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August 10, 2019


The inauguration ceremony of the 6th batch of leadership program by Team Corporate Learning & Development (CLD) for City Union
Bank Branch Managers took place on Monday, August 5th 2019 at campus. Dr Suresh Ramanathan, Dean, Great Lakes and Dr Rajan CR,
Director – CLD, graced the event and welcomed the participants. The customized 10 day program for the mid level managers consists of
Personal Effectiveness, Team Leadership Delegation & Decision Making, Strategic Thinking, Marketing Analytics, Customer Focus, Sales
Management, Negotiation & Influence, Macro Economics and Business Excellence.


Listen to our Dean Dr Suresh

Ramanathan sharing his ideas and
vision for Great Lakes and message
for the student and alumni

Click the link here to watch the

video -
Students from PGPM Class of 2020 had a fun and memorable dinner after Term 2 Examination at a restaurant located near campus. What
made the dinner more special was Prof Vaidy Jayaraman joining them and enjoying the evening! Pictures :


Team BPR is delighted to bring ‘Laker’s

Talk’ featuring students from Class of
2020. Kick starting the first episode with
Madhumita Shankar from PGPM 2020 who
shares her journey from pursuing music as
a career to choosing business education to
achieving her goals. Click the link to watch
the video -


"In-class exercises" had never been more

fun, we lived and breathed statistics and
it was all fun!

As Term 2 came to an end, take a

moment and recollect your favorite
memory while during MR assignment!

Sumit Mohan Gupta
PGPM Class of 2020
A 10 pointer for future and present entrepreneurs
Authored By Ankur Bhargava, PGPM Class of 2020

The complete CCD chaos and the end of an entrepreneurial journey of V. G. Siddhartha Hegde (1959 – July 2019), an Indian billionaire and
Businessman, founder of the cafe chain Café Coffee Day, led to many speculations after his letter went public. There are, however, certain
points that many entrepreneurs tend to bypass:

1. Understand the difference between “I failed and I am a failure” - The inventor of the bulb, Thomas Edison, on failing 10000 times said
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” What if after 9999 times, he would have declared himself a failure?
Probably we wouldn’t be having bulbs or these could have been invented later. So the take away is to not let failure get into you and you
consider yourself as a failure. It’s okay if you fail n number of times but remember it is always n+1. So just strive for that.

2. Never ever define your success by how much money you have or your failure by how much you owe - If at all your definition of
success is to make loads and loads of money, then maybe you are not on the right track to call yourself as an entrepreneur. Similarly, if you
define your failure by the volume of money you owe to someone, then also you would have to re-access your definitions.

3. Make sure you are aware of the circumstances at the beginning and stick to them till the end - When you buy a piece of fabric, you
make sure how to wash it, how to iron it, which detergent to use, to wash it with other clothes or not, etc. And you make sure that you
follow the guidelines till the fabric lasts. The journey of entrepreneur is nothing different. All you have to do is to know the pros and cons
beforehand and never let it out of your sight.

4. Understand your mistakes and work upon it till your last breath - Each of us tends to make mistakes in our lifetime, be it small or big.
All that happens to us is because of that mistake. You may call that mistake a positive one and a negative one. Some may even call it a
decision. If you realize that you have made a bad decision (negative mistake), work upon it as it’s yours. If you figure it out that the
decision was good (positive mistake), enjoy the benefits after all that’s yours as well.

5. Remember that giving up or ending your life was never and would never be a solution - In life we come across situations that we
really want to escape from and people think that escaping or committing suicide is difficult but let me tell you that it is the easiest thing to
do in the world. However, the tough job is to face and embrace the situation. And that is exactly what an entrepreneur should do or a
human being for that matter.

6. Life is the biggest asset you could ever have. It has the potential to clear off all your liabilities and debts - Life is the best synonym to
financial accounting. In your entire life you balance your assets and liabilities. But are you aware that the biggest asset that you have is life
itself? The very fact that you are capable of breathing is the proof that you can pay off all your debts if you keep breathing, doesn’t matter
when but surely you will.

7. Give a thought on who all are interdependent on you before taking any extreme decisions - The first thing an entrepreneur should be
aware of is the importance of interdependency. Life teaches you this lesson from the first second of your existence on this planet to your
last. Be aware of who would be impacted and in what volumes once you decide to put a full stop to your existence.

8. The beauty of time is that it isn’t constant for anyone. So learn to embrace it - From the moment you open your eyes in the morning
to the very last minute of your day, you come across so many examples that clearly shows that change is the only constant. Well, time is
the best example for that. It’s not the same when you started reading this article and certainly it’s not the same when you are reading this
line. Take a note of this if you are an entrepreneur or wish to be one.

9. Keep yourself reminded, again and again, of why you started this at the very first place - Whatever and whenever you start, you have
a motive or a goal. During harsh times, try to figure out a different path rather than giving up on your goals. Let the biological alarm
clock be customized in such a way that it never stops snoozing once you decide to show your back to your dreams.

10. Don’t worry if “struggle” is your middle name - People say that being an entrepreneur is not an easy job. That is true indeed. The
core reason for this fact is that entrepreneur never gives up. The moment he decides to become one is the moment he decides to make
“struggle” his middle name.
Article authored by Dr Bala V Balachandran was presented in the Reading Material under the ‘Foreword’ column at the recently held
MBA Universe 10th IMC conference that witnessed Former President Dr. Pranab Mukherjee and various leaders from Education
industry gracing the ceremony.
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