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Studi Kasus 1 – Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition that causes parts of the brain to stop functioning
properly over time. It is caused by a mutation in the Huntingtin gene (HTT), which plays an important role
in neurons in the brain. The study conducted at the University of Barcelona, published in the journal Acta
Neuropathologica has identified brain derived small RNA, (sRNAs) molecules that do not code proteins,
but do have important functions in the regulation of gene expression. The core objective of the study was
to understand the toxicity mechanisms of sRNAs that are created in the brain of patients with Huntington’s
disease, as their identification is vital to understanding how the disease evolves, and to manufacture the
right treatments, such as drugs and therapeutic strategies. To do this, the researchers isolated sRNAs from
the brain of patients with and without Huntington’s disease, to use them as a comparative model. They then
administrated the molecules into the brains of healthy mice so they could study whether the mice developed
abnormalities like those in the human disease.

The results of the experiment showed that sRNAs in patients with Huntington’s are enough to cause a
similar pathology in healthy mice, which includes “motor alterations, transcriptional changes similar to
those observed in the human disease and mice models, specific affectation of the most affected neuronal
type during the course of the disease, neuronal loss and neuroinflammation,” said Eulàlia Martí, one of
the researchers. The results highlight a new view on the role of the different types of sRNAs in the
progression of Huntington’s disease. Martí commented: “To date, researchers showed that both the mHTT
protein and the RNA that codes it and which has CAG repeats, contribute to neurotoxicity. However, toxic
effects related to RNAs with CAG repeats do not explain certain alterations that are important within the
context of the pathology, for instance, the specific neuronal affectation or transcriptional alterations. These
results – the researcher continues –, show different types of sRNAs created in the patients’ brains would be
likely to take part in the pathogenesis. “Understanding the dynamics of the expression of toxic classes in
brain regions and in the evolution of the disease is crucial to have a full view of their implication in the
pathological process”. With further research, the molecules could become potential biomarkers of the
disease, as evidence highlights that changes in the expression of RNAs takes place before symptoms start
to show. Martí concluded that as well as this, the results of the experiment could impact treatments for
other diseases. Adding: “Alterations in the sRNAs expression are detected early in many neurodegenerative
diseases, and therefore, we can find a broader study field to understand what classes can contribute to
specific aspects related to neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation”


Rumusan Masalah

1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Biomarker? Bagaimana aplikasi biomarker terhadap penyakit
huntington? Selidikilah cara kerja dari biomarker.
2. Bagaimana cara biomarker untuk huntington dibuat? Apakah biomarker untuk huntington
memungkinkan dibuat di Indonesia?
3. Bagaimana dengan bahan baku dan proses pembuatan biomarker untuk huntington?
4. Apakah ada solusi alternatif berupa obat tradisional Indonesia yang memiliki efek menyerupai
terapi huntington? Bahan dan zat apa yang digunakan?
Studi Kasus 2 – Autoimmune Diseases
SYDNEY - Australian researchers say an "incredible" discovery could allow new treatments for asthma
and prevent autoimmune diseases and life-threatening anaphylaxis. They have found a natural way the
body stops rogue antibodies causing disease through a protein called neuritin. Allergies and autoimmune
diseases, where the body's defenses turn rogue and target healthy tissue, are increasing in adults and
children, but researchers aren’t quite sure why.

At the Australian National University, scientists have found that humans have their own mechanisms for
fighting back against these pathogenic antibodies that can cause autoimmunity or allergies. Professor
Carola Vinuesa said it’s an exciting discovery. “We found a protein called neuritin that is made by our
own immune system, and we never knew before that our immune system could make this protein, and it
proves to be quite important to prevent allergies autoimmune diseases,” she said. Neuritin is like a
supercharged antihistamine, the type of drug commonly used to treat allergy symptoms. Vinuesa hopes the
research could provide a completely new approach to current treatments for immune conditions, which can
have a debilitating effect on patients. “We tend to either dampen the entire immune system or use drugs
that tend to either eliminate an entire cell type or some products of the immune system that normally are
required to fight infection,” she said. “So, by using one of our own products that our own body produces,
we could leave most of the immune system, or all of the immune system, intact, and simply enhance our
own defense mechanisms against allergy and autoimmunity.” Researchers say there are more than 80
known autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis.The Australian study began five years ago and
used genetically engineered mice and human cells grown in a laboratory. It was published in the science
journal Cell.

Sumber :

Rumusan Masalah
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan penyakit autoimun? Bagaimana perlakuan medis terhadap
pasien autoimun.
2. Bagaimana korelasi obat anti-histamin terhadap penyakit autoimun? Jelaskan farmakologi
dan farmakokinetiknya!
3. Apa bahan baku dari obat autoimun dan bagaimana cara proses pembuatannya?
4. Bagaimana solusi pengobatan alternatif dari penyakit autoimun di Indonesia?
Studi Kasus 3 – Stroke - Penelitian baru menemukan pasien Covid-19 yang dirawat di rumah sakit memiliki risiko
lebih tinggi terkena stroke, dibandingkan dengan pasien yang memiliki kondisi infeksi serupa seperti
influenza dan sepsis pada penelitian sebelumnya. Untuk analisis ini, para peneliti mengakses Daftar
Penyakit Kardiovaskular Covid-19 American Heart Association untuk menyelidiki risiko stroke di antara
pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit karena Covid-19, baik dari karakteristik demografis mereka, riwayat
medis, dan kelangsungan hidup di rumah sakit. Data Registri Covid-19 yang diambil untuk penelitian ini
mencakup lebih dari 20.000 pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit dengan Covid-19 di seluruh AS antara
Januari hingga November 2020. Penulis utama Dr. Saate Shakil, spesialis kardiologi di Universitas
Washington mengatakan, bahwa temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa Covid-19 dapat meningkatkan risiko
stroke, meskipun mekanisme pastinya masih belum diketahui. Pasien Covid-19 yang mengalami stroke
lebih cenderung berjenis kelamin laki-laki (64%) dan berusia lebih tua dengan usia rata-rata 65,
dibandingkan mereka yang tidak mengalami stroke dengan usia rata-rata 61. Studi tersebut mengungkap,
bahwa 44% pasien stroke iskemik menderita diabetes tipe 2, dibandingkan dengan sekitar sepertiga pasien
yang tidak mengalami stroke. Delapan dari 10 pasien stroke iskemik memiliki tekanan darah tinggi,
dibandingkan dengan 58% pasien non-stroke. Dalam studi ini juga tampak bahwa fibrilasi atrium gangguan
irama jantung ditemukan pada 18% pada pasien stroke iskemik dan 9% pada mereka yang tidak mengalami
stroke. Shakil menekankan, stroke memiliki konsekuensi sulitnya pemulihan diri dari Covid-19, sehingga
menyebabkan pasien harus menghadapi jalan yang sulit untuk bertahan hidup. Covid-19 dan stroke secara
beriringan dapat menimbulkan kerugian yang signifikan pada pasien yang memiliki kedua kondisi tersebut.
"Saat pandemi berlanjut, kami menemukan bahwa virus corona bukan hanya penyakit pernapasan, tetapi
penyakit pembuluh darah yang dapat memengaruhi banyak sistem organ," kata Shakil dalam rilis berita.
“Sehingga lebih penting dari sebelumnya bagi kita untuk mengekang penyebaran Covid-19 melalui
intervensi kesehatan masyarakat dan distribusi vaksin yang meluas," pungkasnya.

Sumber :

Rumusan Masalah
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan penyakit stroke? Bagaimana pencegahan dan pnenanganan
penyakit stroke?
2. Bagaimana cara kerja obat stroke? Fungsi pengobatan apa saja yang sering digunakan
melalui jaringan otak? Berikan salah satu contoh obat dan analisis farmakologinya!
3. Bahan baku apa saja yang dibutuhkan dalam memproduksi obat stroke? Berikan BFD
proses pembuatannya!
4. Bagaimana pengobatan alternatif penyakit stroke di Indonesia? Bandingkan dengan obat
tradisional dari negara lainnya.
Studi Kasus 4 – Diabetes mellitus
SINGAPORE: Testosterone may not only affect a man's appearance and sex drive, it may also be
a factor in managing metabolic diseases like Type 2 diabetes. When a man has testosterone deficiency,
increasing the level of the male hormone could increase insulin sensitivity, which could in turn improve his
sugar level, according to urologist Dr Joe Lee. "An appropriate level of testosterone can help improve
insulin sensitivity and provide better sugar control. At the same time, with his fatigability reduced, it is
easier for the patient to start exercising and succeed in weight control," he said. Fatigability, or the
tendency to feel tired all the time, is one of the symptoms of testosterone deficiency, which is defined by a
persistently low level of the hormone. Other symptoms include sexual dysfunction, poor memory and
concentration, as well as mood swings. Men who show such symptoms while living with diabetes should
have their testosterone level checked, Dr Lee said. Twelve is considered a normal level for total
testosterone, he added. Dr Lee, director of Andrology & Male Reproductive Medicine at the National
University Hospital, said that between 15 and 25 per cent of men with diabetes may have low testosterone,
based on published data. “I do recommend that doctors managing diabetes patients check the testosterone
levels of patients who have significant symptoms of testosterone deficiency such as fatigability, weakness
and reduced sexual function,” Dr Lee said. Another group of patients who should get checked are those
who face “great challenge” getting their diabetes under control despite dietary restrictions and
medications, he added. However, Dr Lee stressed: “We do not recommend checking the testosterone levels
of every diabetic man, to avoid over-testing the men who do not have a testosterone problem." When low
testosterone is first detected, patients are advised to adopt some lifestyle adjustments like being more active
and eating healthily. “If lifestyle modification does not show an improvement in the testosterone levels or
symptoms, testosterone replacement therapy can be considered,” Dr Lee said. Testosterone replacement is
commonly done through testosterone injections every three months, testosterone gel or testosterone tablets.
Dr Lee stressed that testosterone therapy is not the main treatment for diabetes, but an "adjunct" treatment.
“The patients who benefit have to be patients who are proactive in managing their lifestyle and risk factors.
It cannot be left to just testosterone. It’s not a wonder drug,” he said. However, Dr Lim said that whether
or not the patient has low testosterone levels, the diabetes "can still be and should be adequately
controlled". "We have so many drugs now for diabetes, with more coming out as we speak," said Dr Lim,
who is also president of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies.
Sumber :

Rumusan Masalah
1. Apa yang dimaksud penyakit diabetes mellitus dan bagaimana efek yang ditimbulkan dari
penyakit tersebut? Bagaimana cara mencegah penyakit diabetes mellitus?
2. Obat apa yang sering digunakan untuk mengobat penyakit ini? Bagaimana dengan kondisi
farmakologi obat yang sering digunakan di Indonesia?
3. Bagaimana porses pembuatan obat diabetes? Bahan baku apa saja yang digunakan dalam
proses tersebut? Gambarkan proses dalam bentuk BFD!
4. Bagaimana dengan efek samping obat diabetes? Apakah ada alternatif obat tradisional yang
dapat menyembukan atau mencegah penyakit diabetes?
Studi Kasus 5 – GERD - Penyakit GERD yang kerap membuat penderitanya merasa panas di dada seringkali
dikaitkan dengan kondisi psikologis penderitanya. GERD bahkan disebut dapat memicu panic attack
(serangan panik). Namun, benarkah demikian? Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Konsultan
Gastroenterologi Hepatologi RS Pondok Indah, dr Hasan Maulahela SpPD-KGEH menjawabnya dalam
bincang-bincang Sains Talk, Kamis (11/2/2021). Dia menegaskan bahwa panic attack dengan
GERD memang berhubungan sekali. "Memang banyak sekali pasien yang tercetus panic attack-nya itu
karena GERD," kata dia. - Penyakit GERD yang kerap membuat penderitanya merasa panas
di dada seringkali dikaitkan dengan kondisi psikologis penderitanya. GERD bahkan disebut dapat memicu
panic attack (serangan panik). Namun, benarkah demikian? Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Konsultan
Gastroenterologi Hepatologi RS Pondok Indah, dr Hasan Maulahela SpPD-KGEH menjawabnya dalam
bincang-bincang Sains Talk, Kamis (11/2/2021). Dia menegaskan bahwa panic attack dengan
GERD memang berhubungan sekali. "Memang banyak sekali pasien yang tercetus panic attack-nya itu
karena GERD," kata dia.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) adalah kelainan sistem pencernaan yang mempengaruhi kinerja
otot kerongkongan bagian bawah (otot LES). Penyakit ini diakibatkan oleh refluks asam lambung di
kerongkongan (esofagus) dan kerap menyebabkan rasa dada terbakar (heartburn) atau gangguan
pencernaan. Refluks asam lambung dapat terjadi karena sfingter (otot katup) esofagus tidak menutup
dengan benar atau cukup erat, sehingga tidak dapat bekerja dengan baik. Sementara itu, panic attack atau
serangan panik adalah gejala gangguan panik yang merupakan suatu serangan ketakutan yang intens atau
kuat. Meskipun tidak ada bahaya yang nyata atau penyebab yang jelas, serangan panik ini bisa memicu
berbagai gejala fisik yang parah. Bahkan pada kondisi dan pasien tertentu, panic attack itu sendiri bisa
terasa sangat menakutkan. Sebab, panic attack bisa membuat penderitanya merasa kehilangan kontrol
terhadap gejala yang dialaminya, dan seakan-akan sedang mengalami serangan jantung, stroke atau bahkan
sedang menghadapi kematian.
Sumber :

Rumusan Masalah
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan GERD? Bagaimana gejala penyakitnya? Obat apa yang sering
digunakan dalam proses pengobatan penyakit ini di Indonesia?
2. Bagaimana dengan ketersediaan obat tersebut di Indonesia? Apa saja bahan baku obat
GERD yang beredar di Indonesia?
3. Bagaimana cara memproses obat GERD di Industri farmasi? Berikan analisis standar
keamanan proses yang dibutuhkan oleh industri tersebut!
4. Apakah ada alternatif obat tradisional untuk penyakit GERD?
Studi Kasus 6 – Bronchitis Diseases
Chronic bronchitis is one of the two main types of chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). The other is
emphysema. Most people with COPD have symptoms of both conditions. In chronic bronchitis, swollen
airways and excessive mucus production cause a chronic cough and difficulty breathing. Many people hear
the persistent cough associated with chronic bronchitis and wonder if it is contagious. Over 16 million
people have been diagnosed with COPD in the United States. Of these, over 3.8 million were diagnosed
with emphysema, and nine million were diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. Chronic inflammation in the
bronchi, airway obstruction, and chronic mucus production cause changes throughout the lungs. Many
people who have chronic bronchitis eventually develop emphysema as well.
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, branching tubes going into the lungs. These tubes carry air
to and from the lungs. When the bronchial tubes become inflamed and swollen, less air can pass through
them. Inflammation causes increased mucus production, which leads to an irritating cough when trying to
clear the mucus. The inflammation may last a short period after an upper respiratory infection or may be
chronic. Acute bronchitis usually develops after a cold or upper respiratory infection, and it improves
within a few days without residual effects. Chronic bronchitis is more serious and develops slowly over
time, sometimes months or even years. Because the symptoms of chronic bronchitis develop so slowly, many
people do not notice how bad their symptoms have become. Acute bronchitis usually starts with a runny
nose, sore throat, chills, and low-grade fever. As the infection moves from the nose and throat into the
lungs, a dry cough usually develops. The bronchi become inflamed and mucus production is increased. At
this point, you may notice a productive cough, wheezing, and chest tightness. In acute bronchitis, these
symptoms are limited to no more than three weeks. Those with chronic bronchitis usually have a persistent
cough and are frequently smokers. Smoking damages the cilia, tiny whip-like structures that beat dust and
dirt out of the airway. Chronic bronchitis may develop after multiple episodes of acute bronchitis.
Sumber :

Rumusan Masalah
1. Apa yang dimaksud penyakit bronchitis dan penyakit turunannya? Bagaimana farmakologi
dari obat tersebut?
2. Bahan baku apa saja yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatannya? Berikan gambaran BFD
dari produksi obat tersebut!
3. Jelaskan cara kerja zat aktif dari obat tersebut dan berikan juga faktor-faktor yang perlu
diperhatikan untuk mencegah efek samping berkepanjangan!
4. Apakah ada alternatif obat tradisional Indonesia yang dapat memberikan efek yang relatif
sama? Jelaskan bahan-bahan yang digunakan beserta zat aktifnya!
Studi Kasus 7 – Sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease of unknown cause that can affect several organs in the body,
especially the lungs, a condition known as pulmonary sarcoidosis. Patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis can
experience persistent dry cough, shortness of breath, fatigue or chest pain. Chest pain is one of the most
common complaints seen by emergency care providers. Emergency clinicians must be able to differentiate
the different causes of chest pain to minimize both acute and long-term morbidity and mortality.
Researchers at Kingman Regional Medical Center, Arizona, reported the case of a patient with chest pain
who was diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis. The patient, a 36-year-old white man, was admitted to the
hospital after experiencing four months of left-sided chest pain and shortness of breath. The man
complained of a chronic dry cough he had for several years, which was not associated with disease or
exercise. He denied ever smoking or having family history of autoimmune or genetic diseases. Upon arrival
at the hospital, the man’s physical examination and laboratory values were within normal limits. These
included vital signs, lung sounds (egophony), cardiac rhythm (electrocardiogram) and blood testing. Lung
imaging tests, including chest radiography and computed tomography, showed nodules on both sides of the
lungs, but appeared to be worse on the left side. Discussing with the pulmonology department, the medical
team considered lymphoma, tuberculosis, fungal infections, and pulmonary sarcoidosis as possible
diagnoses. Bronchoalveolar lavage — a procedure in which a fluid is squirted into a small portion of the
lung and then aspirated to be analyzed — was negative for both fungal and bacterial infections, as well as
for malignant cells. Lung biopsies, in which a small piece of lung tissue is removed to be examined, revealed
clumps of inflamed immune cells known as granulomas. The man was diagnosed with stage 3 pulmonary
sarcoidosis, which is characterized by granulomas present in the lungs only. The man started treatment
with prednisone daily and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim combination therapy three times a week for eight
weeks. All symptoms resolved after treatment. “Although emergency clinicians are trained in diagnosing
and treating the deadly causes of chest pain, they must take one step further when diagnosing a patient with
a relatively low-risk disease,” the researchers wrote. “Although not normally a cause of short-term
morbidity or mortality, pulmonary sarcoidosis should be considered as an acute cause of chest pain in the
correct patient population and should be managed aggressively to prevent long-term complications from
the disease,” the team added.

Sumber :

Rumusan Masalah
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan penyakit sarcoidosis? Bagaimana penanganan medis yang
diperlakukan pada pasien?
2. Obat apa yang diberikan pada pasien sarcoidosis? Bagaimana dengan farmakologi dan
farmakokinetik dari obat tersebut?
3. Bagaimana proses pembuatan obat sarcoidosis?
4. Apakah ada pengobatan alternatif untuk penyakit sarcoidosis, terutama di Indonesia?
Jelaksan bahan obat tradisional yang digunakan!
Studi Kasus 8 – Radang Kelenjar Getah Bening - Tubuh manusia memiliki kelenjar getah bening yang berperan untuk membantu melawan
infeksi, baik disebabkan oleh bakteri maupun virus. Pada dasarnya, kelenjar getah bening terdapat di
seluruh tubuh, namun jika terjadi gangguan, kondisi pembengkakan hanya terjadi di area leher, ketiak, dan
di bawah dagu. Kelenjar getah bening bagian dari sistem kekebalan manusia, sehingga jika terinfeksi, getah
bening akan membengkak dan memberikan tanda. Melansir dari Mayo Clinic, pembengkakan kelenjar
getah bening merupakan kondisi ketika kelenjar getah bening atau gumpalan sebesar kacang yang berisi sel
darah putih mengalami pembesaran. Ada beberapa tanda yang biasa muncul ketika kelenjar getah bening
mengalami gangguan, salah satunya ialah kelenjar getah bening terasa keras saat ditekan. Di samping itu,
ada beberapa penyebab ketika getah bening mengalami gangguan seperti infeksi, campak, HIV/AIDS,
hingga kanker. Biasanya, terdapat ciri-ciri tertentu saat getah bening mengalami gangguan.
Sumber :

Rumusan Masalah
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan penyakit radang kelenjar getah bening? Bagaimana gejala
penyakit tersebut? Faktor apa saja yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit ini?
2. Ambilah 1 contoh obat radang kelenjar getah bening di Indonesia dan analisislah
3. Bagaimana proses dan bahan baku pembuatan obat tersebut?
4. Bagaimana alternatif dari pengobatan penyakit tersebut dengan menggunakan obat
tradisional Indonesia? Apakah memungkinakan obat tradisional tersebut digunakan untuk
tindakan preventif? Berikan contoh beserta bahan-bahan yang digunakan!

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