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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación

U.P.TP J.J “Montilla”

Extensión Guanare- Estado Portuguesa


Profesor: Bachiller:

Rafael Zambrano Angélica Martínez

v- 275922421

PNF Admón

Sección 346





The study of the Administration is essential for all countries, because companies
and organizations are the engine of growth. For its part, administration is the
discipline of efficient management of human, financial and material resources to
achieve the sustainability of this growth. Those who study Administration are better
prepared to plan, organize, direct and control the resources, processes and
activities necessary to achieve the desired objectives. In all companies, an
administrator is always required. Due to its comprehensive training, the
administrator will be able to carry out activities in the different organizational areas.
Therefore, this career is one of the most important to take into consideration when
choosing what to study.

El estudio de la Administración es imprescindible para todos los países, debido a

que las empresas y organizaciones son su motor de crecimiento. Por su parte, la
administración es la disciplina de la gestión eficiente de los recursos humanos,
financieros y materiales para alcanzar la sostenibilidad de este crecimiento.
Quienes realicen estudios de Administración están mejor preparados para planear,
organizar, dirigir y controlar los recursos, procesos y actividades necesarios para
alcanzar los objetivos deseados. En todas las empresas, siempre se requiere un
administrador. Debido a su formación integral, el administrador será capaz de
realizar actividades en las distintas áreas organizacionales. Por ello, esta carrera
es una de las más importantes a tomar en consideración a la hora de elegir qué



A good manager will be a true leader of his work team, who will motivate and
stimulate his people. In addition, he will be a self-motivated, committed and
competent person, he will select as a work team trained, prepared and committed
people. A good manager will report and remove from his team those who show no
interest in improving. You will look for opportunities to improve customer service,
you will monitor that the processes of each work unit are developing in the correct
way. You must be clear that for everything to work well you have to know how to
work and direct your team, take the activities to be carried out in an organized and
controlled way, in this way the company or organization that you manage achieves

Un buen administrador será un verdadero líder de su equipo de trabajo, que

motivará y estimulará a su gente. Además, será una persona automotivada,
comprometida y competente, seleccionara como equipo de trabajo a gente
entrenada, preparada, comprometida. Un buen administrador reportara y sacara
de su equipo a los que no muestran interés en mejorar. Buscará oportunidades
para mejorar el servicio al cliente, vigilará que los procesos de cada unidad de
trabajo se estén desarrollando de la manera correcta. Debe tener claro que para
que todo funcione bien tiene que saber trabajar y dirigir a su equipo, llevara las
actividades a realizar de forma organizada y controlada, de esta manera la
empresa u organización que se dirija alcanza el éxito.



The Bachelor of Economics from ITAM and Master of the School of Foreign
Service at Georgetow University, Washington DC, for more than 45 years he
worked in the national and international Public Administration, stated that in the
past 30 years and as a result of the international financial crisis Very important
aspects were developed for the registration and disclosure of international reserves
and liquidity in foreign currency, affirming that they were very useful for crisis
prevention, while financial imbalances were made transparent and vulnerable.

El Licenciado en Economía por el ITAM y Maestro de Escuela del Servicio Exterior

de Georgetow University, Washington D.C, por más de 45 años se desempeño en
la Administración Pública nacional e internacional, expuso que en los pasados 30
años y a raíz de la crisis financiera internacional se desarrollaron aspectos muy
importantes para el registro y divulgación de las reservas internacionales y de la
liquidéz en moneda extranjera, afirmando que fueron de gran utilidad para la
prevención de crisis, mientras se hacían transparentes y vulnerables los

desequilibrios financieros.



Planning: is the process that begins with the vision of the person who directs an
organization; the mission of the organization; set organizational objectives,
strategies and policies, using the strategic map as a tool; all this taking into
account the strengths / weaknesses of the organization and the opportunities /
threats of the context (SWOT analysis). Planning covers the long term (5 to 10 or
more years), the medium term (between 1 and 5 years) and the short term, where
the annual budget is developed in more detail. At present, the continuous changes
generated by social, political, climatic, economic, and technological factors,
generate a turbulent environment where planning is difficult and its deadlines are

Planificar: es el proceso que comienza con la visión que tiene la persona que
dirige a una organización; la misión de la organización; fijar objetivos,
las estrategias y políticas organizacionales, usando como herramienta el mapa
estratégico; todo esto teniendo en cuenta las fortalezas/debilidades de la
organización y las oportunidades/amenazas del contexto (análisis FODA). La
planificación abarca el largo plazo (de 5 a 10 o más años), el mediano plazo (entre
1 y 5 años) y el corto plazo, donde se desarrolla el presupuesto anual más
detalladamente. En la actualidad los cambios continuos generados por factores
sociales, políticos, climáticos, económicos, tecnológicos, generan un entorno
turbulento donde la planificación se dificulta y se acortan los plazos de la misma.


Active: An asset is a good that the company owns and that can be converted into
money or other equivalent liquid means.

Accounting: Accounting is the part of finance that studies the different items that
reflect the economic and financial movements of a company or entity.

Administration: Business administration is an organizational method and practice

based on the management of mercantile companies with the aim of taking them to
their greatest possible optimization.

Audit; refers to the tests performed on financial, operational or administrative

information based on compliance with legal or tax obligations, as well as the
policies and guidelines established by the entity itself according to the way it
operates and is manages.

Chain command: The chain of command is the relationship that exists between
the group of superiors over whom information flows and decision-making.

Capital: Capital is one of the four factors of production, which is made up of

durable goods destined for production.

Control: administrative function that evaluates the administrative performance of a


Departmentalization: is a process by which work is divided within an organization.

According to the activities or functions that are similar and that are logically related.

Direction: It is the effective realization of everything planned, through the authority

of the administrator, exercised based on decisions, whether taken directly, or, more
frequently, delegating said authority, and it is simultaneously monitored that all are
adequately fulfilled the orders issued.

Efficiency: focuses on production objectives given a given resource, either in

terms of time limit or quantity to be produced.

Effectiveness: is based on the use of these resources seeking a certain level of


Leadership: The action of influencing a group of people with the aim of working as
a team and around a purpose.

Manager: is the person who controls, directs and coordinates a certain

organization or, on the other hand, a part of it.

Organization: is a social system formed by a group of people focused on a

common goal to achieve within a time, space and determined culture. In every
organization, rules, goals and axes are raised that help achieve the mission.

Organizational culture: When a group of people work in the same place and
therefore spend a lot of time together, it is logical that a series of customs are
established, common experiences are lived and certain values are shared

Passive: It represents the debts and obligations with which a company finances its
activity and serves to pay its asset. It is also known with the name of financial
structure, financial capital, origin of resources and source of funding.

Planning: is the structuring of a series of actions that are carried out to meet
certain objectives.

Process: is a sequence of steps arranged with some type of logic that focuses on
achieving a specific result.

Resources: are the different means or help used to achieve an end or satisfy a
Responsibility: is to comply with the obligations and be careful when making
decisions or when doing something. The responsibility is also the fact of being
responsible for someone or something.

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