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Retrofit Procedures

Original Documentation / Keep for Future Reference

for Operation of
Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/4

NAVIGAT X MK2 Digital Gyrocompass System
13 Dec 2017

Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine B.V. (Representative Office)

Woltmanstr. 19 • D-20097 • Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49-40-299 00-0 • Fax: +49-40-299 00-146 • E-mail:
004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

© 2017 Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine B.V.

This document and the information herein is and remains the intellectual property of Northrop
Grumman Sperry Marine B.V. [NGSM BV] and its associate companies and may not be copied,
reproduced or translated without the express permission of NGSM BV. A limited license is grant-
ed for the user to reproduce this documentation for his own internal use, but not for distribution
to third parties. Reproduction of this document for resale or commercial gain is expressly pro-
Specifications were correct at time of press but may be varied in accordance with NGSM BV’s
policy of continuous product development.
Any technical content should be verified with NGSM BV.

Sperry Marine, with major engineering and support offices in New Malden, England, and 
Hamburg, Germany, is part of the Northrop Grumman Navigation & Maritime Systems Division

Revision Record

Rev. Date of Issue Remarks

A 13 Dec 2017 Initial version; applicable to retrofit of 
NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass systems (Mod. 10/3 Gyrosphere
Container) for operation with Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/4.
Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A


Safety Instructions
Safety Notice Conventions ......................................................................... 5
General Safety Information for the Operator ........................................... 6
General Safety Information for Service Personnel ................................... 7

Retrofit Preliminaries
Applicable Documents ................................................................................ 9
General Retrofit Preliminaries .................................................................... 9
Software Exchange Preliminaries .............................................................11
Supporting Fluid Preliminaries ................................................................ 12
Overview of Procedures ........................................................................... 13

Retrofit of System Components

Retrofit of the Baseplate .......................................................................... 15
Retrofit of the Master PCB ....................................................................... 21
Retrofit Check Procedure .......................................................................... 27

Retrofit Completion
Gyrocompass Labelling ............................................................................ 29


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004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

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Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A

Safety Instructions

Safety Notice Conventions

The following safety notice conventions are followed throughout this

DANGER A Danger notice begins with the named type of

danger and contains an operating or mainte-
nance procedure, practice, condition, statement,
etc., which, if not strictly observed, will result in
injury or death of personnel.

WARNING A Warning notice begins with the named type of

warning and contains an operating or mainte-
nance procedure, practice, condition, statement,
etc., which, if not strictly observed, could result
in injury or death of personnel.

CAUTION A Caution notice begins with the named type of

caution and contains an operating or mainte-
nance procedure, practice, condition, statement,
etc., which, if not strictly observed, could result
in damage to, or destruction of equipment.

Note A Note contains an essential operating or main-

tenance procedure, condition or statement,
which is considered important enough to be

Special safety symbols may be used in this

manual to indicate:

Risk of electrical shock.

Used in conjunction with a Danger or Warning

Electrical components sensitive to electrostatic

Used in conjunction with a Caution notice.

Safety Instructions Page 5

004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

General Safety Information for the Operator

CAUTION Risk of damage through unauthorized service

Any service and installation work on the gyrosphere is to be carried out
by authorized service personnel only.
Never undertake service or installation work if unskilled for the certain

CAUTION Risk of mercury contamination

The gyrosphere type 3 and the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4 are
designed for mercury free operation. Any usage of mercury will severely
contaminate the gyrosphere type 3 / gyrosphere container mod. 10/4
Never use mercury with the gyrosphere type 3 and the gyrosphere con-
tainer mod. 10/4.
In case of usage of mercury by mistake, the contaminated equipment
must not be used and all safety instructions of the Sperry Marine Mer-
cury Handling Procedure 026150-0000-000 must be followed accordingly.

Note Sperry Marine Service:

In case of service refer to for a list of
all Sperry Marine Offices and Service Agents worldwide.

Page 6 Safety Instructions

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A

General Safety Information for Service Personnel

CAUTION Irreversible Retrofit

Please be aware, that the Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/3 -10/4 retrofit
procedures for the NAVIGAT X MK2 system are irreversible.
After the retrofit, it is not longer possible to operate the system with the
gyrosphere container mod. 10/3.
Rewinding the retrofit procedure of the Master PCB is also not possible.

CAUTION Risk of Damage

Operation of the NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with the gyrosphere
container mod. 10/4 and a Master PCB still equipped with the resistors
R55 and R72 will cause overheat and damage to the Master PCB.
Always remove the resistors R55 and R72 from the Master PCB during
the retrofit, before the operation of the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4
Never operate the NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with the gyrosphere
container mod. 10/4 and an incompletely retrofitted Master PCB or with
a Master PCB, originally designed for operation with the gyrosphere con-
tainer mod. 10/3.

CAUTION Risk of Dysfunction

Once the NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass is retrofitted for operation with
the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4 (Master PCB without resistors R55
and R72 software updated) operation with the gyrosphere container
mod. 10/3 is not possible anymore.
A retrofitted NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with an installed legacy
gyrosphere container mod. 10/3 will stay pending in a not functional
operating condition after power-up, without any damage to the system.
Please have in mind, that the Gyrosphere Container mod. 10/3 -10/4 ret-
rofit procedures are irreversible before undertaking the procedures.
Do not operate a retrofitted NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with a legacy
gyrosphere container mod. 10/3.

CAUTION Risk of Dysfunction

A new type supporting fluid (green label, stock no. 044810-0000-000) is
mandatory for trouble free operation of the gyrosphere container mod.
After retrofit, it is no longer possible to use old type supporting fluid
(white label, stock no. 049050-0000-000) for operation with the gyro-
sphere container mod. 10/4.
Never operate a NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass system, retrofitted for
operation with the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4, with old type sup-
porting fluid (white label, stock no. 049050-0000-000).

Safety Instructions Page 7

004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

Note This Retrofit Procedures contain only the safety information for service
personnel with regards to the retrofit activities in this document.
All safety information for service personnel within the applicable sepa-
rate product documentation:
- 056341, NAVIGAT X MK2, Operation, Installation and Service Manual.
- 056390, NAVIGAT X MK2, Operation, Installation and Service Manual. 
- 05000-0125-03, NAVIGAT X MK2, Gyrosphere/3, Cont. Mod. 10/4 Instal-
lation, Maintenance and Service Procedures
remain valid and must be considered additionally, when procedures and
activities within the applicable separate product documentation shall be

Note Operation of the NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with the gyrosphere

container mod. 10/4 and a Master PCB with unchanged or incorrect flash
memory will cause dysfunction of the Gyrocompass system.

Note Correct jumper settings to be set at the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4
are mandatory for trouble-free operation with the NAVIGAT X MK2.

Page 8 Safety Instructions

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A

1 Retrofit Preliminaries

The retrofit procedures 0049914-0125-006 at hand describe only the

activities to completely retrofit a NAVIGAT X MK2 system for operation
with the new Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/4 type.

All other regular service activities with regards to the gyrosphere and
the gyrosphere container, as e.g. removal, installation or maintenance,
are described in the separate Gyrosphere/3, Gyrosphere Container Mod.
10/4 for NAVIGAT X MK2 Installation, Maintenance and Service Proce-
dures, doc. no. 05000-0125-03.

1.1 Applicable Documents

The following separate product documentation is applicable for the
NAVIGAT X MK2 gyrocompass system, with regards to operation with
the Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/4 type:

• NAVIGAT X MK2 Operation, Installation and Service Manual,

doc no. 056341 (before the retrofit).
• NAVIGAT X MK2 Operation, Installation and Service Manual,
doc no. 056390 (after the retrofit).
• Gyrosphere/3, Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/4 for NAVIGAT X MK2
Installation, Maintenance and Service Procedures, 
doc. no. 05000-0125-03.

1.2 General Retrofit Preliminaries

CAUTION Irreversible Retrofit

Please be aware, that the Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/3 -10/4 retrofit
procedures for the NAVIGAT X MK2 system are irreversible.
After the retrofit, it is not longer possible to operate the system with the
gyrosphere container mod. 10/3.
Rewinding the retrofit procedure of the Master PCB is also not possible.

CAUTION Risk of Damage

Operation of the NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with the gyrosphere
container mod. 10/4 and a Master PCB still equipped with the resistors
R55 and R72 will cause overheat and damage to the Master PCB.
Always remove the resistors R55 and R72 from the Master PCB during
the retrofit, before the operation of the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4
Never operate the NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with the gyrosphere
container mod. 10/4 and an incompletely retrofitted Master PCB or with
a Master PCB, originally designed for operation with the gyrosphere con-
tainer mod. 10/3.

Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation Page 9

004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

CAUTION Risk of Dysfunction

Once the NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass is retrofitted for operation with
the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4 (Master PCB without resistors R55
and R72, software updated) operation with the gyrosphere container
mod. 10/3 is not possible anymore.
A retrofitted NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with an installed legacy
gyrosphere container mod. 10/3 will stay pending in a not functional
operating condition after power-up, without any damage to the system.
Please have in mind, that the Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/3 -10/4 ret-
rofit procedures are irreversible before undertaking the procedures.
Do not operate a retrofitted NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with a legacy
gyrosphere container mod. 10/3.

CAUTION Risk of Dysfunction

A new type supporting fluid (green label, stock no. 044810-0000-000) is
mandatory for trouble free operation of the gyrosphere container mod.
After retrofit, it is no longer possible to use old type supporting fluid
(white label, stock no. 049050-0000-000) for operation with the gyro-
sphere container mod. 10/4.
Never operate a NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass system, retrofitted for
operation with the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4, with old type sup-
porting fluid (white label, stock no. 049050-0000-000).

Note Operation of the NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with the gyrosphere

container mod. 10/4 and a Master PCB with unchanged or incorrect flash
memory will cause dysfunction of the Gyrocompass system.

The gyrosphere container mod. 10/3 -10/4 retrofit procedures for the
NAVIGAT X MK2 system are irreversible. Once the Master PCB is retro-
fitted, it is not longer possible to operate the system with the gyro-
sphere container mod. 10/3. It is also not possible to rewind the retrofit
procedure of the Master PCB.

Page 10 Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A

1.3 Software Exchange Preliminaries

CAUTION Risk of loss of parameter settings through software exchange

It cannot be guaranteed that parameter settings in the User and Setup
menus and the entries made in the Magnetic Compass Calibration table
are left intact when the software is exchanged.
Before exchanging the system software IC, record all parameter settings
to be able to re-enter them manually, if required.

Exchanging the system software of the NAVIGAT X MK2 is an essential

part of the gyrosphere container mod. 10/3 - 10/4 retrofit procedures.
The NAVIGAT X MK 2 system software is contained on a flash-memory
chip, IC 35, on the master PCB. By exchanging the software IC, the sys-
tem can easily become upgraded. The new flash-memory IC, stock no.
020812, with software revision A. 2.003 is part of the NAVIGAT X MK2
Upgrade kit; stock no. 025972.

Please be aware, that it cannot be guaranteed that parameter settings in

the User and Setup menus and the entries made in the Magnetic Com-
pass Calibration table are left intact when the software is exchanged.
Before beginning with the retrofit procedure, it is highly advisable to
record all parameter settings of the NAVIGAT X MK2 system to be able
to re-enter them manually.

Therefore, while the system is running, take notes of the current settings
in the Manual Settings, User and Service Setup menus, before the
power down of the system.

Check that all the menu settings have been entered correctly into the
respective setup tables, appended to the applicable separate product
documentation. If necessary, correct and amend the tables.

Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation Page 11

004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

1.4 Supporting Fluid Preliminaries

CAUTION Risk of Dysfunction

A new type supporting fluid (green label, stock no. 044810-0000-000) is
mandatory for trouble free operation of the gyrosphere container mod.
After retrofit, it is no longer possible to use old type supporting fluid
(white label, stock no. 049050-0000-000) for operation with the gyro-
sphere container mod. 10/4.
Never operate a NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass system, retrofitted for
operation with the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4, with old type sup-
porting fluid (white label, stock no. 049050-0000-000).

A new type supporting fluid (green label, stock no. 044810-0000-000) is

mandatory for trouble free operation of the gyrosphere container mod.
10/4. The new type supporting fluid with green label is part of the Gyro-
compass Installation Kit Mod. 10/4, stock no. 025985-0000-000, as shown
in adjacent figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1:
Label of new type
supporting fluid Sperry Marine
for Mod. 10/4

Gyrosphere Supporting Fluid

Stock No. 044810-0000-000

Expiry date /
Do not use after:

Next overhaul due: ____ / _______

For Sperry Marine Service please contact:

For details see also the Gyrocompass Installation Kit Mod. 10/4 Parts
List, doc no. 5026-0126-01, as appended to this document.

Page 12 Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A

1.2 Overview of Procedures

Following successive actions and procedures must be performed to ret-
rofit a NAVIGAT X MK2 system and to operate the retrofitted system
with the new Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/4 type:

1. Record of the NAVIGAT X MK2 system settings.

 Use therefore the Preferred Operational Settings, Setup Table and
Magnetic Compass Calibration Table as appended.

2. Power down of the NAVIGAT X MK2.

 See the NAVIGAT X MK2 manual 56341.

3. Removal of Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/3.

 See Gyrosphere/3, Cont. Mod. 10/3 for NAVIGAT X MK1 / MK2 Instal-
lation, Maintenance and Service Procedures, doc. no. 05000-0125-01.

4. Removal of Master PCB.

 See NAVIGAT X MK2 manual 56341,
Chapter 6.1 Removing System Components from the Compass.

5. Removal of Baseplate.
 See NAVIGAT X MK2 manual 56341,
Chapter 6.1 Removing System Components from the Compass.

6. Retrofit of Baseplate (inclusive reinstall).

 See "Retrofit of the Baseplate” on page 15 of this document.

7. Retrofit of Master PCB (inclusive reinstall).

 See "Retrofit of the Master PCB” on page 21 of this document.

8. Installation of gyrosphere in Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/4.

 See chapter „Gyrosphere Installation, in Gyrosphere/3, Cont. Mod.
10/4 for NAVIGAT X MK2 Installation, Maintenance and Service Pro-
cedures, doc. no. 05000-0125-03.

9. Installation of Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/4. in the 

NAVIGAT X MK2 gyrocompass.
 See chapter „Gyrosphere Installation, in Gyrosphere/3, Cont. Mod.
10/4 for NAVIGAT X MK2 Installation, Maintenance and Service Pro-
cedures, doc. no. 05000-0125-03.

Note Correct jumper settings to be set at the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4
are mandatory for trouble-free operation with the NAVIGAT X MK2.

 After installation of the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4, remind to

check the jumper settings at the Sensor-Controller PCB of the gyro-
sphere container mod. 10/4 for the correct NAVIGAT X MK2 setting
as shown in figure 1-2 on page 14 below.

Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation Page 13

004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

Figure 1-2:
Jumper settings for operation with
Jumper setting
„MKx“: Jumpers to the LEFT
 Correct the jumper settings if nec-

10. Retrofit Completion.

 See "Gyrocompass Labelling” on page 29 of this document.

11. First-time operation of the NAVIGAT X MK2 gyrocompass with

Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/4.
 See chapter „First-time Operation“, in Gyrosphere/3, Cont. Mod. 10/4
for NAVIGAT X MK2 Installation, Maintenance and Service Proce-
dures, doc. no. 05000-0125-03.

Page 14 Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A

2 Retrofit of System Components

Note This Retrofit Procedures contain only the safety information for service
personnel with regards to the retrofit activities in this document.
All safety information for service personnel within the applicable sepa-
rate product documentation:
- 056341, NAVIGAT X MK2, Operation, Installation and Service Manual.
- 056390, NAVIGAT X MK2, Operation, Installation and Service Manual. 
- 05000-0125-03, NAVIGAT X MK2, Gyrosphere/3, Cont. Mod. 10/4 Instal-
lation, Maintenance and Service Procedures
remain valid and must be considered additionally, when procedures and
activities within the applicable separate product documentation shall be

2.1 Retrofit of the Baseplate

Parts, materials and tools required

• the completely removed baseplate

• the NAVIGAT X MK2 Upgrade kit; stock no. 025972, with:
– retrofit Instructions, doc no. 004991-0125-006 (this document)
– adaptor cable, stock no. 025948*
– flash-memory IC (EPROM), stock no. 020812
– label, stock no 025977
– cable straps; stock no. 025120
• a wire cutter
• a 3 mm hex key
• a 4 mm hex key; preferably a hex ball driver
• a No. 2 Philips-head screwdriver

 * For details regarding the adaptor cable connectors, 

see figure 2-1 on page 16.

Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation Page 15

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Figure 2-1:
Adaptor cable




Page 16 Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A


1. Place the baseplate with the

gyrosphere suspension care-
fully onto the work surface.

2. Connect the grey J1 socket of

the adaptor cable with the J4
plug connector (red cable
from the baseplate).
 See figure 2-1 on page 16
for details.

Detail of the J1 socket adap-

tor cable / J4 plug connector

Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation Page 17

004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

3. Bend the J1 socket adaptor

cable / J4 plug connector con-
nection parallel to the red
cable from the baseplate)
and insert a cable strap
through the right cable notch
(right side white cable from
the baseplate).

4. Fix the bended J1 socket

adaptor cable / J4 plug con-
nector connection and red
cable with the cable strap to
the right cable notch.

5. Insert a second cable strap

through the adjacent cable
notch, bend the J3 cable end
(grey connector) of the adap-
tor cable parallel to the
bended J1 socket adaptor
cable / J4 plug connector con-
nection with red cable and fix
everything additionally with
the cable strap.

Page 18 Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A

6. Adjacent photo shows the

adaptor cable correctly fixed
to the baseplate.
 The J3 cable end (grey con-
nector) of the adaptor cable
runs parallel to the right side
white cable of the baseplate.

 The J2 cable end (black con-

nector) of the adaptor cable
runs nearly as far as the TB 8
plug connector of the left side
white cable of the baseplate.

7. Cut the loose ends of the

cable straps with a wire cut-

8. Hold the J2 black connector

of the adaptor cable parallel
to the TB 8 plug connector of
the left side white cable of the
baseplate to check for correct

9. Carefully insert the baseplate

with the gyrosphere suspen-
sion into the compass hous-
 In case the baseplate does not
smoothly slide in, readjust the
hex-head screws that the
holding clamps have enough

Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation Page 19

004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

10. Adjacent photo shows the

fully inserted baseplate.

11. Start to tighten the hex-head

screws of the holding clamps
to fix the baseplate.

12. Continue to tighten the hex-

head screws of the holding
clamps until the baseplate is
completely fixed.
 The retrofit of the baseplate is

 Continue now with "Retrofit of the Master PCB” on page 21.

Page 20 Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A

2.3 Retrofit of the Master PCB

CAUTION Risk of Damage

Operation of the NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with the gyrosphere
container mod. 10/4 and a Master PCB still equipped with the resistors
R55 and R72 will cause overheat and damage to the Master PCB.
Always remove the resistors R55 and R72 from the Master PCB during
the retrofit, before the operation of the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4
Never operate the NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with the gyrosphere
container mod. 10/4 and an incompletely retrofitted Master PCB or with
a Master PCB, originally designed for operation with the gyrosphere con-
tainer mod. 10/3.

CAUTION Risk of Dysfunction

Once the NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass is retrofitted for operation with
the gyrosphere container mod. 10/4 (Master PCB without resistors R55
and R72, software updated) operation with the gyrosphere container
mod. 10/3 is not possible anymore.
A retrofitted NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with an installed legacy
gyrosphere container mod. 10/3 will stay pending in a not functional
operating condition after power-up, without any damage to the system.
Please have in mind, that the Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/3 -10/4 ret-
rofit procedures are irreversible before undertaking the procedures.
Do not operate a retrofitted NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with a legacy
gyrosphere container mod. 10/3.

Note Operation of the NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass with the gyrosphere

container mod. 10/4 and a Master PCB with unchanged or incorrect flash
memory will cause dysfunction of the Gyrocompass system.

Note For the software update of the Master PCB see also the instructions
within chapter 10: „Exchanging the System Software“ in the 
NAVIGAT X MK2 system manual, doc. no. 056341.

Parts, materials and tools required

• the completely removed Master PCB

• the NAVIGAT X MK2 Upgrade kit; stock no. 025972, with:
– retrofit Instructions, doc no. 004991-0125-006 (this document)
– adaptor cable, stock no. 025948
– flash-memory IC (EPROM), stock no. 020812
– label, stock no 025977
– cable straps; stock no. 025120
• a suitable IC extractor tool
• a wire cutter
• a 3 mm hex key; preferably a hex ball driver
• a 4 mm hex key; preferably a hex ball driver
• a No. 2 Philips-head screwdriver

Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation Page 21

004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4


1. Place the Master PCB carefully onto the work surface.

2. Identify the flash-memory

chip, IC 35, on the master

Note The flash-memory IC 35 is a 32-pin PLCC chip. A suitable extractor tool is

required to remove the IC from its socket.

3. With a suitable extractor tool, remove the old flash-memory IC 35

from the Master PCB.
4. Insert the new flash-memory IC (red label) with the skewed upper
corner to the right into the socket.
 Be careful not to damage the flash-memory IC.

 Adjacent pictures shows the

new flash-memory chip cor-
rectly installed with the
skewed upper corner to the

5. Identify the R55 and R72

resistors on the Master PCB.

Page 22 Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A

6. With a wire cutter, start to

remove the R55 and R72
resistors from the Master

7. Continue until the R55 and

R72 resistors are completely
removed from the Master

8. Adjacent picture shows the

resistor‘s free area on the
Master PCB.

9. Carefully insert the master

PCB into the compass hous-
 Place all cables in the cut-outs
of the master PCB to not dam-
age any connectors or cables.

Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation Page 23

004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

10. Start to tighten all the 3 mm

hex-head screws fixing the
master PCB to the housing.

11. Continue to tighten until the

master PCB is completely
fixed to the housing

12. Plug in the black J2 connector

into the grey J2 socket on the
left side of the Master PCB

13. Plug in the TB 9 plug connec-

tor at the TB 4 socket and
tighten the screws.

Page 24 Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A

14. Plug the adaptor cable end

with the black J2 connector
(yellow Mod. 10/4 Upgrade
label) into the grey J3 socket
on the left side of the Master
 See figure 2-1 on page 16
for details.

Bend the retaining plate of

the J1 plug connector away
and plug in the J1 connector.

Thread the adaptor cable end

with the grey J3 connector
behind the display PCB dis-
tance bolts.
 See figure 2-1 on page 16
for details.

Plug the grey J3 connector

into the grey J5 socket in the
middle of the Master PCB.

Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation Page 25

004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

Adjacent picture shows the

retrofitted and completely
connected Master PCB.
 The retrofit of the Master PCB
is finished.

 Continue now with the "Retrofit Check Procedure” on page 27

Page 26 Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A

2.4 Retrofit Check Procedure

1. Check that the adaptor cable is completely installed and correctly
2. Check that the flash-memory chip, IC 35 on the master PCB is cor-
rectly exchanged against new version (red label):
3. Check that the R55 and R72 resistors are completely removed from
the Master PCB.
 In case a step of the check procedure is not met as required, mend
the relevant retrofit condition to meet the requirements.

 If all steps of the Retrofit Check Procedure are met as required, pro-
ceed with "Gyrosphere Installation” in the NAVIGAT X MK2 service
instructions 05000-0125-03.

Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation Page 27

004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

Page 28 Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A

3 Retrofit Completion

3.1 Gyrocompass Labelling

Note Applicable labelling of the Gyrocompass housing is a mandatory require-

ment to correctly complete the retrofit of the NAVIGAT X MK2 system.

Overview of required Labels

 The „COMPASS MAIN PCB MODIFIED…“, label, stock no. 025977, is

part of the NAVIGAT X MK2 Upgrade kit; stock no. 025972.

The two „MOD. 10/4 UPGRADE…“, and 025979, are delivered with the
gyrosphere container:

• Label, stock no. 025978, for gyrosphere type 5000

• Label, tock no. 025979, for gyrosphere HSC type 5000-AA

 Only one „MOD. 10/4 UPGRADE…“, label is needed for labelling,

according to the respective NAVIGAT X MK2 Gyrocompass system.

Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation Page 29

004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4


1. Label the gyrocompass housing with the „COMPASS MAIN PCB

MODIFIED…“, and with one adequate „MOD. 10/4 UPGRADE…“ label
according to the install situation of the gyrocompass, so that the
labels can be clearly seen during normal operation, without the need
to remove or reinstall the gyrocompass.
 A recommended labelling suggestion of the gyrocompass door is
illustrated in figure 3.2 below.

Figure 3.2
Labelling suggestion for
NAVIGAT X MK2 housing

AINE. 10/4 N PC

 If all steps of the ”Gyrocompass Labelling” are met as required, the

NAVIGAT X MK2 gyrocompass is completely retrofitted for Gyro-
sphere Container Mod. 10/4 usage and may now be put into opera-

 To put the NAVIGAT X MK2 gyrocompass into operation, see also

the applicable NAVIGAT X MK1 / MK2 Container Mod. 10/4 Service
Instructions, doc no. 005000-0125-03.

Page 30 Gyrosphere Container 10/4 Installation

Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4 004991-0125-006/A


A Forms
The following Gyrosphere Service Report (blank form) is to be used
when returning a defective gyrosphere to Sperry Marine:

Designation Drawing No.

NAVIGAT X MK 2: Preferred Operational Settings 4991-0125-02
NAVIGAT X MK 2 Mod. 10/3: Setup Table 4991-0125-03
NAVIGAT X MK 2 Mod. 10/4: Setup Table 4991-0125-07
NAVIGAT X MK 2: 4991-0125-04
Magnetic Compass Calibration Table
Gyrosphere Service Report 4914-0126-05
Parts List Gyrocompass Installation Kit Mod. 10/4 5026-0126-01

Note Make sure to include the gyrosphere service report, 04914-0126-05, when
returning a defective gyrosphere to Sperry Marine.
When the service report is not returned, no warranty exchange of the
gyrosphere is possible.

Appendix Page 31
004991-0125-006/A Retrofit for Container Mod. 10/4

Page 32 Appendix
004991-0125-002/B, 10 Jan 2014; Page 1 of 1
k^sfd^q u jh O

Vessel: Hull No.:

IMO No.: Shipyard:

Service Station / Installer: Date / Signature:

kçíÉ Make copies of this form to note the appropriate settings in the Manual
Settings and User Setups for normal operation of the equipment.
In general, automatic data input modes should be chosen in preference
of manual input, wherever possible.

Speed/Lat Mode Speed Mode: Posit Mode:
m==^rql m==j^k m==^rql m==j^k
Speed/Lat Set j~å=péÉÉÇ=s~äìÉW=||||||=âíëK j~å=i~íK=s~äìÉW=||||||=k=L=p
Hdg. Diff. Alarm Between:
m==dvNLj^d m==lcc

Magnetic Variation m==^rql m==j^k


North Sp. Err. Corr. m==lk m==lcc

Settings NAVIPRINT m==lk Paper Speed Heading
m==lcc m===SM=ããLÜ m==œ PMø
m==NRM=ããLÜ m==œ NUMø
Settings ROT Time Const. ROT:


Date and Time Mode m==^rql m==j^k
Software Version j~ëíÉê=_ç~êÇW=||||||= EêÉãçíÉ=`arF=aáëéä~ó=_ç~êÇW=||||||=
Mag. C. Cal. Table m==lk m==lcc

004991-0125-003/C, 10 Jan 2014; Page 1 of 2
k^sfd^q u jh O

Vessel: Hull No.:

IMO No.: Shipyard:

Service Station / Installer: Date / Signature:

kçíÉ After installation of the NAVIGAT X MK 2, please return a filled-out copy

of the Setup Table to Sperry Marine for inclusion in the ship’s file.
When permanent changes are made to the system configuration, please
return an updated copy of the Setup Table to Sperry Marine.


Mag Hdg Input m==kjb^Jeaj m==kjb^Je`eaq m==kjb^Je`qep m==kjb^Jead
m==mi^qeJj^dk m==k^sfmfilq m==`ljmK==jlkK m==lcc
Speed Input m==OMM=mìäëÉLkj m==kjb^
Pos. Input m==kjb^Jdii m==kjb^Jdd^
Sens. D. M. Outp. m==kjb^Je`eaj m==kjb^Je`eaq m==kjb^Je`ead
S/Fast M. Outp. m==kjb^Je`eaj m==kjb^Je`eaq
Magn. Variation m==kjb^Jead m==kjb^Joj^ m==kjb^Joj`
NMEA SuperFast m==QUMM=_^ra m==VSMM=_^ra m==NVOMM=_^ra m==PP=eò=PUQMM=_a
m==RM=eò=PUQMM=_a m==kjb^Je`eaq m==mi^qe m==`lropb_rp
TxD NMEA Fast m==kjb^ m==e`eaq m==eaqLolq m==mi^qe
Sens. Data 2 m==pbkpK=a^q^ m==k^sfmofkq

Settings p`K=EëÅ~äÉ=Ñ~ÅíçêFW==||||||=ãsLøLãáå lccpbqW==||||||=ãs


THS/HDT pbkploa^q^ c^pq prmboc^pq obmb^qbo

m lcc=L=m lk m lcc=L=m lk m lcc=L=m lk m lcc=L=m lk
IEC/NMEA: m==fb`=SNNSOJN m==kjb^=MUNP

System m==d m==dj
Hdg. Sel. m==`ar=N m==`ljmK=jlkK m==^rqlmfilq m==buqK=pbiK

004991-0125-003/C, 10 Jan 2014; Page 2 of 2
Setting ÅçêêK=î~äìÉW=||||||=ø

Setting ÅçêêK=î~äìÉW=||||||=ø

Alarm relay m== lk=^ii=^i^ojp m== lk=c^q^i=^i^ojp

ID-No. m==N m==O m==P

K1 alarm relay m==eadJafcc m==hN=rpba=clo=jrqb

Settings íáãÉ=ÅçåëíKW==ë

ëéÉÉÇ=ãáåKW==âå ëéÉÉÇ=ã~ñKW==âå


Settings íáãÉ=ÅçåëíK=Ñçê=ëÉêá~ä=olq=çìíéìíëW=||||||||=ëÉÅ


Settings íÉãéÉê~íìêÉK=ÅçêêK=î~äìÉW=||||||||=ø ` Öóêç=ÅìêêÉåí=Ö~áå=Ñ~ÅíçêW=||||||||

kçíÉ Make sure to re-enter the correction values when updating the system
Correction values are specific to the master PCB installed. When
exchanging a master PCB, read out the correction values and update this
setup table to reflect the new values.

004991-0125-007/A, 13 Dec 2017; Page 1 of 2
NAVIGAT X MK 2 Mod. 10/4
Setup Table

Vessel: Hull No.:

IMO No.: Shipyard:

Service Station / Installer: Date / Signature:

Note After installation of the NAVIGAT X MK 2, please return a filled-out copy

of the Setup Table to Sperry Marine for inclusion in the ship’s file.
When permanent changes are made to the system configuration, please
return an updated copy of the Setup Table to Sperry Marine.

Service Setup 1 (Code 600)

Interface I/O



Speed Input m 200 Pulse/NM m NMEA

Pos. Input m NMEA-GLL m NMEA-GGA



Magn. Variation m NMEA-HDG m NMEA-RMA m NMEA-RMC

NMEA SuperFast m 4800 BAUD m 9600 BAUD m 19200 BAUD m 33 Hz 38400 BD





ROT Analog Output

Settings SC. (scale factor): ______ mV/°/min OFFSET: ______ mV

Protocol Type


m OFF / m ON m OFF / m ON m OFF / m ON m OFF / m ON

System Type

System m G m GM

Hdg. Sel. m CDU 1 m COMP. MON. m AUTOPILOT m EXT. SEL.

Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine B.V. (Representative Office)

Woltmanstr. 19, D-20097 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49-40-299 00-0, Fax: +49-40-299 00-298, E-mail:
004991-0125-007/A, 13 Dec 2017; Page 2 of 2
Align Error Corr.

Setting corr. value: ______ °

Shaft Encoder Correction Value

Setting corr. value: ____ °

Gen. Alarm Setup


Name of Gyro

ID-No. m 1 m 2 m 3

K1 Mute / HDG.-Diff.

K1 alarm relay m HDG-DIFF m K1 USED FOR MUTE

Speed Filter

Settings time const.: ________ s

speed min.: ________ kn speed max.: ________ kn
Alarm ID

Settings ID-No.: ________ (1,2, or 3)

Technical Pages (Code 140)

Software Version

Settings Hardware: SW. Ver: Masterboard: Display Board:

_________ ________ ________ ________
Correction Values

Settings Temperature: ________ ° C Gy. Curr. Gain: ________

Note Make sure to re-enter the correction values when updating the system
software. Correction values are specific to the master PCB installed.
When exchanging a master PCB, read out the correction values and
update this setup table to reflect the new values.

Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine B.V. (Representative Office)

Woltmanstr. 19, D-20097 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49-40-299 00-0, Fax: +49-40-299 00-298, E-mail:
004991-0125-004/B, 10 Jan 2014; Page 1 of 1
k^sfd^q u jh O
Vessel: Hull No.:

IMO No.: Shipyard:

Service Station / Installer: Date / Signature:

j~ÖåÉíáÅ j~ÖåÉíáÅ
j~ÖåÉíáÅ j~ÖåÉíáÅ
eÇÖK=aáëéä~ó `çêêÉÅíáçå=s~äìÉ eÇÖK=aáëéä~ó `çêêÉÅíáçå=s~äìÉ
`çãé~ëë=eÇÖK `çãé~ëë=eÇÖK
EìåÅ~äáÄê~íÉÇF EìåÅ~äáÄê~íÉÇF

0.0 180.0

10.0 190.0

20.0 200.0

30.0 210.0

40.0 220.0

50.0 230.0

60.0 240.0

70.0 250.0

80.0 260.0

90.0 270.0

100.0 280,0

110.0 290.0

120.0 300.0

130.0 310.0

140.0 320.0

150.0 330.0

160.0 340.0

170.0 350.0

004914-0126-005/F; 26 Jul 2016; Page 1 of 1
Gyrosphere Service Report
Fill in this service report completely and return it together with the defective gyrosphere
(service report inside of gyrosphere transport box) to the following address only:
Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine
Haringsbuisweg 29
3133 KP Vlaardingen / Holland
Tel.: +31 (0) 10-44 51 653
If the service report is not returned, no warranty exchange of the gyrosphere is possible!

Vessel’s Name: _________________ Owner: _________________

Hull No.: _________________ Shipyard: _________________

S/N ________________ exchanged against: S/N ________________
(defective) (replacement)

Replacement Sales Order No.: ____________________ Date: _______________

received per:
Service Order No.: ____________________ Date: _______________

It is mandatory to fill in at least the Sales Order No. or the Service Order No.!

Reason for o gyrosphere current too high (_______________ mA)

o heading error (_______________ ° off true hdg.)
o fluids dirty
o bottom contact corroded
o centering pin burnt / damaged
o excessive noise
o other (please specify):__________________________________________
Gyrosphere Ambient temperature: o above 40 °C
operational since: __________________ o below 40 °C
Compass System
o X, XII, SR180 o X MK 1, SR 180 MK 1, X MK 2
o 100 / 200
Gyrosphere o Mod. 10 o Mod. 10 o Mod. 10/4
Container Type
o Mod. 7 o Mod. 7 o Mod. 10/3
o Mod. 10/2
o Mod. 7/2
Service Station / Name: Date / Signature:
_____________________ ________________________________

Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine B.V.

Woltmanstr. 19, D-20097 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49-40-299 00-0, Fax: +49-40-299 00-146, E-mail:
005026-0126-001A; 24 Nov 2017; Page 1 of 1
Parts List
Gyrocompass Installation Kit Mod. 10/4

Gyrocompass Installation Kit for Gyrosphere Container Mod. 10/4,


Part No. Qty. Description Ref.

047976-0000-000 1 Case 1

044810-0000-000 1 Supporting Fluid (new type with green label), 1l 2

033347-0000-000 1 Plastic Bowl 3

025550-0000-000 1 Sponge (Scotch Brite) 4

046547-0000-000 1 Funnel 5

005026-0126-000 1 Parts List (this document, not shown) 6

4 3

Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine B.V. (Representative Office)

Woltmanstr. 19, D-20097 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49-40-299 00-0, Fax: +49-40-299 00-298, E-mail:
Sperry Marine Service:

Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine B.V. (Representative Office)

Woltmanstr. 19 • D-20097 • Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49-40-299 00-0 • Fax: +49-40-299 00-146 • E-mail:

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