19. The COVID-19 ICU course explained the
difference between ARDS and respiratory failure. It also provided practice on different
ventilatory modes and how to address complications. Overall, these professional development
activities are extremely valuable because they allowed me to expand my knowledge related to
areas I am interested in—ICU and population health.

How would you continue to use this experience throughout your nursing career?

Both of these activities are areas of interest to me. I plan to use the information gained from
these activities to further my skills in either ICU or population health in hopes of addressing
health disparities within minority populations. Patients should have the opportunity to achieve
their optimal health status and as a future nurse, I plan to fill in part of the gap for underserved
populations. Knowing information regarding mechanical ventilation will help me provide more
effective care. Being aware of the health disparities and current practices minorities currently
face will help me aim my interventions towards such issues.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why or
why not? (Describe)
Yes, I would recommend both of these activities because they are great exposure to valuable
information. The COVID ICU course in specific is great at reinforcing information that is easily
lost when not exposed to everyday.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained if applicable? Yes Signature on validation of

clinical hours form obtained? X

- Proof of attendance/completion is attached to this submission

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