Group Treatment Project Portfolio

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Group Treatment Project

In my second semester I participated in a group project along with 3 other people

to create a group protocol for a chosen client population and topic. We had to
collaborate and design a group program with 6 treatment session focused on our
client’s needs using our knowledge, research, and a frame of reference. We had to
include where and what time these session would take place, the supplies needed, the
format of the session, why the group session was necessary, the reason for the
session, the size of the group, and the outcome criteria. We then had to complete these
session with our classmates to better understand the delivery of a group session and
what obstacle and solutions we might face to complete the sessions.

My group’s topic of interest was self-harm and eating disorders with the
population being women in their late teens, aged 17-18 years old. Our group mantra
was Come as You Are, it consisted of 6 participants and the session would have taken
place at a self-harm treatment center in the evenings after school for an hour. The
frame of reference used was Role Acquisition and Social Skills Training, for its cognitive
behavior basis to change maladaptive behaviors. The focus of the group was positive
body imaging, interpersonal communication, self-esteem and self-expression. The goal
of the session would be designed to limit self-harm by using copying strategies provided
in the different treatment sessions. The outcome progress was determined in the form
of a questionnaire. We each designed a session and worked together in creating two
sessions. I created session 6:

Group Session Outline

Session 6 of 6

Group Title: You are Enough: Self-Acceptance and Expression Group

Session Title: Coping and Stress Management Strategies


5 min - Introduce self, explain benefits of these exercises

5 min - Explain what diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing) is and then give

instructions. Place one hand on chest the other on stomach below the rib cage.

Breath in slowly through nose inhaling into lower belly (belly should rise if doing

correctly) exhale through pursed lips. Practice breathing this way 5 times. This can
also be done while lying on a yoga mat.

5 min - Clenching hands: (abduct fingers and adduct) Open hands and close into a

fist do this a couple of times. Clench and release. Grab your soft object (pillow or

you can roll up a sock) and squeeze and release.

5 min - Grounding technique strategy 54321: name 5 things you can see, say 4

different sounds you can hear, touch 3 different textures, 2 different smells, 1

different taste. Take a few minutes to ask audience to share what stimuli they are

seeing or hearing.

15 min - Yoga poses: mountains pose, benefits of each pose - i.e. mountain pose is

good for releasing tension in upper extremities

5 min - Meditation with guided imagery

5 min - Journaling 3 sources of stress and if these exercises were helpful for coping

with them and write how they were helpful

10 min - Ask for feedback and share journaling. Provide list of helpline resources

and organization available. Fill out outcome criteria survey questionnaire. Pick up

mat or towel.


The purpose of these different practical strategies is to be aware of the resources

available to cope when feeling overwhelmed, stressed and to have recovery skills.

Learning how one can tune into the body and help release the tension being

experienced, by reaching relaxation with focus on breathing, clearing the mind and

having body awareness.


• Yoga mats or 6 towels

• pillows or 6 long socks (rolled up/filled rice)

• Pens

• sheet of papers and 6 questioners

• Space - 30x30ft room with sufficient lighting

Helplines and Resources List

Text message

• Crisis Text Line: free 24/7 support for any crisis by text. Text “HOME” to 741741

A crisis-trained counselor “will help you move from a hot moment to a cool

moment”. They provide support for any crisis but not medical advice and it is

confidential (any emotional crisis).

• NEDA: Text (800) 931-2237 Monday-Thursday 3 pm- 6pm (Eastern Time).

Contact for support, information on resources and treatment options (eating


Websites and Hotlines

• NEDA: Chat online at Monday-Thursday 9am to 9pm

and Friday 9am to 5pm (Eastern Time). Contact for support, information on

resources and treatment options (eating disorders).

• NEDA: Call at (800) 931-2237 Monday-Thursday 11am-9pm Friday 11-am-5pm

(Easter Time). Contact for support, information on resources and treatment

options (eating disorders)

• ANAD: Call at (630) 577-1330 Monday – Friday 9am-9pm (CST). Contact for

encouragement and support, support groups, referral to treatment options,

questions about eating disorders.

• NIH: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline call at 1-800-273-8255 24/7 for free and

confidential support for people in distress or in suicidal crisis

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