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Research Method

The leaves will be fresh for 3 days to attained a constant weight. It is then stored

in a sterilized glass container at room temperature (25-30°C) until used. Transfer to

ointment jars before mixture hardens and then label it properly. The stock extract will be

stored in a sterile bottle and kept in refrigerator at 7°C. Furthermore, it will be observed

for the readiness of the product to use as antifungal and it will be distributed to twenty

(25) participants to gather data and information about the finished product. The

researcher will be used 5 treatments to tell whether it is significant or not significant.

Statistical Treatment

Scale Result
1-2 Very Poor
3-4 Poor
5-6 Average
7-8 Good
9-10 Excellent

Summary of Data


1 2 3 4 5 Total

N 5 5 5 5 5 25

∑X 31 31 32.5 31 31 156.5

Mean 6.2 6.2 6.5 6.2 6.2 6.26

∑X2 193 193 212.25 195 199 992.25

Std.Dev. 0.4472 0.4472 0.5 0.8367 1.3038 0.7234

Result Details

Source SS df MS  

Between-treatments 0.36 4 0.09 F = 0.14754

Within-treatments 12.2 20 0.61  

Total 12.56 24    

The f-ratio value is 0.14754. The p-value is .961953. The result is not significant at p < .05.

HSD.05 = 1.4781
Pairwise Comparisons Q.05 = 4.2319    Q.01 = 5.2933
HSD.01 = 1.8489

M1 = 6.20
T1:T2 0.00 Q = 0.00 (p = .00000)
M2 = 6.20

M1 = 6.20
T1:T3 0.30 Q = 0.86 (p = .97228)
M3 = 6.50

M1 = 6.20
T1:T4 0.00 Q = 0.00 (p = .00000)
M4 = 6.20

M1 = 6.20
T1:T5 0.00 Q = 0.00 (p = .00000)
M5 = 6.20

M2 = 6.20
T2:T3 0.30 Q = 0.86 (p = .97228)
M3 = 6.50

M2 = 6.20
T2:T4 0.00 Q = 0.00 (p = .00000)
M4 = 6.20
M2 = 6.20
T2:T5 0.00 Q = 0.00 (p = .00000)
M5 = 6.20

M3 = 6.50
T3:T4 0.30 Q = 0.86 (p = .97228)
M4 = 6.20

M3 = 6.50
T3:T5 0.30 Q = 0.86 (p = .97228)
M5 = 6.20

M4 = 6.20
T4:T5 0.00 Q = 0.00 (p = .00000)
M5 = 6.20

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