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Bantalan (Bearing)

Dedison Gasni, Ph.D

Bearings are broadly categorized into
two types
1. Fluid Film Bearings :
a. Sliding contact type
b. Journal bearing
c. Thrust bearing
d. Slider bearing
2. Rolling Contact Bearings :
a. Ball Bearing
b. Roller Bearings
Comparison of bearing frictions
Journal Bearing
Stribeck Curve
Rolling contact bearing
Rolling contact bearings are also called anti-friction bearing due
to its low friction characteristics.

These bearings are used for radial load, thrust load and
combination of thrust and radial load.

These bearings are extensively used due to its relatively lower

price, being almost maintenance free and for its operational

However, friction increases at high speeds for rolling contact

bearings and it may be noisy while running.
Ball bearing
A typical arrangement
Single row-radial ball bearing : Four
• Extra light (100 Series)
• Light (200 Series)
• Medium (300 Series)
• Heavy (400 Series)

307 : Medium series 35 mm bore

Roller Bearings
Rolling contact bearing selection
• Rating life:

Rating life is defined as the life of a group of

apparently identical ball or roller bearings, in
number of revolutions or hours, rotating at a
given speed, so that 90% of the bearings will
complete or exceed before any indication of
failure occur.
Definition of life of rolling contact
Bearing load
If two groups of identical bearings are tested
under loads P1 and P2 for respective lives of L1
and L2 , then,

n = speed, rpm and L = life, hours

Basic load rating
It is that load which a group of apparently
identical bearings can withstand for a rating
life of one million revolutions.
Equivalent radial load
The load rating of a bearing is given for radial
loads only. Therefore, if a bearing is subjected
to b o t h ax i a l a n d ra d i a l l o a d , t h e n a n
equivalent radial load is estimated as,
Nilai untuk X dan Y

Fa/izD2 X Y

25 0.56 2.30
50 1.99
100 1.71
150 1.55
200 1.45
300 1.31
500 1.15
750 1.04
1.000 1.00
Shock and Impact Factors
Type of Load C1

Constant or steady 1.0

Light Shocks 1.5
Moderate Shocks 2.0
Heavy Shocks 3.0 and up
Example #1
For the 207 bearing (C = 4,440 lb) , find the
radial load P for a rating life of 500 hr, at 1,500
Solution: 106C3=N1P13
Example #2
Suppose the bearing in example 1 carries a
combined load of 400 lb radially and 300 lb
axially at 1,200 rpm. The outer ring rotates,
and the bearing is subjected to moderate
shock. Find the rating life of this bearing in
Example #3
What change in the loading of ball bearing will
cause the expected life to be doubled?
Design for Variable Loading
Ball bearings frequently operate under conditions of variable
load and speed.
Suppose P 1 , P 2 ,….. are loads on the bearing for successive
intervals of the work cycle.

Let N 1 be the life of the bearing, revolution, if operated

exclusively at the constant load P1.

Let there be N1’ applications of load P1.

Then N1’/N1 represents the proportion of the life consumed in

this portion of cycle.
The sum of these proportions represents the
total life of the bearing or unity. Then

Let Ne be the life of the bearing under the

combined loading. Let N1’=1Ne where 1
represents the proportion of the total life,
consumed under load P1.
Example #1
A ball bearing is to operate on the following
work cycle.
Radial load of 1,400 lb at 200 rpm for 25% of the time
Radial load of 2,000 lb at 500 rpm for 20% of the time
Radial load of 800 lb at 400 rpm for 55% of the time
The inner ring rotates ; loads are steady. Find the minimum value
of the basic rating load C for a suitable bearing for this
application if the required life is 7 years at 4 hr per day.
Solution : The equation will be applied on the basis of a work
cycle of 1 min.
Interval,min rpm Interval,rev
P1 = 1,400 lb 0.25 200 50
P2 = 2,000 lb 0.20 500 100
P3 = 800 lb 0.55 400 220
1.00 370 rpm

A working year is assumed to consist of 250 days

Ne = 7 x 250 x 4 x 60 x 370 = 155,400,000
Example #2
A 306 radial ball bearing with inner ring rotation
has a 10-sec work cycle as follows.
For 2 sec For 8 sec
Fr = 800 lb Fr = 600 lb
Fa = 400 lb Fa = 0
n = 900 rpm n = 1,200 rpm
Light shock Steady load

Find the rating life of this bearing in hours and in

years of 250 working days of 2 hr each.
Solution : the work cycle of 10 sec.

306, Z = 8, D = 0.5 in, and C = 5,120 lb

Y = 1.45
Pe = 1.5(0.56 x 1 x 800 + 1.45 x 400)
= 1,540 lb, equivalent radial load
No. of revolutions = 2 x 900/60 = 30, in 2 sec
For 8 sec: Pe = Fr = 600 lb
No. of revolutions = 8 x 1,200/60 = 160, in 8 sec
For 10 sec:
No. of revolutions = 30 + 160 = 190

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