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“ Script Writing For Presentation Materials “

Lecturer : Mr. Norman Argie Nofianto, M.Pd

Name : Alviana Savitri

NIM : P1337420320123
Class : 1 Reguler C


Topic :“ The Importance Of Maintaining The Health Of Reproductive Organs ”

A. Opening Remarks
➢ Greeting and Introduction
Assalammualaikum Wr,Wb. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me introduce my self, my name is Alviana Savitri. You can call me
Alvi. I am collage student of nurse Polytechnic Semarang.
➢ Information for purpose
In here I would like to say thank you for coming in my presentation.
Today, I will presentation about “ The Importance Of Maintaining The Health
Of Reproductive Organs ”.
My goal is to provide information about “ The Importance Of
Maintaining The Health Of Reproductive Organs ”.Then in the future, people
will pay more attention to healthy lifestyles. So… what I want you to do after
this speech is that you all understand ways to keep reproductive areas clean.
You can tell your family and closest relatives, especially teenagers, to stay
healthy to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, and you can apply it in
everyday life.

B. Content
Adolescent reproductive health is a health condition related to
reproductive organ health problems, whose readiness starts from adolescence,
marked by the first menstruation in female adolescents or wet dreams for male
adolescents. Adolescent reproductive health includes the function, process,
and adolescent reproductive system. Health is meant not only solely from
disease or disability, but also physically, mentally and socially.
Adolescence is a transitional period marked by various emotional,
psychological, and physical changes with unique characteristics. It is
important for adolescents to get accurate information about reproductive
health and various factors that affect reproductive health. As an introduction to
basic reproductive health, adolescents must know the following things

Introduction to the process, function, and tool system

o Knowing HIV / AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, and their
impact on the health condition of medical organs
o Knowing and avoiding sexual violence
o Knowing the influence of media and social on sexual activity
o Developing skills in communication, especially building self-
confidence with the aim of risky behavior.
How to maintain reproductive organs, including:
• Use a soft, dry, clean, and odorless or damp towel.
• Wearing underwear with a material that is easy to absorb sweat
• Changing underwear at least 2 times a day
• For women, after urinating, cleaning the genitals should be done from
the front to the back so that germs in the anus do not enter the
reproductive organs.
• For men, it is recommended to be circumcised or circumcised in order
to prevent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and reduce the
risk of penile cancer.

➢ Conclusion
Physical, psychological, and emotional changes of adolescents during
puberty can make adolescents more expressive in exploring their genital
organs and sexual behavior. Meanwhile, the wrong knowledge and perception
about sexuality and reproductive health can cause adolescents to behave at risk
to their reproductive health. Therefore, the role of parents and teachers is
important in assisting adolescents in finding and finding appropriate
reproductive health information.
In addition, to maintain the health of the reproductive organs, both men
and women should not have sexual intercourse before marriage. This is
important to note, because maintaining premarital sexual relations is able to
prevent contracting venereal diseases or sexually transmitted diseases due to
multiple partners. Premarital intimate relationship increases the risk of having
multiple partners, which results in more easily appearing or contracting
sexually transmitted diseases. Venereal disease is one of the most dangerous
types of disease in attacking the health of the reproductive organs. Therefore,
it is important to stay away from it to maintain the reproductive health of
women and men.
C. Closing Remarks
Happy audience,
Let's take care of our reproductive organs which are very important.
Because if not, we will feel it ourselves later in the future.
Ladies and gentlemen
That's all I can say on today's opportunity, hopefully we can apply
everything. And I hope this is useful for all of us. Thank you for your
attention, apologize if there is an error. Thanks
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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