Year Three Rubrics

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Year Three – Moving Shadows

Teacher: Miss Fitt Student Name:

Criteria A B C D E
Planned and Conducted Creative and logical Logical investigation Planned and Conducted Planned and Conducted Poorly Planned and
an investigation which led investigation which led to which led to a solid an investigation which led an investigation which led Conducted investigation
to a conclusion a robust and detailed conclusion to a conclusion to a conclusion which which was not able to
conclusion contained some lead to a logical
inconsistencies conclusion
Created a written report Comprehensive report Comprehensive report Created a written report Created a written report Created a written report
outlining the investigation which outlined in great which outlined accurately outlining the investigation with some gaps outlining with significant errors and
detail and accuracy the the investigation with aspects of the was not able to outline
investigation with some appendices investigation the investigation
Understood that earth’s Detailed understanding Solid understanding that Understood that earth’s Some understanding that Little understanding that
rotation on its axis causes that earth’s rotation on earth’s rotation on its axis rotation on its axis causes earth’s rotation on its axis earth’s rotation on its axis
regular changes its axis causes regular causes regular changes regular changes causes regular changes causes regular changes
changes and is able to and is able to apply this
apply this across multiply across some contexts
Cooperated as a team Highly effective team An effective team Cooperated as a team Some difficulty working as Inappropriate practice as
member member who member who member a team member a team member
demonstrates strong demonstrates strong
work ethic work ethic

Curricular Intentions:

Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day (ACSSU048)

With guidance, plan and conduct scientific investigations to find answers to questions, considering the safe use of appropriate materials and equipment (ACSIS054)

Achievement Standard:

By the end of Year 3, students use their understanding of the movement of Earth, materials and the behaviour of heat to suggest explanations for everyday observations. They group living
things based on observable features and distinguish them from non-living things. They describe how they can use science investigations to respond to questions.
Students use their experiences to identify questions and make predictions about scientific investigations. They follow procedures to collect and record observations and suggest possible
reasons for their findings, based on patterns in their data. They describe how safety and fairness were considered and they use diagrams and other representations to communicate their

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