Second-Order Sliding-Mode Control of DFIG-based Wind Turbines

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Second-order Sliding-mode Control of DFIG-based Wind

Xiaorong Zhu1*, Shipeng Liu1, Yi Wang1
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources( North China Electric Power
University), China

Keywords: Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), second- SMC structure has the chattering phenomenon and will lead
order sliding-mode control (2-SMC), super-twisting algorithm, to variable switching frequency of the RSC transistors.
robustness. Reference [7] proposes a 2-SMC strategy for grid
synchronisation and power control of the DFIG, which
Abstract overcome the drawbacks of the 1-SMC presented above. But
all of these papers mainly focus on the controlling of the RSC,
Traditional vector control schemes which comprise the SMC schemes for the GSC is always neglected.
proportional-integral (PI) controller for the Wind turbine-
driven DFIGs have the drawbacks such as parameter tuning In this paper, second-order sliding-mode controllers for both
difficulties, inferior dynamic performances and poor the RSC and the GSC are designed respectively. The super-
robustness. Thus, based on the analysis of the mathematical twisting algorithm is adopted to control the RSC and the GSC
model of the DFIG-based wind turbines, this paper addresses at a fixed switching frequency. A single power control or a
a non-linear control algorithm based on 2-SMC. The super- single voltage control loop is used for the RSC and the GSC
twisting algorithm is adopted to control the rotor side to simplify the design of the controllers. The proposed
converter (RSC) and the grid side converter (GSC) at a fixed strategy can get good dynamical characteristics and achieve
switching frequency. In addition, single power (or voltage) better robustness when the system disturbances occur. The
control loops instead of cascaded current and power (or control schemes are validated by simulation results.
voltage) control loops are used for the RSC and the GSC,
which simplify the design of the controllers. Simulation 2 Model of the DFIG-based wind turbines
results evidence both the high dynamic performance and the
superior robustness achieved with proposed control scheme.
2.1 Model of the DFIG
1 Introduction Considering the motor convention, the stator-side and rotor-
side models of the DFIG referred to the synchronous rotation
DFIG-based wind turbines have been used widely. DFIG- reference frame are given by [1-2]
based wind turbines achieve variable speed operation through
two back to back voltage sources converters, which are rated ­usd
° Rs isd  dȥ sd dt  Zs ȥ sq
at about 25-30% of the generator rating [1]. The RSC is used ® (1)
°̄usq Rs isq  dȥ sq dt  Zs ȥ sd
for the stator active power and reactive power regulation,
while the GSC is responsible for the DC link voltage ­ Rr ird  dȥ rd dt  Zs1ȥ rq
regulation [2]. ® (2)
°̄urq Rr irq  dȥ rq dt  Zs1ȥ rd
To achieve the control objectives, classic vector control
schemes which typically comprise PI-based cascaded current ­ȥ sd
° Ls isd  Lm ird
and power (or voltage) control loops are commonly used for ® (3)
°̄ ȥ sq Ls isq  Lm irq
RSC and GSC [1-2]. However, the parameters tuning of PI
controller is difficult. In addition, the transient performance
°ȥ rd Lr ird  Lm isd
of the PI controller degrades when the system parameters ® (4)
change or external disturbances occur [3, 4]. Sliding-mode °̄ ȥ rq Lr irq  Lm isq
control (SMC) is a special nonlinear control, which is simple
Where usd ˈusq ˈurd ˈurq are the d, q components of the
to implement and robust to external disturbances and
variations in parameters [5]. stator and rotor voltage respectively; isdˈisqˈirdˈirq are the
d, q components of the stator and rotor current respectively;
Several SMC schemes for DFIGs have been proposed. ȌsdˈȌsqˈȌrdˈȌrq are the d, q components of the stator and
Reference [6] proposes a vector control based on first-order rotor flux respectively ˗ Rs ˈ Rr are the stator and rotor
SMC (1-SMC), and reference [4] presents a direct power
resistance; Lm is the magnetizing inductance; LsˈLr are the
control (DPC) based on 1-SMC. Both of them guarantee the
decoupled control of DFIG active and reactive powers and stator and rotor inductance, Ls=Lm+Lls ˈLr=Lm+Llr; Lls ˈLlr
achieve outstanding robustness to system disturbance. But 1- are the stator and rotor leakage inductance respectively; Ȧsˈ

Ȧr are the synchronous and rotor angular speed; Ȧs1=Ȧs-Ȧr is Pr urd ird  urq irq (12)
the slip angular speed. The GSC active and reactive power flowing into the grid are
Defining power direction out of the DFIG stator is positive, given by
thus, the stator active and reactive power are expressed as ­ u gd igd  u gq igq u g igd
° Pg
® (13)
° Ps usd isd  usq isq °̄Qg u gd igq  u gq igd u g igq
® (5)
°̄Qs usd isq  usq isd

When aligning the d-axis with the stator voltage vector, 3 Designing of the sliding mode controller
neglecting the stator resistance and considering usd=Us, usq=0,
Rs=0, Ȍsd=0ˈȌsq=Ȍs, the following equation can be obtained:
3.1 Second-order sliding mode control
­ȥ s U s / Zs
® (6) SMC has some advantages such as simple designing and
¯dȥ s / dt = 0 strong robustness. However, in the conventional SMC, the
discontinuous control law is directly acting on the first time
­isd  Lmird / Ls derivative of the sliding manifold, that is, the first time
® (7) derivative of the sliding manifold is discontinuous. Because
¯isq (ȥ s  Lmirq ) / Ls
of the un-modelled parts of the system and the non-ideal
Substituting Equation (4), (6) and (7) into Equation (2), the switching characteristic, conventional SMC exist the
following arises: chattering phenomenon, which hinders its practical
implementation [8]. The most efficient ways to mitigate the
­ dird 1 chattering effect is adopting high order sliding mode. High
° dt (urd  Rr ird  Ȧs1ıLr irq  Ȧs1 Lm\ s / Ls )
° V Lr order sliding mode generalizes the basic sliding mode idea by
® (8) acting on the high order time derivatives of the sliding
° dirq 1
(urq  Rr irq  Ȧs1V Lr ird )
°̄ dt manifold, which guarantees that the first time derivative of
V Lr the sliding manifold is continuous. In this way, the chattering
Where V 1  L2m / Ls Lr . phenomenon can be completely eliminated in theory. In
addition, high order sliding mode keeps the main properties of
Meanwhile the stator active and reactive power can be
the conventional sliding mode and improves the control
simplified as
accuracy [9, 10].
° Ps usd isd us Lm ird / Ls
® (9) Discontinuous control input of the 2-SMC directly influences
°̄Qs usd isq us (\ s  Lm irq ) / Ls the sign and the magnitude of the second order time
derivative of the sliding manifold. Since its control structure
2.2 Model of the GSC is relatively simple and no much information is needed, it has
become the most widely used high order sliding mode control
The model of the GSC, expressed in the grid-voltage-oriented method [11]. In this paper, the second order sliding mode
synchronous rotation dq coordinate, is given by [2] controller based on super-twisting algorithm is adopted to
­ digd 1 control the RSC and the GSC. Comparing with other second
° = ˄  Rg igd +Zs Lg igq  ucd +u g˅ order sliding mode algorithm ˈthe super-twisting algorithm
° dt Lg has some advantages such as: 1) it does not require the time
® (10)
° digq = 1˄  R i  Z L i  u ˅ derivative information of the sliding variables, 2) when the
° dt L g gq s g gd cq system is of first-order relative degree, the super-twisting
¯ g
algorithm can be applied directly and does not need to
Where ug is the grid voltage; ucdˈucq are the d, q components introduce new control variables [12, 13]. The form of the
of the GSC voltage at the AC terminals; igdˈigq are the d, q super-twisting algorithm can be expressed as
components of the GSC currents flowing into the grid; RgˈLg ­°u (t ) k1 s sgn( s )  z (t )
are the resistance and the inductance of the line inductor. ® (14)
°̄ z (t ) k2 sgn( s )
Ignoring the resistance loss of the line reactors and the
switching loss of the converters, the model of the DC-link Assuming the existence of a positive number of ĭ satisfies
capacitor can be expressed as s d ĭ (15)
Cdc udc dc =Pr  Pg (11) Then parameters k1 and k2 can be tuned by the following
dt equations.
Where Cdc is the DC-link capacitance; udc is the DC-link
­°k2 ! ĭ
voltage; Pr is the RSC active power flowing into the DC-link; ® (16)
Pg is the GSC active power flowing into the grid. Pr can be °̄k1 t 2 ĭ (k2  ĭ ) / (k2  ĭ )
expressed as

3.2 Designing the RSC controllers ­'urd =k p1 sP sgn( sP )  k p2 sgn( sP ) d t
° ³
Aiming to achieve high dynamic performance of stator active ® V Ls Lr  Z L
power and reactive power control, the switching functions for °urdeq = [ Ps  c p ( Ps  Ps )]  Rr ird  VZs1 Lr irq  s1 m \ s
¯ Lm us Ls
the RSC are selected as shown in equation (17).
­s p ( Ps  Ps )  c p ³ ( Ps  Ps )dt
® (17) ­'u =  k sQ sgn( sQ )  k q2 ³ sgn( sQ ) d t
°̄ sQ (Qs  Qs )  cQ ³ (Qs  Qs )dt °° rq q1

® VL L (22)
°urqeq =  s r [Q s  cQ (Qs  Qs )]  Rr irq  VZs1 Lr ird

Where the integral terms, weighted by the positive constants
°̄ Lm us
cP and cQ, are added for steady-state errors elimination [14].
Ps* and Qs* are the reference values of the stator active and Where kp1 ˈkp2 ˈ kq1 and kq2 are positive constants to be
reactive power respectively. tuned. The control diagram of the RSC is shown in Fig.1.
Combination of equation (17) with equation (8) and (9), the
DC link Grid
time derivatives of switching variable sP and sQ are given as:
Ps* + 2-SMC urd ur¢ Sa
­ Lm Lm *
Qs+ - controller urq dq/Įȕ Sb DFIG
° sP V L L us [( Rr  c p V Lr )ird  VZ s1 Lr irq  Z s1 L \ s ]
ur£ PWM Sc
- Eq(21),(22)
° s r s
ird Irabc
° L abc/dq
° +Ps*  c p Ps*  m
us urd irq șs1 șr
° V Ls Lr + -

® (18)
° s Lm cQ V Lr Ȍs
u [( Rr  cQ V Lr )irq  VZ s1 Lr ird  \s] -¹V us
° Q V Ls Lr s Lm usd
° Ps and Qs abc/dq
° Lm Ps usq
° +Q s*  cQ Qs*  uu calculation isd
¯ V Ls Lr s rq Qs Eq.(5) abc/dq
The DFIG stator active power and reactive power are Fig.1 Control diagram of the RSC 2-SMC controller
controlled by regulating the RSC AC terminal voltages. Thus,
the RSC AC terminal voltages are selected as the control
output variables, namely, urd and urq. From equation (18) it 3.3 Designing the GSC controllers
can be concluded that For the GSC, the control objectives are to maintain the DC
­°ws p / wurd =  Lm us / V Ls Lr z 0 link voltage and unity power factor. Equation (11) shows the
®  (19) presence of u and u coupling term in the model of DC-
°̄wsQ / wurq =Lm us / V Ls Lr z 0 dc dc

link capacitor. If udc is selected as the control variable directly,

According to the concept of relative degree, it can be seen the designing of the controller can be relatively difficult.
from equation (19) that the DFIG is of first-order relative Therefore, this paper introduces a new control variable u,
degree. Accordingly, DFIG can be controlled by applying where
conventional SMC or 2-SMC [15]. As already mentioned, a
structure based on 2-SMC can eliminate the chattering u = udc2 (23)
phenomenon and improve the control accuracy. Thus, 2-SMC Then equation (11) can be written as
is adopted. Consequently, the voltage to be applied to the
du 2
rotor can be obtained from the following control law [14]. ( Pr  Pg ) (24)
dt Cdc
­°urd ='urd +urdeq
® (20) Consequently, the switching functions for the GSC are
°̄ urq ='urq +urqeq designed as equation (25).
The control law in equation (20) is composed of switching ­ s1 (u * u )c1 (u * u )dt
control terms and equivalent control terms. Where ǻurd and ° ³ (25)
ǻurq are the switching control terms. The switching control °̄ s2 (Qg Qg )c 2 ³ (Qg Qg )dt
* *

terms make the system in any initial state reach the sliding
manifold in finite time, which are calculated through Where u* is the square of the DC-link voltage reference value;
application of the super-twisting algorithm in this paper. urdeq Qg* is the reference value of the GSC reactive power; c1 and
and urqeq are the equivalent control terms. The equivalent c2 are positive constants to be tuned.
control terms make the system move along the sliding
Considering that the u* is constant, the second order time
manifold under ideal conditions, and these terms can speed up
derivative of switching function s1 and the first order time
the response of the system and reduce the steady-state errors.
derivative of switching function s2 can be derived from
The equivalent control terms are derived by letting sP =sQ =0 .
equation (10), (11), (12), (25) as
According to the above method, the voltage to be applied to
the rotor are expressed as

­ 2u g 2c1 2 parameters of DFIG are given in Table 1. The parameters of
s1  [( Rg  c1 Lg )igd  Zs Lg igq  u g ]  Pr  u g ucd the 2-SMC controllers tuned according to equation (15) and
° Cdc Lg Cdc Cdc Lg
® (16) are given in Table 2. In order to verify the dynamic
° s ug 1
Q *g  c 2 Qg*  [( Rg  c 2 Lg )igq  Zs Lg igd ]  u g ucd performance of the 2-SMC, simulation results of the proposed
° 2 Lg Lg
¯ 2-SMC of the RSC and the GSC are compared with that
(26) under the conventional cascaded PI control. The parameters
Equation (26) reveals that the switching function s1 is of of the PI controllers determined by a pole placement
second-order relative degree and it should be commanded by technique [16] are given in Table 3.
applying 2-SMC. While the switching function s2 is of first- In order to facilitate the analysis of simulation results, all the
order relative degree and it can be commanded by applying outputs are expressed in pu value. The reference value of the
conventional SMC or 2-SMC. In this paper, 2-SMC is stator active power is obtained from the rotor speed-
adopted to eliminate the chattering phenomenon and improve dependent optimum power curve. The reference value of the
the control accuracy. The design of the GSC controller is stator reactive power can be set in need, but will not exceed
similar to that of the RSC presented in the preceding section. the capability limits of the DFIG, which is discussed in detail
Thereby the GSC is fed with the following voltage in [17]. The reference value of the DC-link voltage is set to 1,
and the reference value of the GSC reactive power is set to 0.
°­ucd ='ucd +ucdeq
® (27) Parameter Value
°̄ ucq ='ucq +ucqeq
Nominal power 2MVA
The switching control terms based on super-twisting
Stator voltage/frequency 690V/50Hz
algorithm and the equivalent terms computed by zeroing
equation (26) are expressed as Number of pole pairs 2
Inertia constant 3s
­'ucd =  k dc1 s1 sgn( s1 )  k dc2 sgn( s1 ) d t
°° ³ Stator resistance, Rs 0.0108pu
® c1 Lg (28)
Stator leakage inductance, LıV 0.1020pu
°ucdeq =  Rg igd +Zs Lg igq  u g  ( Pr  Pg )
°̄ ug Magnetizing inductance, Lm 3.362pu
Rotor resistance, Rr 0.0102pu
­'ucq =  k qg1 s2 sgn( s2 )  k qg2 sgn( s2 ) d t
°° ³ Rotor leakage inductance, Lır 0.11pu
® Lg (29) DC-link rated voltage, Vdc 1200V
°ucqeq =  ªQ g*  c2 (Qg*  Qg ) ¼º  Rg igq  Zs Lg igd
°̄ ug DC-link capacitance, Cdc 1000ȝF
Grid-side line inductance, Lg 0.15pu
Where kdc1, kdc2, kqg1 and kqg2 are positive constants to be
tuned. The active power Pr in equation (28) will be calculated Grid-side line resistance, Rg 0.0015pu
through the following equation (30) rather than equation (12), Table 1: Parameters of DFIG
since the rotor side voltage consists of harmonics [3].
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Pr udc irdc (30) cp 2 c1 20
Where irdc is the DC current flowing out the RSC. The control kp1 0.1 kdc1 0.5
diagram of the RSC is shown in Fig.2. kp2 3 kdc2 1
udc cq 2 c2 50
irdc DC link kq1 0.1 kqg1 0.5
u* + 2-SMC ucd uc¢ s1
SV s2 kq2 3 kqg2 1
Qg* + controller ucq dq/Įȕ uc£ s3
Eq(27),(28) Grid Table 2: Parameters of 2-SMC controller

PLL Parameter Proportional item Integral item
ugd Ugabc outer loop of GSC 1 100
Pg and Qg ugq abc/dq
inner loop of GSC 1 100
calculation igd outer loop of RSC 4 20
Eq(13) Igabc
igq abc/dq inner loop of RSC 4 100
Fig.2 Control diagram of the GSC 2-SMC controller Table 3: Parameters of PI controller

4.1 Steady state Performances

4 Simulation Studies
The steady state performances of the DFIG are verified in this
Simulations have been carried out to validate the designed 2-
section. The following simulation process is adopted: at the
SMC controller. A simple system is used, in which a DFIG-
beginning of the simulation, wind speed is 11m/s, at t=5s the
based wind farm is integrated to an infinite bus system. The
wind speed changes to 7m/s, then at t=10s the wind speed

(a) stator active and reactive power (c) DC-link voltage

(b) DC-link voltage and stator reactive power (d) grid-side reactive power

(c) control output of the RSC (e) urd in RSC control output

(d) control output of the GSC (f) urq in RSC control output
Fig.3 Steady state performance

(g) ucd in GSC control output

(a) stator active power

(h) ucq in GSC control output

(b) stator reactive power Fig.4 dynamic performance under external disturbances

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