Royer Weekly Journal 15

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Brayden Royer

KINS 4306 Internship Spring 2021


Weekly Journal #15

For the last week of my internship, it has been a great week and im sad that it is almost

over. For Monday we had our minicamp at Lockerly that had recreation, nutrition, and art. For

recreation we all played kickball and it was a pretty great day to play outside. After recreation we

ate lunch with the girls outside and then returned to the LEC. Once we got back we played some

music and ended the day. On Tuesday we had morning workouts with the guys and then did

some art kits. After art I hosted bucket drumming which consisted of music playing,

memorization and rhythm. After drumming I hosted social hour and we watched videos and

listened to some music. After social hour we hosted brain games outside and we decided to play

corn hole, bocce ball and some other games. After the games we played music with everyone and

ended off the day. On Wednesday we had individual workouts with the practicum students and

then did some art with the girls. After art we ate lunch with the girls an guys outside and then got

ready for some brain games. We did jeopardy with states and capitals. After brain games we had

music to end off the day with everyone. On Thursday, it was the busiest day that I had. We had

the concert that day so the first thing we did was meet at the church in the morning to get all the

instruments together. We had to arrange things and get everything ready for dress rehearsal. The

next hour came and everyone came to the church to have the dress rehearsal. We were there till

lunch time then we ate lunch outside of LEC. After lunch, everyone was practicing for their

concert so most of the day we were practicing. Once we were done, we had to go back to the

church to get everything ready for guests to come etc. We then got everything set and had the
concert. The concert was so fun and one other intern and I got the responsibility to take photos

and move equipment around. The concert was a success and I was so happy to be there and see

everyone perform. On Friday I came in and did morning individual workouts with practicum

students and helped out the girls with some art stuff. I ended up leaving early but still got enough

hours to reach 480. This semester has been a blessing and I very happy I was able to intern at the

My Weekly Hours: 4/26/21-4/30/21

Monday: (4/26/21): 9-3; 6 hours

Tuesday: (4/27/21): 8:30-2:30; 6 hours

Wednesday: (4/28/21): 8:30-2:30; 6 hours

Thursday: (4/29/21): 8:30-8; 11.5 hours

Friday: (4/30/21): 8:30-11; 2.5 hours

Weekly Hours: 32

Total Hours to date: 487

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