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1. What rights of the child are violated as seen in the case?

Explain briefly your

The rights of Myla that can be violated in the case is robbing her childhood and
education and limits her possibilities for growth and stability because in all means
as we entered early or force marriage it has a huge possibilities that Myla cannot
enjoy her childhood and the opportunity to study, also it comes with a huge
number of health risks, including increased risk of abuse, rape, and sexual
assault, and early pregnancy.

2. What laws or legal instruments can be used by the child development worker or
service provider to address the problems of the child?
The laws that can be address the problems in the case of Myla are:
 Republic Act 7610: Special Protection of Children Against Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination Act.
 Republic Act No. 9262: “Anti-Violence Against Women and Their
Children Act of 2004”.

3. Are the existing legal instruments especially those in the Philippines sufficient to
respond to the issues faced by the child? If not, what other legal instruments or
remedies are needed to ensure that the child 's rights are protected and upheld?
In my own analyzation about the existing legal instruments especially those in the
Philippines are not totally capable to cater the needs of Myla’s problems because
if we notice those law is more on the generalization of children’s protection. What
I mean is to have a specific law that cater those cases that focus in the child
force marriage. The remedies and recommendation as well that I suggest is to
pass a law that concern in child force marriage. As I surf my internet, I found that
there are bills that the congress filed such as the “CHILD NO MARRIAGE ACT”
that can be used in term of this concerning cases.

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