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1.   Make a description of your best teacher colleague with regard to her/his physical and
mental appearances.

I am an english teacher in SMP IT Nurul Iman. I have many friends in my school. One of
them is Laila Rahma. She is the best friend i ever meet. She is arabic teacher. Now she is
continue her study in masters degree. She is very busy, she have to teach her students, in the
weekend she should go to the campus, and she has clothes shop. That’s so amazing.
She is very beautiful, she has white skin, tall body, pointed nose, and long black hair. Not
everyone can see her hair because she always wears veil. she is creative woman, she make
flanel Bouquet flower and sell it in graduation day. Her hobby is cooking, sometimes she
brings food to the school and it is very delicious.
She is kind, honest, friendly and funny person. Laila can make me smile simply by being
herself, a show that many need to lift their spirits. She loves to listen to my problems and
interject advice that could help me through my struggles. She is a good teacher, many
students love her. She is a perfect example of the new model teachers.
I learn many things from her. I learn how to be a good teacher, a good friend, and a good
woman. i am really glad to have friend like Laila.

2. Write a description of one of the tourism places in your region that you like best. And
describe the place as interestingly as possible in order to attract the local visitors to come.
Record your voice as if you were a tourism guide who wants to promote the place in your

This is my recording mam

Islamic Center Tubaba

The Islamic Center Tubaba is one of the icons in the Tulang Bawang Barat Regency that the
people of Tubaba are very proud of and it has been proven that many tourists from outside
the Regency have come to the Islamic center which is full of beautiful natural scenery in the
The location of the Tubaba Islamic center mosque is on Panaragan Jaya street - Pulung
Kencana, Panaragan Jaya, Tulang Bawang Barat Lampung. The location of the mosque is
very strategic and easy to reach and is in the heart of the city of Tulang Bawang Barat.
Besides being easy to reach, this mosque is also close to several important places. Such as the
official residence of the Tulang Bawang Barat Regent, the Dragon Monument, schools and
others. With a very strategic location, the Islamic Center Tubaba mosque is always busy
every day.

The Islamic center tubaba mosque has a myriad of uniqueness that makes the mosque the
center of attention of many people. The following are the uniqueness of the Islamic center
 Do not use the typical Middle East construction, The concept of the mosque
building utilizes a minimalist building concept. This makes the mosque very modern
and innovative. In addition, the Islamic Center Tubaba mosque is the only one and at
the same time the pioneer of modern mosques. Then in the construction also inserted
a typical Lampung architect.
 It is called mosque 99 light, In this mosque building, 99 lamps are emitted. This is
in accordance with the number of Asmaul Husna. On the ceiling there are also 99
Asmaul Husna decorations.
 The concept of a building with Islamic nuances, The shape of the 5-sided building
symbolizes the number of obligatory prayers 5 times. This mosque has 114 pillars
which represent the number of letters in the Qur’an. The height of the mosque
building is 30 meters as the number of juz in the holy Qur’an. While the roof has 99
holes and each hole emits a light. The number of the holes represents the 99 Asmaul
 It Has an artificial lake, Apart from being a pioneer for modern mosques, the
Tubaba Islamic Center mosque is also one of the mosques that has an artificial lake.
In the artificial lake, there are various species of fish. Starting from catfish, catfish,
goldfish, tilapia and others. Visitors can also contribute directly to the survival of the
fish by feeding them.
 Nuwo Sesat Agung, nuwo sesat agung is the traditional house of lampung, there are
many writings of Lampung script which aim to introduce the various types of cultural
arts of Lampung
 There is free wifi acces, The uniqueness of this one is an additional facility that is
very attractive and a favorite for teenagers. In addition, free wifi access is also one of
the advantages of the Tubaba Islamic center mosque.
 Playground area, This area for playground is not included in the internal facilities of
the Islamic Center Tubaba mosque. It's just that this facility is provided by street
vendors who provide games for children. This type of game is very interesting and
fun for children.
 Spot photos, At the Islamic Center Tubaba Mosque, a special photo spot area is also
provided. The photo spots available are not photo spots with a contemporary concept,
but a long hallway on the mosque terrace.This hallway is not an ordinary hallway,
but it has its own uniqueness. The hallway is indeed very simple, composed of
bamboo and wood frames. But it has a very iconic impression of its simplicity
Islamic Center Tubaba is the right place if you want to have a vacation with your family to
enjoy your holiday.
 3.   Make an informational report of an animal in general, for example: bird, cat, dog or
others. Choose one of them that  you like better. Find the classification of the animal by
getting more information through observation of the pets in a bird market or reading books.

Stages and phases Content

Title Camel
General statement Camels are four-legged mammals with the ability to survive in a desert.
According to the data, there are only three species left of camels in the
Entity classification world. They are: Dromedary Camels (one-humped camel), Bactrian
Camels (two-humped camel) and Wild Bactrian Camel which has a very
limited population.

Place The Middle East, The Horn of Africa, Central Asia, Northwest China
and Mongolia

Benefit Camels can provide a lot of things for humans, for example: they
produce milk, we can eat their meat, we can use their hair for textiles,
and we can also ride on themor use them as a courier to bring our
Description Camels legs are very long. It is recorded that the average height of a
full-grown adult camel can reach 1.85 m, it could reach the height of
Features 2.15 m if we add the size of the hump into it too. The “hump” is where
they store the fat that can be changed into water to keep their body
hydrated whenever food and water is scarce. It is located on top of their
Weight 1,000 kg of body weight
Life expectancy Camel can live for about 50 years.
Food They are herbivore, since most of them live in a desert so most of the
time the consume desert plants as their main diet.
Color Their color varies from cream, brown, black and tan.

1. Make learning notes of each Learning Activity in this module with a critical and
creative thinking approach.
2. Create a resume as a learning conclusion from this module.

Learning Note and Resume of English for Social Communication

One of the primary purposes of learning a second language is communication. This module
entitled English for Social Communication. This module helsp the learners and the teachers
understand well about types of text. Based on generic structure and language feature
dominantly used, texts are divided into several types. In this module i have learned two types
of texts, they are descriptive and report text.This module consists of four learning activities.

Learning Activity 1
In this activity i have learned about descriptive text, specifically in describing what people
and animals look like. I learned the benefit of the text as its social function, i tried to identify
the language features (words, phrases, sentences) that are mostly applied in this kind of text. 
A descriptive text is made up of identification or general statement and description element.
Identification introduces and identifies specific objects (a person, thing, place, animal, or
event) intended to be described. Descriptive Text in this activity explains about what a person
or an animal,  is like. It is about sensory experience, how something looks, sounds, shapes.
Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds of perception.
It can be said that the descriptive text is a meaningful text that describes particular person or
animals. It reveals the experience related to the sense, such as appearance, shape, sound, taste
is. In particular, it is a text which says what a person or an animal is. Its purpose is to give a
visual picture of person, or animal being described, such as My favourite teacher; Cockatoo
(a specific bird) by explaining the characteristics, appearance,  physical  features,  or
anything  relate  to  what  the  writer describes. Generic structure of descriptive text are
identification and description. The language features of descriptive are Focusing on a specific
object, Generally using Present Tense ,Using linking verbs and verbs to classify things and
describe appearances, characteristics, parts, and functions, Frequently using pre- and post-
modified noun phrases, Using adjectives and adverbs to add information to nouns and verbs
in the provision of detailed information, Using adverbial phrases of manner, place, or time,
Using words explaining characteristics features (size, shape, location, color, etc), Using
details to visualize the topic, Providing examples (using the phrases for instance, such as, to
illustrate, or to demonstrate), and Using the topic word or the topic-synonymous word

Learning Activity 2
In this activity i still learned about desriptive text but in different object, they are things and
places . It can be said that any descriptive text is a meaningful text that describes and reveals
particular thing or place. The purpose of the text to give a visual picture of a thing, such as
my favourite books that describe specific books, or a picture of a tourism place, such as
Komodo National Park by explaining its features, forms, types, location, or anything related
to what the writer describes. The purpose of the descriptive text is clear, that is to describe,
represent or reveal an object, either abstract or concrete. Explanation and examples of this
descriptive text helped me as English teachers who are still a long journey to learn English.
By analyzing the social function, as well as the language features that are mostly used in this
kind of text, i understand it more.

Learning Activity 3
In this activity i have learned about report text, specifically in classifying report and
compositional report. By observing and identifying report texts in spoken and written types, i
learned purpose of the report text or its social function, as well as the language features that
are mostly found in this kind of text. Report text is text which concerned with general
categories of things rather than events and happenings and with informing about technical
and scientific topics. Generic Structure of report text are Opening general statement/general
classification and Facts about various aspects of the subject. There are differences in social
function of this text. The function of Classifying report is to organize and describe a field or
topic into a class and subclass hierarchy. And the function of Compositional Report is to
organize and describe a field or topic according to its part (a part or whole part). Language
Features of report text are Use simple present tense, Use action verb, Use nouns or noun
phrases, Use linking verb and Descriptive language. This module tries to dissolve theory and
practice with clear pedagogic intent of equipping me with a generative set of knowledge of
report text.

Learning Activity 4
In this activity i have learned about comparative report and historical report. The social
function of comparative report is to identify the similarities and differences between two or
more classes or things. The social function of Historical report is to give information about
the way things were in relation to a particular historical period or side. Language Features of
this text are Generalised participants are initially represented in simple noun groups, Relating
verbs link an entity with its attributes, Timeless present tense (with the exception of an
historical report) and Attitudinal vocabulary is unusual as the emphasis is on facts rather on
In the forum discussion we discuss about the similarities and differences between descriptive
and report text. The similarities of Both the report and descriptive text try to show rather than
tell the reader about the factual condition of the object.  Readers by themselves will catch the
impressive point of the object through that showing writing style. The diffrences is the scope
of the written object. If we talk about, eg: bicycle, it belongs to report text. It will talk about
bicycle in general; its parts, physical strengh, function for certain people or other general
characters of bike. In the other hand, descriptive text will convey more focus, for example
"my bicycle" with its specific characters; colour, lengh, wheel style, etc.

The materials in this module is related to basic of competence for junior high school student.
I am junior high teacher and i have taught the materials in my class. By learning this module i
get more knowledges about descriptive and report text, especially in types of report text.
Overall, materials in module 3 are very interesting and usefull for me as an english teacher. I
hope I can apply my new knowledges to improve my teaching skill in my class.

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