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Final Report

Submitted By:

Hanook Walter 14-10722

M. Usman Gill 14-10739
Ahmed Rehan 14-10003
Faiq Mehmood 14-10326
Mubeen Qureashi 14-10772

Submitted To:

Sir Sufiyan Mazhar

Major declaration at Forman Christian College is being done in Dean of students department.

A Major is a discipline which a student choose to peruse as his or her primary field of study.

All students must have a major in order to graduate and they should declare their major at the

end of the student Sophomore year. This whole process includes following bodies:-

➢ Sophomore students
➢ Advisors
➢ Head of department
➢ Dean of students
➢ Academics

There is a need Of making it online as there a lot more practices done which has no soft

data and the employees themselves have to enter the data which is time consuming so

by making it online the paper work will be managed and there will be less time require

for the whole procedure to be done.

Problems statement based on AS IS

The current system is facing problems which are as follows:-

➢ Form filling (hard copy):-

This the main problems which is making the task more difficult for the students to

physically submit the form which decreases the affectively and efficiency of the system.

This system there is danger of loss of documents which leads negative impact on the current

➢ Manual data entry:-

This part of the current system is time consuming ad the it involoves the obtaining the list

from the advisors of the whole university enlisting the advisors against the name of the

students. Advisors sometimes forget to submit the list or send the list after the deadline. And

after that Dean of students office has to enter each and every student in EMPOWER

manually which leads to more time.

➢ Ineffective and ineffecient way of doing:-

This system is not effective and effecient because it includes several steps which needs not

to be done as there is no reason for being there for example for student folder they need the

form as a record for the students


Our vision is to bring a paradigm shift in the on-going system. And, we dream of having a

system that does it all. And, we literally mean it. We’re deigning a portal where you log in

once and can find a solution to each and every thing one wants to do within the restrains of

Forman Christian College. We have focused on the Declaration of major. For example: if a

student logs into the portal using his/her university ID. They can declare major online and

will get a chance to choose their own advisor themselves. This will decreas the lead time to

do this and make it more efficient and effective.

Following is an overview of our project:

• Online Declaration of Major – This is in real time over your computers, Laptops

and even you andorid or the Iphone.

• Cost effectivity – This is the project who is going to invest once in FCC for the long

run time period. Tt will be very cheap in price relative to the cost of every years expenses

for major declaration procedure.

• Data Redundancy – Our system elimintaes the redundanc that previous system had.

Our system is designed in such a way that it will automatically update itself and the

information once enterd in it will be there on.

• Time – Our system will make sure that each and every activity is happening at the

right time when it has to done.

• Paperless System – We have made such a system that with the cost and time

effeciancy we are also going to make this system as the paperless system.

• Security – We have made this system in such a way that it is totaly secure for the

identity of students, Advisors and the HODs.

Reports and key performance indicators
Students data entery report – This report will show up all the online data entered by the

students declaring major. This report will show the time and the date entered by the students

and will show the personal data as well in order to get it so that we would be able to pass on

to the new selected advisor.

Advisor report – This report will show all the data regarding the advisors. The status will

show on the report that wheather the advisor is ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Along with this

there is also the person who did that is present in the report and the total number of the

students. These are the updated students that students are declaring. This list will be

continiously updated until the limit meet.

HOD report – This is the report which the head of the department can see that how many

advisors are active and how many advisors are inactive. From the status they can conform

that this number of total advisors are active and this number of advisors are inactive.

Declaration of major report – This is the main report which is only accessable to the dean

of the students which contains the main record for the students that have enterd the data by

filling the online form. This data shows the overall performance of the major declaration

Wheather the declaration is possiable or not.

Change management is very important for whole project and success of the new system.

The following things will be done for change management.

1. Communication - The problems of the current system and the benefits of the new system

will be effectively communicated to all level. New systems fail because when new strategies

are not communicated, people make bad perception about it.

2. End User Participation – end user will be made involved in the development so that all the

problems they have in current system would be removed and best things are emended in

new system because it is them who are the ultimate users of the system and the success of

the system depends on them.

Behavioral Change – people refuse to adopt new system and prefer old system to new because of

fear they have about new system. They react negatively to new system because they are not sure

how to use it, how it will work and what will be their rule in the new system and whether they will

succeed in the new one. This is the behavioral change that we have to bring in people. We will make

sure that all the benefits of the new system are communicated and attempts are made to make sure,

they are not afraid of new system and welcome change.

Technical Changes – in our system, we are going to transform the manual, paper intensive system

into online, paperless system. This process will completely change the process of everything what

we do in our current system. This is the technical change that we will be bringing in. this must be

communicated to the board, administration and all other users of the system.
Security threats to our system are of two categories

External Security Threat

• Virus attack to the system (SQL Injection)

• Hacking attacks by hackers

• Unauthorized access to our system

• Identity theft of employees and students

Internal security threat

• Virus attacks through portable devices like USB

• Un-authorized access to the data

• Threats to the IT assetss

Solutions to internal and external Security risk / concerns:-

Following are the solutions to the security system which we are going to focus in our


• Security Policy

In this system we will make as security policy in which the rights to the authorized people

and their acountability and the measures to avoid the threats will be made. Then security

policy will be communicated with the organization effectively and effeciantly.

• Firewalls

Fire walls will be used to make sure that the right person is using the system and the data

and no un-authorized person would be able to use it.Encryption will be used.

• Security implementation trainings

The people for the security would be reponsiable and for thos thing they will be having

trainig setions. Thus training would be the best security practices.

• Virtual Private Network (VPNs)

Virtual Private networks will be used so that employees or anyone using our system or

network remotely will be able to use it safely.

• Disaster planning and backups.

Contingency plans would be made for the safeguarding of data and proper and timely

backups of data would be ensured at some other authorized server placed at different

location for data security and availability.


The benifits of the system which we are going to implement are as follows.

• User friendly

We have designed this system in auch a way that it would be user friendly with the students

as the system will be made easy for the students to handle.

• Less time consumed

The system has been design in such a way that documents can be converted into the

paperless system so that the time consumption becomes less.

• Transparent

This system is designed in such a way that there are several reports that shows WHO did

WHAT and WHEN and due to this thing the level of transparency is increased.

• Cross check

There is an option for the management in the form of report from where they could be able

to get information regarding the crosscheck.

• Fullfill the mordern needs of the students

As this system is going to be online so the students need not to take the hard copy from

defferent departments they just need to fill the form online and then have to see what advisir

they have got for their new major declared by them.

• Systametic assigning of new advisors

As we are going to make it online so all the work done by the defferent departments

includin the advisors and the HODs their will be no work for the manual data entry for the

employees of DOS office.

• Increase the overall effectivity and efficiently

This system is designed in such a way so that the overall effectivity and the effeciancy of the

work could increase and ot will do this after implementation.

• Decreases the overall cost

The purpose of this system is to make it online so that there will be less cost associated with

it because first there was paperwork was soo much that the cost increases and also for the

data entry they have to pay the employees of there office in order to get it done. But now the

thing is that the form is online and there is no need to get the form copied in the form of

hard copy so this decrease the cost , also there is no need to pay the overtime for the

employees in order get the work done in the same time.


Major Declaration in Forman Christian College is a compulsary for the students in order to get the

degree and so the system is not effective and effecient that the students are not happy with the

current system of declarign majors. So our system will meet all the requirments of the students,

Advisors, HODs and the main department which is the Dean of Students department. This system

not only increase the productivity but also the cost will decrease in this system.


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