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A Wake Up Call for Indonesian Telcos: Stop Doing Price

Wars and Start Giving Power Back to Your Customers!

Telcos could be more customer centric if only they would listen

As we face this new normal, all aspects of our lives change, including the way we work,
study, and interact with others. The nation sees a 10% surge in data traffic since being
put to work and study from home, making the internet a basic necessity to stay
productive. The burden of increased internet spending is indeed anticipated with
assistance in the form of free internet in schools, campuses and educational institutions
by mobile operators. However, free assistance or discounted prices are certainly not
enough and not for the long terms. Improvements on customer experience is another
big overdue homework that current telco players have overlooked for a long time.

What is wrong with telco services today

Complicated multiple data buckets and unclear terms of usage

Most of the quota based prepaid services available today impose multiple data buckets that
restrict customers from using data for certain apps, networks and time bands only; causing
customers unable to enjoy data on their own terms. For example, a customer would buy a 20GB
data plan only to settle with X amount of GB for a main quota, X amount of GB for a specific
apps quota, and another X amount of quota that can only be used at odd hours. Once they have
used up all of their app quota, the service will start absorbing data from the main quota. Even
though the shift is normally notified via SMS, it would be easily missed and risking customers to
lose their pulsa without notice.

Unlimited plans and their fair usage policy drama

Unlimited plans come with a compromised speed, forcing customers to settle with a
compromised experience. If not reading the T&C clearly, customers would have missed the fact
that their internet experience can only go full speed at a certain fair usage threshold, and for the
rest, they will be connected at a managed speed. Unlimited here is a jargon after all.

Sudden disconnections and pulsa shocks

This is one of the many inconveniences customers still have to endure with their mobile internet
services. In the context of working from home, staying connected all the time is very important.
Imagine having a conference call with your client and suddenly you’re disconnected with no
reminders that your quota is finished. Oftentimes this leads to having your pulsa cut with no
prior notification.

Inflexible plans unfitting for customers’ needs

Each customer has a different internet needs. Most often than not mobile plans come
with a fixed construct consisting of a one size fits all data, calls and sms service
components that might or might not be fitting for every individual. What’s more painful
is that many mobile services are sort of forcing a quota component for a specific app
that customers’ might not need in the first place. In this new normal setting, customers’
internet needs are unpredictable. Flexibility and the ability to customize their data plan
will greatly help customers to stay productive and connected without worries.

Hidden terms and unwanted charges

As one of the ways for telcos to monetize, premium SMSes and RBT services might be
one of the most painful experiences for most customers. Often those who have never
subscribed suddenly have the service charging their pulsa. Or even if they have
subscribed, the way to unsubscribe is unclear.

Change is imperative
What customers really need is total flexibility to use the data that they have bought on their own
terms and completely worry-free. Transparency is also important as usage spikes and
customers' lives and businesses are depending on it. As an essential service, telcos should
serve to empower their customers. Instead of meddling in continuous price wars and promos,
telcos could do their customers justice by listening in and providing a more customer centric
service that could actually win them more loyalty in the long term. Having said that, In this new
normal, change is to be demanded for the people, and by the people.

The industry won’t budge if customers stay silent. For those of you who find relevance in any of
the pain points mentioned above, you can actually join in and take part in the changemaking by
starting the conversation and being more critical in selecting a mobile service provider that
gives you more power and better experience than your current one.

A challenger is on the rise

Answering telco customers’ needs in enjoying data on their own terms, Live.On, an up and
coming new digital provider is ready to shake up Indonesia’s telco landscape. Live.On puts
customers at the heart of what they do, instead of focusing on price competitiveness, it pursues
differentiation in value innovation to gain an edge on competition. Giving power back to
customers, the fully digital service provider promises high data with the full power to enjoy it on
their own terms, worry-free.

More information regarding the product and offers will be revealed soon.

Visit for more information.

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