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Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130

Quantitative micro-analysis by laser-induced breakdown
spectroscopy: a review of the experimental approaches夞
E. Tognoni*, V. Palleschi, M. Corsi, G. Cristoforetti
Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici (IPCF) del CNR, Area della Ricerca di Pisa, Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy

Received 10 January 2002; accepted 21 March 2002


The laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technique has shown in recent years its great potential for rapid
qualitative analysis of materials. Because of the lack of pre-treatment of the material, as well as the speed of analysis,
not mentioning the possibility of in situ analysis, this technique offers an attractive solution for a wide range of
industrial applications. As a consequence, a lot of work has been devoted towards the application of LIBS technique
for quantitative micro-analysis. The purpose of this paper is to give a review of the current experimental approaches
used for obtaining quantitative micro-analysis using the LIBS technique. The influence on LIBS analytical
performances of laser power, wavelength and pulse length, the proper choice of experimental geometry, the importance
of ambient gas choice and the role of detectors for improving the precision of LIBS analysis are among the topics
discussed in this paper.
䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: LIBS; Micro-analysis; Analytical instruments

1. Introduction erties that conquer more and more new LIBS

users. Some commercial LIBS instruments are
In recent years the application of the laser- available on the market, offering to the end user
induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) tech- the possibility of direct measurements without
nique w1x to ‘real life’ problems (industrial process, worrying about the setting up and assembly of
environmental monitoring, etc.) have greatly single instrumental components. However, even
grown in number and in variety. The feasibility of these commercial instruments are still not suffi-
rapid multi-elemental analysis and the lack of a
cient to guarantee the final user the achievement
direct contact with the sample are appealing prop-
of reproducible and precise quantitative results.
In fact, the analytical performances of the LIBS
夞 This paper was presented at the 1st Euro-Mediterranean technique depend strongly on the choice of exper-
Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Cairo, imental conditions, which have to be carefully
Egypt, November 2001, and is published in the Special Issue
studied in each particular application. Main para-
of Spectrochimica Acta Part B, dedicated to that conference.
*Corresponding author. Fax: q39-050-315-22-30. meters affecting the performance are the laser
E-mail address: (E. Tognoni). wavelength, the pulse energy, the time interval of

0584-8547/02/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 5 8 4 - 8 5 4 7 Ž 0 2 . 0 0 0 5 3 - 8
1116 E. Tognoni et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130

observation and the geometrical set-up of the first systematic studies, which dated from the late
collecting optics. The choice of the experimental 1980s to the early 1990s. This summary provides
arrangement should be aimed at optimizing the a source for researchers who wish to retrieve
reproducibility of the measurements, while at the information regarding previous experimental stud-
same time achieving plasma conditions where the ies on measurement parameters. In the literature
hypotheses of LTE, stoichiometric ablation and there is also a corresponding series of theoretical
thin plasma are fulfilled. works dealing with the basic physical principles
The best indication that LIBS has not yet over- that describe the laser–matter interaction and plas-
come the experimentation stage to become a rou- ma evolution. Since the focus of the current review
tine methodology is perhaps given by the variety is imprinted to the experimental aspects, we refer
of different experimental configurations reported the reader to other works w1,6–8x for the investi-
in the literature. Each different arrangement is the gation of theoretical models.
answer to a different analytical problem: while this The organization of the present manuscript was
testifies to the versatility of the LIBS technique, devised in order to deal with the effect of single
at the same time the use of many different exper- parameters separately. On some occasions during
imental conditions makes difficult a meaningful the course of the discussion it is concluded that a
comparison between results obtained in different particular condition can be favorable to achieve a
laboratories. particular effect, however, in our opinion it is very
The purpose of this paper is to give a review of hard to express a definite preference for a particular
the studies that have investigated the effect of the configuration over another one. In fact the prob-
main experimental parameters on the quality of lems faced in a specific application are always
LIBS measurements. We produced this review due different. Since one of our aims is to help the
to the lack (to our knowledge) of a similar beginner LIBS user, we think that giving an
reference in the existing literature. We will not overview of the existing knowledge is an effective
describe the history of LIBS applications, nor help, whilst indicating which is better the other
mention the best results achieved by LIBS in terms could be misleading.
of precision or sensitivity. To this regard we refer On the other hand, the reader interested in the
the reader to previous reviews, which cover differ-
discussion of the accuracy of LIBS quantitative
ent aspects of the LIBS technique w2–5x. Among
analysis, is referred to some recent works where a
these earlier reviews, the work by Rusak et al. w4x
more critical discussion is proposed w9–11x.
is organized in three different sections regarding
solids, liquids and gases, respectively; each section
is in turn divided into theoretical studies and 2. Choice of experimental parameters in LIBS
experimental studies. For each element the lowest measurements
detection limit achieved is listed. The review by
Song et al. w5x, on the other hand, presented a 2.1. Laser characteristics
brief overview of the basic LIBS principles and of
the instrumentation used in this technique, though
the main focus was devoted to the LIBS applica- Different kinds of lasers are used in laser-
tions to a wide variety of samples and elements. induced plasma spectroscopy, typically ranging
In the following sections we will focus instead from UV excimer lasers to infrared solid-state
on the effects of experimental parameters on LIBS lasers. The different laser–material coupling char-
analytical performance, referring mostly to exper- acteristics of different laser sources strongly affect
imental studies appearing in the literature in the the behavior of the resulting plasma. This issue
last decade. Though a typical review should cover has been the object of many studies that lead to a
the most recent publications in the field, due to satisfactory knowledge of the problem, so that we
the specific focus on experimental parameters we are now able to choose the most suitable laser
also had to include in this summary some of the depending on the task to be accomplished.
E. Tognoni et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130 1117

In the following paragraphs some recent works densities of the order of 1 GWycm2 for a copper
are reviewed, describing the effect of different target w15x. Higher power densities produced con-
laser parameters on plasma formation. stant mass ablation rate, due to the shielding of
the laser energy acted by the plasma itself. How-
2.1.1. Fluence and power density ever, in a similar range, between 0.6 and 1.2 GWy
For the formation of a plasma, the laser fluence cm2, Chaleard
´ et al. w16x found a linear dependence
should exceed a threshold value, typically of the of the ablated mass on the power density for an
order of several Joules per square centimeter for aluminum sample, indicating the presence of a
nanosecond laser pulses. These values are easily unique ablation regime in the specified range. The
attained by proper focusing of the laser beam. At authors explained this difference with the difficulty
diffraction limit, the diameter w2 of the laser beam of comparing experiments carried out with differ-
at the focus of the focusing lens can be calculated ent laser sources, having different energy distri-
as: bution (it should be also noted, however, that the
f sample composition was different, too).
w2f2.44l (1) The mass ablation rate is not the only significant
parameter in the quest for good reliable experi-
where w1 is the diameter of the laser beam before mental data. The dissociation and excitation of the
focalization, f is the focal length of the lens and ablated mass and therefore the spectral emission
l the laser wavelength. intensity are dependent on the plasma temperature.
Cabalin and Laserna w12x made a systematic The actual plasma temperature is significantly
study for determining the threshold fluence for increased by higher laser power density. Therefore,
plasma formation in a set of nine metals, largely higher power density may be beneficial to improve
spread in physical and thermal properties, like the analytical sensitivity w17x.
melting and boiling temperatures, thermal conduc- As a consequence of the strong dependence of
tivity, etc. Fluence thresholds correlated fairly well the plasma conditions on the fluence or power
with thermal properties such as melting and boiling density, many arrangements have been described,
temperature, suggesting that thermal effects must devised to fine-adjust the laser power delivered on
play a significant role during laser ablation with the sample. Some authors w18x prefer to adjust the
nanosecond pulses, for fluences close to the thresh- pulse energy with the help of attenuators along the
old. The authors also investigated the behavior of path, instead of adjusting the supply voltage, in
line emission intensity vs. incident fluence and order to prevent changes of energy distribution in
found an initial linear correlation, probably due to the laser beam. Aragon et al. w19x, for example,
the increase of ablated material; subsequently for used for that reason a half-wave plate that rotates
higher fluence values, the emission signal reaches the plane of polarization and a polarizing beam
a saturation regime, attributed to the absorption of splitter cube.
the laser beam by the plasma formed in front of Another straightforward way to reduce the pow-
the sample. The starting point of the saturation er density on the target surface consists in displac-
regime is element-dependent, and correlated with ing the focusing lens with respect to the target, in
the value of the threshold. Milan and Laserna w13x order to change the dimensions of the focal spot
also reported a similar behavior for silicon. over which the pulse energy is distributed.
The same behavior of coupling efficiency was ´
Chaleard et al. w16x used to spatially filter the
found in dependence of the power density, for laser beam before focusing it on the sample sur-
nanosecond and picosecond lasers, by Russo w14x: face, in order to obtain a more homogeneous
the mass ablation rate increases linearly with pow- energy distribution and consequently a more reg-
er density, then undergoes a regime change, fol- ular crater.
lowed by saturation. In order to obtain the Indeed, the ideal situation for laser ablation
maximum efficiency in mass removal, a study by experiments would be a ‘flat-top’ distribution of
Chan and Russo suggested the use of power the laser beam energy, because each point of the
1118 E. Tognoni et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130

target surface would receive the same amount of vaporized as ionized particles, plasma formation
energy. This is obviously not the case when the can be mainly ascribed to processes involved in
laser exhibits an uncontrolled energy beam distri- the laser–vapor interaction. There are two domi-
bution, in particular with the use of a multi-mode nant photon absorption processes in the aluminum
laser source, for which the variation is generally vapor for visible and UV photons. One is inverse
very high. This can induce a highly complex Bremsstrahlung (IB) absorption, by which free
ablation process, in which the ablation regime may electrons gain kinetic energy from the laser beam,
not be the same at each point of the ablated thus promoting plume ionization and excitation
surface. through collision with excited and ground-state
The effect of pulse-to-pulse laser stability on neutrals. The second mechanism is photoionization
the emission intensity has been investigated by (PI) of excited species and, at sufficiently high
Castle et al. w20x by simultaneously monitoring laser intensity, multiphoton ionization (MPI) of
the analyte (Cu) signal and the laser pulse energy excited or ground-state atoms. The authors
by means of a photodiode. No significant correla- observed that the primary mechanism of laser
tion was observed, indicating that the laser pulse absorption and ionization of the relatively cold
variance played a small role in the overall variance neutral vapor formed by the leading edge of the
of LIBS measurement. ablating laser pulse depends strongly on the radi-
Wisbrun et al. w21x measured the behavior of ation wavelength: at ls532 nm, the ionization
the signal-to-noise ratio in sand and soil samples can be mainly ascribed to electron-neutral IB
depending on the laser pulse energy which was processes, and consequent electronic ionization,
varied between 0 and 320 mJ. In their experimental whereas at 355 nm direct PI of excited states in
conditions, the signal-to-noise ratio increased with the vapor seems to be the most effective process
pulse energy until approximately 100 mJ, and then (the IB process is less efficient in the UV than in
remained almost constant. This result was consid- the visible part of the spectrum, because of the
ered particularly encouraging in view of the field l3 dependence of IB on the laser wavelength).
application of the technique, for a possible use of More precisely, the efficiency of the laser heating
a fiber optic to deliver the laser beam further to of the plasma by IB decreases with the square of
the signal collection, without a degradation of the the laser wavelength when the degree of ionization
signal. is low and as the cube of the wavelength when
the ionization is extensive w23,24x. The efficiency
2.1.2. Wavelength and pulse duration of the IB photon absorption is such that the plasma
In the case of solids ablation, Kim w22x pointed acts as a shield for the laser radiation, completely
out the importance for LIBS measurements of the preventing the last part of the beam pulse to reach
leading-edge rise-time of the laser pulse, which the target surface.
should be fast enough to remove the surface layers Shorter pulses (on the order of picoseconds) are
at a speed at least equal to that of the thermal reported to produce higher mass ablation rates,
conduction front moving into the bulk. probably because they are not affected by the
Amoruso et al. w23x evaluated the efficiency of plasma shielding, and also because the fraction of
the mechanisms of energy absorption in the plasma the pulse energy loss by thermal diffusion in the
for a visible and a UV laser wavelength during sample is much lower than in the case of nanosec-
ablation of an aluminum sample. In a nanosecond ond pulses w25x.
laser ablation process, target evaporation begins Sdorra et al. w26x compared the characteristics
just after the impact of the leading edge of the of plasmas induced by infrared and UV laser
laser pulse on the surface. The interaction of the wavelength (fundamental and fourth harmonic of
following part of the laser beam with the vapor in an Nd:YAG laser). Under the same pressure con-
the vicinity of the target surface leads to a strong ditions (buffer gas was argon), the UV wavelength
heating and ionization of the vapor and plasma was much more effective in mass ablation. More-
formation. Although some species can be directly over, using the fourth harmonic, the crater dimen-
E. Tognoni et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130 1119

sions and hence the amount of mass ablated were tally demonstrated that the transition between ther-
almost independent on the kind of buffer gas and mal and explosive regimes in laser ablation occurs,
on the pressure value (between 140 and 1000 for the different wavelengths, at power density
mbar), indicating that radiation shielding is negli- values scaling inversely as the (1yR) factor.
gible at this wavelength. As regards the investi- In a recent work, Russo et al. analyzed the
gation of plasma temperature, the authors influence of laser wavelength on the specific prob-
measured in the center of the plasma the same lem of fractionation in laser ablation w30x, com-
values either using the fundamental or the UV paring the effects of three different UV
wavelength, observed a more pronounced drop in wavelengths (Nd:YAG quadruplicated at 266 nm,
the lateral regions in the case of the UV-induced Nd:YAG quintuplicated at 213 nm and F2 at 157
plasma. In conclusion, the authors evaluated the nm). They demonstrated that depending on the
analytical results, and observed that the emission sample, fractionation can be present for each wave-
signals obtained with UV radiation were not linear length used in ablation, but for each wavelength it
with analyte concentration, even after comparing can be controlled (reduced or enhanced) by chang-
the LIBS signal with reference lines. They sug- ing the power density. Moreover, they claim that
gested that the poor analytical results obtained the shorter the wavelength, the more controlled or
with UV wavelength can be due to incomplete reproducible is the ablation rate; also, the shorter
atomization of the material ablated, and demon- the wavelength, the lower is the fluence that is
strated that linearity is obtained if the vapor ablated required to initiate ablation.
is reheated by means of a second, independent IR However, Cabalin and Laserna w12x found that
pulse. the fluence threshold for plasma formation is
However, different observations have been higher for shorter wavelengths. They measured the
reported by Berman and Wolf w27x, who compared emission intensity of the atomic lines characteristic
the analytical results obtained in the detection of of some metals depending on laser fluence, for
Ni in water by using alternatively the fundamental different harmonics of a nanosecond Nd:YAG laser
Nd:YAG wavelength and the UV third harmonic. (fundamental, second harmonic, fourth harmonic).
They observed in the UV generated spectrum a They found a general behavior for the three wave-
lower continuum intensity, leading to a better lengths and for the different metals: by increasing
signal-to-noise ratio; furthermore, after construct- the laser fluence values above the threshold, a
ing the calibration curves for the same spectral linear increase of the line intensity occurred, then
lines, the one obtained with UV irradiation followed by a saturation regime. Both the thresh-
revealed a higher slope and allowed a better limit olds for plasma formation and the saturation regi-
of detection (LOD) value. These results agree with me, however, were shifted towards lower fluences
the results obtained on liquids by Ng et al. w28x, for IR wavelength, while the energy threshold
who found that the main difference in the plasma values were higher for IR radiation. In the discus-
plume generated by visible or ultraviolet laser of sion of the results, the authors stated that reflectiv-
the same fluence is in the T value, which is quite ity does not seem to be a relevant parameter, at
lower in the second case, while the Ne value is high fluences (i.e. above the threshold), since the
approximately the same. plasma formation change substantially the proper-
As an example of different laser–material cou- ties of the target surface.
pling at different wavelengths, Mao et al. w25,29x However, the choice of laser wavelength is, of
reported the reflectivity coefficient R of metallic course, dependent on the analytical task. For
Cu at three different typical wavelengths: R equals instance, Haisch et al. w31x preferred the second
0.976 at 1064 nm, 0.814 at 532 nm and 0.336 at harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser, instead of a higher
266 nm. The absorbed energy (a fraction 1yR of order one, for sampling the particles deposited on
the laser energy) in irradiating copper is thus much a filter membrane used to select colloids from its
higher in case of UV laser wavelength. The same liquid solvent. In that case, indeed, the formation
authors, in support of this observation, experimen- of deep crater, which the fourth harmonic would
1120 E. Tognoni et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130

have produced, was to be avoided in order not to integration window with respect to the laser pulse.
ablate a layer of the membrane together with the In their experimental conditions (Nd:YAG laser at
filtered particles. the fundamental wavelength, power density of
approximately 2 GWycm2) the best compromise
2.2. Interval of observation between lower relative standard deviation (R.S.D.)
and higher signal-to-noise ratio was found at a
Early stages of plasma evolution are character- delay of approximately 6 ms. The integration time
ized by the Bremsstrahlung continuum emission, was kept fixed at 15 ms.
and only subsequent stages show the characteristic Other researchers pursued the optimization of
line pattern, which allows for the LIBS composi- delay and integration time in order to obtain the
tional analysis of the sample. It should be noted higher signal-to-noise ratio. Wisbrun et al. w21x
that although the continuum emission may hinder reported a systematic bi-dimensional analysis for
the line emission, it is not appropriate to consider two elements (Zn and Cd) in a sand sample. The
this background as noise, since it corresponds to a delay value resulted to be the most significant
physical process and it cannot be reduced through parameter, and the optimal values for the elements
averaging. Because of its characteristics, the back- in study have been found to be a delay of approx-
ground signal can be minimized only by activating imately 0.5 ms with an integration time of approx-
the spectra acquisition with a proper delay after imately 1.5 ms.
the laser pulse that produces the plasma. However, Due to the time evolution of electron density
at large delay times the absolute intensity of the and temperature, also the ratio between the popu-
line emission can be too low for efficient detection. lation of neutral and ionized species changes with
The best compromise between high line intensity time. Leis et al. w33x reported a study of the
and low background must be determined case by evolution of the emission intensity of two iron
case. Depending on the density of the ambient gas
lines (Fe I 285.2 nm and Fe II 288.4 nm), in a
and other factors, the plasma lifetime may range
pure iron sample, recorded during the first 15 ms
from approximately 300 ns to more than 40 ms
w22x. of plasma lifetime. During the first 3 ms, the
intensity of the ionic line exceeded the neutral (at
Ciucci et al. w32x compared the time evolution
its maximum, lying at 500 ns, the intensity ratio
of the plasma emission obtained by irradiating in
air the same sample with, respectively, the funda- was approximately 50); later, at a delay of approx-
mental wavelength of an Nd:YAG laser and the imately 10 ms, the neutral line intensity (which
UV radiation of an excimer laser. They observed reached its maximum at 1.5 ms) was eight times
that in the case of UV excitation the plasma the other. The same authors evaluated the evolution
emission was initially dominated by the back- of the signal-to-noise ratio, for an Nd:YAG 5 mJ
ground up to approximately 400 ns, when the pulse in 140 torr argon pressure, concluding that
atomic transitions started to appear against the good values can be obtained with delays greater
continuum. The emission generated by NIR exci- than 3 ms.
tation showed characteristic longer times, on a Aragon et al. w19x studied the evolution of line
scale of several microseconds. The time scales of intensity and of line-to-continuum ratios and found
the plasma induced by the two different sources a dependence on the specific line and on the pulse
differ remarkably, suggesting a more rapid contin- energy. They concluded that line intensities and
uum decay in the experiment performed with UV line-to-continuum ratios cannot be simultaneously
excitation with respect to the one where NIR was maximized for all the elements investigated by
used. using a single detection time window. Their sug-
In the framework of a study devoted to the gestion was to use a large integration time (2–15
evaluation of the parameters affecting LIBS pre- ms), which allows to collect most of the LIBS
cision, Castle et al. w20x studied the reproducibility signal for all the elements, while eliminating the
of the LIBS spectra changing the delay of the undesirable initial part of the emission.
E. Tognoni et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130 1121

Sabsabi and Cielo w18x chose for quantitative end allows in fact gathering of light from a broad
analysis of aluminum alloys a delay time of 10 ms plasma extension. On the other hand, the use of
and an integration time of 10 ms as well. The optical fiber bundles has been proposed for the
same authors studied the temperature evolution in simultaneous acquisition of spectral emission from
a nanosecond Nd:YAG-induced plasma on alumi- different regions inside the plasma plume w36x.
num and copper targets in air w34x. They obtained Due to the breakdown threshold of the optical
in both cases a similar behavior of the temperature: fiber material, optical fibers were initially used in
a quick decrease in the first few microseconds LIBS only to deliver the plasma emission to the
(from approximately 1 eV to approximately 0.5 detection system w37–39x. The use of fiber-optic
eV) and small changes at later times in the was then proposed also for laser beam delivery, in
microsecond scale. Analogous behavior with time a configuration suitable for operating in hostile
was reported by Leis et al. w33x, who determined environment, allowing to separate the focusing and
the time-resolved temperature for a series of binary collecting head from the most delicate parts of the
Fe–Cr alloys with iron content ranging from 10 to instrumentation, i.e. laser source, spectrometer and
100%. While the evolution in time of the temper- detector. Beside the flexibility, this configuration
ature was similar for all the samples, the absolute also offers an obvious advantage in terms of safety
value differed by approximately 50% among the with respect to possible eye damage. On the other
samples, with the pure iron showing the higher hand, when the laser beam is coupled into a fiber,
temperature value. a more restrictive limit is imposed on the maxi-
mum laser pulse energy, in order to avoid damage
2.3. Geometric set-up to the fiber itself w40x. Various configurations have
been proposed, including the use of two optical
The geometrical shape of the plasma and spatial fibers w40–42x (one for delivering the laser beam
emission intensity profile are strongly dependent and one for collecting the plume emission) or one
on the laser power density and on other parameters, single fiber for both the tasks w43,44x. A compar-
therefore it is often necessary to optimize the ison has been carried out between the perform-
characteristics of the experimental apparatus as a ances of the fiber-coupled LIBS and lens-coupled
whole. LIBS w44x: after optimization of different experi-
Eppler et al. w35x compared the precision of the mental parameters the detection limits achieved
results obtained using a spherical and a cylindrical were found to be comparable, at least for some
lens to focus the laser pulse on the surface of a elements.
soil sample. They found much more precise results The choice of on-axis plasma emission collec-
using the cylindrical lens, and explained the effect tion presents advantages in terms of simplicity and
by considering the larger area sampled in the latter reproducibility, and this configuration is often
case, which allowed averaging of inhomogeneous adopted when aiming to perform on-line analysis
composition that is naturally associated with this of some evolving process. It is well known that
kind of sample. the plasma plume expands in the direction perpen-
Moreover, when the analytical collection system dicular to the sample surface w22,45x. The on-axis
is pointed on fixed spatial regions of the plasma, detection, being performed along the direction
changes in the plasma emission position might be perpendicular to the surface, is less sensitive to
erroneously interpreted as a change in concentra- changes in the plasma-to-collecting-lens distance,
tion of the element, unless the observation region which occur when several shots are fired at the
encompasses and spatially integrates the entire same place on the sample surface and a crater is
geometrical extent of the plasma for all power formed. With on-axis collection, the plasma dis-
densities. This is sometimes obtained by directly placement causes minimum perturbations on the
facing a fiber optic to the plume, at a distance of LIBS signal, because of the depth of focus of the
some millimeters, in order to avoid damage by detection optics, which is typically longer than
excessive heating. The collection angle of the fiber crater depth w16x. In fact, lenses having focal
1122 E. Tognoni et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130

length of a few centimeters are typically used for focusing lens and the target a little shorter than
LIBS measurements. the focal length. This configuration was found to
Moreover, there are certain types of changes produce a stable breakdown, while maximizing the
which will definitely occur in the plasma emission, interaction area w19,21x.
i.e. those produced by time evolution of the plasma However, the perpendicular irradiation configu-
plume. The plume expansion is governed by the ration might induce some problems on liquid
strong explosion law. If we assume a one-dimen- samples, related to the splashing of liquid on the
sional model, where the plasma expands along the lenses, which strongly reduces the reproducibility
x-direction and the target surface is at xs0, the of the measurements. Since droplets ejection is
distance x(t), reached at time t from the shock mainly perpendicular to the liquid surface, Fichet
wave front, can be expressed as et al. w49x suggested a configuration with the laser
beam directed on the surface with a tilt angle of
EI Emy2 m 158 (758 with respect to the perpendicular), thus
xskC F t (2)
D r0 G keeping the optics protected from splashing.
Typical LIBS measurements are performed by
where EI is the energy deposited by the laser integrating the emitted intensity over the line of
during the ablation process and r0 is the ambient sight in the plasma. In this case, the inhomogeneity
gas density. The coefficient m depends on the of the plume should be always taken into account,
plasma expansion geometry and is equal to 2y3 since the resultant information (unless it is spa-
for planar propagation and 2y5 for spherical sym- tially resolved) includes contribution arising from
metry w46,47x. It results from Eq. (2) that the regions with different temperature and electronic
plasma is moving initially fast, while at later times density. However, many authors intentionally
the plasma velocity is slower. The time gating and choose to collect as much as possible of the plasma
the region of the plasma inspected must therefore emission, for obtaining a better reproducibility. For
be matched in order to intercept the emission instance, Aragon et al. w19x used in the optical
signal w17x. collection path a demagnification factor of five, in
In laboratory LIBS analysis, however, the con- order to form on the entrance slit of the spectrom-
figuration with collection axis perpendicular to the eter the image of the whole plume. Similarly,
laser beam direction is also common. Several ´
Chaleard et al. w16x used for the collecting optics
studies have investigated the dependence of the a demagnification factor of 30, in order to image
emission intensity on the distance of the collection the whole volume of the plasma on the 200-mm
axis from the target surface. Kim et al. w48x, for entrance slit of the spectrometer. They stated that
instance, studied the spatial distribution of the this configuration could improve the reproducibil-
emission intensity by scanning the direction per- ity of the measurements, while the shot-to-shot
pendicular to the target surface; the authors found variations in the atomic densities and temperature
the highest intensity at a distance of 3 mm from distribution inside the plasma affect the reproduc-
the target surface, at a delay of 30 ms, in air. ibility of the measurement when only the central
Regarding laser beam delivery, the most com- part of the plasma is probed.
mon choice for LIBS on solid targets seems to be To clarify this latter issue, many researchers
the direction perpendicular to the sample surface have investigated the spatial distribution of the
(or very close to the perpendicular, see for example emitters in the laser-induced plasma. Liu et al.
Ref. w16x). After the focusing lens, the beam w50x studied in particular the early phase of the
fluence may reach along the path a value sufficient plasma, and reported a double-peaked intensity
to generate the breakdown in air even before the distribution along the normal to the irradiated
focus position, especially when some air powder surface (similar results are reported in Ciucci et
particles are occasionally irradiated. To avoid these al. w51x). For their LIBS analysis, they chose to
fluctuations in the breakdown position, many collect the signal from the region where the max-
researchers used to set the distance between the imum intensity was recorded, avoiding at the same
E. Tognoni et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130 1123

time the region close to the target surface and at was too complex for giving a unique interpretation.
the plasma–air interface, where self-absorption However, the indication was provided of the con-
was exhibited even from non-resonance lines. dition which yield the best signal-to-noise ratio,
Lee et al. w52x studied the spatial features of i.e. argon atmosphere at 50 torr pressure, with the
laser-induced plasmas on different metallic target LIBS signal sampled at approximately 6 mm from
by measuring the emission intensity along the axial the target surface. Leis et al. w33x instead suggested
direction perpendicular to the target. The authors an argon ambient pressure of 140 torr to yield the
used a non-time resolved apparatus, however, they higher intensity values (measured for the Si I
were able to measure for copper plasma a spatial 288.2 nm line in a steel sample, with a Nd:YAG
extension limited to approximately 2 mm in the laser, 5 mJ pulse energy).
axial direction, with peak intensity lying at a Sdorra and Niemax w55x compared the effect of
distance lower than 1 mm from the target surface; different ambient gases (argon, neon, helium,
while lead plasma extended for approximately 5 nitrogen, air) in the production of plasma by means
mm from the target, with peak intensity at approx- of a nanosecond Nd:YAG on a copper target. For
imately 2 mm from it. Even if this different fixed experimental conditions and in particular, at
behavior has not been completely explained, the pressure lower than atmospheric, argon was dem-
consequence seems to be that the spatial region onstrated to produce the higher plasma tempera-
sampled in analytical measurements should be ture, the higher electron density and, despite the
optimized depending on the target material. lower mass ablation rate, the higher emission
Other studies have been performed in order to intensity for the chosen monitored element. Fur-
characterize the angular distribution of the LIBS thermore, the decay rate of the temperature during
signal. According to the description given by Kim the first 40 ms after the laser pulse was slower for
w22x, Hansen et al. experimentally found that argon than for the other gases. The same behavior
ionized species are steeply localized along the axis was also found by Iida w56x. Helium, conversely,
perpendicular to the irradiated surface, while neu- produced the lower temperature, electron density
tral species are smoothly distributed in the other and emission intensity. In conclusion, argon was
directions w53x. found to be most efficiently heated by inverse
Bremsstrahlung, generating a buffer plasma which
2.4. Ambient gas optically shields the target surface, thus reducing
the amount of mass ablated. The shielding effect
At elevated power density, the laser–material also takes place in the presence of other gases, but
coupling efficiency is reduced by the plasma only for pulse energy values greater than 20 mJ,
shielding effect. Plasma shielding importance is whilst in argon there is a strong effect already at
governed, among other factors, by the nature of laser energies of approximately 10 mJ. However,
the gas environment. argon is found to yield the highest analyte emission
Grant and Paul w54x measured along the axial intensity, except at high pressures, when neon
direction the spatial-resolved emission intensity of offers the best performance. Again, similar results
a laser-induced plasma produced with an excimer were shown by Iida w56x, who measured the higher
XeCl laser on a steel target in different gas emission intensity with an argon atmosphere at
atmospheres (air, helium and argon) and pressures approximately 100 torr pressure.
(0.5, 50 and 760 torr). With the limitation of a Kim et al. w48x observed the same signal
non-time resolved apparatus, the evidence of lower increase and longer plasma lifetime in argon
LIBS signals for any kind of ambient gas at 0.5 atmosphere, as already described, and explained
torr pressure was, however, observed. Furthermore, this phenomenon with the smaller conductivity
it was clear that signal-to-noise ratios are reduced (0.0387 calycm s deg in STP) and specific heat
in proximity of the target surface. The global (0.0763 calyg deg in STP) of argon gas with
behavior of the emission intensity in dependence respect to the corresponding air values. Such dif-
of the three variables (gas, pressure, axial distance) ferences in the thermal properties result not only
1124 E. Tognoni et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130

in a higher temperature plasma leading to stronger collisions occur between target vapor and ambient
emission, but also in slower cooling of the plasma, gas species. Thus, the plasma density decreases
leading to a longer emission period. Another slower and, as an effect of inelastic collision, the
important effect from the Ar environment is pro- kinetic energy is partially transformed in excitation
tection of the excited atoms from forming stable energy.
compounds such as oxides, which might reduce Thiem et al. w58x, after observing that analysis
the LIBS emission from the analyte. at atmospheric pressure is hampered by the pres-
Also, Wisbrun et al. w21x found that the argon ence of a broadband background emission spec-
atmosphere was most favorable both in terms of trum generated by atmospheric elements, preferred
higher analyte emission intensity (1.8 times the the use of a vacuum chamber in order to obtain
intensity obtained in air for the Zn LIBS line at better signal-to-noise ratios.
481.1 nm) and better reproducibility (R.S.D.s Certain arrangements must be envisaged, in
12% over 18 measurements, compared to 18% in particular cases: for instance, if a UV spectrum
air). In the same work the authors observed that that ranges down to 180 nm is to be observed, the
as the atomic mass of the ambient gas increases, experiment housing must be filled with nitrogen
the collisional translation energy transfer is less or some other inert gas, in order to avoid the
effective and the plasma life is longer. absorption of the LIBS signal by oxygen
At low ambient pressure (-1 mbar), the ablated molecules.
vapor can expand almost freely, and the outer part
of the plasma becomes colder of the core, because 2.5. Dual-pulse LIBS and selective excitation
of the higher energy loss. When increasing the
pressure to approximately 1 mbar, the confining It is generally agreed among the scientific com-
effect of the vapor by the ambient causes a munity that poor detection limits are the most
reduction in energy loss and a more uniform important limitation of the LIBS technique, com-
distribution. Hermann et al. w57x studied the time pared to other consolidated analytical techniques.
and space evolution of the electron density and Therefore, several research groups have investigat-
temperature by changing the laser power density ed possible ways to improve the LIBS detection
value and the ambient pressure. In their experi- limits. One of the most promising approaches to
mental conditions, the electron density was more this problem is the combined use of a pair of laser
sensitive to power density changes than tempera- pulses to ablate the material and further excite the
ture. They also observed that plasma lifetime resulting plasma. The technique developed on this
(measured from line intensity as well as from Ne basis is known as Dual-Pulse LIBS, or Repetitive
and T decay rate) increased with power density. Spark Pair (RSP), or Double-Pulse Excitation.
This can be explained considering that the plasma In some cases the dual pulse is delivered by a
density increases with laser power density, and unique laser w59,60x, while other experiments make
self-absorption of the spectral lines becomes more use of two different lasers w61–63x. In the latter
important. Thus, the radiation loss is reduced and case there is more flexibility in the arrangement
the plasma lifetime is increased. By increasing the of the relative beams configuration, as for geom-
ambient pressure in the range from 0 to 1 mbar, etry, energy and timing. On the other hand, the
the electron temperature and density remained use of a single laser keeps the system compact
unchanged at early times (t-200 ns from laser and saves the problems of alignment between the
pulse), while the decay rates for later times were two pulses, ensuring better reproducibility.
reduced, as a consequence of the confinement of In 1997 Pichahchy et al. w59x applied the RSP
the vapor plasma by the ambient gas, which technique to the analysis of metals under water.
prevents electrons or ion from rapidly escaping While the single sparks produced weak spectra,
from the observation point and facilitate the atom- the use of two laser pulses separated in time by
ization of droplets and particles. With respect to tens of microseconds allowed to obtain hotter
the free expansion in vacuum, elastic and inelastic plasmas (T;9000 K compared to 3000 K for a
E. Tognoni et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130 1125

single spark) and in consequence good detection to convert a fraction of the beam to the higher
limits for the elements investigated. The explana- frequency.
tion proposed for the strong excitation produced In contrast to the above-mentioned studies,
by the second pulse is the formation of a gas where the plasma obtained by the first ablating
bubble in the water environment at the solid pulse is reheated by a second pulse, Stratis et al.
surface. The presence of a solid–gas interface w63x suggested firing a pre-pulse parallel to the
would allow the interaction of the second pulse sample surface and focused to form an air plasma,
with the plasma in a way similar to the gaseous followed in a few microseconds by a second
environment. orthogonal ablating pulse. The increase in intensity
In 1998 St-Onge et al. w64x published a study of the spectral line emission was observed in
of some parameters affecting the performance of association with an increased mass ablation. The
dual-pulse LIBS on metal samples in air. By means same authors have obtained analogous results for
of a series of time-resolved measurements, the non-conducting materials like glasses w62x. In a
authors investigated the behavior of plasma tem- recent study the same authors investigated the
perature and electron density in the case of a dependence of signal enhancement on the delay
double pulse compared to a single pulse. Accord- between the pulses w61x. They measured simulta-
ing to the authors, the resulting differences were neously the time-resolved, spatially-integrated
not sufficient to explain the observed signal emission intensity from two collection directions:
enhancement. The proposed interpretation calls for top view; and side view. The results were slightly
a volume effect generated by the first plasma, different, even if qualitatively consistent: on this
leading to a more uniform absorption of the second basis the authors made a very interesting point on
pulse, whose energy is then distributed on a the importance of the collection geometry in the
broader volume. LIBS measurements.
While most papers dealing with dual-pulse LIBS A different approach to improve detection limits
has been developed by applying to a laser induced
report the use of two pulses of similar wavelength,
plasma the selective elemental excitation obtained
namely the fundamental Nd:YAG emission at 1064
by a tunable diode laser. As an example of the
nm, St-Onge et al. w65x proposed the combined
application of this technique, Smith et al. w66x
use of a UV pulse to increase the ablation and of
used atomic fluorescence to obtain selective iso-
an IR pulse to maximize heating efficiency. Also,
tope detection of uranium containing samples. In
in this configuration significant signal enhance- order to detect the fluorescence signal, two tech-
ment has been observed, the extent of which varies niques have been described: the fast wavelength
depending on the ionization state and level energy scanning of the diode laser during the lifetime of
of the specific spectral line investigated. As in the the plasma produced by each shot of the ablating
previous work, a correlation has been established laser and the time-integrated measurement with
between the observed increase in intensity and the the diode laser wavelength fixed at the isotope
theoretical increase expected as a result of the line center. The optimal experimental conditions
higher plasma temperature generated by a combi- were found by means of a systematic scanning of
nation of the UV-NIR pulses. However, the the argon pressure in the experimental chamber, of
enhancement of the signal is even greater than the distance from the sample surface and of the
predicted by the increased temperature, so that a ablating laser pulse energy. The limit of detection
co-operative effect from a broader volume is still in the optimal conditions was of the order of 0.6
supposed to act. The most promising result emerg- ppm.
ing from this paper is the possibility to also obtain Many other combinations of LIBS and laser-
greater signal enhancement by simultaneously fir- induced fluorescence (LIF) have been described
ing two pulses of different wavelengths. This even in recent years w67–69x, giving a picture of
possibility allows the use of any kind of Nd:YAG the achievements which can make LIBS a highly
laser by just applying a harmonic-generator crystal performing technique. However, the high sophis-
1126 E. Tognoni et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130

tication of these techniques makes a detailed tude. In order to measure major and minor con-
review of the specific experimental configurations stituents as well as trace elements in the lower
out of the scope of this paper. micrograms per gram range with single laser shots,
linearity over six or even more orders of magnitude
2.6. Spectral detectors would be required. Despite the small dynamic
range of the detectors, such measurements can be
In LIBS experiments, Czerny–Turner spectro- made if minor and major constituents of the sample
graphs are usually employed, coupled to detectors are measured by weak or very weak lines, respec-
which offer the possibility of time resolved meas- tively, while resonance lines are selected for the
urements. These detection systems are intrinsically measurement of trace elements w70x.
limited in resolution andyor in spectral coverage.
This latter limitation is particularly disappointing 2.7. Other parameters
in view of the intrinsic multi-elemental detection
capability offered by the LIBS technique. There- When the analysis requires more than one laser
fore, when multi elemental analysis is required, pulse, the effect of repetitive sampling on the same
sequential measurements of the parts of the spec- spot has to be evaluated. Castle et al. w20x studied
trum of interest must be performed, inspecting the emission intensity during repetitive sampling
each time a different sample of the material ablated on a copper target. The greater reproducibility
from the target surface. This procedure would in (lowest R.S.D.) was obtained when each laser shot
principle limit LIBS application to homogeneous was focused on a fresh surface of the sample. In
samples. However, in practice most samples are completely different samples (soils and sand) Wis-
inhomogeneous and, as a consequence, the spectra brun et al. w21x observed the same behavior: higher
vary from shot to shot, both for changes in the intensity and lower R.S.D. value were obtained
sample composition and for the stochastic fluctu- irradiating a fresh surface at each new laser pulse.
ations in the plasma w70x. Therefore, the optimal In the same paper by Castle et al., the precision
approach for all spectroscopic analytical tech- of the measurement depending on the number of
niques is the simultaneous measurement of the accumulated single-shot spectra was evaluated,
complete optical spectrum. Instruments which again for a pure copper target. Of course, the
allow simultaneous measurements are Paschen– R.S.D. improved during the accumulation of the
Runge spectrometers or the more compact echelle initial shots, due to the increase of the total counts
spectrometers. number, according to the Poisson statistic. How-
Echelle spectrographs offer excellent spectral ever, after accumulating several shots (approx.
resolving power (lyDl up to 10.000 and more) 300), the R.S.D. increased again, revealing that a
in combination with a spectral coverage of several different source of noise, not identified by the
hundred nanometers. Matched to two-dimensional authors, became dominant. Also, Dudragne et al.
multichannel detectors like intensified charge cou- w73x in a completely different situation (a gaseous
pled devices, echelle spectrometers represent a new target), found that the maximum of the signal-to-
powerful tool for spectrochemical analysis w71x. In noise ratio was a function of the number of single
the mentioned paper, Haisch et al. compared the shot spectra accumulated, corresponding of
detection limits obtained for several elements with approximately 1000 shots. The same subject was
an echelle system with those obtained with a studied by Aragon et al. w19x, who demonstrated
conventional Czerny–Turner system, showing the that LIBS precision can be improved, achieving
substantial improvements achieved. A systematic R.S.D. values of 1%, if suitable reference line is
review of echelle vs. traditional spectrometer per- chosen. Wisbrun et al. w21x demonstrated how the
formances was recently published by Detalle et al. improvement in R.S.D. obtained through accumu-
w72x. lation of spectra depends on the signal-to-noise
The useful dynamic range of a common spectral ratio for the chosen line. In fact, for a weak
detector is approximately three orders of magni- spectral line with a signal-to-noise ratio close to
E. Tognoni et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57 (2002) 1115–1130 1127

1, the accumulation of 100 spectra kept the R.S.D. ablated mass can be poor with single pulsed
unaltered and very high. A better performance was ablation (R.S.D. as high as 30–70% are reported),
obtained for a spectral line having a signal-to- due to variations of the surface chemical and
noise ratio of approximately 2, and even better physical state, instability in the power and spatial
results were achieved with the accumulation of mode qualities of the laser, and instabilities of the
spectra of a strong line having a signal-to-noise non-linear laser material interaction w14x. This kind
ratio of 20. of instability is even more pronounced during
Specific samples present particular characteris- analysis of heterogeneous materials, such as soils.
tics and problems. Dusty samples, for instance, The fraction of reflected light varies from pulse to
produce a persistent amount of aerosol above the pulse due to various impact angles on a micro-
irradiated spot. At high laser repetition rates, the scopic level. The optical instabilities cause fluctu-
aerosol production rate is high as well, and a ations in the ablation process, in the plasma profile
steady state aerosol concentration is produced and also in the inspected volume of the plasma
above the sample. Whilst a low concentration of w21x.
aerosol increases the signal, higher concentrations Eppler et al. w35x tried to quantify this non-
reverse the effect and decrease the signal, mainly reproducibility, at least in their experimental con-
because the laser light is absorbed along the ditions. Keeping fixed the same experimental
pathway. The result is that the maximum intensity conditions for a series of 30 repeated measure-
for soil samples has been observed at repetition ments, distributed over 3 days, they measured an
rates of 1 Hz, while for sand samples the optimal R.S.D. of approximately 4%, which was judged a
repetition rate was 6 Hz (Wisbrun et al. w21x). very satisfactory level of reproducibility.
Similar considerations induced Arca et al. w74x to
use a slow repetition rate of 1 Hz during the 3. Conclusions
measurement of trace elements in water. In their
experimental apparatus, the laser beam was per- The extreme versatility of the LIBS technique
pendicularly focused on the air-exposed surface of suggests the use of different experimental config-
the water sample through a 30-cm focal length urations for different specific applications; it thus
lens. The repetition rate (as well as the beam seems evident that the ‘optimal’ LIBS configura-
energy) was then adjusted in order to obtain the tion is probably still far from being proposed.
best LIBS signal reproducibility. It was found that However, the works that we have reported here,
a repetition rate of 1 Hz allowed the surface waves have clarified that at least for broad categories of
caused by the laser pulse to relax between two materials (metallic alloys, liquids, soils, etc.) some
consecutive shots, minimizing the surface experimental configurations seem to be more suit-
perturbation. able than others for obtaining quantitative LIBS
Wisbrun et al. also observed that the humidity results. These general guidelines can be extremely
of the sample reduces the plasma emission inten- useful in designing new LIBS experiments, or for
sity w21x. This is because part of the pulse energy the realization of commercial LIBS
is spent in evaporating the water content. The instrumentation.
practical consequence of this effect is that the
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