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12 September 2013
Danilo Mata, MD Physiologic Monitoring
Things done well and with a care, exempt themselves from fear. of Surgical Patients
-William Shakespeare

o Patients who need continued cardiopulmonary support

[TransGroup’s note: Orange texts are those from Dr. Mata’s or continued invasive monitoring to avoid major
ppt. Tables and figures with orange borders and contain black morbidity and death should be transferred to an
texts are also from his ppt. Others are from Schwartz and intensive care unit.
Way] o Intermediate care is usually provided on an inpatient
nursing unit until the patient's recovery can continue at
OUTLINE PAGE home during the convalescent phase.
Surgical Care: Introduction 1
Pre-operative Care 1  In admitting a patient for surgery, the following questions
should be answered:
Diagnosis 1
1. Is the diagnosis firmly established?
Pre-operative Evaluation 2
2. Has the disease and the procedure been adequately
Techniques 2 explained?
Risk Assessment 2 3. Is there a need for further assessments to stage the
Operative Severity 3 disease or to deal with other diseases?
Factors Affecting Operative Risk 3 4. How risky is the operation?
Pre-operative Preparation 3 5. Are corrections of blood volume, nutritional status or
Surgical Care* 3 electrolyte imbalances needed?
Post-operative Care 4 6. What are the prophylaxis measures needed?
Hemodynamic Monitoring 5 7. What are the particular preparations required prior or
during the surgery?
Respiratory Monitoring 11
Renal Monitoring 11
Neurologic Monitoring 12

GENERAL BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE  Cardiovascular System (Myocardial

 Understand the importance of assessment of patient prior Infarction)
to surgery to identify risk factor for adverse event and to  Respiratory System
initiate appropriate treatment  Blood Pressure
 Diabetes
 care of the patient with a major surgical problem commonly  Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke)
involves distinct phases of management that occur in the  Drugs, Allergies and Alcohol
following sequence  Reactions to Anesthesia
 RS
 Nutritional Status
 Diagnostic
 Mental Status
 Pre-op Evaluation
 Neck, Jaw and Presence of Dentures
 Pre-op Preparation
 Routine
2. PERI-OPERATIVE Investigators
 Special
 Anesthesia
 Operation
This can be established by a combination:
 Post Anesthetic Observation
 Intensive Care
 Intermediate Care  Chronology of OPD notes
 Convalescent Care The  Chronology of correspondence or
patient’s consultations
document  Report of laboratories, radiological and
 Preoperative care: histopathological investigations
o diagnostic workup is concerned primarily with
 Complete history and PE
determining the cause and extent of the present illness The Patient
 Note any changes in S/Sx
o Preoperative evaluation consists of an overall
The  Complete any missing links
assessment of the patient's general health in order to
Family/  Ask for any voluntary information
identify significant abnormalities that might increase
operative risk or adversely influence recovery
o Preoperative preparation includes interventions
dictated by the findings on diagnostic workup and OBJECTIVES
preoperative evaluation, and by the nature of the  Diagnosis
expected operation  Cause
 Postoperative Care  Extent of Disease (Staging)
o postanesthetic observation phase of management is  Operability
the few hours immediately after operation during which  Informed Consent
the acute reaction to operation and the residual effects
of anesthesia subside

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 Comprehensive
 Goals: Age
1. To assess patient’s overall state of health Cardiovascular
2. To decrease risk of surgical treatment Respiratory Diseases
3. To guide pre-operative preparation Risk Smoking
Factors GI: Malnutrition, Jaundice and Adhesions
 Patient’s General Health Obesity
o Hemodynamic function Diabetes
o Respiratory rate Surgeon and Operative Severity
o CNS function Age
 Significant Abnormality  Distinction must be made between physiologic
 Operative Risk state and chronological age
 American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status:  Age less mobile, intercurrent disease, less
physiological reserve
Class Physical Status  Condition with regards to IVF and narcotic
1 Normal healthy patient analgesia
2 Patient w/ mild systemic disease  More likely to have wound infections
3 Patient w/ severe systemic disease  In 65 y/o, CVA 1%
Patient w/ severe systemic disease that is a  In 80 y/o, CVA 3%
4 Factors
constant threat to life Obesity
Moribund patient who is not expected to  BMI>30
5  Increased risk in:
survive w/o operation
Declared brain-dead patient whose organs are  Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
6  Wound infection and Dehiscence (wound
being removed for donor purposes
rupture along surgical suture)
 Respiratory complications & sleep apnea
 Intercurrent diseases
 Operative difficulty
 Present Illness  Relative risk of mortality: 3-5
 Past History Predictors
 Concurrent Disease: Major
Endocrine Diabetes  Unstable coronary syndrome
Hypertension, Myocardial  Decompensated Cardiac Heart Failure (CHF)
Infarction (MI)  Significant arrhythmia
Respiratory COPD  Severe valvular disease
Coagulopathy Hemophilia Intermediate
Kidneys Renal Failure  Mild angina
Liver Cirrhosis  Compensated Congestive Cardiac Failure
 Drugs (CCF)
 Radiotherapy  DM
 Head to toe  History of MI
 Local examination Minor
 Hemodynamics:CV  Age
 Respiration  Abnormal ECG, etc.
P. E. III:
 Neuro Exam Cardio-
 Radiotherapy: Pelvic Exam Actions
 Pap Smear Evaluation
 Sigmoidoscopy  Clinical, specialist opinion, ECG, chest x-ray,
 Blood Count echocardiogram, others
 Blood Chemistry: Renal and Liver Function If Major:
Tests  Cancel unless life-threatening
 Urinalysis: T3, T4, Free T4 index  Consider coronary artery bypass grafting
 X-ray (CABG) prior to elective surgery
 ECG If Intermediate:
 Hemostatic Function Test  Objective performance
 Lung Function Test: FVC, FEV1 Hypertension
 X-ray: angiography, CT scan, radionuclear  Indicates coronary artery disease (CAD)
SPECIAL  More likely to develop hypotension during
 Ultrasound
TEST surgery
 Echocardiography
 MRI  Control prior to surgery
 Blood Gas Analysis Estimate Functions:
CONSULT  Anethesiologist  Clinical and specialist opinion
 Cardiologist  ABG
 Spirometry: FEV1/FVC, PEFR (Peak Expiratory
Flow Rate)

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Chest Infections: o Infection

 Postpone for 2 weeks o Hypoxia
 Antibiotics and prophylaxis o Hypothermia
Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease  Jaundice and anemia
(COAD)  Splenic infarctions: sepsis
 Consult with specialist  Prevention: warm, well hydrated, well
 Reschedule surgery analogleed
Plan to transfer to ICU for mechanical  Consider exchange transfusion in saline salt
ventilation; Correct coagulopathies
 Pending: lung function, type and duration of
Procedures under LA (laparoscopy ata to)
 10 cigarettes=6 fold increase post-op Minor
Uncomplicated hernia
respiratory complications
 CO has higher affinity in haemoglobin than O2 Appendectomy
 Nicotine increases HR and BP Moderate Cholecystectomy
 Hypersecretion of thick mucus Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP)
 Stop for 3 months prior to operation to Laparotomy
improve pulmonary functions Bowel resection
 Stop 1 to 2 days to decrease CO levels Abdominoperineal (AP) resection
Gastro-Intestinal Diseases Major + Hepatico-pancreatic surgery
Malnutrition Emergency surgery
 Loss of 15-30% body weight is associated
with severe impairment of physiological SPECIFIC FACTORS AFFECTING OPERATIVE RISK
 No evidence of benefit of preop feeding
Adhesion 1. Nutritional Assessment
 Higher risk for bowel injury and subsequent Increase death rate
fistula formation Weight Loss >20%
Increase infection rate
 Longer duration of surgery Albumin ≥ 3g%
Jaundice Lab Test
Transferrin ≥ 150 mg%
 Poses a risk for: Supportive Therapy Weight Loss > 10% B.W.
o Sepsis
o Clotting d/o 2. Assessment of Immune Competence
o Renal failure  Immune deficiency directly proportional to malnutrition
o Liver failure  Tests:
o Fluid and electrolyte abnormalities o Lymphocyte count ≥ 1000/mm3
o Drug metabolism o Cell-mediated immunity via skin test
Management: 3. Factors leading to increase infection
 Vitamin K a. Drugs
 Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)  Corticosteroid  Cytotoxic
 Hydration and diuretics and lactuloase  Prolonged antibiotic use  Immunosuppressive
 Antibiotics  Radiotherapy + steroid agents
Risk  Nutrition b. Renal Failure
Factors Renal Disorders c. Immunologic deficiency
V  Identify the causes:  Lymphoma  Granulocytopenia
Cardiac  Leukemia  Decreased γ-globulin
Hypovolemia d. Diabetes mellitus
Acute tubular necrosis B. PULMONARY DYSFUNCTION
(drug inducers)  Importance
Post-renal Obstructive uropathy a. Major intrathoracic operation
 Identify patients for renal dialysis b. Major abdominal operation
 Check potassium levels c. Major intracranial operation
 Accurate fluid balance
o Look for signs of fluid overload C. DELAYED WOUND HEALING
o Do not misinterpret polyuremic phase  Decreased protein  Dehydration
Hematologic Disorders  Vit. C deficiency  Edema
Anemia  Severe anemia  Infection
 Correction 1 week pre-op  Drugs  Radiation
 Obesity
 Correction day preop is undesirable
 Hemodilution D. DRUG EFFECTS
Thrombocytopenia Hypersensitivity
 In splenomegaly, platelets must be transfused
immediately preop and on ligating the arterial PRE-OPERATIVE PREPARATION
supply  Before operation, consider:
Sickle Cell Disease o Wound
 Crisis caused by: o Physical stress
o Dehydration o Physical trauma

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 Hence, surgeons must practice GOOD PREAPARATION: primary responsibility for cardiopulmonary
Drugs  surgeon is responsible for the operative
 Bronchodilator site and all other aspects of the care not
 Anti-thyroid drug directly related to the effects of anesthesia
Pre-operative  Patients who require continuing ventilatory
Treatment or circulatory support or who have other
 Chest physiotherapy
 Postural damage conditions that require frequent monitoring
 Stop smoking are transferred to ICU
 Nature and purpose of preop study  starts with complete recovery from
Inform the anesthesia and lasts for the rest of the
 Risks and consequences of surgical
Patient hospital stay
procedures Intermediate
 patient or the patient's legal guardian  patient recovers most basic functions and
Operative becomes self-sufficient and able to
must sign (in advance) a permit
Permit continue convalescence at home
authorizing a major or minor operation
Skin penetration  transition period from the time of hospital
 Do the evening before operation discharge to full recovery
 Wash with soap and water  During the first two phases, care is principally directed at
 Shower maintenance of homeostasis, treatment of pain, and
 Shaving done immediately before prevention and early detection of complications.
 Omit :
Solid food 12 hrs prior to op
 Decreased lung function:
Fluids 8 hrs prior to op o Decreased vital capacity
Enema o Decreased functional residual capacity
 Not routinely done o Lung edema
 Indications:  Acute Respiratory Failure
- Colon/rectal/anal operation RR > 22 (tachypnic)
- Abdominal operation Tidal Volume < 4 mL/kg (low)
Bedtime & pre-anaesthetic medication
PCO2 > 45 mmHg (acutely elevated)
Pre-operative Special Orders
PO2 < 60 mmHg (low)
Orders  Blood transfusion: type & cross-match
 Atelactasis
 Nasogastric tube
 Treatment includes:
- Emergency operation
o immediate endotracheal intubation
- patients w/ obstruction
o ventilatory support to ensure adequate alveolar
 Bladder catheter
- Hourly monitoring of urine
- Urinary retention FLUID AND ELECTROLYTE
- Abdomino-pelvic procedures  fluid replacement should be based on the following
 Venous access & hemodynamic considerations
monitoring (1) maintenance requirements
- Marked blood loss (2) extra needs resulting from systemic factors (eg, fever,
- CVP monitoring burns)
 Pre-operative hydration (3) losses from drains
 Continuing medications (4) requirements resulting from tissue edema and ileus
- Insulin (third space losses)
- Cardiac drugs  Daily maintenance requirements for sensible and insensible
- Antibiotics loss in the adult are about 1500–2500 mL depending on
 Prophylactic antibiotics the patient's age, gender, weight, and body surface area.
o rough estimate=multiply patient's weight in kilograms
SURGICAL CARE* by 30 (eg, 1800 mL/24 h in a 60-kg patient)
Very confusing ‘tong part ng ppt ni doc kasi lahat naman ng  Maintenance requirements are increased by fever,
procedures na ito ay SURGICAL CARE. Pero entries under this heading hyperventilation, and conditions that increase the catabolic
are very much similar sa Intro to Postoperative part ni Way. So we rate.
followed the Way way. :P
 Based on surgical procedure PAIN
o Surgical wound care  common sequela of intrathoracic, intra-abdominal, and
o Drainage care major bone or joint procedures.
o Position of extremity  limitation in motion due to pain sets the stage for venous
o Orthopedic traction stasis, thrombosis, and embolism
o Continuous suction  Gentle handling of tissues, expedient operations, and good
muscle relaxation help lessen the severity of postoperative
Divided into three phases:
 All patients should be monitored in PACU POST-OPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS
Immediate or
(Post-anesthesia Care Unit) initially  Types accdg. to timing:
following major procedures o Immediate
 anesthesiology service generally exercises

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o Early
o Delayed
 Cardio-repiratory- status
o Hypotension
o Bradycardia - tachycardia
o Hypo - hyperthermia
o Hypoglycemia
o Respiratory arrest (Atelectasis-most common
pulmonary complication; common among elderly or
o Cardiac arrest (Fluid overload in patients with limited
myocardial reserve is the most common cause)
 Coagulopathy
o Patients with hereditary coagulation disorders can
safely undergo surgical procedures, provided that a
diagnosis of the defect is made prior to surgery
o Coagulation factor replacement in the perioperative
period reduces the risk of bleeding complications in
these patients
 Surgical procedures
o Thyroid crisis (Both hyper- and hypothyroidism
represent serious problems for patients undergoing
surgery. It may be difficult to establish an adequate
airway in patients with large goiters. The hyperthyroid
patient undergoing surgery is apt to develop
hypertension, severe cardiac dysrhythmias, congestive
heart failure, and hyperthermia)
o Bowel/entero cutaneous – fistula
o Pneumothorax – tension (follow insertion of a *don’t forget the informed consent before performing
subclavian catheter or positive-pressure ventilation, operations
but it sometimes appears after an operation during
which the pleura has been injured (eg, nephrectomy or HEMODYNAMIC MONITORING
adrenalectomy)  Definition: Using invasive technology to provide
o Bleeding – hematoma quantitative information about vascular capacity, blood
o Wound dehiscence/infection volume; pump
o Burst abdomen  Additional information may be obtained if various
o Cardiac tamponade modifications of the standard pulmonary artery
o Compartment syndrome catheterization (PAC) are used.
o Urinoma  By combining data obtained through use of PAC with
results obtained by other means (i.e., blood Hgb
ALGORITHM FOR ELECTIVE SURGERY concentration and oxyhemoglobin saturation), derived
estimates of systemic O2 transport and utilization can be

Directly Measured and Derived Hemodynamically Data

Obtained via Bedside PAC
PAC w/
Standard PAC additional
CVP Sv O2 SV (or SVI)
Sv O2 (intermittent) RVEDV
QT or Q T* DO2
(intermittent) VO2


 Early detection, identification, and treatment of life-
threatening conditions such as heart failure and cardiac



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 is the degree of muscular fiber stretching present in the MEASUREMENT OF CARDIAC OUTPUT BY
ventricles right before systole THERMODILUTION
 is the amount of blood in a ventricle before it contracts;  Before the development of the pulmonary artery catheter
also known as “filling pressures” (PAC), determining cardiac output (QT) at the bedside
Preload of: Reflected by: required:
PCWP (Pulmonary Capillary Wedge o Careful measurements of O2 consumption (Fick
Left Ventricle Pressure) or pulmonary artery occlusion method) or
pressure (PAOP) o Spectrophotometric determination of indocyanine
Right Ventricle CVP (Central Venous Pressure) green dye dilution curves.
 Starling's law of the heart states that the force of muscle  Measurements of QT using the thermodilution technique:
contraction depends on the initial length of the cardiac o Simple and reasonably accurate
fibers o Can be performed repetitively, and the principle is
 is the stretch of ventricular myocardial tissue just before straightforward.
the next contraction o If a bolus of an indicator is rapidly and thoroughly
 determined by end-diastolic volume (EDV) mixed with a moving fluid upstream from a detector,
 PAOP or PCWP is measured by transiently inflating a balloon then the concentration of the indicator at the detector
at the end of a pressure monitoring catheter positioned in a will increase sharply and then exponentially diminish
small branch of the pulmonary artery, approximates left back to zero.
ventricular End-Diastolic Pressure  Area under the resulting time-concentration curve
o presence of atrioventricular valvular stenosis will alter o Function of the volume of indicator injected and the
this relationship flow rate of the moving stream of fluid.
 Clinicians frequently use EDP as a surrogate for EDV, but o Larger volumes of indicator result in greater areas
EDP is determined not only by volume but also by the under the curve
diastolic compliance of the ventricular chamber o Faster flow rates of the mixing fluid result in smaller
 Ventricular compliance is altered by various pathologic areas under the curve.
conditions and pharmacologic agents  When QT is measured by thermodilution:
 relationship between EDP and true preload is not linear, but o Indicator = heat
rather is exponential o Detector = temperature-sensing thermistor at the
distal end of the PAC
2. AFTERLOAD  Relationship used for calculating QT is called the
 another term derived from in vitro experiments using Stewart-Hamilton equation:
isolated strips of cardiac muscle
 defined as the force resisting fiber shortening once systole
begins o V = volume of the indicator injected
 factors comprising the in vivo correlate of ventricular o TB = temperature of blood (i.e., core body
afterload: temperature)
o ventricular intracavitary pressure o TI = temperature of the indicator
o wall thickness o K1 = constant that is the function of the specific heats
o chamber radius of blood and the indicator
o chamber geometry o K2 = empirically derived constant that accounts for
several factors:
3. CARDIAC OUTPUT (QT)  Dead space volume of the catheter
 is the amount of blood ejected from the ventricle in one  Heat lost from the indicator as it traverses the
minute catheter
 Injection rate of the indicator
o ∫TB(t)dt = area under the time-temperature curve
 Cardiac output indexed to body surface area
 Determination of cardiac output by the thermodilution
5. SYSTEMIC VASCULAR RESISTANCE (SVR) method is generally quite accurate, although it tends to
 Commonly approximates AFTERLOAD because the factors systematically overestimate QT at low values.
of afterload are difficult to assess clinically o Changes in blood temperature and QT during the
 defined as mean arterial pressure (MAP) divided by cardiac respiratory cycle can influence the measurement.
output o Results generally should be recorded as the mean of
two or three determinations obtained at random points
6. PULMONARY VASCULAR RESISTANCE (PVR) in the respiratory cycle.
7. CONTRACTILITY  Using cold injectate widens the difference between TB and
 defined as the inotropic state of the myocardium TI and thereby increases signal-to-noise ratio.
 said to increase when the force of ventricular contraction o Nevertheless, most authorities recommend using room
increases at constant preload and afterload temperature injectate (normal saline or 5% dextrose in
 Clinically, contractility is difficult to quantify, because water) to minimize errors resulting from warming of
virtually all of the available measures are dependent to a the fluid as it transferred from its reservoir to a syringe
certain degree on preload and afterload for injection.
 If pressure-volume loops are constructed for each cardiac  Technologic innovations have been introduced that permit
cycle, small changes in preload and/or afterload will result continuous measurement of QT by thermodilution. In this
in shifts of the point defining the end of diastole approach:
 These end-diastolic points on the pressure-versus-volume o Thermal transients are not generated by injecting a
diagram describe a straight line, known as the isovolumic bolus of a cold indicator, but rather by heating the
pressure line blood with a tiny filament located on the PAC upstream
 A steeper slope of this line indicates greater contractility from the thermistor.

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o By correlating the amount of current supplied to the PAC, it is somewhat less invasive and easier to
heating element with the downstream temperature of carry out
the blood, it is possible to estimate the average blood  By using a CVC equipped to permit fiber-optic
flow across the filament and thereby calculate QT. monitoring of ScvO2, it may be possible to titrate
 Based upon the results of several studies, the resuscitation of patients with shock using a
continuous determinations of QT using this less invasive device than the PAC.
approach agree well with data generated by
conventional measurements using bolus injections Right Ventricular Ejection Fraction
of a cold indicator.  Ejection fraction (EF)
o calculated as (EDV – ESV)/EDV, where ESV is end-
Mixed Venous Oximetry systolic volume
Fick equation: o is an ejection-phase measure of myocardial
QT =VO2/(CaO2 – Cv O2) contractility
o CaO2 = content of O2 in arterial blood and  By equipping a PAC with a thermistor with a short time
o Cv O2 = content of O2 in mixed venous blood constant, the thermodilution method can be used to
o Can be rearranged as follows: estimate RVEF.
Cv O2 = CaO2 – VO2/QT o Measurements of RVEF by thermodilution agree
o If the small contribution of dissolved O2 to Cv O2 and reasonably well with those obtained by other means,
CaO2 is ignored, the rearranged equation can be although values obtained by thermodilution typically
rewritten as: are lower than those obtained by radionuclide
Sv O2 = SaO2 – VO2/(QT x Hgb x 1.36),
 Stroke volume (SV) = EDV – ESV.
 Sv O2 = fractional saturation of Hgb in mixed venous
 Left ventricular stroke volume (LVSV)
blood; function of O2 (i.e., metabolic rate), QT,
o also equals QT/HR, where HR is heart rate.
SaO2, and Hgb
o Because LVSV is equal to RVSV, it is possible to
 SaO2 = fractional saturation of Hgb in arterial blood
estimate right ventricular end-diastolic volume by
 Hgb = concentration of Hgb in blood
measuring RVEF, QT, and HR.
 Subnormal values of Sv O2 can be caused by:
o  in QT (due, for example, to heart failure or
o  in SaO2 (due, for example, to intrinsic pulmonary  Computation constant is based on the:
disease) o Type of catheter
o  in Hgb (i.e., anemia) o Temperature (iced or room temp) of the injectate
o  in metabolic rate (due, for example, to seizures or o The number of mL’s (5mL vs 10mL) --- we use 10 mL of
fever) room temperature injectate for our regular swans, which
 With a conventional PAC, measurements of Sv O2 require requires a computation contant of 0.592
aspirating a sample of blood from the distal (i.e.,
pulmonary arterial) port of the catheter and injecting the TYPES OF CATHETERS USED FOR HEMODYNAMIC
sample into a blood gas analyzer. Therefore for practical MONITORING
purposes, measurements of SO2 can be performed only 1. Pulmonary Artery Catheter (Swan Ganz)
intermittently. 2. Arterial Pressure Catheters
 By adding a fifth channel to the PAC, it has become 3. Central Venous Pressure on CVP monitoring
possible to monitor Sv O2 continuously.
o Fifth channel contains two fiber-optic bundles, which GENERAL INDICATIONS FOR HEMODYNAMIC
are used to transmit and receive light of the MONITORING
appropriate wavelengths to permit measurements of 1. Potential or actual alteration in CO
Hgb saturation by reflectance spectrophotometry. 2. Potential or actual alteration in fluid volume
o Despite the theoretical value of being able to monitor
Sv O2 continuously, data are lacking to show that INDICATIONS FOR HEMODYNAMIC MONITORING
this capability favorably improves outcome.  Any deficit or loss of cardiac function: such as AMI, CHF,
 In a recent prospective, observational study of 3265 cardiomyopathy
patients undergoing cardiac surgery with either a standard  All types of shock: cardiogenic, neurogenic, or anaphylactic
PAC or a PAC with continuous SO2 monitoring:
o Oximetric catheter was associated with fewer arterial
blood gases and thermodilution cardiac output
determinations, but no difference in patient 1. Invasive catheter (Swan Ganz catheter)
2. Transducer
 Because PACs that permit continuous monitoring 3. Amplifier/recorder
of SO2 are much more expensive than
conventional PACs, the routine use of these Effect of Pulmonary Artery Catheterization on
devices cannot be recommended. Outcome
 Saturation of O2 in the right atrium or superior vena cava  concluded that placement of a PAC during the first 24 hours
(ScvO2) of stay in an ICU is associated with a significant increase in
o Correlates closely with Sv O2 over a wide range of the risk of mortality, even when statistical methods are
conditions, although the correlation between ScvO2 used to account for severity of illness
 confirmed the results of two prior similar observational
and Sv O2 has recently been questioned.
 Since measurement of ScvO2 requires placement
o Hospital mortality was significantly greater for patients
of a central venous catheter (CVC) rather than a
treated using a PAC, even when multivariate statistical
methods were used to control for key potential

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confounding factors such as age, peak circulating mortality or hospital length of stay between the
creatine kinase concentration, and presence or absence patients managed with a PAC and those managed
of new Q waves on the ECG. without a PAC.
o Hospital mortality was significantly greater for patients  ESCAPE trial (which was one of the studies included in the
managed with the assistance of a PAC, even when the previous meta-analysis) evaluated 433 patients with severe
presence or absence of "pump failure" was considered or recurrent congestive heart failure admitted to the ICU
in the statistical analysis. o There was no significant difference in the primary
Summary of Randomized, Prospective Clinical Trials endpoint of days alive and out of the hospital during
Comparing Pulmonary Artery Catheter with Central Venous the first 6 months, or hospital mortality (PAC 10%; vs.
Pressure Monitoring without PAC 9%).
Author Study Groups Outcomes o Adverse events were more common among patients in
Population the PAC group (21.9% vs. 11.5%; P = .04).
Pearson "Low-risk" CVP No differences among  Fluids and Catheters Treatment Trial (FACTT) conducted by
, et al patients catheter groups for mortality or the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Clinical
undergoing (group 1); length of ICU stay;
Trials Network:
cardiac or PAC (group significant differences in
vascular 2); PAC costs (group 1 < group 2 o Mortality during the first 60 days was similar in the
surgery with < group 3) PAC and CVC groups (27% and 26%; P = .69).
continuous o Duration of mechanical ventilation and ICU length of
Sv-O2, stay also were not influenced by the type of catheter
readout used.
(group 3) o Type of catheter used did not affect the incidence of
Tuman, Cardiac PAC; CVP No differences between
shock, respiratory or renal failure, ventilator settings,
et al surgical groups for mortality,
patients length of ICU stay, or or requirement for hemodialysis or vasopressors.
significant noncardiac o Catheter used did not affect the administration of fluids
complications or diuretics, and the fluid balance was similar in the
Bender, Vascular PAC; CVP No differences between two groups.
et al surgery groups for mortality, o PAC group had approximately twice as many catheter-
patients length of ICU stay, or related adverse events (mainly arrhythmias)
length of hospital stay  It is impossible to verify that use of the PAC saves lives
Valentin Aortic PAC + No difference between
when it is evaluated over a large population of patients.
e, et al surgery hemodyna groups for mortality or
patients mic length of ICU stay; Certainly, given the current state of knowledge, routine
optimizatio significantly higher use of the PAC cannot be justified.
n in ICU incidence of postoperative  Based upon the results and exclusion criteria in these
night before complications in PAC prospective randomized trials, reasonable criteria for
surgery; group perioperative monitoring without use of a PAC are
CVP presented in the table below.
Sandha "High-risk" PAC; CVP No differences between
m, et al major groups for mortality, Suggested Criteria for Perioperative Monitoring
surgery length of ICU stay; Without Use of a Pulmonary Artery Catheter in
increased incidence of
Patients Undergoing Cardiac or Major Vascular
pulmonary embolism in
PAC group Surgical Procedures
Harvey, Medical and PAC vs. no No difference in hospital No anticipated need for suprarenal or supraceliac aortic
et al surgical ICU PAC, with mortality between the cross-clamping
patients option for two groups, increased No history of myocardial infarction during 3 mo before
alternative incidence of complications operation
CO in the PAC group
No history of poorly compensated congestive heart failure
device in No history of coronary artery bypass graft surgery during 6
non-PAC wk before operation
group No history of ongoing symptomatic mitral or aortic valvular
Binanay Patients PAC vs. no No difference in hospital heart disease
, et al with CHF PAC mortality between the No history of ongoing unstable angina pectoris
two groups, increased
 One of the reasons for using a PAC to monitor critically
incidence of adverse
events in the PAC group ill patients is to optimize cardiac output and systemic
Wheeler Patients PAC vs. No difference in ICU or O2 delivery.
, et al with ALI CVC with a hospital mortality, or o Defining what constitutes the optimum cardiac output,
fluid and incidence of organ failure however, has proven to be difficult.
inotropic between the two groups;  Bland et al proposed that "goal-directed"
manageme increased incidence of hemodynamic resuscitation should aim to achieve
nt protocol adverse events in the
a QT greater than 4.5 L/min per square meter and
PAC group
O2 greater than 600 mL/min per square meter
ALI = acute lung injury; CHF = congestive heart failure; CO = cardiac
output; CVC = central venous catheter; CVP = central venous  Some studies provide support for the notion that
pressure; ICU = intensive care unit; PAC = pulmonary artery catheter; interventions designed to achieve supraphysiologic
Sv-O2 = fractional mixed venous (pulmonary artery) hemoglobin goals for O2, O2, and QT improve outcome.
saturation. - Other published studies do not support this
view, and a meta-analysis concluded that
 Recent meta-analysis of 13 randomized studies of the PAC interventions designed to achieve
that included more than 5000 patients supraphysiologic goals for O2 transport do not
o Use of the PAC was associated with an increased use of significantly reduce mortality rates in critically
inotropes and vasodilators, there were no differences in ill patients.

Agatep, Detera, Doong, Rodriguez, Tejano, Villacorta Page 8 of 13


- At this time, supraphysiologic resuscitation of  Distal port – (Yellow) used to measure pulmonary artery
patients in shock cannot be endorsed pressure
 There is no simple explanation for the apparent lack of  Balloon port – (Red) used to determine pulmonary wedge
effectiveness of pulmonary artery catheterization. pressure; 1.5 special syringe is connected
Several suggestions:
o Even though bedside pulmonary artery catheterization EQUIPMENT NEEDED FOR HEMODYNAMIC MONITORING
is quite safe, the procedure is associated with a
finite incidence of serious complications: EQUIMENT DESCRIPTION
 Ventricular arrhythmias an instrument that senses physiological
 Catheter-related sepsis Transducer events & transforms them into electrical
 Central venous thrombosis signs
 Pulmonary arterial perforation connects to transducer end an electrical
 Pulmonary embolism Amplifier cable; filters out interference so signal can
- Adverse effects of these complications on outcome be displayed
may equal or even outweigh any benefits Monitors provides display of original signal
associated with using a PAC to guide therapy tubing flush system (single or double):
o Data generated by the PAC may be inaccurate, pressure bag in 500cc Normal Saline with
leading to inappropriate therapeutic interventions. Catheter 10cc of 100u/ml of heparin; delivers
o Measurements, even if accurate, are often continuous cc/hr to keep line open; catheter
misinterpreted in practice. may be arterial or venous
o Current state of understanding is primitive when it
comes to deciding what is the best management for
certain hemodynamic disturbances, particularly those
associated with sepsis or septic shock.
 Bedside Monitoring
 Taking all of this into consideration, it may be that
o amplifier is located inside
interventions prompted by measurements obtained with a
o amplifier increases the size of signal
PAC are actually harmful to patients.
 Transducer
o As a result, the marginal benefit now available by
o Changes the mechanical energy or pressures of pulse into
placing a PAC may be quite small.
electrical energy
o Less invasive modalities are available that can provide
o Should be level with the phlebostatic axis (you can
clinically useful hemodynamic information.
estimate this by intersecting lines from the 4th ICS, mid
 It may be true that aggressive hemodynamic resuscitation
axillary line
of patients, guided by various forms of monitoring, is
valuable only during certain critical periods, such as the
first few hours after presentation with septic shock or
during surgery.


The phlebostatic axis, marked on the patient’s chest, is the

precise anatomical point of origin of the hemodynamic
pressure being measure.

 Increased risk of infections
o Same as with any central venous lines
o Use occlusive dressing and biopatch to prevent
 Thrombosis and emboli
o Air embolism may occur when the balloon ruptures, clot
on end of catheter can rest in pulmonary embolism
 Catheter wedges permanently
o Considered an emergency, notify MD immediately
o Can occur when balloon is left inflated or catheter
migrates too far into pulmonary artery (flat PA
waveform)………..can cause pulmonary infarct after only a
few minutes
 Ventricular irritation
o Occurs when catheter migrates back into RV or is looped
through the ventricles, notify MD immediately


a. Distal Lumen: the PA (pulmonary artery)
b. Proximal Lumen: (CVP port)
c. Inflation Balloon
 Normally has four (4) ports d. Thermostat Lumen
 Proximal port – (Blue) used to measure central venous e. Additional Lumens
pressure/RAP and injectate port for measurement of cardiac

Agatep, Detera, Doong, Rodriguez, Tejano, Villacorta Page 9 of 13


 Applied using noninvasive photoplethysmographic

measurement of arterial pressure
 Accuracy questionable


 Uses Fick principle to estimate QT
 Dead space within ventilator circuit is altered via a
rebreathing valve  changes in CO2 production (VCO2) and
end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2)  determine cardiac output: QT =
∆VCO2/ ∆ETCO2 (modified Fick equation)
 Parts:
o CO2 sensor – based on infrared light absorption
o Airflow sensor
o Pulse oximeter
 Impaired accuracy with changes in intrapulmonary shunt
and hemodynamic instability
o Corrected using continuous in-line pulse oximetry and
inspired fraction of inspired O2

MINIMALLY INVASIVE ALTERNATIVES TO THE  Patient must be sedated and intubated for airway
 For assessments of LV and RV function, ventricular volume,
 Doppler shift – Increase or decrease in the frequency of  For identifying segmental wall motion abnormalities,
ultrasonic sound waves reflected by moving erythrocytes pericardial effusions, and tamponade
depending on the direction of movement  Atrial filling pressures estimated using Doppler techniques
 Magnitude – velocity of moving RBCs
 Flow rate (QT) = HR X A X ∫V(t)dt (HR heart rate; A cross- ASSESSING PRELOAD RESPONSIVENESS
sectional area of vessel; V velocity of flowing blood)  Adequacy of cardiac output assessed by determining CVP or
Approaches to Estimate QT  However, CVP and PAOP does not correlate well with left-
Ultrasonic transducer ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) and SV
 Placed in sternal notch, focused on root of aorta  Extremely high or low CVP or PAOP are informative, but not
 Aortic X.S. area estimated using (1) nomogram, or (2) between 5 and 20 mmHg
tranthoracic or (3) transesophageal ultrasonography  Application of positive airway pressure  ↑intrathoracic
 Accuracy is NOT acceptable – used only for intermittent QT pressure  ↓venous return  ↓LVSV  pulse pressure
estimates variation (PPV) can predict CO responses to changes in
Continuous-wave Doppler transducer preload
 Introduced 35 cm from incisors into the esophagus in o PPV – best predictor of preload responsiveness
sedated patients to continuously monitor blood flow velocity o Usefulness interfered by atrial arrhythmias
in the descending thoracic aorta  PPV = (max. pulse pressure – min. pulse pressure)/(ave. of
 Nomogram is used to estimate aortic x.s. area max. and min. PP)
 Flow time corrected (FTc) = systolic flow time in descending  Preload responsive – cardiac index ↑ by at least 15% after
aorta, measured as a function of preload, contractility, and rapid infusion of standard volume of IV fluid
vascular input impedance
 Reasonably accurate TISSUE CAPNOMETRY
 Global indices of QT, DO2, or VO2 provide useful info on
2. IMPEDANCE CARDIOGRAPHY adequacy of cellular oxygenation and mitochondrial
 Bioimpedance – impedance to blood flow of alternating function
electrical current in regions of the body  Tissue pH for assessment of adequacy of perfusion
 Impedance cardiography – estimate SV and QT on the o ↓oxygenation (perfusion)  anaerobiosis  ↓pH
basis of linear relationship of aortic blood flow and first
derivative of oscillating component of thoracic Capnometry of GI Mucosa
bioimpedance  Tonometric measurement of tissue PCO2 of stomach or
 NOT sufficiently reliable – not recommended for sigmoid – estimate mucosal pH (pHi), hence monitor
hemodynamic monitoring of critically ill patients visceral perfusion
 Henderson-Hasselbach equation: calculating pHi to
 Determines cardiac output by estimating SV on beat-to- pHi = log([HCO3-]muc/0.03xPCO2muc)
beat basis where:
 QT estimation uses arterial pressure waveform o [HCO3-] is estimated with the assumption that [HCO3-
 Resistance, compliance, and impedance are initially ]art ≈ [HCO3-]muc under normal conditions;
estimated based on age and sex o PCO2muc reflects balance between CO2 inflow into and
 Reference standard QT is obtained using indicator dilution outflow from interstitial space (inflow via diffusion from
injected into CVC arterial blood, production in aerobic metabolism, and
 Computerized algorithms calculate SV, QT, SVR, myocardial production as a result of HCO3= titration; outflow via
contractility, rate of rise of arterial systolic pressure diffusion)
 Problems:

Agatep, Detera, Doong, Rodriguez, Tejano, Villacorta Page 10 of 13


o [HCO3-]art not always ≈ [HCO3-]muc e.g., when blood DETERMINANTS OF OXYGEN DELIVERY
flow to ileal mucosa is ↓  Primary goal of CVS and Respiratory system is the delivery
o [HCO3-]art also affected by diabetic ketoacidosis, of Oxygenated blood to tissues
iatrogenic alkalinization)  O2 is dependent on O2 saturation of Hgb in arterial blood
o ↑PCO2 can also be caused by arterial hypercarbia (SaO2) than on partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood
Advantages of GI Mucosa Capnometry  Also dependent on QT and Hgb
 In compromised global perfusion, blood flow to splanchnic  SaO2 in mechanically ventilated patients depend on the ff.
viscera ↓ to greater extent o mean airway pressure
 Gut is the motor of the MODS, and is associated with o FiO2 --fraction of inspired O2
hyperpermeability to hydrophilic solutes o SvO2 -- O2saturation in venous blood
 Remarkable predictor of outcome in critically ill individuals
 Development of gastric mucosal acidosis correlates with PEAK AND PLATEAU AIRWAY PRESSURE
mucosal hypoperfusion  Peak Airway Pressure (Ppeak)
 Normalization of pHi was associated with significantly o Measured at end of inspiration
low mortality rate (7%) o Function of:
 Tidal volume
Disadvantages Stomach Capnometry  Resistance of airways
 CO2 can be formed in the lumen when H+ are secreted by  Lung/chest wall compliance
parietal cells, hence confounding PCO2 and pHi  Peak inspiratory flow
 Enteral feeding interferes with measurements of PCo2  Plateau airway pressure (Pplateau)
o airway pressure measured at the end of inspiration
Tissue capnometry in sublingual mucosa when the inhaled volume is held in the lungs by
 ↑PslCO2 associated with ↓arterial blood pressure and QT in briefly closing the expiratory valve
shock patients o independent of airway resistance and peak airway flow
 In patients with septic or cardiogenic shock, PslCO 2 – PaCO2 o related to the lung/chest wall compliance and delivered
gradient is a good prognostic indicator tidal volume
o Survivors: 9.2 ± 5.0 mmHg decrease in the compliance in the
Ppeak & Pplateau INCREASED
o Nonsurvivors: 17.8 ± 11.5 mmHg lung/chest wall unit
 Superior to gastric tonometry in predicting patient survival Ppeak is INCREASED primary problem is an increase in
 PslCO2 – PaCO2 gradient – better marker of tissue hypoxia Pplateau relatively NORMAL airway resistance
it suggests a discontinuity in the
NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPIC (NIRS) Ppeak LOW airway circuit involving the
SATURATION  barotrauma – subjecting lung parenchyma to excessive
 allows continuous, noninvasive measurement of tissue Hgb pressure, a ventilator-induced lung injury
O2 saturation (StO2)  pts with ARDS – standard of care is through monitoring of
 uses wavelength 700-1000 nm Pplateau and using Low tidal volume strategy
 based on Beer’s law, where transmission of light through a
solution is indirectly proportional to the dissolved solute PULSE OXIMETRY
(exponential)  Continuous non-invasive monitoring of arterial oxygen
 measurements primarily indicative of the venous saturation
oxyhemoglobin concentration  provides continuous noninvasive monitoring of SaO2
 considered one of the most important and useful
RESPIRATORY MONITORING technologic advances in patient monitoring
 uses LED and sensors placed on the skin
 intermittent measurements of ABG is the standard for CAPNOMETRY
respiratory monitoring  Measurement of PCO2 in the airway throughout the
 useful information for patients with respiratory failure and respiratory cycle
in the detection of alterations in acid-base balance due to  most commonly measured by infrared light absorption
low QT, sepsis, renal failure, severe trauma, medication or  CO2 absorbs infrared light at a peak
drug overdose, or altered mental status  works by passing infrared (IR) light through a sample
 Arterial blood can be analyzed for pH, PO2, PCO2, HCO3– chamber to a detector on the opposite side.
concentration, and calculated BD  More IR passing through the sample chamber (i.e. less
 Intermittent arterial blood gas determination vs. continuous CO2) causes a larger signal in the detector relative to the
bedside ABG determination  excellent agreement between IR light passing through reference cell
the two methods (however, intermittent removal of an  Capnography allows the confirmation of endotracheal
aliquot of blood is cheaper) intubation and continuous assessment of ventilation,
integrity of the airway, operation of the ventilator, and
Arterial Venous cardiopulmonary function
pH 7.35 - 7.45 7.32 - 7.42
PaO2 80 to 100 mm Hg 28 - 48 mm Hg RENAL MONITORING
HCO3 22 to 26 mEq/liter 19 to 25 mEq/liter
(21–28 mEq/L) URINE OUTPUT
PaCO2 35-45 mm Hg 38-52 mm Hg  bladder catheterization with an indwelling catheter allows
the monitoring of urine output, usually recorded hourly by
the nursing staff

Agatep, Detera, Doong, Rodriguez, Tejano, Villacorta Page 11 of 13


 with a patent Foley catheter, urine output is a gross  goal of ICP monitoring is to ensure that cerebral
indicator of renal perfusion. perfusion pressure (CPP) is adequate to support
 generally accepted normal urine output: perfusion of the brain
o 0.5 mL/kg per hour for adults  CPP is equal to the difference between MAP and ICP:
o 1 to 2 mL/kg per hour for neonates and infants o CPP = MAP – ICP
 oliguria may reflect inadequate renal artery perfusion due  ventriculostomy catheter
to hypotension, hypovolemia, or low QT o one type of ICP measuring device
 low urine flow also can be a sign of intrinsic renal o consists of a fluid-filled catheter inserted into a cerebral
dysfunction ventricle and connected to an external pressure
 it is important to recognize that normal urine output does transducer
not exclude the possibility of impending renal failure o this device permits measurement of ICP, but also allows
drainage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as a means to lower
BLADDER PRESSURE ICP and sample CSF for laboratory studies
ABDOMINAL COMPARTMENT SYNDROME (ACS) o are the accepted standard for monitoring ICP in
 triad of oliguria, elevated peak airway pressures, and patients with TBI due to their accuracy, ability to
elevated intra-abdominal pressure drain CSF, and low complication rate
 first described in patients after repair of ruptured abdominal o associated complications include infection (5%),
aortic aneurysm hemorrhage (1.4%), catheter malfunction or obstruction
 associated with interstitial edema of the abdominal organs, (6.3 to 10.5%),& malposition w/injury to cerebral tissue
resulting in elevated intra-abdominal pressure  other devices locate the pressure transducer within the
 when intra-abdominal pressure exceeds venous or capillary central nervous system and are used only to monitor ICP
pressures, perfusion of the kidneys and other intra-  these devices can be placed in the intraventricular,
abdominal viscera is impaired parenchymal, subdural, or epidural spaces
 oliguria is a cardinal sign  purpose of ICP monitoring is to detect and treat
 although the diagnosis of ACS is a clinical one, measuring abnormal elevations of ICP that may be detrimental
intra-abdominal pressure is useful to confirm the diagnosis to cerebral perfusion and function
 ideally, a catheter inserted into the peritoneal cavity could  in TBI patients, ICP greater than 20 mmHg is associated
measure intra-abdominal pressure to substantiate the with unfavorable outcomes
diagnosis  however, few studies have shown that treatment of
 in practice, transurethral bladder pressure elevated ICP improves clinical outcomes in human trauma
measurement reflects intra-abdominal pressure and is patients
most often used to confirm the presence of ACS  in a randomized, controlled, double-blind trial, Eisenberg
 after instilling 50 to 100 mL of sterile saline into the bladder and colleagues demonstrated that maintaining ICP less
via a Foley catheter, the tubing is connected to a than 25 mmHg in patients without craniectomy and less
transducing system to measure bladder pressure than 15 mmHg in patients with craniectomy is associated
 most authorities recommend that a bladder pressure with improved outcome
greater than 20 to 25 mmHg confirms the diagnosis of ACS  in patients with low CPP, therapeutic strategies to correct
 less commonly, gastric or inferior vena cava pressures can CPP can be directed at increasing MAP or decreasing ICP
be monitored with appropriate catheters to detect elevated  although it often has been recommended that CPP be
intra-abdominal pressures maintained above 70 mmHg, the evidence to support this
recommendation is not overly compelling
 furthermore, a retrospective cohort study of patients with
severe TBI found that ICP/CPP-targeted neurointensive care
was associated with prolonged mechanical ventilation and
INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE increased therapeutic interventions, without evidence for
 because the brain is rigidly confined within the bony skull, improved outcome in patients who survive beyond 24 h
cerebral edema or mass lesions increase intracranial
 To detect and treat abnormal elevations of ICP that may be  electroencephalography offers the capacity to monitor
detrimental to cerebral perfusion and function global neurologic electrical activity
 monitoring of ICP is currently recommended:  evoked potential monitoring can assess pathways not
o in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), detected by the conventional electroencephalogram (EEG)
defined as a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score ≤8 with  continuous EEG (CEEG) monitoring
an abnormal CT scan o in the ICU, it permits ongoing evaluation of cerebral
o in patients with severe TBI and a normal CT scan if two cortical activity
or more of the following are present: o it is especially useful in obtunded and comatose patients
 age greater than 40 years o is useful for monitoring of therapy for status epilepticus &
 unilateral or bilateral motor posturing detecting early changes associated with cerebral ischemia
 systolic blood pressure less than 90 mmHg o can be used to adjust the level of sedation, especially if
 ICP monitoring also is indicated in patients with: high-dose barbiturate therapy is being used to manage
o acute subarachnoid hemorrhage with coma or neurologic elevated ICP
deterioration  somatosensory and brain stem evoked potentials are less
o intracranial hemorrhage with intraventricular blood affected by the administration of sedatives than is the EEG
o ischemic middle cerebral artery stroke  evoked potentials
o fulminant hepatic failure with coma and cerebral edema o are useful for localizing brain stem lesions or proving the
on CT scan absence of such structural lesions in cases of metabolic
o global cerebral ischemia or anoxia with cerebral edema or toxic coma
on CT scan o they also can provide prognostic data in posttraumatic

Agatep, Detera, Doong, Rodriguez, Tejano, Villacorta Page 12 of 13


 bispectral index (BIS)  a noninvasive continuous monitoring method to

o a recent advance in EEG monitoring determine cerebral oxygenation
o used to titrate the level of sedative medications  it uses technology similar to that of pulse oximetry to
o although sedative drugs usually are titrated to the clinical determine the concentrations of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin
neurologic examination, the BIS device has been used in with near infrared light and sensors, and takes advantage
the operating room to continuously monitor the of the relative transparency of the skull to light in the near
depth of anesthesia infrared region of the spectrum
o an empiric measurement statistically derived from a  McCormick and associates demonstrated that cerebral
database of more than 5000 EEGs desaturation can occur more than 2 hours before any
o derived from bifrontal EEG recordings and analyzed for clinical deterioration in neurologic status
burst suppression ratio, relative alpha:beta ratio, and  this form of monitoring remains largely a research tool at
bicoherence the present time
o using a multivariate regression model, a linear numeric
index (BIS) is calculated, ranging from 0 (isoelectric EEG) BRAIN TISSUE OXYGEN TENSION
to 100 (fully awake)  although the standard of care for patients with severe TBI
o its use has been associated with lower consumption includes ICP and CPP monitoring, this strategy does not
of anesthetics during surgery and earlier always prevent secondary brain injury
awakening and faster recovery from anesthesia  growing evidence suggests that monitoring local brain
o BIS also has been validated as a useful approach for tissue O2 tension (PbtO2) may be a useful adjunct to ICP
monitoring the level of sedation for ICU patients, monitoring in these patients
using the revised Sedation-Agitation Scale as a  normal values for PbtO2 are 20 to 40 mmHg
gold standard  critical levels for PbtO2 are 8 to 10 mmHg
 a recent clinical study sought to determine whether the
TRANSCRANIAL DOPPLER (TCD) ULTRASONOGRAPHY addition of a PbtO2 monitor to guide therapy in severe TBI
 provides a noninvasive method for evaluating cerebral was associated with improved patient outcomes
hemodynamics o twenty-eight patients with severe TBI (GCS score ≤8)
 measurements of middle and anterior cerebral artery blood were enrolled in an observational study at a level I
flow velocity are useful for the diagnosis of cerebral trauma center
vasospasm after subarachnoid haemorrhage o these patients received invasive ICP and PbtO 2
 Qureshi and associates demonstrated that an increase in monitoring and were compared with 25 historical controls
the middle cerebral artery mean flow velocity as assessed matched for age, injuries, and admission GCS score that
by TCD is an independent predictor of symptomatic had undergone ICP monitoring alone
vasospasm in a prospective study of patients with o goals of therapy in both groups included maintaining an
aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage ICP <20 mmHg and a CPP >60 mmHg
 in addition, while some have proposed using TCD to o among patients with PbtO2 monitoring, therapy also was
estimate ICP, studies have shown that TCD is not a reliable directed at maintaining PbtO2 >25 mmHg
method for estimating ICP and CPP, and currently cannot o groups had similar mean daily ICP and CPP levels
be endorsed for this purpose o mortality rate in the historical controls treated with
 TCD also is useful to confirm the clinical examination standard ICP and CPP management was 44%
for determining brain death in patients with o mortality was significantly lower in the patients who had
confounding factors such as the presence of central therapy guided by PbtO2 monitoring in addition to ICP
nervous system depressants or metabolic encephalopathy and CPP (25%; P <.05)
 benefits of PbtO2 monitoring may include the early
JUGULAR VENOUS OXIMETRY detection of brain tissue ischemia despite normal ICP
 when the arterial O2 content, Hgb concentration, and the and CPP
oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve are constant, changes in  PbtO2-guided management may reduce potential
jugular venous O2 saturation (SjO2) reflect changes in the adverse effects associated with therapies to maintain
difference between cerebral O2 delivery and demand ICP and CPP
 a decrease in SjO2  cerebral hypoperfusion
 an increase in SjO2  presence of hyperemia CONCLUSIONS
 SjO2 monitoring can’t detect decreases in regional cerebral  modern intensive care is predicated by the need and
blood flow if overall perfusion is normal or above normal ability to continuously monitor a wide range of
 this technique requires the placement of a catheter in the physiologic parameters
jugular bulb, usually via the internal jugular vein for  this capability has dramatically improved the care of
measurement of SjO2 critically ill patients and advanced the development of the
 catheters that permit intermittent aspiration of jugular specialty of critical care medicine
venous blood for analysis or continuous oximetry catheters  in some cases, the technologic ability to measure such
are available variables has surpassed our understanding of the
 low SjO2 is associated with poor outcomes after TBI significance or the knowledge of the appropriate
 the value of monitoring SjO2 remains unproven intervention to ameliorate such pathophysiologic changes
 if it is used, it should not be the sole monitoring technique,  in addition, the development of less invasive
but rather should be used in conjunction with ICP and CPP monitoring methods has been promoted by the
monitoring recognition of complications associated with invasive
 by monitoring ICP, CPP, and SjO2, early intervention with monitoring devices
volume, vasopressors, and hyperventilation has been  the future portends the continued development of
shown to prevent ischemic events in patients with TBI noninvasive monitoring devices along with their application
in an evidenced-based strategy to guide rational therapy

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