Body Fluid Compartments: Anaesth. Intens. Care (1977) - 5. 284

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Anaesth. Intens. Care (1977). 5.



Roy W. PAIN*
Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science. Adelaide

. The terms mole. molality ..mola.ri~y. osmote. osm?lal!ty, osmolarity. osmolar gap and
anwn [!,ap are defined and thetr cllmcal usefulness mdlcated. The following body fluid
com:partments arc descrtbed: t.otal bOI('! water (TBW). extracellular fluid (ECF). intracellular
flmd (ICF), transc~llu!ar flltld ~TCI'). vO~ltme, red cell volume and interstitial fluid
volume. Isotope-dlltttwn tcchmques are bnefly dIscussed and representatit,e normal c'alues
for the .various compart~ents a~co:di1:g t? s~x and ar.,e. are indicated. The Physiolo[!,ical
m~chamsm~ that 111~mtazn the dtstl11ctH'e W~tlC composltwns of the various fluid spaces are
brtefly. outhn.e4. ~\ ew concepts of the fu.nctlOlt of the gel matrix and of the lymph drainage
of the lIlterstztatm are presented. Opposzng models to the sodium-potassium membrane pump
are briefly described.

I~TRODUCTION gTams (g). A mole of any substance

This section deals with the anatomy of the contains t)'061 x10 23 molecules (i.e. Avo-
fluid compartments of the body and with the gadro's number). A millimole (mmol)
physiological processes that keep the ionic is one thousandth of a mole. The Inter-
composition of these compartments so constant. national System of units (SI units) uses
The anatomy of the body fluid spaces was the mole unitage (where this is known)
elucidated by radioisotope studies in the 1950's rather than the "equivalent" (which is the
and early 1960's and little has been added since. atomic or molecular weight divided by
Thus the publications of Gamble (1954), Edelman valence).
and Leibman (1959) and Moore et al. (19t)3) are (ii) Molality. The molality of a solution is
still excellent reference works on this aspect. the number of moles of a solute per 1000
Many of the physiological mechanisms that gTams of solvent (water in the case of
regulate the fluxes of fluid and biological sub- serum or plasma).
stances through these body compartments and, (iii) Molarity. The molarity of a solution is
at the same time, maintain their distinctive ionic the number of moles of solute per litre of
compositions, have likewise been known for some solution and is therefore, unlike the
time. However, ongoing research continues to molality, dependent on temperature. The
discover new regulatory mechanisms. The aim numerical difference between molal and
of this introductory chapter is to define some of molar concentration is negligible in the
the terms that appear on clinical chemistry range of concentrations and temperature
laboratory reports and to give a background of the body fluids.
description of the fluid pools in which are dis- (iv) Osmole. The osmotic effect of a sub-
solved the ions to be described in later sections. stance in solution depends only on the
1. Definitions of terms used in the description number of discrete particles dissolved and
of fluid and electrolyte status. is independent of the weight, electric
charge, valence or chemical formula.
(i) Alole. The mole (mol) is the molecular One osmole (osm) of a substance yields,
weight (MW) of a substance expressed in in ideal solution, that number of particles
(Avogadro's number) which would de-
* :\I.B.. B.S .• F.R.C.P.A. Senior Clinical Chemist press the freezing point of the solvent
(Medical). Division of Clinical Chemistry.
(water in the case of serum) by l·St)°C. A
Address for reprints: Dr. Roy W. Pain, Institute
of Medical and Veterinary Science, Frome Road. milliosmole (m osm) lowers the freezing
Adelaide. South Australia 5000. point by l'St) x10- 3 °C. Each mole of

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. Vol. V. No. 4. November, 1977


an unionized substance equals one osmole. (vii) "Osmolar Gap". The numerical differ-
Since each molecule of sodium chloride in ence between measured osmolality and
ideal solution dissociates into a sodium calculated osmolarity is called the osmolar
and a chloride ion, sodium chloride gap and it is normally 0-24 milliosmoles/
contributes twice as many osmotically kg in value. Certain alcohols, e.g.
active particles as a non-ionized sub- ethanol, depress the freezing point of
stance, e.g. glucose. Thus one milli- plasma water and hence cause a falsely
mole of sodium chloride gives two millios- elevated osmolality and thus an elevated
moles. However, body fluids are not osmolar gap. This fact has been made
ideal solutions and although the dissocia- use of, to quickly estimate the plasma
tion of strong electrolytes is complete, ethanol concentration, by Robinson and
the number of particles free to exert an Loeb (1971), Champion et al. (1975) and
osmotic effect is reduced due to interac- Phillips and Pain (1975). The normal
tions between the ions and thus one refers concentration of solids (protein and
to the "effective" concentration or lipids) in serum is 7% leaving 93% of
" activity". Bearing these restrictions serum as water. With hyperproteinae-
in mind, it is easy to show that sodium mic states (e.g. multiple myeloma) or
chloride is 2,300 times as osmotically hyperlipoproteinaemia the percent of
active as albumin, for one gram of serum water decreases. Although the
albumin (MW 68,000) theoretically yields concentration of electrolytes in the serum
0·015 milliosmoles while 1 gram of sodium water (and hence the osmolality) remains
chloride theoretically yields 34·3 millios- normal the concentration of electrolytes in
moles. serum (and hence the calculated osmo-
(v) Osmolality. The osmolality of a solution larity) decreasE$. This is another cause
is the number of osmoles of solute per of an elevated osmolar gap (Weisberg
kilogram (kg) of solvent (water in the 1975).
case of serum or plasma). In clinical (viii) "Anion Gap ". Anions are negatively
chemistry osmolality is usually expressed charged ions (e.g. Cl-, HC0 3 -, P04 ~,
in milliosmoles/kg. The osmolality of proteins, lactate and ketones) and cations
serum or urine is measured directly by an are positively charged ions (e.g. Na+,
instrument called an osmometer on the K+, Ca++, Mg++). The number of anions
principle that each milliosmole will must equal the number of cations to
depress the freezing point of the solvent ensure electrical neutrality. The anion
water by 0 ·00186°C. The normal os- gap is usually calculated from the formula
molality of serum or plasma is 285-295 (Na++K+)-(Cl-+HC0 3-) and the 95
mosm/kg. percentile reference range in our labora-
(vi) Osmolarity. The osmolarity of a solution tory is 11-19 mmol/l (Thomas, Pain and
is the number of osmoles of solute per Duncan 1973). In other words sodium
litre of solution. This is usually express- and potassium account for a greater
ed in milliosmoles/litre in clinical percentage of the cations than chloride
chemistry. This parameter is calculated and bicarbonate do of the anions. Most
by adding the total osmolar concentra- of the normally unmeasured anions are
tions of directly measured substances in due to protein. If the anion gap is
serum or plasma, i.e. by adding the raised it is usually due to phosphate and
osmolar concentrations of electrolytes, sulphate, etc. (in renal failure), ketones
glucose and urea. At least seventeen (in diabetic ketoacidosis) or lactate (in
different formulae for making this cal- lactic acidosis). For an excellent review
culation have been described by Dorwart of the clinical usefulness of the anion gap
and Chalmers (1975) and Weisberg (1975). see Emmett and Narins (1977), Lancet
In our laboratory the formula used is Editorial (1977) and Narins and Emmett
"1·86 (Na+K) + urea + glucose" (1977).
with all measurements expressed in 2. Total Body Water (TBW)
mmol/I. The factor of "1·86" makes (i) Measurement
allowance for interaction between ions. Although chemical analysis has been
Our 95 percentile reference range is carried out on some eight cadavers
272-283 m osm/I. (Edelman and Leibman 1959, Krzywicki

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. V, No. 4. November. 1977

286 Roy W. PAIN

et al. 1974) only one subject, an period following a 60 tJ.Ci oral dose of
accident victim, could have been con- THO. Antipyrene is another tracer that
sidered normal. Thus, the estimation of has been used.
the fluid compartments of the body must (ii) Reference Values
always involve uncertainties since only
indirect methods of analvses can be used. Table 1 gives representative values for
Since different tracer mefhods give similar TBW throughout life. The reader is
results for total body water (TBW) both referred to the monumental work of
in humans and in animals and, in the Moore et al. (1963) where regression
latter, these results agree favourably equations are given for all the body fluid
with experimental data obtained by tissue compartments tailored to gender, age and
sampling and desiccation, this has lent body weight. These formulae have been
credibility to the results obtained by derived from parametric equations to
dilutional tracer measurements. compensate for extremes in body size.
Day to day fluctuations in TBW in
Isotope-dilution techniques normal man are very small amounting to
Volumes of distribution can be calcu- TABLE 1
lated for any substance that, having been Representative Normal Values for TBW, ECF and ICF
injected, will mix throughout a body as % of Total Body Weight
compartment, providing the concentra-
tion in the body fluids and the amount Age % Total Body
removed by excretion or metabolism can in Years Unless Weight
Otherwise --- --- --- ECF/ICF
be accurately measured. These tech- Stated TI3W ECF ICF
niques assume that the subject is in a ---
steady metabolic state (diet, water and Premature ·. 80 - - -
electrolytes, etc.) during the experi- Birth ·. ·. 76 42 33 1.27
1 month · . ·. 70 32 38 0.84
mental period and this may not always 1 .. ·. ·. 65 26 39 0.67
be so. The isotopes of water, deuterium 10 . . ·. ·. 62 26 36 0.72
oxide (D 20) and tritium oxide (THO) are Males 25 · . ·. 60 27 33 0.82
the tracers most frequently used for TBW 45 · . ·. 53 24 29 0.83
65 · . ·. 54 26 28 0.93
(Deuterium is 2H and tritium 3H). They
are small molecules that penetrate all
85 · . ·. 51 26 25 1. 04
Females 25 ·. 51 23 28 0.82
phases of body water rapidly with good 45 ·. 48 23 25 0.92
mixing and are not significantly metabo- 65 ·. 44 22 22 1.00
lized over the 3-4 hour equilibration 85 ·. 43 22 21 1.05
period. There is only 1-2% exchange
(Adapted from Edelman and Leibman 1959, Moore
with labile hydrogen atoms of the solid et al. 1963.)
constituents of the body, mainly proteins,
and less than 3 % appears in the urine per approximately 0'2% of body weight
24 hours. D 2 0 is 10% heavier than (Kleeman 1972). The large variation in
water, is non radioactive and is measured TBW observed between individuals is due
by difficult densimetric or mass-spectro- mainly to the reciprocal relationship
metric methods. between body water and body fat
Tritium is a weak beta emitter and the content since there is very little water in
use of THO is the isotope method of adipose tissue. With increasing degrees
choice. The radioactive half life is 12·4 of obesity the percent of body weight
years but the biologic half-life is only 10 which is water approaches 50% whereas
days and with the usual small doses of with increasing degrees of leanness it
0·5 mCi the total bodv radiation dose is approaches 70%. Estimates of body
well below acceptable limits. Equilibra- water based on fat-free body weight (the
tion occurs within 4 hours, perhaps 6-8 "lean body mass") are more constant
hours in obese or oedematous patients or than those based on body weight not
in those with ascites. Thereproducibility corrected for fat. However, although
of results is usually ±2%. Eberstadt there may be such an entity as the "lean
(1974) has described a rapid THO method body mass" in healthy young adult
where urine is collected over a two hour males, there is unlikely to be so in the

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. V, No. 4, November, 1977


heterogeneous population as a whole. of whole blood. Similar considerations

This is especially so in the sick where with respect to the electrolyte composi-
there is loss of muscle and fat tissue and tion of red cells should be kept in mind,
where metabolically inactive bone and the authors claim, when deciding what
dense connective tissues assume much replacement fluids to use in cases where
bigger proportions of the total weight. whole blood has been lost (Swan and
Thus prediction formulae based upon Nelson 1973). With rare exceptions
mean ideal standards, apart from not chronic disease is associated with a fall
allowing for possible individual variation, in intracellular fluid (ICF) volume and
do not necessarily apply to the critically an expansion of the ECF volume so that
ill patient. the ECF may be equal to or even exceed
the ICF volume (Moore et al. 1963,
3. Individual Compartments Elwyn, Bryan-Brown and Shoemaker
(i) Extracellular Fluid (ECF) 1975). Any major operation results in
By definition this includes all body catabolism of body tissue high in fat
water which is external to the cells and, content thus releasing 600-1000 ml of
in a physiological rather than an ana- sodium-free intracellular and metabolic
tomical sense, may be divided into the water a day, some of which becomes
five phases shown in Table 2. Whereas extracellular (Moore 1959).
the ECF was formerly considered as
composing 33 % of TBW and 20% of total (ii) Measurement of ECF
body weight the masterly review of (a) Plasma Volume
Edelman and Leibman (1959) indicates Plasma volume can be measured using
that more accurate figures are 45 % of dyes that bind to plasma albumin, e.g.
TBW and 27% of total body weight. In Evans Blue (T-1824) or radioiodine-
addition, Swan and Nelson (1973) in a labelled serum albumin (RISA). 7-10%
thought-provoking article, conclude that of iodinated albumin escapes per hour
red blood cell water is an expansion of the from the vessel compartment into the
ECF because 3-5% of injected radio- interstitial fluid and lymph causing an
chloride enters the erythrocytes within overestimation of plasma volume in
five minutes. Since red cells are 70% normals and an even greater error in
water then for every 100 ml of blood, patients with trauma, burns, cancer,
82·5 ml is water, the red cell water con- ascites, nephrosis and cardiopulmonary
tributing 38% of the total water content disorders (Valeri and Cooper 1973). To

Extent of Body Fluid Compartments (for a 70 kg young adult male) *

Percent Percent Volume

Compartment Body Weight TBW in litres ml/kgwt
Plasma · . ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. 4·5 7·5 3·2 45
Interstitial-lymph ** ·. ·. ·. ·. 12·0 20·0 8·4 120
Dense connective tissuet ·. ·. ·. 4·5 7·5 3·2 45
Bonet ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. 4·5 7·5 3·2 45
Transcellular .. ·. .. ·. ·. 1·5 2·5 1·0 15
ECF (Total) ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. 27 45 19 270
Red Cellst ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. 2·3 3·8 1·6 23
ICF (Total) ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. 33 55 23 330
TBW ·. .. ·. ·. ·. ·. 60 100 42 600

* The body weight of the average young adult male is made up of 18% protein, 15% fat. 7% bone mineral
and 60% water. For the average young adult female whose weight is 61 kg, TBW is 51 %. ECF is 23%, fat is 25%.
** This includes 25% of connective tissue water and 10% of bone water.
t These compartments are .. inaccessible ". They comprise 75% of conneC'tive tissue water and 90% of bone
t Some would include this compartment in the ECF.
(Adapted from Edelman and Leibman 1959).

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. V, No. 4. November. 1977

288 Roy W. PAIN

reduce such errors the volume of distribu- 35 sulphate). The crystalloids being larger,
tion is determined after only 10-15 less diffusible molecules do not penetrate
minutes equilibration or better one can cells but they also fail to penetrate the
back extrapolate to zero time from entire ECF within a reasonable time.
multiple readings. The above authors The smaller, more diffusible ionic sub-
improved the accuracy of plasma volume stances penetrate all parts of the ECF
measurement by using a labelled macro- quickly but also partly penetrate cell
globulin. Representative normal values membranes. Ionic substances thus give
according to age and sex are shown in larger values than crystalloids. No
Table 3. It should be noted that the material is known which is entirely
expanded blood volume observed in confined to the ECF. Inulin is slowly
cirrhosis of the liver is a real phenomenon metabolized. Isotopes of chloride have
and is not an artefact due to ascites half-lives either too long (400,000 years)
(Lieberman and Reynolds 1967, J\Iaddrey or two short (37 minutes). 82Br has a
et al. 1969). half-life of 36 hours and is not metabo-
(b) Red Cell Volume lized and only slowly excreted. It
rapidly, but non-progressively, enters red
This can be calculated from the plasma
blood cells (a proof, some conclude, that
volume and haematocrit values. However,
red blood cell water is part of the ECF-
the whole body haematocrit is only 85-
see earlier) and other cells more slowly.
92% of the large vein haematocrit.
Bromide equilibrates in 20-24 hours
Thus red cell mass calculated from
during which time 3-5% is lost into the
plasma volume and venous haematocrit
urine at a fairly constant rate. Expo-
is overestimated by about 7%. The
nential regression of plasma levels to
better way to estimate red cell volume is
zero time allows for losses into urine and
by re-injecting erythrocytes tagged with
elsewhere (Spears et al. 1974). The
radio chromium (5lCr). See Table 3 for
variability of results can be up to ±5%,
representative normal values. This is
but is usually ±2%. Note that it is
the preferred way for testing the extent
more correct to talk of the "20 hour
of haemorrhage because the plasma
bromide space" than the " ECF space" ,
volume is quickly restored from the
i.e. the tracer and the equilibration time
interstitial fluid pool.
should be designated. The disappearance
(c) Extracellular Fluid Volume (ECF) of injected radiobromide from the plasma
Values ranging from 15-27 % of the is the result of two rates of transfer: (i)
total body weight have been obtained for to a rapidly equilibrating pool (20
ECF according to the tracer used to minutes) which is in dynamic equilibrium
measure it. Tracers fall into two main with the plasma and is referred to as the
categories, crystalloids (e.g. inulin, man- "functional ECF". It is readily per-
nitol and sucrose) or ionic substances meated by both crystalloids and ions and
(e.g. 82bromide, chloride isotopes and is some 20% of TBW and 8·4 litres in


Representative Normal Values for Plasma and Red Cell Volumes

Plasma \'olume Red CeIl Volume

Age in Years
In Litres ml/kg Body Weight In Litres ml/kg Body Weight

Male 2.5 ·. ·. 3·3 47 2·0 29

45 · . ·. 3·2 43 1·9 27
65 · . ·. 2·9 42 1·8 26
86 · . ·. 2·7 39 1·7 25
Female 2tj ·. 2·7 44 1·5 25
4ii ·. 2·7 43 1·4 22
6ii ·. 2·5 40 1·3 21
85 ·. 2·4 38 1·2 19

(Adapted from Moore et al. 1(63)

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. V, No. 4, November, 1977


volume. It is a reservoir from which cellular membranes are crossed allowing

water and sodium can be mobilized into a measurement of TBW. Only the ratio
the circulation or which will accept large of TBWIECF can be found by this
amounts of these constituents when technique and is normally 1·50±0·05.
circumstances favour extravascular filtra- If either the absolute TBW or ECF space
tion. This pool includes 25% of dense con- is then measured by standard metho-
nective tissue and 10% of bone water. (ii) dology, the other space can be simply
to a slowly equilibrating pool (up to 24 calculated, e.g. with a TBW of 42 litres,
hours) which includes the remaining the ECF would be 28 litres. Although
water of dense connective tissue (cartilage, this experimental method does not at
ligaments and tendons) and bone. Each present yield results identical with estab-
of these two latter phases are 7 ,5% of lished methods it would appear to be
TBW and thus equal in volume to the worthy of further investigation because
plasma water. They were originally of its simplicity and potential for serial
thought to be part of the intracellular measurements.
fluid volume but are now considered part
of the ECF because their chloride (iii) Intracellular Fluid (ICF)
concentration per kg of tissue water is The volume of the intracellular fluid
similar to the plasma concentration. Like (ICF) cannot be determined by isotope
total exchangeable sodium, the ECF dilution directly but must be calculated
volume (as a percent of total body weight) by the difference between TBW and ECF,
shows very little change with age during i.e. including transcellular fluid as part
adulthood so that most of the decrease in of ECF. Thus the error of the ICF
TBW is in the intracellular fluid (Forbes calculation will be the sum of the errors
and Reina 1970). of the TBW and ECF estimations.
Allowing the ECF for a young adult male
(d) Interstitial SPace Volume to be 27% of total body weight, the ICF
This cannot be measured directly as it is then 33% of body weight or 55% of
is difficult to sample and no tracer TBW (formerly considered as 67% of
equilibrates with this fluid alone. It is TBW). Thus in adults the ratio of
calculated as the difference between ECF ICFIECF is probably 1 ·2 rather than 2·0
volume and plasma volume. as formerly believed (Edelman and
Jenin et al. (1975) consider the body as Leibman 1959). The ICF declines with
consisting of conductors (liquids) and age (Forbes and Reina 1970) and accounts
insulating materials (cellular membranes, for most of the age related decline in
fat) the latter forming a barrier to AC TBW. The ionic composition of ICF
current. Using impedance measurements, will vary from tissue to tissue and also
ECF only will be conductive at low with the degree of activity of the tissue
frequency currents (1-5 kHz). At high (Table 4 gives mean values). As would be
frequency currents (100 kHz-1 MHz) expected there is a good correlation be-
Mean Ionic Composition of Fluid Compartments (in mmol/l)

Plasma Intracellular
Substance Interstitial Fluid
Whole Water Fluid Water

Sodium .. .. ·. ·. ·. 141 152 144 10

Potassium ·. .. ·. ·. 3·7 4·0 3·8 156
Chloride ·. .. ·. ·. 102 110 115 3·0
Bicarbonate ·. .. ·. ·. 28 30 30 10
Anion Gap ·. ·. .. ·. 15 - - -
·. .. ·. - - -
..· .
Calcium .. 2·4
Magnesium .. .. ·. 0·8 - - 11
Phosphate ·. .. .. ·. 1·1 - - 31
Protein .. ·. .. .. ·. 16 - 10 55

(Adapted from Hays 1972, plus our own measurements and calculations)

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. V, No. 4, November, 197'/

290 Roy W. PAIN

tween ICF and total exchangeable Lipophilic substances cross membranes

potassium. Erythrocytes and leukocytes, (which are mainly lipid) at higher rates
being specialized tissues, may not be than hydrophilic substances.
representative of cell composition as a
(ii) Pores in Cell ~1fembranes. These were
whole. There are also probably sub-
predicted because total volume flow across
divisions of intracellular water and
membranes was 3-5 times that expected
electrolytes among the organelles within
from diffusion alone. There is evidence
the cell, c.g. during active respiration,
that cell membranes are interrupted by
mitochondria contain very high levels of
pores of varying sizes, the smallest being
calcium, magnesium and inorganic phos-
approximately O· 7 nanometres (nm) in
phate and the sodium concentration of the
diameter (Ganong ]976).
nucleus is probably higher than in other
parts of the cell. (iii) Hydrated Radius. Different substances
(iv) Transcellular Fluid (TCF) in the body are hydrated with varying
numbers of water molecules. It is the
Transcellular fluids have the common
hydrated radius that determines the
property of being formed by the transport
diffusibility of a subs tance rather than
activities of cells. They are extracellular
the size of the non-hydrated ion or
fluids and comprise 2 ,5% of TBW. TCF
molecule (Felgenhauer 1974, Felgenhauer
includes the CSF and the fluids in the
and Renner 1977).
lumen of the gastrointestinal tract; in the
urinary excretory passages; in the ducts The atomic weight (A W) of sodium is
of glands of the pancreas, biliary tree, 23, its hydrated radius is 0·28 nm com-
skin, bronchial tree, gastrointestinal tract pared to an A W of 39 and a hydrated
including salivary glands; in the follicles radius of 0·23 nm for potassium (Birch
of endocrine glands; in the aqueous 1974). This is one reason why potassium
humour of the eye; in the endolymph of ions diffuse through membranes more
the inner ear; in joints and in the pleural, readily than sodium ions. It also
pericardial and peritoneal cavities. The explains why lithium (A W =6, hydrated
electrolyte composition varies from site radius =0 ·34, nm) in ways acts more like
to site and differs from that of a simple magnesium (A W =30, hydrated radius=
ultrafiltrate of plasma. In the gastro- 0·47 nm) and calcium (AW =4,0, hydrated
intestinal tract, 7-12 litres of secretions radius =0 ·32 nm) than like sodium
are secreted per day of which 98-99% are (Birch 1974).
reabsorbed. In obstruction of the lower (iv) Osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of
bowel, the total TCF can double or treble solvent molecules across a membrane into
at the expense of the remainder of the a region where there is a higher con-
ECF and 3-5 litres of "concealed" loss centration of a solute to which the
of fluid can accumulate. membrane is impermeable. The os-
Secretion into an obstructed bowel motic pressure" is that hydrostatic
continues at a normal rate for 24, hours pressure which would have to be applied
and thereafter increases. Although there to the membrane to stop the movement
is a wide range of concentration of various of solvent molecules. Since all cell
ions in the gastrointestinal secretions, in membranes and capillary walls are freely
practice for purposes of replacement, one permeable to water it follows that all
can assume them to be isotonic with fluid compartments must be isotonic with
plasma with a potassium concentration plasma except when there has been
about double that of plasma. insufficient time for equilibration to occur
after a sudden change in composition.
4. Physiological Regulation of Compartments Sodium concentration is the prime con-
Certain physiological processes which play a troller of extracellular osmotic pressure
major role in maintaining the composition of the and potassium of the intracellular osmotic
fluid compartments of the body will now be pressure. Hence, alteration of sodium
briefly described. concentration in the ECF will be ac-
(i) Diffusion. Chemical gradients across companied by alterations in ICF volume
fluid compartmental barriers can lead to and osmolality and vice versa. It follows
shifts in substances by simple diffusion. that acute hyponatraemia will always

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. V, No. 4, November, 1977


cause an increase in ICF volume regardless number of diffusible ions to be greater, in

of the level of TBW and vice versa with the compartments containing the higher
hypernatraemia. If the concentration of concentrations of protein (Hays 1972).
plasma sodium is normal, the ICF volume It should be remembered that the
will likewise be normal. Since the ICF difference in actual number of diffusible
volume is dependent on the ECF sodium anions and cations between compartments
concentration it is possible to be oedema- is extremely small relative to the total
tous or dehydrated even though TBW is number of anions and cations present
normal. In actual fact, either intra- within those compartments. The result-
cellular potassium concentration or ant differences in ionic composition in
extracellular sodium concentration could neighbouring compartments are examples
be the prime controller of the body's of the Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium.
osmolality. A portion of the intracellular (vi) Starling's Forces. The forces described
ions may be osmotically inactive, that is by Starling in 1896 cause a very large
bound to proteins and other cell con- turnover of water and diffusible solutes
stituents. For example, magnesium between the intravascular and interstitial
binds readily to a variety of cell compartments without a net change of
lipoproteins and nUcleoproteins, ribo- volume in either compartment. The
nucleic acids and free A.T.P. and as total filtering surface of the capillary bed
much as 30% of intracellular magnesium is about 6,300 M2 in the adult. Since
may be bound. There is considerable the osmotic pressure due to the plasma
controversy regarding the extent to which proteins is 25 mm Hg throughout the
potassium is bound to the cytoplasm length of the capillary whereas the blood
(Ling and Ochsenfeld 1973). Neither is pressure falls from 35 mm Hg at the
all cell water osmotically active, for some arterial end to 15 mm Hg at the venous
intracellular water will be bound to cell end of the capillary there will be free
proteins as water of hydration. This may flow of water and diffusible ions into and
account for 16-40% of intracellular out of the interstitium at these two ends
water (Olmstead 1966). respectively. Most workers still believe
Since urea diffuses freely across cell that the overall Starling model is valid
membranes it does not contribute to the even though it has been shown (Aukland
" effective" osmotic pressure in vivo but 1973) that (i) the venous end of the
it does contribute to the in vitro os- capillary has a greater surface area and
molality of plasma as measured in the is more permeable than the arterial end;
laboratory. Note too, that although a (ii) the albumin concentration of the
5 % dextrose infusion is isotonic in the interstitial fluid is of the order of 20 g/l
bottle, in the body it is metabolized to so that the interstitial osmotic pressure
carbon dioxide and water so that the net due to albumin is about 10 mm Hg.
effect is of infusing water. In sudden This fluid also has Cl. hydrostatic pressure
hyperglycaemia, the osmalility of the of 0-5 mm Hg.
ECF is increased, water is osmotically The interstitial fluid is normally held
drawn from the cells diluting the sub- tightly in place in the form of a gel. The
stances in the interstitial fluid and plasma. reticulum of this gel is composed mainly
Under such circumstances a simple rule of hyaluronic acid which is slightly cross-
is that for every 3 mmol/l elevation of linked with collagen fibres to form a
plasma glucose there is a decrease of meshwork in which the interstitial fluid
1 mmol/l of plasma sodium due to osmotic is trapped. The presence of this gel
dilution (Katz 1973). reduces markedly the mobility of inter-
(v) Gibbs-Donnan Equilibrium. The presence stitial fluid (so that less than 1 % is
of higher concentrations of anionic pro- " free ") but it hardly effects the indi-
tein molecules within cells and capillaries vidual molecular diffusion of small ions
than in the interstitial fluid causes (i) and molecules (Guy ton et al. 1973)
the concentration of diffusible cations I t has been estimated (Landis and
(e.g. sodium or potassium) to be greater; Poppenheimer 1963) that the bulk flow
(ii) the concentration of diffusible anions of water through the interstitium is 20
(e.g. chloride) to be less and (iii) the total litres per day in an adult. With an

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. V, No. 4, November, 1977

292 Roy W. PAIN

interstitial fluid volume of 8· 4 litres this the interstitial space so that the inter-
would mean that interstitial water is stitial osmotic pressure decreases and
renewed about two and a half times daily. wa.ter .is. drawn into the capillaries by the
unmlllblted plasma osmotic pressure.
c.;uyton, Granger and Taylor (1971)
claIm that the normal interstitial fluid An infusion of a concentrated solution
pressure (at least in subcutaneous tissues) of albumin or of some other large mole-
IS 6-8 mm Hg subatmospheric. Other cular species will initially expand plasma
methods have not confirmed these find- volume at the expense of the interstitial
ing~, .e.g. needle pressure technique giyes fluid volume though significant amounts
posltlYe pressures and the wick method of albumin will pass into the interstitial
1-:2 mm Hg subatmospheric (Aukland space within 24 hours. The plasma
]973). volume cannot be specifically increased
unless the administered fluid contains a
It is generally thought that 90-95°1 ;0 of
colloi.dal agent. For example, if saline
t Ile normal efflux from the arterial end of SolUtlOIl alone is administered to a sub-
the capillary is re-absorbed In- the ject who has lost blood this will re-
venous end of the capillary and tllat the expand the extra-cellular fluid volume
remainin~ 5-]0% flO\\:s il1to the lymph but virtually all the expansion will be
vessels.. fhe Iyml?hatlcs are capable of confined to the interstitial compartment.
rhythmIc contractlons, the intensity of
which are related to the rate of Iyinph (Yii) Sodium-potassium I'u1l1p. The intra-
fl?w m a regulatory fashion (Hall 1969). cellular content of soluble but non-
1 he movement of skeletal muscles and diffus.ihle macro~olecules (largely
the pulsations transmitted from arteries protems and orgamc phosphates of net
a:e not sufficient to explain lymph flow. negative electrical charge) tend to draw
1 here are local variations in both struc- extracellular fluid into the cell by osmotic
ture and functior: of the lymphatic forces. Such uncompensated movement
vessels. The opemngs in the terminal of .wat~r could cause cellular swelling
capillaries of the lymphatic system are whlCh, 1Il the case of the brain, could be
constructed in such a way' that the disatrous. This tendency to swollen
endothelium cells overlap each other cells is offset by "pumps ,; located in the
~cting as flap val,:es to allow fluid entry outer plasma membranes of all cells.
IIlt(~, b~t not eXIt out of, the lymph These pUIllJlS continuously and actively
caplllanes. The outer surfaces of the extrude sodium from the {CF to the ECl'
lymphatic endothelial cells are held as rapidly as the sodium enters the cell
t!ghtly to the surrounding interstitial by diffusion from high extracellular to low
tlssues by anchoring filaments. There- intracellular concentrations. Since they
fore when the interstitial tissue expands simultaneously "pump" potassium into
due to increased fluid entry, the l\'mph cells against a chemical gradient they are
capIllary also expands (being pulled open called "Xa-K pumps". As a result of
by the surrounding tissue) and the cell their pumping of ions, the pumps main-
flaps open inwards allowing increased tain a potential difference of from 10-100
amounts of fluid to enter (Guy ton et al. millivolts across cell membranes in differ-
197?). A~~ordingto.Guytonctal. (1973), ent tissues (nO-80 millivolts for muscle
as mtershtlal flUld mcreases, the inter- and nerve cells) with the inside negative
stitial gel will absorb the excess water and in relation to the outside. This electrical
~he interstitial hydrostatic pressure will gradient tends to repel negatively charged
mc:ease sharply to zero, thus effectively chloride ions back into the ECF. The
reslstmg oedema formation. After the bal~nce of d~stribution of osmotically
in~e:stitial gel has absorbed 30-50% of its actIve solute IS such as to stabilize cell
ongmal volume, free fluid (i.e. oedema) volume. It is obvious that the body
occurs. \Yhen this happens the lym- thus does not Exist at equilibrium but
phatic return, which is normally less than rather in a steady state away from
2 ml per minute from the entire body equilibrium.
increases by at least 20 fold (see earlier f;;;
the. mechanism for this). This causes The activity of the pump depends on
rapId loss of the protein-rich fluid from an adequate supply of adenosine tri-

Anaesthesia atld Intensive Care, T·ol. V, No. 4, November, 1977


phosphate (A TP) which is produced by ECF. No further work has been pub-
the metabolic processes of the cell and lished on this latter seemingly plausible
which is hydrolysed by adenosine tri- mechanism since it was first advanced.
phosphatase (Na-K-ATP'ase) to adeno-
sine diphosphate (ADP) plus energy. It REFERENCES
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Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. V, No. 4, November, 1977

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