Jal Jeevan Mission

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sr2rz02t Jal Jeevan Mission i Jeovan mission Jal Jeevan Mission Har Ghar Jal 100 Days provide Piped Water Supply (ctosifabhak:sws covinlsesdofaulles!100 Days Camoaion 10. Ost 2020. Jal Jeevan Mission, is envisioned to provide safe and adequate drinking water through individual household tap connections by 2024 to all households in rural India. The programme will also implement source sustainability measures as mandatory elements, such as recharge and reuse through grey water management, water conservation, rain water harvesting, The Jal Jeevan Mission will be based on 2 community approach to water and will include extensive Information, Education and ‘communication as a key component of the mission. JJM looks to create a jan andolan for water, thereby making it everyone's prionity > Vision Statement (https:alleevanmission.gov.inicontentiaboutjim#vision) Mission Statement (hiips:/jajeevanmission gow in/content/about-jm#mission) > Objectives (httpslaljeevanmission govin/content/about;jmiobjectives) > Components under JM (nttps:ijalieevanmission.gov.inicontentfabout-jimi#components) vanmision govinstesdetathlsljm_sbookinctilatndex hin) hitps:ajeevanmission govin " sr2rz02t Jal Jeevan Mission estos ejatnakt gavin vstrDashboardHouseHeldConnacton eps) Jal eevan Mision Dashboard What stew > Ja. Viow au (ntps:/jaljoe Upload R & D Proposals (https://ejalshakti.gov.in/mise/RndDProject/ProjectL ogin.aspx) Water Quality Management Information System (https://neer.icmr.org.inwebsite/main. php) Institutional Mechanism (/Content/institutional-Bodies-Content) "National Jal Jeevan Mission (httpsljajeevanmission.gov in/contenVinstitutional-bodies-content#national) ‘State Water and Sanitation Mission (SWSM) (htps:jajleevanmission.gov.inicontentnstitutonal-bodies-contentstate) District Water and Sanitation Mission (OWSM) (https:ajeevanmission.gov.n/contentinsttutional-vodies-contentédistricl) Paani Samiti / Village Water Sanitation Committee - sub-committee of Gram Panchayat(GP) (ttps:jajleevanmission.gov.incontentinstitutional-bodies-contenti#gram) Infrastructure (/Content/infrastructure) hitps:ajeevanmission govin on sr2rz02t Jal Jeevan Mission «= Invvilage water supply infrastructure (https:ljaljeevanmission.gov.invcontentinfrastructure#vil) ‘> Regional water supply and distribution network (https /alleevanmission.gov.incontenUinfrastructuredregional) » Convergence (hitos:ljalieevanmission.gov.in/contentinfrastructure#tconv) Financial Planning (/Content/Financial-Planning) ‘= Costing (nttps:/jaljeevanmission gov n/contentifinancial-planningicost) + Allocation’ earmarking of JJM fund at central level (ntps:i/jaljeevanmission.gov.in/eontentsfnancial-planningiallo) © Criteria for allocation of fund (htips:/alleevanmission. gov in/contentfinancial-planningicriteia) ‘= Fund sharing pattern for components of erstwhile NROWP subsumed under JJM (https:/jaljeevanmission gov n/contentiinancial- Planningéftund) hitps:ajeevanmission govin Total Rural Households as on 20/04/2021 19,18,78,582 Rural Household tap connections provided till 20/04/2021 7,38,42,271 sr2rz02t Jal Jeevan Mission (38.48 %) 4 Technological Interventions (/Content/Technologicat interventions) + Solar Energy based stand-alone water supply systems for scattered! isolated! tribal hilly vilages (nttps:ljajeevanmission gov.nicontenttechnological-interventions#solar) © Community Water Purification Plant (CWPP) in Groundwater Contaminated Areas (nttps:/jajeevanmission gov.nicontent/technologicaL-interventions#¥cwpp) © Cold deserts/ hard rock hily/ coastal areas (nttps:l/jaljeevanmission gov.in/contentitechnological-interventionsifcold) © Use of technology in planning and monitoring (nttpsilaljeevanmission gov.in/content/technological-interventions#use) S Support Activities (/Content/Support- Activities) Information, Education and Communication (IEC) (https:/alleevanmission.gov.inicontentsupport-actvitistfec) © Human Resource Development (HRD) & Training (hitps:ajeevanmission gov in/content/support-activities#thuman) Public utity, leadership development and change management (ntps:/aljaevanmission gov.in/content/support- activtiess#public) © Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (htps:/jajeevanmission.gov.inicontentsupport-acivtiestskil) & water Quality Monitoring (/content/Water-Quality-Monitoring) Frequency of testing (htips:jajeevanmission govin/contentiwater-quality-monitoring#testing) Funding (https:/jajeevanmission gow in/contentiwater-quality-monitoring#funcing) + Water quality monitoring in quality - affected areas (hitps:/jaleevanmission.gov.in/contentwater-qualiy- monitoringtwaterquality) « List of training and IEC activities (https:/jaleevanmission.govin/contentwater-quality-moniteringttraining) @ Data Bank Of Individuals/ Organizations Working In Water Sector " Building Partnerships & Working Together " (Https://Ejalshakti.Gov.In/JJM/Jjm/Public/Frm_databank_ngos.Aspx) hitps:aljeevanmission govin an sizr02t Jal Jeevan Mision India's self-reliance is dependent on Water Security and Water Connectivity ‘PH Moai Launches Jal Shaki Abhiyan Through Video Conferencing Har Ghar Jal Jal Jeevan Mission hitps:ajeevanmission govin sr sr2rz02t Jal Jeevan Mission Wild Water Day {] WZ er PM MODI'S SPEECH AT FOUNDATION STONE LAYING CEREMONY FOR DRINKING WATER SUPPLY IN U PM Wd speech al foundation stone laying ceremony for drinking water supply in UP we Contact Us tice OF Mission Director ‘National Jal Jeevan Mission (JM) Department Of Drinking Water And Sanitation Ministry Of Jet Shakti Government of indie 4th Floor, Panclt Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan, CGO Complex Lodhi Road, New Dein i0008 hitps:ajeevanmission govin on sr2rz02t Phone-cit-24362705 ‘ax o1-24361062 Emait-rjim[dotldawelat}govldotlin Jal Jeevan Mission Wibsite Polcies (tontontwebsite-pliies) \iob Infomation Manager /contentweb-formatonms (https:/www facebook.com/pagesicategory/Government- Organization/Jal- Jeevan- in Mission- (https:/iwwwlinkedin.com/companyljal- Indias we jeovan @ 10094711 7889S5A}itteXperivjakaigekita) o(bttpscltaliadwstatfiesion}mi/jaljeevanmission -AccossiillySiatoment(conlerlaccssibiy-statement) ef) Stamap (icontertstemap) ‘Website Content Managed by Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Ministry of Jal Shalt, Designed, Developed and Hosted by National Informatics Cantre( NIC) hitps:ajeevanmission govin 77

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