Confidential UHLB1112

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READING QUIZ 3 [15 marks]

Duration : 1 hour
Instruction: Read the text and answer all questions that follow.

Explore the World from your Home with these Virtual Field Trips
I Many of us love to travel. video tours, viewers can also get a
Unfortunately, there are so many guided tour of the International Space
places to see and not many people Station. In addition to learning about
have enough time or money to see the space station itself, visitors will
them. What if your travel budget does learn how astronauts exercise to
not allow you to see all of the places prevent the loss of bone density and
in person that you might like to visit? muscle mass, how they get rid of their
What if you could indulge your trash, and how they wash their hair
curiosity and experience more of the and brush their teeth in zero gravity.
world without actually leaving your
home? III With new and increasingly affordable
technology, it is easy to find online
II Your home may be hundreds of miles field trips that offer a complete
away from the White House or the virtual reality experience. Explorers
International Space Station, but can purchase cardboard virtual reality
thanks to this high-quality virtual goggles for less than USD10 each,
tours that make good use of voice- giving users experience almost as
overs, texts, videos, and related good as actually visiting the location.
activities, students can get a real There is no need to manipulate a
sense of what it is like to visit. A mouse or click a page to navigate.
virtual visit to the White House Even an inexpensive pair of goggles
features a tour of the Executive provides a life-like experience
Office as well as a look at the art of allowing visitors to look around the
the ground floor and the state floor. venue just as if they were visiting in
Visitors can also explore the White person.
House grounds, view the presidential
IV Another high-quality virtual reality
portraits that hang in the White
field trip option is Discovery
House, and see the dinnerware that
Education. For years, the Discovery
has been used during various
Channel has provided viewers with
presidential administrations. Thanks
educational programming. Now, they
to the National Aeronautics and
offer a phenomenal virtual reality
Space Administration (NASA)
experience for classrooms and
parents. Students can enjoy
Discovery’s virtual
[See next page

trips on desktops or mobiles without VI These are ways to see the world from
goggles. The 360° videos are breath- the comfort of your home.
taking. Discovery offers live virtual Fortunately, the Internet makes it
field trip options where viewers just more possible than ever before for
need to register and join the trip at people to read about, see, and hear
the scheduled time. There are about more international destinations
adventures such as a Kilimanjaro and foreign cultures than ever before.
Expedition or a visit to Pearl Valley There are ways to travel virtually
Farm to learn how eggs get from the using your laptop or tablet that puts
farm to your table. you in an immersive online
environment where you can
V Another option for exploring via vicariously experience the sights,
virtual field trips is to join a live- sounds, history, and culture of other
streaming event. All you need is an places all over the world.
internet connection and a device such
as a desktop or a tablet. The
advantage of the live events is the
Adapted from:
opportunity to participate in real- Bales, Kris. (2018). Explore the World from Your Home
or Classroom With These Virtual Field Trips. Retrieved
time by asking questions or from
participating in polls, but if you miss 4160925
an event, you can watch a recording
of it at your convenience. 

1 Replace the words in bold with an appropriate synonym provided in the box below.
Write your answer in the space provided.

choice opinion cheap feeling chance ability

a …but thanks to this high-quality virtual tours that

make good use of voice-overs, texts, videos, and
___ feeling _
related activities, students can get a real sense of

[See next page


what it is like to visit.

b Even an inexpensive pair of goggles provides a life- ___ cheap __

like experience…

c Another high-quality virtual reality field trip option __ choice __

is Discovery Education.

d The advantage of the live events is the opportunity to __ chance__

participate in real-time…

[4 x 1m = 4 marks]

2 Read the phrases a-d, and match them by drawing a line with their meanings from i-iv.
Phrase Meaning

a to take part in broadcast i to find online field trips 


b to explore a place ii to look around

c to view videos of places iii to join a live-streaming

on a device event 

d to look for guided virtual iv to travel virtually using your

explorations laptop

[4 x 1m = 4 marks]

3 Based on the text, state two (2) virtual field trips that you could take if you were
interested in outdoor activities.
a Discovery Education
b to join a live-streaming event _____________________________________

[2 x ½m = 1 mark]

[See next page


4 Based on the text, provide two (2) reasons how can live-streaming events attract
Internet users?
a the opportunity to participate in real-time by asking questions or participating
in polls ._________________________________
b if you miss an event, you can watch a recording of it at your convenience.

[2 x 1m = 2 mark]

5 Based on the text, state two (2) advantages of virtual reality field trips.
a it is inexpensive______________________
b allowing visitors to look around the venue just as if they were visiting in person.
[2 x 2m = 4 marks]


[See next page


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