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Hammers and Swords – 2019

Definitieve versie

1 Rick Saes
2 Ortwin Lowyck DH
3 Sebastien Penninck DL
4 Menno van Tergouw DL
5Jeroen Poppe HbE
6 Giulio Gatti HbE
7 Aleksandar Trivunovic KoE
8 Francois Vandersande KoE
9 Robin Morent OK
10 Stephan Kochius OK
11 Edouard Serralunga OnG
12 Vincent Putterie OnG
13 Camille Giaux SE
14 Merlijn Dejonckheere SE
15 Lorenzo Scarloc SE
16 Thibaud Bovy SA
17 Guy Demeyere UD
18 Sebastien Yelnik VC
19 Christopher Vandenberghe WDG
20 Bart Saes WDG
21 Nico Hermans WDG
22 Wim van Gorp EOS
23 Cédric Snelders UD
24 Hadrien Janne WDG
25Quentin Decoster VS
26 Florian Fresnoye DL
27 Jellen Van Poucke DL
28 Joachim Gossiaux ID
29 Mike Snelders VC (Reserve)
30 Kai Geenen VC
31 Frédéric “Genosuko” Delbruyère VS
32 Christian Galain SA
Rick “Mother of Dragons” Saes – Dwarven Holds
175 – Thane, General, Ancestral Memory, Shield, Pistol
185 – Anvil of Power
345 – Dragon Seeker, Monster Seeker, Weapon runes (paired weapons): 2x Rune of Fury, 1x Rune
315 – Dragon Seeker, Monster Seeker, Weapon runes (paired weapons): 1x Rune of Fury, 1x Rune
305 – Dragon Seeker, Weapon runes (paired weapons): 2x Rune of Fury, 1x Rune of Quickening
210 – Dragon Seeker
210 – Dragon Seeker
280 – 10x Clan Marksmen, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Shield, S
240 – 10x Clan Marksmen, Shield, S
330 – 20x Clan Warriors, Shield, Spear, S
275 –
10x Greybeards, Shield, Throwing Weapons, S, M
540 – 2x Organ gun
150 – 1x Flame Cannon
210 – 2x Dwarf Ballista
285 – 10x Miners, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, S, M
155 – 5x Seekers, Brothers of Vengeance, Vanguard, C
145 – 5x Seekers, Vanguard, C
145 – 5x Seekers, Vanguard, C

Ortwin Lowyck - Dwarven Holds

730 - King, general, shield, war throne, rune of destruction, rune of dragon's breath, 2x rune of
might, rune of shielding
365 - Runic Smith, 3 battle runes, shield, rune of dragon's breath, rune of grounding, rune of iron
350 - Thane, bsb, holdstone, shield, 2x rune of iron, 3x rune of lightning
185 - Anvil of Power
755 - 30 greybeards, shields, FCG, runic standard of swiftness
200 - 10 clan warriors, M, shield, throwing weapons, vanguard
170 - 10 clan warriors, throwing weapons, great weapons
305 - 2 steam copters
305 - 2 steam copters
577 - 23 seekers, C, vanguard
553 - 22 seekers, C vanguard
Sebastien Penninck Daemon Legions
- 1010 Vanadra’s Scourge, General, Dominion of Wrath, Wizard adept
thaumaturgy, kaleidoscopic flesh, Mirrored scales, brimestone
- 380 Harbinger or father Chaos, Wizard adept (divination), Great Beast of
- 380 Harbinger or father Chaos, Wizard adept (whitchcraft), Great Beast
of prophecy
- 581 21 Myrmidons, Bronze backbone, Musician,
- 581 21 Myrmidons, Bronze backbone, Musician,
- 540 4 Brazen Beast (452), Whipcrack Tail, Musician, champion
- 180 5 Helhounds, Horns of Hybris
- 180 5 Helhounds, Horns of Hybris
- 330 Blazing glories, Cloven Hooves
– 330 Blazing glories, Cloven Hooves

Menno van Tergouw - Daemon Legions

800 - Omen of Savar, Divination, Wizard Master, Dextrous Tentacles, Guiding Bronze Backbone
630 - Kuulima's Deceiver, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Guiding Venom Sacs
564 - 21x Succubi, Bronze Backbone, Musician, Champion
563 - 22x Myrmidons, Whipcrack Tail, Musician, Champion
681 - 6x Clawed Fiends, Broodmother, Musician
280 - 10x Hellhounds, Hot Blood
248 - 3x Mageblight Gremlins, Venom Sacs
196 - 2x Mageblight Gremlins, Venom Sacs
370 - 3x Veil Serpents, Champion
165 - 5x Furies, Venom Sacs

Jeroen “Umbra” Poppe – Highborn Elves

435 – High Prince, General, Heavy Armour, Spear, Sliver of the Blazing Dawn, Protection of Dorac
345 – Commander, Master of Canreig Tower (= Wizard adept), Cosmology Cosmos/Chaos, Battle
Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour
465 – Master Mage, Asfad Scholar, Pyromancy
376 – 21 Citizen Spears, Champion, Musician Standard Bearer, War banner of Ryma
345 – 20 Citizen Spears, Champion, Musician Standard Bearer, Rending Banner
345 – 20 Citizen Spears, Champion, Musician Standard Bearer, Rending Banner
260 – 15 Citizen Archers
340 – 6 Highborn Lancers, Champion, Musician Standard Bearer
180 – 5 Elein Reavers
595 – Sword Masters, Champion, Musician Standard Bearer, War banner of Ryma
454 – Knights of Ryma, Champion, Musician Standard Bearer
180 – Sea Guard Reaper
180 – Sea Guard Reaper
Giulio "Falanor" Gatti - Highborn Elves
580 - High Prince, General, Master of Carneig Tower, Additional 2 Spells, Spear, Longbow, Shield,
Sliver of the Blazing Dawn
755 - High Prince, Dragon, Great Weapon, Longbow, Obsidian Rock
465 - Mage, Wizard Master, Divination, Asfad Scholar
296 - 21x Citizen Spears, M, C
190 - 5x Elein Reavers, Bows
647 - 27x Sea Guard, FCG, Banner of Discipline
380 - 5x Knights of Ryma, MC
135 - 2 Great Eagles
180 - 2x1 Sea Guard Reaper
691 - 22 Lion Guard, FCG, Banner of Becalming

Aleksandar “Dadar” Trivunovic

495 - Duke, General, Pegasus, Humility, Questing Oath and Bastard Sword, Shield, Fortress of
Faith, Basalt Infusion, Bastard
475 - Damsel, Divination, Wizard Master, Equitan Unicorn, Crystal of the Valiant Charge
370 - Paladin, Barded Warhorse, Daring, Questing Oath and Bastard Sword, Battle Standard,
Shield, Bastard Sword, Crown of
the Wizard King
295 - Damsel, Shamanism, Wizard Adept, Barded Warhorse, Book of Arcane Mastery
444 - 9x Knights of the Realm, Standard Bearer, Musician
230 - 5x Knights Aspirants
230 - 5x Knights Aspirants
230 - 5x Knights Aspirants
530 - 10x Knights of the Quest, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
375 - The Green Knight
455 - 4x Pegasus Knights, Champion
361 - 3x Pegasus Knights, Vanguard
Francois Vandersande
495 - Damsel, Army General, Druidism, Wizard Master, Barded Warhorse, Crystal of the Valiant
Charge, Storm Clarion
435 - Paladin, Barded Warhorse, Battle Standard Bearer, Lance, Might, Shield, Divine Judgement,
Dragonfire Gem

230 - 5 Knight Aspirant

230 - 5 Knight Aspirant

230 - 5 Knight Aspirant

479 - 9 Knight of the Realm, Standard Bearer, Champion, Banner of Discipline

220 -3 Knight of the Grail

220 -3 Knight of the Grail

460 - 9 Knight of the Quest, Standard Bearer, Champion

440 - 9 Knight of the Quest, Standard

420 - 9 Knight of the Quest

375 - The Green Knight

135 - 5x Yeoman Outrider, light armor, shield

130 - 5x Yeoman Outrider, shield


Robin Haemoglobinz Morent, Ogre Khans

590 -Shaman, General, Gut Roarer, Shamanism, Wizard Master, Light Armour, Iron Fist, Lygur’s
Tongue , Magical Heirloom
410 -Mammoth Hunter, Trolleater, Leader of the Pack, Light Armour, Wrestler's Belt, Iron Fist,
Hunting Spear, Dragon Staff
390 -Khan, Cult Leader, Battle Standard, Banner of Discipline, Heavy Armour, Iron Fist, Crown of
the Wizard King
370 -Mammoth Hunter, Spinesplitter, Leader of the Pack, Light Armour, Basalt Infusion, Iron Fist,
Hunting Spear, Talisman of Shielding, Lucky Charm, Scout
827 -10x Bruisers, Standard Bearer, Pennant of the Great Grass Sky, Musician, Champion
175 -3x Tribesmen, Musician
175 -3x Tribesmen, Musician
80 -Sabertooth Tiger(s)
80 -Sabertooth Tiger(s)
80 -Sabertooth Tiger(s)
185 -3x Bombardiers
185 -3x Bombardiers
475 -Rock Auroch, Ogre Crossbow
475 -Rock Auroch, Ogre Crossbow
Stephan “Nesro” Kochius – Ogre Khans
390 – Shaman, General, Adept, Pyromancy, Firebrand, Book of Arcane Mastery
395 - Khan, BSB, Hoardmaster, Banner of Discipline, Lygur's Tongue, Potion of Swiftness
360 - Mammoth Hunter, Spinesplitter, Hunting Spear, Scout, Dragonfire Gem, Lucky Charm,
Wrestler's Belt
420 – Shaman, Gut Roarer, Adept, Thaumaturgy, Magical Heirloom, Talisman of the Void
468 – 6x Bruisers, S, Banner of Discipline
662 – 9x Tribesmen, Iron Fist, FCG, Rending Banner
175 - Kin-Eater
80 - 5x Scrapling Trapper
284 – 4x Bombardiers, S
284 – 4x Bombardiers, S
245 - Scratapult
320 - Thunder Cannon
405 - Frost Mammoth, Ogre Crossbow


Edouard « Deder » Serralunga - Orc and Gobelin

280 - Iron Orc Chief, Shield, Alchemist's Alloy (15), Talisman of Shielding (50), Shield, Battle
Standard Bearer
560 - Feral Orc Shaman, General, Crown of Autocracy (70), Magical Heirloom (50), War Cry!,
Wizard Master, Shamanism
640 - Forest Goblin King, Gargantula, Paired Weapons, Hero's Heart (60), Obsidian Rock (25),
Paired Weapons
265 - Common Goblin Witch Doctor, Wolf, Binding Scroll (55), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft

701 - 27x Feral Orc 'Eadbashers, Paired Weapons (27), Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer,
Green Tide
259 - 6x Common Orc Boar Riders, Shield (6), Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of Discipline
167 - 8x Common Goblin Raiders, Shield (8),

666 - 23x Iron Orcs, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Mikinok's Totem
276 - 23x Gnasher Herd
276 - 23x Gnasher Herd

205 - Catapults Git Launcher with Orc Overseer

205 - Catapults Git Launcher with Orc Overseer
Vincent Putterie

Goblin Chief [190pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, Common Goblin, Destiny’s Call

Goblin King [625pts]: Forest Goblin, Paired Weapons

. Gargantula
. Special Equipment: Dragon Staff, Shield Breaker

Orc Shaman [490pts]: general Feral Orc, Shamanism, Wizard Master

. Special Equipment: Magical Heirloom - Dominant

Goblin Chief [145pts]: Cave Gnasher, Cave Goblin, Lance

Goblin Chief [145pts]: Cave Gnasher, Cave Goblin, Lance

Characters: 1595

Goblins [429pts]: Cave Goblin, Champion, 43x Goblin, Musician, Nets, Shield, Standard Bearer
. Banner Enchantment: Legion Standard

Orc Boar Riders [175pts]: Feral Orc, 5x Orc Boar Rider, Paired Weapons, Shield

Orcs [295pts]: Bow (4+), Feral Orc, Musician, 20x Orc, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer

Orcs [295pts]: Bow (4+), Feral Orc, Musician, 20x Orc, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer

core: 1194

Gnasher Dashers [185pts]: 6x Gnasher Dasher

Gnasher Dashers [185pts]: 6x Gnasher Dasher

Gnasher Herd [288pts]: 24x Gnasher

Gnasher Herd [288pts]: 24x Gnasher

Gnasher Wrecking Team [140pts]

Gnasher Wrecking Team [140pts]

Goblin Raiders [135pts]: Common Goblin, 5x Goblin Raider, Shield, bow

special 1361

Giant [350]: big brother, club

Big & nasty 760

TOTAL: 4500
Camille “Sire Trencavel” Giaux
580 - Forest Prince, General, Wild Hunter, Great Elk, Light Armour, Destiny's Call, Sylvan
Longbow, Sylvan Blades, Titanic
Might (Sylvan Blades), Obsidian Rock
345 - Chieftain, Blade Dancer, Battle Standard, Aether Icon, Spear, Hunter’s Honour (Spear),
Potion of Swiftness
335 - Druid, Eagle King, Shamanism, Wizard Adept, Sylvan Longbow, Sylvan Blades, Hero's Heart
(Sylvan Blades)
300 - Druid, Elven Horse, Cosmology, Wizard Adept, Sylvan Longbow, Magical Heirloom
205 - 5x Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
205 - 5x Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
205 - 5x Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
170 - 8x Dryads, Champion
170 - 8x Dryads, Champion
170 - 8x Dryads, Champion
585 - 9x Wild Huntsmen, Shields, Champion
490 - 5x Kestrel Knights, Hard Target and Shields, Champion
410 - 12x Blade Dancers, Champion
330 - 3x Kestrel Knights, Hard Target and Shields, Champion

Merlijn "Talandria" Dejonckheere - Sylvan Elves

500 - Druid, General, Elven Horse, Druidism, Wizard Master, Binding Scroll, Magical Heirloom
320 - Thicket Shepherd, Oaken Crown, Battle Standard
525 - 20x Sylvan Archers, Musician
205 - 5x Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
205 - 5x Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
205 - 5x Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
510 - 5x Thicket Beasts, Champion
510 - 5x Thicket Beasts, Champion
450 - Treefather
450 - Treefather
310 - 3x Kestrel Knights, Hard Target and Shields
310 - 3x Kestrel Knights, Hard Target and Shields

Lorenzo Scarloc Emond

635 - Forest Prince (215): General, Wild Hunter (90), Great Elk (100), Sylvan Lance (15), Titanic
Might (65), Bow (5), Shield (5), Light Armour (5), Elven Cloak (10), Death Cheater (100),
Obsidian Rock (25)
510 - Forest Chieftain (145): BSB (50), Wild Hunter (90), Great Elk (90), Sylvan Lance (15), Touch
of Greatness (50), Light Armour (5), Shield (5), Elven Cloak (10), Talisman of Shielding (50)
435 - Druid (140): Wizard Master (225), Druidism, Eagle King (50), Dragonfire Gem (20)
404 - 21 Dryads (384): C (20)
150 - 2 x 8 Dryads (150)
429 - 16 Sylvan Archers (409): M (20)
640 - 9 Wild Huntsmen (520): CB (40), Shields (45), Flaming Banner (35)
325 - 5 Wild Huntsmen (300): C (20), Sylvan Blades (5)
100 - 2 x 1 Forest Eagle
320 - 5 Briar Maidens (200): C (120)
300 - 9 Sentinels
Thibaud « bolard » Bovy Saurian Ancients 4,495
825 - Cuatl Lord: Ancient Knowledge, Battle Standard Bearer, Divination, Symbiosis, Jade Staff,
Talisman of the Void
955 - Saurian Warlord on Alpha Carnosaur: Army General, Paired Weapons, Spirit of the Stampede,
Starfall Shard, Touch of Greatness
690 – 30 Saurian Warriors: Champion, Musician, Spears, Standard Bearer
220 – 15 Skink Braves with Poisoned Javelins: Musician
470 – 6 Caimans: Champion, Halberd
190 – 3 Pteradon Sentries: Poisoned Javelin (4+)
190 – 3 Pteradon Sentries: Poisoned Javelin (4+)
415 - Stygiosaur: Mystic Traveller
540 - Taurosaur: Engine of the Ancients
Total: 4,495

Guy "IHDarklord" Demeyere - Undying Dynasties

350 - Death Cult Hierarch, Divination, Wizard Master
240 - Casket of Phatep
230 - Nomarch, General, Light Armour, Aspen Bow, Crown of the Pharaohs
220 - Death Cult Hierarch, Evocation, Wizard Adept, Hierophant
236 - 18x Skeleton Archers, Musician
212 - 16x Skeleton Archers, Musician
212 - 16x Skeleton Archers, Musician
120 - 10x Skeleton Archers
120 - 10x Skeleton Archers
120 - 10x Skeleton Archers
120 - 10x Skeleton Archers
220 - 15x Necropolis Guards, Paired Weapons
220 - 15x Necropolis Guards, Paired Weapons
220 - 15x Necropolis Guards, Paired Weapons
220 - 15x Necropolis Guards, Paired Weapons
480 - Battle Sphinx
480 - Battle Sphinx
480 - Dread Sphinx
Sebastien Yelnik

280 - Necromancer, Necromantic Staff (Wizards only), Wizard Adept, Evocation

290 - Necromancer, General, Wizard Adept, Book of Arcane Mastery, Wizard Adept, The Dead
Arise, Alchemy
855 - Vampire Count Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Crimson Rage, Skeletal Steed, Shield,
Wizard Adept, Dusk Forged (Shield), Eternity Gem, True Thirst, Wizard Adept, Occultism
--- Core ---
627 - 52x Skeletons, Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Rending Banner
140 - 21x Zombies, Musician
135 - 20x Zombies, Musician
113 - 8x Dire Wolves
113 - 8x Dire Wolves
--- Special ---
845 - 10x Ghasts, Champion
--- Swift Death ---
765 - 6x Vampire Knights Brotherhood of the Dragon, Standard Bearer, Champion, Musician,
Stalker's Standard
335 - Varkolak
--- Total ---

4 498

Bart "Ehakir" Saes - Warriors of the Dark Gods

655 - Chosen Lord, General, Favour of Savar, God of Pride, Idol of Spite,
War Dais, Burning Portent, Dragonfire Gem, Dusk Forged
490 - Doomlord, Great Weapon, Spiked Shield, Talisman of Shielding, Willow's Ward
465 - Sorcerer, Wizard Master, Evocation, Plate Armour, Dark Chariot, Wyrd Stone
390 - 30 Barbarians, Paired Weapons, SMC, Zealots Banner
524 - 12 Warriors, Favour of Vanadra, Goddess of Wrath, Great Weapons, SM,
Favoured Champion, Banner of the Relentless Company
200 - Chimera
200 - Chimera
375 - 5 Forsworn, Spiked Shields
225 - Warrior Chariot
330 - 5 Warrior Knights, Favour of Sugulag, God of Greed, M, Favoured Champion
345 - Hellmaw, 1 Ominous Gateway
300 - Marauding Giant, Tribal Warspear

Total: 4499 Pts

Hermans Nico
1035 - Sorcerer, General, Veil Walker, Occultism, Wizard Master, Wasteland Dragon, Light
Armour, Paired Weapons, Hero's Heart (Paired Weapons), Magical Heirloom, Obsidian Rock
600 - Chosen Lord, Envy, Daemonic Wings, Trophy Rack, Spiked Shield, Dusk forged, Hell
Forged Armour, Thrice-Forged, Shield Breaker (Hand Weapon)
760 - 20x Warriors, Halberds, Envy, Standard Bearer, Banner of the Relentless Company,
Musician, Champion
140 - 10x Warhounds
365 - 5x Chosen, Halberds, Envy, Champion
365 - 5x Chosen, Halberds, Envy, Champion
275 - Battleshrine, Wyrd Stone, Evocation
259 - 3x Forsworn, Spiked Shields, Damnation
259 - 3x Forsworn, Spiked Shields, Damnation
90 - 5x Warhounds
345 - Hellmaw, One Ominus Gateway

Wim Van Gorp EoS

600 – Prelate – General, Plate armour, Shield, Hammer of Witches, Altar of Battle
245 – Marshal – Battle standard bearer, shield, Destiny’s Call, Potion of Strength
125 – Artificer – light armour
130 – Wizard – Light armour, Wizard apprentice
405 – Wizard – Light armour, wizard master, Talisman of Shielding
252 – 6xElectoral Cavalry – Lance,plate armour, shield, standard bearer
165 - 20x Heavy infantry - Halberd, light armour, shield
445 - 40x Heavy infantry - Champion, musician, standard beare, Halberd, light armour, shield
265 – 20x Light infantry – crossbow
562 – 26x Imperial guard – great weapon, champion, musician, standard bearer, banner of discipline
290 – 3x knight of the sun griffon – Halberd
290 – 3x knight of the sun griffon - Halberd
250 – Cannon
475 – Steam Tank
Cédric Snelders

(545) Pharaoh:general,heavy armour shield, lord of the barrow legion, skeletal horse, Basalt
infusion, hero's heart,
Scroll of desication, Sun's embrace, Talisman of shielding.
(275) Nomarch: aspen bow , heavy armour shield, skeletal horse, crown of the wizard king, scourge
of kings.
(490) Death cult hierarch: Master, divination, Hierophant, Ankh of naptesh, sacred hourglass
(240) casket of phatep

(300)10 skeleton cavalry:Full command, Lance, +1 armour -1 move

(300)10 skeleton cavalry:Full command, Lance, +1 armour -1 move
(610) 50 skeletons: full command, spears

(205)5 Great vultures

(200) Charnel catapult

(200) Charnel catapult
(525) 6 shabti archers: SM, rending banner
(605) 7 shabti archers: SM, rending banner


Hadrien Janne WDG

555 - Doomlord, General, Spiked Shield, Great Weapon, Dusk Forged, Gladiator's Spirit,
Dragonfire Gem, Trophy Rack
300 - Sorcerer, Dark Chariot, Plate Armour, Plate Armour, Wizard Adept, Evocation
355 - Sorcerer, Dark Chariot, Plate Armour, Plate Armour, Wizard Adept, Occultism, Binding Scroll
300 - Sorcerer, Dark Chariot, Plate Armour, Plate Armour, Wizard Adept, Alchemy
692 - 18x Warriors with Favoured Champion, Halberd, Envy, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of
the Relentless Company
120 - 8x Warhounds
120 - 8x Warhounds
409 - 6x Chosen, Halberd, Envy
409 - 6x Chosen, Halberd, Envy
306 - 4x Forsworn, Great Weapon, Damnation
581 - 7x Forsworn, Spiked Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
345 - Hellmaw, 1 Ominous Gateway
Quentin Decoster VS
820 - Vermin Daemon, General
445 - Tyrant, Vermin Hulk Bodyguard, Shield, Heavy Armour, Death Cheater, Hero's Heart (Hand
Weapon), Potion of Swiftness
345 - Chief, Vermin Hulk Bodyguard, Battle Standard, Shield, Heavy Armour, Alchemist's Alloy,
Talisman of Shielding, Dragonfire Gem
475 - 45x Rat-at-Arms, Standard Bearer, Aquila of Ruin, Musician, Champion
425 - 45x Rat-at-Arms, Standard Bearer, Legion Standard, Musician
150 - 10x Footpads, Vanguard
150 - 10x Footpads, Vanguard
465 - 6x Vermin Hulks, Champion
465 - 6x Vermin Hulks, Champion
150 - Meat Grinder
305 - Dreadmill
305 - Dreadmill

Florian de Fresnoye
920 - Maw of Akaan, General, Hammer Hand, Chitinous Scales, Greater Dominion, Wizard Master,
345 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, Unnatural Roots, Guiding Mirrored Scales, Battle Standard
Bearer, Wizard Apprentice, Divination
275 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, Wizard Adept, Divination
--- Core ---
395 - 15x Lemures, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
530 - 20x Lemures, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
200 - 10x Lemures
--- Special ---
180 - 5x Hellhounds, Horns of Hubris (5)
669 - 6x Hoarders, Standard Bearer
350 - 3x Brazen Beasts
--- Aves ---
630 - 6x Bloat Flies, Champion
--- Total ---
4 494
Jellen , dapoekie, Van Poucke. Dwarven holds
185 Anvil of Power
275 engineer : ancestral memory, shield , talismanic runes
331 12 greybeards, throwing weapons shield, musician , vanguard
255 10 greybeards , throwing weapons shield, musician
280 10 handgunners, shield, guild crafted, musician
280 10 handgunners, shield, guild crafted, musician
320 Organ gun rune crafted
320 Organ gun rune crafted
487 22 Seekers, musician
508 23 seekers, musician
681 6 Hold guardians full command, runic standard of wisdom
175 steam attack copter
175 steam attack copter
245 10 Miners : paired weapons , musician, throwing weapons

Joachim « Keya » Gossiaux – Infernal Dwarf

490- Agrus Byrgasson : Prophet wizard (160) (général) master (265) shield (10) flintlock axes (10)
Lightning Vambraces(45) Pyromancy
295- Otis : Vizier (125) BSB (50) icone of the inferno (100) shield (5) flintlock axes (15)
495- Ramathotep : Vizier (125) Bull of Shamut (240) infernal weapon (25)shield (5) lugar’s dice
Dragon staff (30)
596- 18 citadel guards flintlock axes shields champion standard bearer musician
290- 10 citadelguards flintlock axes musician
290- 10 citadelguards flintlock axes musician
150- gunnery team volley gun
150- gunnery team volley gun
595- 5 Kadim incarnates champion
575- Kadim titan
572- 4 Taurukh Anointed infernal weapons shields champion
total : 4498 pts
Mike Snelders VC

Vampire covenant 4500 Mike Snelders reserve player

Vamp count: general,HA+S, hypnotic pendant, true thirst, wiz adept (evocation), stormcaller, von
Carstein 755
Vampire courtier: wizard adept, evocation, HA+S, skeletal steed, obsidian rock, von Carstein 410
27 skeletons Halberds, full command, banner of relentless company 347
50 skeletons full command, banner of relentless company 550
50 zombies musician+banner 305

24 barrowguard : full command, halberds, black standard of Zagvozd 619

Cadaver wagon 350
Dark coach 445

10 spectral hunters 380

Varkolak 335

total : 4496

Frédéric “Genosuko” Delbruyère - Vermin


210 - Chief, Battle Standard Bearer, Ratlock Pistols,

Shield, Sceptre of Vermin Valour
830 - Magister, Army General, Thaumaturgy,
Doom Bell, Light Armour, Alchemist's Alloy, Magi-
cal Heirloom, Second Awakening , Wizard Master
210 - Rakachit Machinist, Ratlock Pistols, Scurrying

140 - 10 Footpads, Musician

140 - 20x Giant Rat
460 - 35x Plague Brotherhood, Champion, Musi-
cian, Standard Bearer, Stalker's Standard
410 - 20x Vermin Guard, Champion, Musician,
Standard Bearer, Lightning Rod

204 - 2x10 Plague Disciple

370 - 2x5 Vermin Hulk

305 - 2xDreadmill
170 - 2x1 Plague Catapult

4498 points
Kaj "Chosen of Sigmar" Geenen
Vampire Covenant

885 - Vampire Courtier, General (The Dead Arise), Lamia, Mesmerising Gaze, Witchcraft, Wizard
Adept, Court of the Damned, Blood ties (Lamia), Light Armour, Basalt Infusion, Great Weapon,
Supernatural Dexterity (Great Weapon)

875 - Vampire Count, Lamia, Commandment, Evocation, Wizard Master, Light Armour, Destiny's
Call, True Thirst (Hand Weapon), Unholy Tome, Dragonfire Gem
575 - 35x Ghouls, Champion

310 - 30x Skeletons, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

140 - 21x Zombies, Musician
105 - 2x Bat Swarms
90 - 2x Great Bats

80 - 5x Dire Wolves
300 - 8x Wraiths

300 - 8x Wraiths
490 - Shrieking Horror

350 - 4x Vampire Knights, Musician


Christian Galain - Saurian Ancients

490 - Saurian Warlord, General, Shield, Dusk forged, Heavy Armour, Basalt Infusion,
Spear, Glory of the Dawn Age (Spear), Obsidian Rock

410 - Saurian Warlord, Shield, Light Armour, Destiny's Call, Spear, Titanic Might (Spear)

360 - Caiman Ancient, Battle Standard, Light Armour, Taurosaur's Vigour, Halberd,
Supernatural Dexterity (Halberd), Potion of Swiftness

355 - Skink Priest, Skink Palanquin, Druidism, Wizard Adept, Light Armour, Book of Arcane
Mastery, Sun Tablet

664 - 24x Saurian Warriors, Spears, Serpent, Standard Bearer, Banner of the Relentless
Company, Musician, Champion

256 - 18x Skink Braves, Poisoned Javelins, Musician

550 - 7x Caimans, Halberds, Musician

329 - 4x Rhamphodon Riders, Shields, Champion

309 - 4x Rhamphodon Riders, Shields

190 - 3x Pteradon Sentries, Poisoned Javelins

165 - Weapon Beast(s), Salamander

415 - Stygiosaur, Mystic Traveller


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