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The Seven World Country

Ancient Egypt
1. THEIR ASCENCION TO POWER- Egypt ancient land of the Pharaohs and of the
Nile—was one of the world’s major civilizations. Egypt depends on the Nile. That river’s
rich valley, averaging only about 12 miles [19 km] in width from Aswan to Cairo,
stretches northward like a narrow green ribbon across the parched African desert. In the
past, its annual floods brought soil-enriching silt that made Egypt an exporter of food
and a place of refuge in time of famine. (Genesis 12:10) Papyrus reeds, found along its
banks, were made into the earliest paper. The broad delta, where the Nile’s waters fan
out before flowing into the blue Mediterranean, is called Lower Egypt. Here, apparently,
lay “the land of Goshen,” where the Israelites lived during their long sojourn in Egypt. —
Genesis 47:27.
2.THEIR LEADERS- “Pharaoh,” (Akhenaton, Tutankhamen, Merneptah, Shishak)
 The factors leading to the decline of ancient Egypt were largely uncontrollable.
 A civil war coupled with invasions by the Assyrians weakened the Egyptian
military allowing the Persian empire to successfully invade and take over Egypt.
 Economic disparity led to unrest among the population, leading to dissatisfaction
with both politics and religion.
 Severe climatic shifts decimated crops and hundreds of thousands died in the
famines that resulted from these changes.
 Adoption of Christianity and the Greek alphabet led to the loss of key cultural
features such as notable religious traditions and use of hieroglyphics.
 The ancient Egyptian empire lasted approximately 3000 years before finally
falling from power.
1. THEIR ASCENCION TO POWER- The Assyrians were one of the major peoples
to live in Mesopotamia during ancient times. They lived in northern Mesopotamia
near the start of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Assyrian Empire rose and fell
several times throughout history. The First Rise. The Assyrians first rose to power
when the Akkadian Empire fell. The Babylonians had control of southern
Mesopotamia and the Assyrians had the north. One of their strongest leaders during
this time was King Shamshi-Adad. Under Shamshi-Adad the empire expanded to
control much of the north and the Assyrians grew wealthy. However, after Shamshi-
Adad's death in 1781 BC, the Assyrians grew weak and soon fell under control of the
Babylonian Empire. Second Rise, the Assyrians once again rose to power from 1360
BC to 1074 BC. This time they conquered all of Mesopotamia and expanded the
empire to include much of the Middle East including Egypt, Babylonia, Israel, and
Cypress. They reached their peak under the rule of King Tiglath-Pileser I. The neo-
Assyrian Empire The final, and perhaps strongest, of the Assyrian Empires ruled
from 744 BC to 612 BC. During this time Assyria had a string of powerful and
capable rulers such as Tiglath-Pileser III, Sargon II, Sennacherib, and Ashurbanipal.
These leaders built the empire into one of the most powerful empires in the world.

2.THEIR LEADERS- King Shamshi-Adad, Shamshi-Adad, Tiglath-Pileser III, Sargon

II, Sennacherib, and Ashurbanipal.
3. THE CAUSE OF THEIR DEFEAT- Assyria was at the height of its power, but
persistent difficulties controlling Babylonia would soon develop into a major conflict.
At the end of the seventh century, the Assyrian empire collapsed under the assault
of Babylonians from southern Mesopotamia and Medes, newcomers who were to
establish a kingdom in Iran.
1. THEIR ASCENCION TO POWER- The city of Babylon had been a city-state in
Mesopotamia for many years. After the fall of the Akkadian Empire, the city was
taken over and settled by the Amorites. The city began its rise to power in 1792 BC
when King Hammurabi took the throne. He was a powerful and capable leader who
wanted to rule more than just the city of Babylon. Not long after becoming King,
Hammurabi began to conquer other city-states in the area. Within a few years,
Hammurabi had conquered all of Mesopotamia including much of the Assyrian lands
to the north.

2.THEIR LEADERS- king Hammurabi

3. THE CAUSE OF THEIR DEFEAT- In 539 BCE the empire fell to the Persians
under Cyrus the Great at the Battle of Opis. Babylon’s walls were impregnable and
so the Persians cleverly devised a plan whereby they diverted the course of the
Euphrates River so that it fell to a manageable depth.
1. THEIR ASCENCION TO POWER- In 550 BCE, Cyrus united the Persian tribes
and conquered Astyages, King of the Median Empire that controlled them. The
unification of Persia and Media started an empire, but Persia's real rise to power was
when Cyrus defeated the powerful Mesopotamian state of Babylon in 539 BCE
3. THE CAUSE OF THEIR DEFEAT- The Persian Empire entered a period of
decline after a failed invasion of Greece by Xerxes I in 480 BC. The costly defense
of Persia’s lands depleted the empire’s funds, leading to heavier taxation among
Persia’s subjects.
1. THEIR ASCENCION TO POWER- The earliest inhabitants of Greece were
probably Mousterian hunter-gatherers who roamed the region during the Middle
Paleolithic period. By 4000 BC Neolithic villages were established in most fertile
lowland regions. The earliest cities date from about 2000 BC. People from the north
are said to have invaded Greece several times, especially in the centuries
immediately preceding 2000 BC, but precise dates and evidence for these invasions
are lacking. In the period 2000-1000 BC major advances in Aegean civilization
occurred on the island of Crete and on the Greek mainland; the two civilizations that
developed were the Minoan in Crete and the Mycenaean on the mainland.
2.THEIR LEADERS- Pericles, Draco, Solon, Pisistratus, Hippias, Hipparchus
3. THE CAUSE OF THEIR DEFEAT- There were many factors that went into the
decline and fall of Ancient Greece. Here are some of the primary causes:
 Greece was divided into city-states.
 Constant warring between the city states weakened Greece and made it difficult
to unite against a common enemy like Rome.
 The poorer classes in Greece began to rebel against the aristocracy and the
 The city-states of Ancient Greece had different governments and were constantly
changing alliances.
 Greek colonies had a similar culture, but were not strong allies to Greece or any
of the Greek city-states.
 Rome rose to power and became stronger than the individual city-states of
1. THEIR ASCENCION TO POWER- ROME, the sixth world power of Bible history,
was ruling when Jesus was born and when his apostles preached. Greece, the
preceding world power, had provided an international language with which Christian
teaching could be carried throughout that part of the world—the Koine, or common,
Greek. Now Rome provided the conditions and the roads that aided in the rapid
spread of Christian truth.

Rome, once a small city in Latium, Italy, grew to head the greatest world empire of
ancient Bible times. To start with, it expanded to control the Italian peninsula. It
defeated mighty Carthage on the north coast of Africa. Spain, Macedonia, and
Greece came under its control. Then it captured Jerusalem in 63 B.C.E. and made
Egypt a Roman province in 30 B.C.E. At its height, this mighty empire stretched from
Britain down to Egypt and from Portugal all the way over to Mesopotamia, the land
of ancient Babylon. It completely surrounded the Mediterranean, which it called Mare
Nostrum (Our Sea). Many Roman ruins can still be visited throughout the realm of
that far-flung empire. You can see Hadrian’s Wall in Britain, the magnificent
aqueduct at Segovia in Spain, the Roman theater at Orange, and the arena in Arles
(both in southern France). You can walk through the silent ruins of Ostia Antica, near
Rome, and marvel at ancient Pompeii, south of Naples. In Rome you can imagine
the excited crowds in the Colosseum and see the Arch of Titus that commemorates
his destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in 70 C.E., foretold by Jesus more than
35 years in advance. In ancient Rome the wealthy had large households, with
servants and slaves that sometimes numbered in the hundreds. The poor were
crowded into multistoried tenements that lined dirty, crooked streets. Very few could
be called middle class. The State provided free both a grain allowance and
entertainment to keep the poor from rioting. Taxes levied on the provinces paid
these expenses.
2.THEIR LEADERS- Caesars, Tiberius, Gaius
3. THE CAUSE OF THEIR DEFEAT- In the fourth century, Emperor Constantine
decided to unify the people under one “Catholic,” or universal, religion. Pagan
customs and celebrations were given “Christian” names, but the same old corruption
continued. In the year 325 C.E., Constantine presided over the church council at
Nicaea and decided in favor of the doctrine of the Trinity. Far from being a true
Christian, Constantine soon found reason to kill his eldest son, Crispus, and his own
wife, Fausta. Constantine moved his government to Byzantium, which he first named
New Rome and later Constantinople (City of Constantine). This city on the
Bosporus, where Europe and Asia meet, remained the capital of the Roman Empire
in the east for 11 centuries, till it fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. Back in Rome,
the western wing of the Roman Empire fell in 476 C.E., when the emperor was
deposed by King Odoacer, a general of German descent, and the throne was left
vacant. Charlemagne later tried to restore the western empire and in the year 800
C.E. was crowned emperor by Pope Leo III. Then, in 962 C.E., Pope John XII
crowned Otto I emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation—a title
that was renounced only in the year 1806. However, by that time a seventh and final
world power of Bible history was emerging. As prophesied, it too would pass away,
to be replaced by a permanent government, God’s heavenly Kingdom
1. THEIR ASCENCION TO POWER-SINCE the end of World War II the Western
nations and the Communist Eastern bloc have been in a competitive struggle that
has at times erupted into violence. Great Britain and the United States, as a
combined or dual world power, have led the Western nations in resisting the
expansion of communism.
After twenty-five years of cold wars, provocative acts by both sides and hot wars, the
world situation is still tense and dangerous, as shown by conditions in the Middle
East, Southeast Asia and elsewhere. What will the future bring? Will it be
annihilation in a global nuclear war? Is there any hope of ever realizing permanent
peace? Certain facts concerning the Anglo-American world power shed light on the
A close relationship has long existed between Great Britain and the United States. In
1946 Winston Churchill spoke of it as a “special relationship,” a “fraternal
This relationship was clearly evident during World War I and World War II. It was the
pooling of the military machines and economic resources of these two nations that
enabled them to defeat the military might of Germany and her allies in those two
wars. The atomic bomb that played such a prominent role in deciding the outcome of
World War II was the result of a joint effort by British and American scientists. But
that is not all.
It has been the partnership of these two nations and their initiatives that have played
key roles in establishing systems for world trade and finance. In fact, the basic
currencies for use in international trade have been the British pound sterling and the
American dollar. Still another indication of the world influence of the Anglo-American
combine is the fact that these two nations were the initiating force behind the
formation of the League of Nations and the United Nations.
2.THEIR LEADERS- Winston Churchill of Great Britain and Franklin Roosevelt of
the United States
3. THE CAUSE OF THEIR DEFEAT- The tensions that caused the War of 1812
arose from the French revolutionary (1792–99) and Napoleonic Wars (1799–1815).
During this nearly constant conflict between France and Britain, American interests
were injured by each of the two countries' endeavors to block the United States from
trading with the other.

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