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Pressure Test: Hydrostatic and Pneumatic

Test Requirements






5 min

Pressure tests are a non-destructive way to guarantee the integrity of equipment such as
pressure vessels, pipelines, plumbing lines, gas cylinders, boilers and fuel tanks. It is required by
the piping codes to con rm that a piping system is able to bear its rated pressure and it has no
leaks. The most widely used code for pressure and leak test is the ASME B31 Pressure Piping
Code. Among its several sections, the requirements and procedures listed in the codes below
are followed by ARANER:
ASME B31.1 Power Piping
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
ASME B31.5 Refrigeration Piping

Pressure tests may be done either with liquid, usually water (hydrostatic), or with gas, usually
dry nitrogen (pneumatic).  

General requirements of pressure test

1. Stress exceeding yield strength: the test pressure may be reduced to the maximum
pressure that will not exceed the yield strength at test temperature.
2. Test uid expansion: If the test pressure is to be maintained for a period of time and the
uid in the system is subject to thermal expansion, precautions shall be taken to avoid
excessive pressure.
3. Preliminary pneumatic test: a preliminary test using air at no more than 170 kPa (25 psi)
gage pressure may be made prior to hydrostatic or pneumatic testing to locate major
4. Examination for leaks: a leak test shall be maintained for at least 10 minutes, and all joints
and connections shall be examined for leaks.
5. Heat treatment: Leak tests shall be conducted after any heat treatment has been
6. Low-test temperature: The possibility of brittle fracture shall be considered when
conducting leak tests at metal temperatures near the ductile-brittle transition
7. Personnel protection: Suitable precautions in the event of piping system rupture shall be
taken to eliminate hazards to personnel in the proximity of lines being tested.
8. Repairs or additions after leak testing: If repairs or additions are made after the leak
test, the affected piping shall be retested.
9. Test records: Records shall be made of each piping system during the testing, including:
Date of test
Identi cation of piping system tested
Test uid
Test pressure
Certi cation of results by examiner 

Preparation for testing

1. Exposure of joints: all joints including welds not previously pressure tested shall be left
uninsulated and exposed for examination during the test.
2. Addition of temporary supports: piping systems designed for vapor or gas shall be
provided with additional temporary supports if necessary to support the weight of the test
3. Restraint or isolation of expansion joints: expansion joints shall be provided with
temporary restraint if required for the additional pressure load under test.

Isolation of equipment and piping not subjected to pressure test: Equipment that is not to be
subjected to the pressure test shall be either disconnected from the system or isolated by a
blank or similar means.

Figure 1: Isolation of piping

Hydrostatic Test
1. Test uid: The uid shall be water unless there is the possibility of damage due to freezing
or to adverse effects of water on the piping or the process. In that case, another non-toxic
liquid may be used.
2. Provision of air vents at high points: Vents shall be provided at high points of the piping
system to purge air pockets while system is lling.
3. Pressure and procedure: The pressure limits are different for ASME B31.1 and ASME


ASME B31.1
The hydrostatic test pressure at any point in the piping system shall not be less than 1.5 times
the design pressure, but shall not exceed the maximum allowable test pressure of any non-
isolated component, nor shall it exceed the limits of calculated stresses due to occasional loads.

ASME B31.3

The test pressure shall be not less than 1.5 times the design pressure. When the design
temperature is greater than the test temperature, the minimum pressure shall be calculated by
eq.  P T = 1,5P S T/S , where =allowable stress at test temperature, S=allowable stress at
component design temperature, P=design gage pressure. The test pressure may be reduced to
the maximum pressure that will not exceed the lower of the yield strength or 1.5 times the
component ratings at test temperature. The pressure shall be continuously maintained for a
minimum time of 10 minutes and may then be reduced to the design pressure and held for such
time as may be necessary to conduct the examinations for leakage. Examinations for leakage
shall be made of all joints and connections.

Pneumatic Test
1. Precautions: Pneumatic testing involves the hazard of released energy stored in
compressed gas. Particular care must be taken. It is recommended to be used only when
piping systems are so designed that they cannot be lled with water, i.e, refrigerant
systems; or when piping systems are to be used in services where traces of the testing
medium cannot be tolerated.
2. Test uid: The gas used as test uid, if not air, shall be non ammable and nontoxic, such as
3. Pressure and procedure: the pressure limits and methodology is different for the codes
mentioned above.


The pneumatic test pressure shall not be less than 1.2 nor more than 1.5 times the design
pressure of the piping system. It shall not exceed the maximum allowable test pressure of any
non-isolated component. The pressure in the system shall gradually be increased to not more
than 1/2 of the test pressure, after which the pressure shall be increased in steps of
approximately 1/10 of the test pressure until the required test pressure is reached. The
pressure shall be continuously maintained for a minimum time of 10 min. It shall then be
reduced to the lower of design pressure or 100 psig [700 kPa (gage)] and held for such time as
may be necessary to conduct the examination for leakage. Examination for leakage by soap
bubble or equivalent method shall be made of all joints and connections.

ASME B31.3

The test pressure shall not be less than 1.1 times the design pressure and shall not exceed
the lower of 1.33 times the design pressure or the pressure that would produce a nominal
pressure stress or longitudinal stress in excess of 90 % of the yield stress of any component at
the test temperature. The pressure shall be increased until a gage pressure, which is the lower
of 0.5 times the test pressure or 170 kPa (25 psi), at which time a preliminary check shall be
made. Thereafter, the pressure shall be gradually increased in steps until the pressure is
reached, holding the pressure at each step until the piping strains are equalized. The pressure
shall then be reduced to the design pressure before examining for leakage. During the test, a
pressure relief device shall be provided, having a set pressure not higher than the test pressure
plus the lower of 345 kPa (50 psi) or 10% of the test pressure.

ASME B31.5

The test pressure shall be at least 1.1 and shall not exceed 1.3 times the design pressure of
any component in the system. The pressure in the system shall be gradually increased to 0.5
times the test pressure, after which the pressure shall be increased in steps of approximately
1/10 of the test pressure until the required test pressure is reached. The test pressure shall be
maintained for at least 10 minutes. It may then be reduced to the design pressure and conduct
the examination for leakage. During the test, a pressure relief device shall be provided, having a
set pressure above the test pressure, but low enough to prevent permanent deformation of any
of the system components.
ARANER, the industrial cooling engineering experts
We are experts in designing, manufacturing and installing tailor-made industrial cooling
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