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Nama Kelompok : - Iska

- Juwita Amalia Saputri

Jurusan/Lokal : Kebidanan / B1

1. Surgical Clinic
Iska : excuse me
Juwita : yes
Iska : can you get some sirugis clamps?
Juwita : oh, of course
Juwita : what is this clamp for?
Iska : to pinch the tissue when suturing the wound
Juwita : oh, this is the sirugis clamp
Iska : thank you juwita
Juwita : you're welcome
2. Pharmacy Installation
Juwita : Good afternoon
Iska : Good afternoon
Juwita : do you know what kind of liquid this is?
Iska : Let me see first, oh this is Ringer's lactic liquid
Juwita : what kind of liquid is this?
Iska : This is a type of crystalloid liquid containing calcium, potassium, lactate,
sodium, chloride, and water.
Juwita : what is the purpose of giving this fluid
Iska : aims to restore electrolyte balance, and to replace lost body fluids when you have
an injury or other condition that causes you to lose blood quickly.
Juwita : Oh, like that. Thank you Iska nice to meet you
Iska : You're welcome juwita nice to meet you too
3. The puerperium room
Iska : Juwita can you help me?
Juwita : yes, I can help you
Iska : dr.refi asked for help to give analgesic drugs (paracetamol) to the patient in room
9, bed no 2 from the right
Juwita : what is the function of this drug?
Iska : this drug can help relieve and even relieve pain in patients
Juwita : okay iska, I will give this medicine
Iska : thank you juwita
4. Cemara Room
Juwita : Hi Iska, do you know the oxymeter?
Iska : hello juwita, what is the oxymeter? no i just heard about it
Juwita : you are serious?
Iska : Yes, I'm serious, what does this tool do?
Juwita : OK I will tell you, this tool serves to measure oxygen levels in the blood
Iska : Wow, it's amazing, what is the minimum limit of normal oxygen saturation for a
person if you use this tool?
Juwita : For a healthy person, the figure is usually around 98 to 100% on the oxymeter.
Iska : oh like that I already understand, thank you juwita
Juwita : you're welcome iska
5. Emergency Departments ( IGD )
Juwita : iska, can you get me a tourniquet
Iska : where?
Juwita : at the front desk in the drawer
Iska : What are you doing juwita?
Juwita : I will take the blood draw
Iska : Then what is the tourniquet for?
Juwita : This tourniquet serves to block blood in the veins and arteries
Iska : oh well, wait a minute I will get it for you
Juwita : Thank you Iska
6. Cendana Room
Iska : “ pardon me. What is this, juwita?”
Juwita : “ it’s a episiotomy scissors”
Iska : “ what is episiotomy scissors? ”
Juwita : “episiotomy scissors are hand-oparated shearing tools. Usually used for women
giving birth normally.”
Iska : “ what is the function of episiotomy scissors?”
Juwita : “ episiotomy scissors are used for cutting in the muscle area between the vagina
and anus (perineum) during childbirth.”
Iska : then, what is the goal of episiotomy scissors?”
Juwita : to enlarge the vaginal opening so that the delivery process is easier and faster.
Iska : oh I see, juwita. Thank you juwita.
Juwita : you are welcome, iska.

7. Medical Check Up (MCU) Room

Juwita : “ hi iska, what’s up? How’s your day going?
Iska : “ hello juwita, ya.. not bad. How about you?”
Juwita : “ very well, iska.. today, I have to catch up on the target of the vital sign check.”
Iska : “ wow, fun and tire, right?”
Juwita : “of course, iska.. the nicest think is the thermometer part”
Iska : “ me too, juwita. Because it has become the basis for measuring temperature.”
Juwita : “yes, right !”

8. Child Poly
Iska : “ So Tell me, what’s new, juwita?
Juwita : “I just got a child patient which is malnourished.”
Iska : “ if I may know, what is the circumference of the upper arm?”
Juwita : “ 9 cm and 2 years old.”
Iska : “ OMG! I’m so sad.”
Juwita : “ as we know the assessment of normal nutritional status in children aged 2-5
years is 11,5 cm.”
Iska : “of course juwita”
9. Laboratory
Juwita : “ iska, can I ask you?”
Iska : “ sure.”
Juwita : “ where should I put the test tube?”
Iska : “ you can store it in the test tube rack.”
Juwita : “ oh I see iska, thankyou iska.”
Iska : “ you are welcome juwita.”
10.Delivery room
Iska : “ can you help me juwita?”
Juwita : “ with pleasure”
Iska : “ can you come with me to help change the patient's dressing?”
Juwita : “ OK iska, I'll take the tools, especially the anatomical tweezers.”
Iska : “we have to clean the patient's wound sterile, right?”
Juwita : “ sure, iska”
Iska : “ thanks for helping me, You are very nice!”
Juwita : “ you are welcome iska.”

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