Technological Forecasting & Social Change: Beatriz Junquera, Blanca Moreno, Roberto Álvarez

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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 109 (2016) 6–14

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Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Analyzing consumer attitudes towards electric vehicle purchasing

intentions in Spain: Technological limitations and vehicle confidence
Beatriz Junquera a, Blanca Moreno b,⁎, Roberto Álvarez c
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Oviedo, Avd. Cristo s/n, 33006 Oviedo, Spain
Regional Economics Laboratory-RegioLab, Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Oviedo, Avd. Cristo s/n, 33006 Oviedo, Spain
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nebrija, Calle Pirineos 55, 28040 Madrid, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The history of the automotive industry was initially linked to electricity. However, the combustion engines would
Received 1 June 2015 become the dominant paradigm later. Nowadays, because of several factors, the automotive industry has been
Received in revised form 26 January 2016 researched on electric vehicles (EVs) for several decades, although this industry will have to overcome important
Accepted 8 May 2016
obstacles to commercialise this kind of vehicles efficiently.
Available online 28 May 2016
In this context, the main aim of this paper is to discover to what extent some issues are key to explain consumers'
willingness to buy an electric vehicle. We focus on consumers' perceptions about technical specifications of elec-
Electric vehicle tric cars, such as charging times, consumers' perception of the price of the electric vehicle, driving range and
Consumer attitudes drivers' ages, among others.
Logit model We design a survey in order to obtain some factors linked to consumers' profile which are later crossed with their
Survey expectations to buy an electric vehicle. A logistic regression analysis was conducted to explain the willingness to
buy an electric car by using the information of 1245 Spanish respondents.
Our results indicate that the higher a consumer's perception of the price of electric vehicles and the longer charg-
ing times are, the less a consumer's willingness to buy a new electric car is.
The results are useful to define key elements linked to the most appropriate industrial policy which helps com-
panies promote the electric vehicle.
© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction leader and, as a result, the other paradigms failed at that moment. One
basic fact was the achievement of scale economies linked to the com-
Electric vehicles have become a new alternative in the automotive bustion engine. Nevertheless, this kind of economies became an impor-
industry because of some factors, such as emissions control,1 noise pol- tant problem for automobile manufacturers. As a result, they were not
lution, the ease with which to drive or fuel prices (Beaume and Midler, be able to take advantage of economies of scale linked to manufacturing.
2009). However, despite these positive effects, commercializing electric A second problem appears after manufacturing. A small number of
vehicles has been attempted without major important level of success. electric vehicles lead both to a disadvantage because of economies of
In fact, the failure of electric vehicles has never been benefited from scale and a poor recharge network. In fact, both problems are linked
economies of scale since the beginning of the 20th century when the to each other. As a result, it has become a vicious circle for electric vehi-
first prototypes were developed (Beaume and Midler, 2009). Actually, cles. That is, as hundreds of thousands of electric vehicles are not
the first automobiles were electric vehicles. However, there were differ- manufactured, economies of scale cannot be achieved, so that compa-
ent paradigms in the market until the combustion engine became the nies have not accepted to invest in a recharge network (Beaume and
Midler, 2009).
Furthermore, in a globalised market, where the level of competition
⁎ Corresponding author. is extremely high, it is very difficult for a start-up to penetrate the mar-
E-mail address: (B. Moreno).
1 ket. An investment in an entirely new car manufacturer requires a huge
This issue has been discussed for several decades. Several years ago research carried
out addressed that electric vehicles could be more harmful because of emissions, capital cost. However, some companies are successful. Tesla Motors,2
supporting their arguments on the lack of efficiency of the electric vehicle power storage
device (Adcock and McCusker, 1995). Nevertheless, new research (Álvarez et al., 2015)
has studied the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions derived from the use of battery electric Tesla Motors is a luxury all-electric Silicon Valley-based automaker which currently
vehicles and it shows that plug-in electric energy for transportation is one option to reduce designs, manufactures and markets two vehicle models. Tesla was founded in California,
oil use and GHG emissions, although these results reveal the necessity to particularise where it invests heavily. It employs nearly 6500 workers at its headquarters in Palo Alto,
emissions according to electricity generation mix, driver's behaviour profile and traffic primary car and battery factory in Fremont, design studio in Hawthorne and a specialized
density conditions. production plant in Lathrop.
0040-1625/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
B. Junquera et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 109 (2016) 6–14 7

which has developed strategies to overcome some of these entry bar- this market in Spain is small according to its economic importance
riers to this market as high capital cost or to joint manufacturers efforts in the European Union. Consequently, it is necessary to carry out
to increase investment profitability (Stringham et al., 2015). One key new studies in this country to understand what is happening in a
factor for Tesla's success is the expansion and invest in an own financed better way and to find out new ideas to foster the market of electric
supercharger infrastructure. The superchargers are charger stations vehicles in Spain.
with the aim that Tesla cars' owners charge their vehicles along high- With this aim, the likelihood of consumers' stated willingness to
ways in North America and Europe in a 200 miles range-30 min free consider the future purchase of an electric vehicle is explored using lo-
charging. Tesla Motors hardly invests in expansion of the “free forever” gistic regression. We focus on consumers' perception about technical
Tesla supercharger network, open now with 536 superchargers world- specifications of electric cars, such as charging times, their perception
wide and 3053 charge posts. of the price of electric vehicles, driving range, and drivers' ages, among
In any case, the advantages of environmentally-friendly vehicles are others.
widely recognized. However, a question remains: Why is their The present study contributes to the literature on this topic in
commercialisation so difficult? An answer is that their constraints re- three ways: (i) it provides an empirical study about consumers'
main: product eco-innovations3 must be perceived more advantageous decision-making to buy an electric vehicle; (ii) it is the first study
than conventional products (Pickett-Baker and Ozaki, 2008). A custom- about this topic in the Spanish market; and (iii) it provides useful in-
er must perceive a value increasing to choose a product eco-innovation formation to policy makers to discuss the key elements related to the
when there are conventional products in the market. That is to say, they most appropriate industrial policy which help to promote the elec-
must focus on the most traditional attributes (if we are talking about tric vehicle.
cars, safety and reliability), as well as on environmental characteristics, The paper is structured as follows: firstly, we expose our theoretical
combination which could become a powerful competitive advantage in framework. Later, an empirical study is carried out. Finally, some con-
the long term (Jansson, 2011). cluding remarks and recommendations are presented.
Graham-Rowe et al. (2012), Daziano and Bolduc (2011) and
Turcksin et al. (2013) identified some latent attitudes to explain why 2. Theoretical framework
people buy electric cars, such as vehicle confidence or environmental at-
titudes, among others. However, they are related to subjective beliefs Some instrumental attributes are key to explain the intention to
and tastes, which cannot be directly observed or objectively derived adopt electric vehicles because they influence people's emotional re-
from the measurable technical specifications of electric cars. These la- sponses to electric vehicles (hedonic function) and are used to form
tent attitudes are related to subjective beliefs and tastes, which cannot and express an identity (symbolic function) (Schuitema et al., 2013).
be directly observed or cannot directly lead to behaviours (Oreg and Previous studies have focused on the role of these instrumental attri-
Katz-Gerro, 2006). One of the limitations of the use of attitudes in butes linked to the willingness to buy an electric vehicle. Research has
electricity-cars-purchase-intention studies is that they are not enough include purchase price, driving range and recharging time, assuming
to explain why people buy an item. that they would be the most important determinants of adoption
Moreover, some disadvantages have been pointed out as a limitation (Beggs et al., 1981; Bunch et al., 1993; Chéron and Zins, 1997; Lieven
in the electric vehicle market penetration: its limited range, although it et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2011; Egbue and Long, 2012; Moons and De
should not been considered an insuperable problem from other authors' Pelsmacker, 2012; Carley et al., 2013; Jensen et al., 2013; Krupa et al.,
point of view (Beaume and Midler, 2009) and the necessary time to re- 2014). We have included those three classical variables. However, we
charge the battery, among others (Glerum et al., 2013). have added the so-called variable ‘age’.
In order to throw light about this issue, Aggeri et al. (2009) have
found out that the path to electrification in the automotive industry
2.1. Perception of price
should explore new marketing, technological and business model
concepts. Several topics should still be studied before achieving
Electric vehicles are usually more expensive to be bought. How-
some definitive conclusions. It is particularly necessary an increased
ever, energy-saving technologies could be net-cost savers in the
understanding of how electric vehicle companies and consumers are
long run. Despite these savings, consumers may decline to purchase
affected by some variables related to those concepts. In that sense, as
them. It is the so-called ‘energy-efficiency paradox’ or ‘energy-effi-
Al-Alawi and Bradley (2013) or Daziano and Chiew (2012) have
ciency gap’ (Gillingham et al., 2009; Allcott and Greenstone, 2012;
pointed out, there is a need for more micro-data to properly inform
Gillingham and Palmer, 2013). In any case, according to the usual re-
models of potential electric vehicle market penetration and to im-
lationships, the level of price of electric vehicles may influence con-
prove their usefulness as decision-making tools. In their recent re-
sumers' willingness to adoption. As a result, we can deduce our
view, Al-Alawi and Bradley (2013) strongly recommended a need
first hypothesis:
for narrower connection between consumer surveys and electric-
drive vehicle adoption modeling. Hypothesis 1. The higher the perception of the price of an electric vehi-
Thus, with this paper, our main aim is to discover to what extent cle by consumers is, the more their willingness to adopt it is.
some issues are key to explain Spanish consumers' willingness to buy
an electric vehicle by using a survey and the information obtained by
1245 Spanish respondents. 2.2. Age
According to the Association of European Manufacturers (2015)
data, in 2014, the whole market of the European Union reached Sustainable products, such as electric vehicles, have pro-
75,331 electric vehicles sold. In Spain a total of 1405 electric vehicles environmental characteristics which correspond to activated environ-
were sold. However, it is not enough, especially if we consider that mental values. Hence, when environmental values are activated, con-
the Spanish economy is more than the 8% of the European Union's sumers should be motivated to pay more for electric vehicles. That is,
economy. Nevertheless, only about 1.8% of the electric vehicles com- value activation is expected to result in higher internal price thresholds
mercialized in the European Union are sold in Spain. That is to say, and lower sensitivity towards electric vehicles prices. Moreover, when
product information is provided, activation of environmental values is
There are different classifications of innovations according to different criteria. One of
expected to influence consumers' information processing regarding
them distinguishes between product innovations and process innovations. When we are sustainable products resulting in more positive evaluations of provided
talking about an electric vehicle, we are thinking of a product innovation. electric vehicle attributes (Hahnel et al., 2014). Several reasons may
8 B. Junquera et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 109 (2016) 6–14

explain this phenomenon. Some authors (Gyimesi and Viswanathan, According to Krumm (2012), when somebody usually drives N 200 km
2011) have discovered that consumers with knowledge and experience a day, current electric vehicle becomes less useful. As a result, we can
are more assertive in their purchase decisions, so that they show greater deduce the third (b) hypothesis of this paper:
willingness-to-pay a premium for electric vehicles. That is to say, envi-
ronmental values may lead to a lower level of sensitivity towards price. Hypothesis 3b. People who usually drive a distance N200 km a day are
On the other hand, younger people show higher levels of environmental more willing to buy an electric car.
values than other groups.
However, other authors (Maxwell, 2002) showed that when their
purchasing prices were higher, environmental value activation was 2.4. Charging times
less effective. In fact, when a company exceeds some levels of its prices,
it could result in disapproval of the product (Han et al., 2001). It may be Literature has considered charging times as a key variable to explain
related to consumers' income because of the relative value of money. the willingness to buy an electric car, assuming that they would be the
This group of consumers is not linked to the youngest population. most important determinants of adoption (Beggs et al., 1981; Bunch
As a result, we can deduce that some age groupscould be more will- et al., 1993; Chéron and Zins, 1997; Lieven et al., 2011; Zhang et al.,
ing to adopt an innovation, in our case electric vehicles. It would happen 2011; Egbue and Long, 2012; Moons and De Pelsmacker, 2012; Carley
when consumers show two characteristics simultaneously: a) a medi- et al., 2013; Jensen et al., 2013; Krupa et al., 2014). In fact, lengthy charg-
um or high level of available income and b) a high level of willingness ing times are considered an important handicap to improve the market
to adopt a new innovation because of a high level of environmental share of electric vehicles (Pilkington and Dyerson, 2002; Hard and Knie,
values. That is, our second hypothesis is approached in this way: 2001).
The electric vehicle charging predicament is a classic chicken and
Hypothesis 2. People between their mid-twenties and mid-sixties are egg problem. Infrastructure is essential for growing the market, but at
less willing to buy an electric car. the same time, a strong infrastructure development does not make
sense if there is not a growing electric vehicles number on the road
(Chang et al., 2012).
2.3. Range Consequently, we can include charging times as an issue to explain a
consumer's willingness to buy a new electric car. As a result, we can de-
Current electric vehicles show short ranges (in general, b100 miles) duce the fourth hypothesis of this paper:
(Pilkington and Dyerson, 2002; Hard and Knie, 2001; Van Haaren, 2011;
Álvarez et al., 2014), although drivers' recharging behaviour has become Hypothesis 4. The longer charging times are, the more a consumer's
more relaxed overtime as they have developed knowledge and confi- willingness to buy a new electric car is.
dence in the battery range (Bunce et al., 2014). Although this range
can vary between countries, aforementioned average distance, which
is daily driven in 6 member stages in the European Union, ranges from 3. Empirical study
an average of 40 km (UK) to an average of 80 km (Poland). On the
other hand, Krumm (2012), supporting his ideas on a representative In this section, we describe the consumer profile's measures and
study of 150,147 drivers in USA, reported that electric vehicles with how this information has been collected. We design a survey in order
60 miles driving range would satisfy 83% of householders, while to obtain consumer profile's measures which are later crossed with
80 miles would be suitable for 90% and 120 miles for 95% of the US their willingness to buy an electric car in order to test the proposed hy-
drivers. Such distances can be comfortably covered by battery electric pothesis of this paper.
vehicles which are currently already available on the market and seem Although some studies have used surveys to explain the penetration
to give little objective reason for concerns about range limitations, rate of new technology vehicles, consumers' intention to buy an electric
often referred to as ‘range anxiety’ factor is further reduce (Pasaoglu vehicle or why people buy electric cars, this paper constitutes the first
et al., 2014). study about this topic in the Spanish market.
As a result, Franke and Krems (2013) address range as a barrier to For example, Bunch et al. (1993) used a mail-back stated preference
adoption and show that experience from driving all-electric vehicles survey with approximately 700 respondents in the California South
produces adaptation, which reduces the practical constraints of range. Coast Air Basin. Moons and De Pelsmacker (2012) used a sample of
Consequently, range limitation can be considered as the adaption de- 1202 Belgians to determine several factors linked to usage intention of
mand or the needed change or behaviour relative to conventional inter- an electric car. Egbue and Long (2012) collect 481 responses by using
nal combustion engine cars. Moreover, such changes of behaviour make an internet-based survey. Hackbarth and Madlener (2013) used a sur-
consumers resistant to the acceptance of battery electric vehicles vey completed by 711 respondents in Germany. Glerum et al. (2013)
(Caperello and Kurani, 2011; Lane and Potter, 2007). evaluated the demand for Renault electric cars on the Swiss market by
Thus, people who buy electric cars expect to drive less. In fact, for using two surveys with around 666 and 593 respondents for each one.
people owning an electric car as a second or third vehicle there is no dif- Krupa et al. (2014) administered a survey to 1000 stated US residents,
ference in annual mileage compared to combustion engine car owners, using Amazon Mechanical Turk to better understand factors influencing
while individuals which own only an electric vehicle report lower annu- the potential for electric vehicle market penetration. Lieven et al.
al mileage (Klöckner et al., 2013). (2011), by using 1152 German individuals, identified potential catego-
If we considered these contributions, we can deduce that electric ve- ries of electric vehicle buyers. Finally, Zhang et al. (2011) conducted a
hicles are usually driven by people whose main aim is to drive a limited questionnaire survey with 299 respondents to explain the factors
distance. As a result, we can deduce the third (a) hypothesis of this which are most likely to affect consumers' choice for the electric vehicle
paper: in China.
An empirical study was carried out by using statistical descriptive
Hypothesis 3a. People who usually drive a limited distance are less
measures, correlations and logistic regressions. Several studies have
willing to buy an electric car.
used logit models of consumer preference to vehicle technology, as
Supporting our discourse on the same arguments, a lower level of Bunch et al. (1993), Axsen and Kurani (2011) or Zhang et al. (2011),
willingness to buy an electric car is shown by those drivers who gener- among others. Statistical methods are performed by using IBM SPSS Sta-
ally need a wider range of autonomy for their electric vehicles. tistics 22.0 software.
B. Junquera et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 109 (2016) 6–14 9

3.1. Design of the survey Table 1

Principal variables analyzed by the survey.

A self-administered web-based questionnaire was designed and 1245 ID Variable Frequency Percentage
participants from Spain provided information on electric vehicle topics re- WILL Respondents will to buy an electric vehicle in a
quested. Two ways of distribution have been used: mailing and social horizon of 5 years
media. A database from Nebrija University, which includes students, pro- Yes 49 5%
fessors and networking, has been used as a primary distribution source. Yes if the price were accessible 284 31%
Yes if I had places to recharge close her/his 133 15%
Likewise, the survey was sent by email to professional collectives. News-
letters and mailing lists have been very effective to reach the audience. Yes. He/she would buy a hybrid electric car 188 21%
The test period began in 06/04/2014 and finished in 12/05/2014. No 255 28%
During this five weeks period, a total of 1800 emails were sent in AGE Respondent's age (years)
batches, with a high response rate: higher than 40%. We have consid- b18 3 0%
18–25 years 214 17%
ered that all those days with a number exceeding thirty responses cor- 26–45 years 624 50%
respond to arrivals of surveys by email. Using internal databases and 46–65 years 370 30%
networking only 18% of e-mail invitations sent were rejected by the N65 34 3%
server due to e-mail addresses being wrongly spelt or no longer valid. TECH Technologies related to electric vehicle known
by the respondent
No questionnaires were received in blank.
Battery electric vehicle 596 48%
Social media has been very useful too. Posting our invitation on cor- Hybrid electric vehicle 764 61%
porative Facebook and LinkedIn pages have allowed to search for groups Hybrid electric vehicle extended range 166 13%
and to invite them to participate. Tweeting about the survey and send- Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle 486 39%
ing a link to followers, including a retweet request at the end of the mes- None 87 7%
BRAN Car brands that respondent associates with
sage, have been used as a viral distribution in order to reach a wider
electric cars
audience. Toyota 703 56%
Renault 364 29%
BMW 271 22%
3.2. Descriptive study
Tesla 271 22%
Nissan 140 11%
In order to study the variability in participants' willingness to con- PRICE Perception of the price of an electric vehicle
sider adopting new electric vehicle technology, individuals were asking (comparing with the combustion engine car)
about their age, their knowledge about the technology, their perception The price of the electric vehicle is higher 763 84%
The price of the electric vehicle is lower 57 6%
about the price of electric vehicles, their perception of the technical
Similar 89 10%
specifications of electric cars, as charging times and driving range, DDIS Daily distance driven by the respondent (km)
among others. The main variables are included on the survey are pre- b50 km 564 62%
sented in Table 1. 50–100 km 276 30%
Regarding to respondents' willingness to buy an electric vehicle in a 100–200 km 58 6%
N200 km 11 1%
five-year horizon, at one extreme, 5% of respondents indicate a willing- AUTON Distance that the respondent believes that
ness to buy it, while at the other extreme 28% of respondents have never electric vehicles can go a maximum without
considered purchasing an EV. recharging (km)
Regarding our respondents profile, the 50% of them are between 26 b50 km 50 6%
50–100 km 315 35%
and 45 years old and the 30% of them are between 46 and 65 years old.
100–200 km 377 41%
The 86% of them like driving. The majority of them (92%) drive b 100 km N200 km 167 18%
daily and the 73% of them do not often use the car to drive N200 km. The FREQ Frequency used by the respondent to cover a
16% of the respondents work in the vehicle sector. distance of over 200 km
About their knowledge about electric car, the 27% of all respondents Low frequency (holiday, sporadic trips) 662 73%
High frequency 200 22%
have sometimes had experience of driving an electric vehicle. Likewise, Never 47 5%
the most known technologies by our respondents are battery and hy- TCHAR Time that the respondent think is used by the
brid electric car and the most known brands linked to electric car are To- electric car to charge (h)
yota, Renault and BMW. b1 h 57 6%
1–3 h 274 30%
The 81% of the respondents think that the price of an electric car is
3–6 h 234 26%
higher than the price of a combustion engine car. The distribution of 6–8 h 253 28%
the answers received about the perception of the time used to charge N9 h 91 10%
an electric car is very uniform (between 1 and 8 h). With regard the life- LIFE Lifetime that the respondent believes it has the
time that respondents believe it has the electric vehicle battery, most of electric vehicle battery (years)
1 year 36 4%
them (31%) think that it is 5 years: 65% of them consider that it is at 2 years 115 13%
most 5 years. Regarding to the autonomy of an electric vehicle, the 3 years 131 14%
41% of the respondents believe that it is lower than 100 km. 4 years 119 13%
5 years 278 31%
6 years 44 5%
3.3. Logistic regression and discussion 7 years 15 2%
8 years 42 5%
In order to test the proposed hypotheses of this paper a logit (or lo- 9 years 4 0%
gistic regression) model4 is estimated. It is used to explain the main var- 10 years 68 7%
N10 years 57 6%
iables (X) affecting to the consumer's willingness to buy a new electric
PLEAS Respondent's pleasure of driving
car. Yes 1065 86%
No 69 6%
It is highlighted that logit model not only allows us to reject or not reject our hypoth- It is mandatory 111 9%
esis, but it also allows us a quantification of the impact which our variables (relative to re-
ject hypothesis) have on the willingness to buy an electric car.
10 B. Junquera et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 109 (2016) 6–14

This model provides knowledge about the relationships among the - Charge times. This variable measures the time (h) which would be
variables. By using a logit model it is possible to model the probability necessary to recharge the battery of an electric car from a
of a dichotomous variable (Y) which takes on the value 1 based on a respondent's point of view.
set of k explanatory variables (X). - Battery lifetime. This variable measures a respondent's perception
A logit model is specified as: about the lifetime (years) of the electric car battery.
  - Range 1. This variable measures a respondent's perception about the
p daily distance (km) which an electric car is capable to range covered
ln ¼ logðoddsÞ ¼ α þ βX ¼ α þ β1 X 1 þ … þ βk X k ; ð1Þ
1−p by the battery without recharging it. This variable takes on the value
1 if the respondent considers that this distance is less than 100 km,
where p is the probability of a success and the term p/(1 − p) are the zero otherwise.
odds of success: - Range 2. This variable measures the frequency with which the re-
sponder uses his/her car to drive distances greater than 200 km.
eαþβX eαþβ1 X 1 þ…þβk X k The variable takes on the value 1 if a respondent uses the car with
p ¼ probabilityðY ¼ 1Þ ¼ αþβX
¼ ; ð2Þ
1þe 1 þ eαþβ1 X 1 þ…þβk X k a high frequency to cover that distances, zero otherwise.
- Driving pleasure. This variable measures respondents' pleasure
α and β being estimated by the maximum likelihood method.
when they are driving. The variable takes on the value 1 if respon-
In order to estimate our logit model as an independent variable (Y),
dents likes driving, zero otherwise.
we use a binary variable which takes on the value 1 if the respondent
- Experience. This variable measures the experience of driving an
expressed willingness to buy an electric car in the next five years
electric car. The variable takes on the value 1 if the respondent has
(“yes-yes if”) and the value on 0 if the respondent expressed no willing-
driven an electric vehicle almost once, zero otherwise.
ness to buy an electric car (“not”).
Before the specification of the model, a preliminary study of the cor-
relation among other variables is done. Table 2 shows the (Spearman)
In order to analyze the goodness of fit of a logit model, we consider
correlation coefficients.
the odds ratio and Wald statistic (both referred to the level of individual
As it is expected, there are positive correlations between the willing-
significance of each independent variable) and the coefficients of deter-
ness to buy an electric car and pleasure of driving, battery lifetime, mid-
mination R2 of Nagelkerke (1991) and Cox and Snell (1989) and the test
forties-sixties age and the understanding of a technology. There are neg-
of Hosmer and Lemeshow (1980), all of them referred to the overall fit
ative correlations between the willingness to buy the price of an electric
of the model.
car and between the willingness to buy an electric car and the frequency
with which the consumer uses the car to cover longer distances than
- Odds ratio is Exp(ßi). We can interpret Exp(ßi) in terms of the
200 km (as long trips may not be possible on electric vehicle without
change in odds. We can then say that when the independent vari-
recharging the battery during the trip).
able increases one unit, the odds that the case can be predicted to in-
However, the correlation values indicate that the willingness to buy
crease by a factor of around Exp(ßi) times, when other variables are
an electric car decreases with an enough level of experience with an
controlled. Values of Exp(ßi) higher than one, related to positive sign
electric vehicle or being a professional in the automotive industry.
in ßi, mean that a one unit change in xi results in an increment in the
Later, consumers' willingness to purchase an electric vehicle is ex-
odds of willingness to buy an electric car. On the other hand, a value
plained by using a binary logistic regression models. The explanatory
of Exp(ßi) lower than one, which is related to negative sign in ßi,
variables included in logit models are the following ones:
means that a one unit change in xi results in a decrease in the odds
- Number of technologies. This variable measures the number of of willingness to buy an electric car.
technologies related to electric vehicles which are known by the - Wald Statistic. It refers to the individual significance of each variable
respondent. and its interpretation is very similar to the t statistic for multiple lin-
- The perception of the price. This variable measures the perception of ear regressions. The Wald statistic has a chi-square distribution. The
the price of an electric car when it is compared with the price of a critical level associated with the statistic indicates individual signifi-
combustion engine car. If the respondent considers the price of an cance of a variable for a given level of significance.
electric car is higher than the price of a combustion engine car, this - Nagelkerke-R2 and Cox-Snell-R2 coefficients. They mean the capabil-
variable takes on the value 1 and zero, otherwise. ity of a model to explain. These coefficients assume values between
- Age. This variable measures the age for people who are supposed to zero and one: the closer to 1 they are, the better the model fit will be.
have more income (people between their mid-twenties and mid- - Hosmer-Lemeshow test. By using a chi-square, this test analyses
sixties), but also more willingness to adopt a new technology. If whether there is a significant difference between the observed
the respondent is between 25 and 65 years old, the variable takes values and those predicted by the model for the dependent variable.
on the value 1, zero otherwise. The null hypothesis is that the model fits to the real world.

Table 2


Will of buying an electric car (Y) 1 0.005 −0.098 0.009 −0.059 0.063 0.069 −0.049 −0.071 0.008 −0.070 −0.047
Pleasure of driving (PLEAS) 0.005 1 0.069 0.013 0.061 −0.104 −0.119 −0.04 0.096 0.149 0.128 0.104
Charging time (CHARG) −0.098 0.069 1 0.084 0.039 −0.052 −0.056 0.04 −0.028 0.06 0.022 0.04
Battery lifetime (LIFE) 0.009 0.013 0.084 1 0.062 −0.019 0.021 −0.143 −0.05 −0.004 −0.026 0.012
Price is higher (PRICE) −0.059 0.061 0.039 0.062 1 0.069 0.100 −0.046 −0.029 0.166 −0.038 0.049
45–65 years old (FAGES) 0.063 −0.104 −0.052 −0.019 0.069 1 1.000 0.058 0.091 −0.056 0.033 0.055
25–65 years old (MIDAGE) 0.069 −0.119 −0.056 0.021 0.100 1.000 1 0.056 0.109 −0.025 0.022 0.048
Autonomy b100 km (AUTN) −0.049 −0.04 0.04 −0.143 −0.046 0.058 0.056 1 0.043 −0.111 0.017 −0.02
Frequency used distance N 200 (FREQ) −0.071 0.096 −0.028 −0.05 −0.029 0.091 0.109 0.043 1 0.044 −0.01 0.054
Number of technologies known (NTEC) 0.008 0.149 0.06 −0.004 0.166 −0.056 −0.025 −0.111 0.044 1 0.026 0.080
Experience (EXP) −0.070 0.128 0.022 −0.026 −0.038 0.033 0.022 0.017 −0.010 0.026 1 0.364
Professional of car sector (PROF) −0.047 0.104 0.040 0.012 0.049 0.055 0.048 −0.020 0.054 0.080 0.364 1
B. Junquera et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 109 (2016) 6–14 11

Table 3
Estimated logit model for the willingness to buy an electric vehicle.

xi Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

βi Exp(βi) βi Exp(βi) βi Exp(βi)

Constant 1.43a 4.208 1.520a 4.574 1.404a 4.072

(0.371) (0.376) (0.419)
Perception of price −0.439b 0.645 −0.453b 0.636 −0.494b 0.610
(0.262) (0.263) (0.266)
Age 0.402c 1.494 0.455c 1.576 0.474c 1.607
(0.193) (0.195) (0.197)
Range 1 −0.353b 0.703 −0.330b 0.719 −0.311b 0.732
(0.182) (0.183) (0.183)
Charge times −0.001b 0.999 −0.001b 0.999 −0.001b 0.999
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Battery lifetime −0.003 0.997 −0.007 0.993 −0.008 0.992
(0.025) (0.025) (0.025)
Number of technologies 0.005 1.005 0.014 1.014 0.012 1.012
(0.078) (0.078) (0.080)
Range 2 – – −0.458c 0.632 −0.484c 0.616
(0.207) (0.209)
Pleasure of driving – – – – 0.194 1.214
Experience – – – – −1.323 0.266
Correct classifications 71% 70.8% 71.1%
R2 Nagelkerke 0.031 0.041 0.047
R2 Cox-Snell 0.022 0.029 0.033
Test of Hosmer & Lemeshow X2 X2(8) = 0.331 X2(8) = 5.377 ×2(8) = 5.857
(p = 1) (p = 0.717) (p = 0.663)

Standard deviation on brackets.

Stands for estimates significantly different from 0 at a 1% level based on a Wald test.
Stands for estimates significantly different from 0 at a 10% level.
Stands for estimates significantly different from 0 at a 5% level.

In addition to the goodness-of-fit statistics, we also look at the pro- decreases by 1.572 and, therefore, consumers are 1.572 less times
portion of cases we have managed to classify properly. Correct classifi- likely to buy an electric car, when other variables are controlled.
cations tell us how many of the cases where the observed values of - Age. The Exp(βi) value associated with age-income variable is 1.576.
the dependent variable were 1 or 0, respectively, have been correctly Thus, when consumers are between mid-twenties and mid-sixties
predicted according to the estimated probabilities. However, since this years old, the odds ratio of willingness to buy an electric car in-
model refers to probabilities, a criterion to assign the values 0 and 1 creases by 1.576 and, therefore, consumers are 1.576 more times
from these probabilities is necessary. In general, it is assumed that likely to buy an electric car, when other variables are controlled.
over 0.5 odds the dependent variable takes on the value 1 while for - Charge times. The Exp(βi) value associated with charge time vari-
lower probabilities than 0.5 takes on the value 0. In a perfect model, able is 0.999. Hence, when the time which consumers think that it
the overall percent correct will be 100%. is necessary to recharge the electric vehicle increases in 1 h, the
The results of the logistic models are shown in Table 3. Each equation odds ratio of willingness to buy an electric car decreases by 1.001
predicts the impact of the independent variables on encouraging the and, therefore, consumers are 1.001 less times likely to buy an elec-
consumer to take the desired action: willingness to buy an electric car tric vehicle, when other variables are controlled.
or not willingness to buy an electric car.5 - Range 1. The Exp(βi) value associated with distance-range variable
Interpreting a βi in logistic regression is to use its conversion to an is 0.719. Hence, when consumers think that the distance which an
odds ratio using the corresponding Exp(βi) value. Values of odds ratios, electric vehicle can go without recharging is b100 km, the odds
Exp(βi) higher than one mean that a one unit change in xi results in an ratio of willingness to buy an electric car decreases by 1.391 and,
increment in the odds of willingness to buy an electric car equal to the therefore, consumers are 1.391 less times likely to buy an electric
value of the Exp(βi). On the other hand, a value of odds ratios lower car, when other variables are controlled.
than one means that a one unit change in xi results in a decrease in - Range 2. The Exp(βi) value associated with frequency variable is
the odds of willingness to buy an electric car equal to 1/Exp(βi). 0.632. Thus, when consumers use his/her car to cover distances
Focusing on model (2), which includes more variables than (1) and N200 km, the odds ratio of willingness to buy an electric car de-
all hypotheses which we are interested in, the significant variables and creases by 1.582 and, therefore, consumers are 1.582 less times like-
its interpretation are the following ones: ly to buy an electric car, when other variables are controlled.
- The perception of the price. The Exp(βi) value associated with price
comparison variable is 0.636. Hence, when consumers consider that
The battery lifetime is not significant to explain the willingness to
the price of an electric car is higher than the price of a combustion
buy an electric car.
engine car, the odds ratio of willingness to buy an electric car
From these results, we obtain a proportion of consumers correctly
identified by the logit model of 70.8%. The global goodness-of-fit statis-
We would like to point out that in our preliminary analysis we have carried out tics R2 are low. However, as Allison (2014) points out for logistic regres-
models including interaction effects to describe how the effect of an explanatory variable sion, it is possible to have a low R2 and still have a model which is
depends on the level/value of another explanatory variables. The following ones were in- correctly specified. Thus, Hosmer-Lemeshow's test is the ultimate mea-
cluded in our models: Number of technologies- Price, Number of technologies- Age, Num-
ber of technologies- Charge times, Number of technologies- Battery lifetime, Number of
sure to assess the fit of a model. Regarding this test, the p-value for the
technologies- Range 1, Age - Perception of price, Age - Range 2, Experience- Range 2. How- goodness-of-fit statistic indicate that the logit model 3 represents the
ever, none of the interactions were significant. data properly (null hypothesis is not rejected as p value = 0.717).
12 B. Junquera et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 109 (2016) 6–14

The results obtained from model (3), which also includes ‘pleasure The Wald criterion demonstrated that perception of the price, age,
of driving’ and ‘experience’ as explanatory variables, are quite similar battery lifetime, charge times and range made a significant contribution
to those obtained in model (2), in all cases, when other variables are to explain the willingness to buy an electric car. In general, all the con-
controlled. In fact, firstly odds ratios indicate that when consumers con- sidered logit models have a proportion of consumers properly identified
sider that the price of an electric car is higher than the price of a combus- around 71%.
tion engine car, consumers are 1.639 less times likely to buy an electric The estimated logit models indicate that increasing the battery life-
car. Secondly, when consumers are between mid-twenties and mid- time, reducing charging times and increasing electric vehicle autonomy
sixties years old, they are 1.607 more times likely to buy an electric (range) could increase the willingness to buy an electric car. Thus, tech-
car, when other variables are controlled. Thirdly, when the time which nological advancements linked to recharge facilities and ranges of batte-
consumers consider necessary to recharge an electric vehicle increases ries are important to increase the penetration of EVs. Increasing battery
in 1 h, consumers are 1.001 less times likely to buy an electric vehicle. autonomy is one of the biggest challenges, with the majority setting
Fourthly, when consumers think that the distance which an electric ve- their sights on the gold medal of a 500 mile (800 km) range (for exam-
hicle can be driven without recharging is b100 km, consumers are 1.366 ple, IBM started the Battery 500 project in 2009 to develop a new type of
less times likely to buy an electric car. Finally, when consumers use his/ lithium-air battery technology). Current contenders in this field include
her car to cover distances N200 km, consumers are 1.623 less times like- Carbon Nanotube Electrode Lithium and Lithium Air Carbon batteries
ly to buy an electric car. The battery lifetime, pleasure of driving and ex- (Son et al., 2015; Nelson et al., 2015).
perience are not significant to explain the willingness to buy an electric Advances in charging standardization and the multiple charger
car. types and sockets have become a new goal, especially for the identifica-
Therefore, according to our logit models estimation, the following tion and billing system. Owners of electric vehicles have not enjoyed the
conclusions related to our hypotheses are showed in Table 4. benefits of the standardized refueling facilities familiar to the drivers of
Firstly, Hypothesis 1 (“the higher the perception of the price of an elec- internal combustion motor vehicles yet. The development of standards
tric vehicle is, the more their willingness to adopt it is”) is rejected at 10% of to support the infrastructure has been slow and frequently interrupted,
significant level. We would like to point out that the consumers' percep- but all organizations involved have worked hard to harmonize their
tion could change if they would take into account the fuel prices. In that standards and to avoid serious conflicts. A significant level of standard-
sense, the higher price could be compensated for differences in fuel ization has been achieved (Bakker, 2013), but there is still an open de-
prices. Moreover, incentives on the purchase price of an electric vehicle bate about the standardization of the DC Fast Charge device, which is
can promote its choice, as Glerum et al. (2013) have stated. used to connect the charging station to the vehicle. In 2015 a multi-
Secondly, Hypothesis 2 (“people between their mid-twenties and mid- way electric car fast charging standards battle and the acceptance of a
sixties (25–65) are less willing to buy an electric car”) is rejected at 5% of standard to recharge finds itself at an interesting intersection (Kettles,
significant level. That is, some age clusters are more willing to buy an 2015).
electric car, because they must be old enough to have a given level of in- Moreover, the logit estimated models indicate that reducing an electric
come and, on the other hand, they must be young enough to show a vehicle price (regarding to combustion vehicles), could increase the
high level of environmental values, as Hahnel et al. (2014) addressed. willingness to buy an electric car. The reduction than an EV price should
Thirdly, Hypothesis 3a (“people who usually drive a limited distance be a priority for manufacturers. In that sense, technological challenges are
are less willing to buy an electric car”) is rejected at 10% of significant currently focused on reducing costs in order to achieve a lower price per
level; Hypothesis 3b (“people who usually drive a distance greater than usable kW h per km cost of the battery (Sakti et al., 2015).
200 km a day are more willing to buy an electric car”) is rejected at 5% In addition, our model indicates that people between their mid-
of significant level. In this sense, our results match with previous litera- twenties and mid-sixties are more willing to buy an electric car. Thus,
ture (Bunce et al., 2014) again. electric car manufacturers and advertising campaigns should focus on
Finally, Hypothesis 4 (“the longer charging times are, the less a con- attracting younger people. One way could be to manufacture a cheaper
sumer's willingness to buy a new electric car is”) is rejected at 10% of sig- EV model with the most basic facilities for young people. In addition,
nificant level. Consequently, as Bunce et al. (2014) demonstrated, carsharing could be a strategy to change travel behaviour towards
drivers became more relaxed overtime about the recharging frequency more sustainable transport, as some authors have pointed out
as they developed knowledge and confidence in the battery range. (Shaheen and Chan, 2015). At the same time, it could be an instrument
Another factor linked to the battery's recharge is the charging infra- for young people to be able to know EVs without expending money.
structure. In that sense, although at-home recharge facilities make be Carsharing, carsharing (US) or car clubs (UK) is an emerging class of
easier to recharge and increase the comfort level of an electric vehicle, ‘mobility services’ which draw on modern technology to enable access
a public infrastructure development may be desirable to promote the to car-mobility without owning the car. Carsharing operators have cur-
use of these vehicles. As Krupa et al. (2014) pointed out, some factors rently supplemented with EVs their carsharing fleets or have started out
which individuals reported as important related to battery recharging with merely electric cars. There are examples of a battery powered ve-
or lifetime are the availability of home recharging capability, good bat- hicles forming an operator's fleet: Autolib in Paris and Car2go in
tery warranties, public recharging stations, battery exchange programs, Madrid are two examples where carsharing operator's entire fleet is
battery leasing programs or concerns about battery replacement costs electrically-propelled. Carsharing schemes are giving urban citizens a
or battery lifetime. first-hand experience driving EVs, braking barriers and allowing to
make informed decisions about EV purchasing (for example, in United
4. Conclusions States cities- Lutsey et al., 2015).
The implications of our results can inspire the design and imple-
Our main aim is to discover to what extent some issues are key to ex- mentation of public policies aimed at making our lives greener and,
plain Spanish consumers' willingness to buy an electric vehicle. We de- specifically, at fostering the purchasing of electric cars. Carley et al.
sign a survey in order to obtain consumer profile's factors which are (2013) pointed out that interest in electric vehicles is shaped pri-
later crossed with their expectative to buy an electric vehicle by using marily by consumers' perceptions of electric vehicle disadvantages.
multivariate techniques. As previously mentioned, some major limitations to electricity vehi-
A logistic regression analysis was conducted to explain the willing- cle market penetration include consumers' perception about battery
ness to buy an electric car for 1245 respondents using perception of technology, range and price. Thus, policy programs which consider
the price, age, battery lifetime, charge times and range as explanatory these critical concerns would positively influence the willingness to
variables. buy an electric vehicle.
B. Junquera et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 109 (2016) 6–14 13

Table 4
Hypotheses testing of electric vehicles.

Electric vehicle characteristic Null hypothesis Resulta

Percep. price Hypothesis 1 The higher the perception of the price of an electric vehicle is, the more their willingness to adopt it is. Rejected
Age Hypothesis 2 People between their mid-twenties and mid-sixties (25–65) are less willing to buy an electric car. Rejected
Ranges Hypothesis 3a People who usually drive a limited distance are less willing to buy an electric car. Rejected
Hypothesis 3b People who usually drive a distance N200 km a day are more willing to buy an electric car. Rejected
Charging times Hypothesis 4 The longer charging times are, the less a consumer's willingness to buy a new electric car is. Rejected
For a maximum of 10% signification level.

In that sense, as consumers' concern about the battery recharging on-paper surveys (Shih and Fan, 2007). Moreover, Cook et al. (2000)
time, vehicle manufacturers should directly provide valuable informa- and Nulty (2008) have showed that response rates to online surveys
tion about its replacement costs, lifetime and warranties. Moreover, are nearly always lower than those obtained when using on-paper sur-
programs about battery exchange or battery leasing could have a strong veys. However, sometimes online surveys are the best or even the only
positive influence on purchasing intentions. In fact, a stream for future way to achieve the necessary data as, for example, paper surveys have
research could be supported on this idea. higher data collection costs and disadvantages in how questionnaires
Likewise, public or private programs to raise awareness of future can be administered. Online survey allowed us to collect data from
savings due to reduced fuel cost could be favorable. As some authors 1245 which would be very difficult to collect by using paper question-
(Krupa et al., 2014, among others) have demonstrated, the most sensi- naires because of our budget constraints. Anyway, it is demonstrated
tive individuals towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions may be that with a carefully developed strategy, planning, and execution, an on-
more willing to buy an electric vehicle than the least sensitive con- line survey data can be equivalent to a paper survey data (Chang and
sumers. As a result, our results make governments more conscious of Vowles, 2013) and that e-mail invitation containing a link to the
creating a framework to promote ‘green attitudes’ among consumers. Internet-based questionnaire is a valid method too (Cobanoglu et al.,
There is currently a hard debate about the convenience of a stronger 2001).
system of tax incentives and subsidies in order to increase the willing- This paper has allowed us to achieve some results about Spain. How-
ness to buy electric vehicles. For example, Wolf et al. (2015) suggest ever, every country shows particular characteristics, so that new re-
that introducing an exclusive zone for electric vehicle in the city search should be done and replicated in other geographical areas. As a
would accelerate the early-phase diffusion of electric vehicle more ef- result, a more accurate perspective can be achieved.
fectively than financial incentives only. Future research should make a
strong effort to know more about this debate. Acknowledgments
Moreover, as it is showed, travel distance patterns may influence the
choice of an electric car as consumer's value positively its autonomy. The authors belong to the research teams funded by the Spanish
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ingness to buy this kind of vehicle, but even factors related to their way 16-ECO2015-68257-R).
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Hill, G.A., Blythe, P.T., Suresh, V., 2014. How does the use of a continuously updating da- fuel vehicles in China: the case of EV. Energ Policy 39, 7015–7024.
tabase allow for the analysis of a user's changing behaviour in electric vehicles? IET
Intell. Transp. Syst. 8, 36–42.
Beatriz Junquera is Professor of Management. Beatriz Junquera's specialization is: tech-
Hosmer, D.W., Lemeshow, S., 1980. A goodness-of-fit test for the multiple logistic regres-
nology and innovation management, environmental management, human resource man-
sion model. Commun. Stat. A10, 1043–1069.
agement, social corporate responsibility and entrepreneurship. Her papers have been
Jansson, J., 2011. Consumer eco-innovation adoption: assessing attitudinal factors and
published in international journals as Technovation, Journal of Cleaner Production, Ecolog-
perceived product characteristics. Bus. Strateg. Environ. 20, 192–210.
ical Economics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Journal
Jensen, A.F., Cherchi, E., Mabit, S.L., 2013. On the stability of preferences and attitudes be-
of Environmental Management, International Journal of Environmental Research, Interna-
fore and after experiencing an electric vehicle. Transp. Res. D 25, 24–32.
tional Journal of Technology Management, among others.
Kettles, D., 2015. Electric vehicle charging technology analysis and standards. FSEC Report
No. FSEC-CR-1996-15.
Blanca Moreno is asociatte professor of Applied Economics (statistics and econometrics
Klöckner, C.A., Nayum, A., Mehmetoglu, M., 2013. Positive and negative spillover effects
area). Her specialization is energy economics and environmental management and fore-
from electric car purchase to car use. Transp. Res. D 21, 32–38.
casting. Her papers have been published in Applied Energy, Energy, Journal of Environ-
Krumm, J., 2012. How people use their vehicles: statistics from the 2009 national house-
mental Management, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy conversion
hold travel survey. Technical Report, SAE Technical Paper.
and Management, Journal of forecasting, among others.
Krupa, J.S., Rizzo, D.M., Eppstein, M.J., Brad Lanute, D., Gaalema, D.E., Lakkaraju, K.,
Warrender, C.E., 2014. Analysis of a consumer survey on plug-in hybrid electric vehi-
Roberto Álvarez is professor of Electric Engineering and Phd. Manufacturing Processes
cles. Transp. Res. A Policy Pract. 64, 14–31.
Engineer. He is currently focused in research the industrial Lean manufacturing imple-
Lane, B., Potter, S., 2007. The adoption of cleaner vehicles in the UK: exploring the con-
mentation as a way to reduce energy consumption and emissions. Other line of research
sumer attitude-action gap. J. Clean. Prod. 15, 1085–1092.
is the study of GHG emissions derived of the manufacturing and use of battery electric ve-
Lieven, T., Mühlmeier, S., Henkel, S., Waller, J.F., 2011. Who will buy electric cars? An em-
hicles. He has published articles in prestigious journals as Cleaner Production, Energy, En-
pirical study in Germany. Transp. Res. Part D: Transp. Environ. 16, 236–243.
ergy Policy and Journal of Automobile Engineering.
Lutsey, N., Searle, S., Chambliss, S., Bandivadekar, A., 2015. Assessment of leading electric
vehicle promotion activities in United States cities. Working Paper ICCT. The Interna-
tional Council of Clean Transportation (

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