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Several Recent Women’s Deaths/Violent Assaults Forecast by UK Television

By: Andrew Kaprusiak (May 1st, 2021)

There have been a couple of tragic deaths and one violent assault of UK females
recently which appear to be spontaneously-caused as portrayed in the mass media.
However, these acts of violence were forecast by UK television as far back as about a
month before they occurred suggesting that, rather than being spur-of-the-moment
events, these acts of violence were actually pre-meditated and pre-planned several
weeks in advance. These circumstances should come into play in the sentencing of the
violent offenders causing these crimes as it is obvious they pre-planned these murders/
assaults well in advance. I allege UK intelligence services passed on this prophetic
information on these violent incidents to UK television broadcasters so the public could
be aware that these incidents could have been completely prevented. Obviously UK
intelligence services were inhibited from providing this information in an overt manner to
UK security services which likely could have prevented these violent incidents from
occurring. But as I have often stated in the past organized crime operatives in security
services (adopted individuals and pedophiles) inhibit information on tragedies being
circulated by security services because these tragedies are effectively organized crime
operations and organized crime operatives in security services work to ensure that
organized crime-instigated-violence goes off without a hitch. So in essence UK
intelligence services are alleging —by tacitly forecasting tragedies on UK television
perpetrated by organized crime— that UK security services have become too corrupted
by organized crime operatives to adequately protect the public, especially women.

Nevertheless, here are the murder/violent assaults that occurred recently in the UK:
First of all, there was the murder of fitness instructor Michelle Cooper, 40, on the 23rd of
April outside a post office in Jaywick, Essex, UK. Next there was the
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kidnapping and near-fatal stabbing of Claire Wright, 28, of Kirby Cane, Norfolk on the
26th of April. Finally, there was the murder of volunteer police officer Julia James, 53, of
Snowdown while out walking her dog on the 27th of April 2021. UK intelligence
agencies should have been able to forewarn these women what was going to happen to
them; they could have stayed in their homes or gone to a protective safe-house in order
to avoid their deadly attackers. But UK intelligence services was prevented from sharing
this information with these women and now two are dead and one is extremely
traumatized and recovering from multiple stab wounds.

Here is my evidence that UK television surreptitiously forecast these violent attacks on

these hapless women starting weeks before they occurred. What makes my evidence
especially conspicuous is that all three violent attacks on these women were tacitly
referred to over the space of about six hours on UK television on the date of March
29th, 2021. That all three of these violent acts towards these women was forecast over
such a concentrated time-frame gives even greater weight to my allegations that these
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tacit references can not —in any way— be regarded as coincidental. The first inkling I
got that something peculiar was up was up was in watching a scene I noticed on UK
television on March 29th of an individual reading a disquieting passage from a Rupert
Bear book to some children:

…what dark plots

Are gathering round his head.

Safe in his parent’ home again,

He’s free from all alarm,
But in the world outside there are
Bad folk who wish him harm.

And we are presented with an image of a bear tucked into a bed in the screenshot I took
of the scene. What is conspicuous about this scene is that images of teddy bears
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feature prominently in two of the photographs widely circulated in the media of the UK
women subjected to murder/violent assault, that of Michelle Cooper and Clare Wright.
(see screenshots above) In the photograph of Michelle Cooper circulated widely by the
media, we see a teddy bear on a bed behind her just like the scene of Rupert Bear
broadcast on March 29th. As well, in the photograph of Clare Wright widely circulated
we see a teddy bear behind her on a calendar. So the chilling Rupert Bear quote that
states: “Bad folk who wish him harm” seems to refer to the murder/stabbing of these two
women in hindsight. As well, the Rupert Bear quote refers to Rupert’s head so it tacitly
refers to Michelle Cooper and Julie James who both suffered terrible head trauma
leading to their deaths.

In the next forecast on the 29th of March of the kidnapping and stabbing of Clare
Wright, we see a screenshot of a woman from the BBC program, Breakfast, named
Vanessa Kirby. This image tacitly forecasts the tragic events to occur to Clare Wright in
so many ways. First of all, here is a newsmedia quote on Clare’s kidnapping and
stabbing. “Clare Wright, 28, was allegedly seen being dragged “kicking and screaming”
from her house at around 8.40am on Monday in the Norfolk village of Kirby Cane near
Bungay, Suffolk.” The time of the interview with Ms Kirby on BBC is at 8:44am BST
conspicuously close to the time that news reported Ms Wright was seen being
kidnapped from her home at 8:40am BST on the 26th of April. Furthermore, this image
of Vanessa Kirby was taken on March 29th, 2021 and if we invert the “9” on this day we
get the “26th” which was the day Ms Wright was kidnapped. Furthermore, in another
tacit reference to the violence to occur to Ms Wright, as we can see from the news
quote above Ms Wright lived in the village of Kirby Cane and Kirby is the surname of the
actress Vanessa Kirby tacitly forecasting the violence to happen to Kirby Cane resident
Clare Wright. In other similarities between the interview with Vanessa Kirby and the
photo published in news media of Clare Wright, both women are dressed in black and
have long blond hair. So there are at least five similarities between the BBC scene of
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the Vanessa Kirby interview on Breakfast along with the photo widely circulated publicly
of Clare Wright. There are too many references to the Clare Wright kidnapping in this
BBC scene to be regarded as coincidental. As a result, the Vanessa Kirby interview is a
strong tacit forecast of the tragedy to occur to Clare Wright about one full month before
these events transpired. This is incontrovertible tacit evidence that Clare Wright’s
kidnapping and knifing were known to UK intelligence services at least one month
before these events occurred and that her kidnapping and stabbing was not a
spontaneous event. Why then was Ms Wright not fore-warned of these events? Next to
reinforce this forecast of Clare Wright’s kidnapping and stabbing, on the same day of
the Vanessa Kirby interview which forecast Ms Wright’s kidnapping we see another
reference to this kidnapping at 9:44am BST on ITV3 on their situation comedy program
Bless this House. (see screenshot above) We see actor Sid James reading a
newspaper and can clearly read one headline: Operation Nappy. “Nappy” is close
enough to the word kidnapping to be regarded as yet another tacit reference to Clare
Wright’s impending kidnapping as well as the “operation” she will have to undergo in
order to treat her impending stab wounds. So this image broadcast on UK television
makes it six tacit references to Clare Wright’s violent kidnapping within the space of
about twenty minutes! With six prophetic references to Clare Wright’s kidnapping and
stabbing these references, in hindsight, cannot be regarded as coincidental. Another
reference to Clare Wright’s knifing occurs on Who Wants to be a Millionaire on April 20th
six days before her kidnapping. On that day on Who Wants to be a Millionaire a
question is asked in regards to Claire Waight Kellar a fashion designer. Ms Kellar’s first
two names, Claire Waight are mysteriously close to the name of Clare Wright while the
name Kellar is suspiciously close to the word killer. Being that Who Wants to be a
Millionaire is broadcasting this approximation of Clare Wright’s name along with a word
that sounds like “killer” only six days before she is to be kidnapped, is a tacit forecast of
her kidnapping and attack.
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Next, we move on to tacit references in regards to Michelle Cooper’s murder, and again,
one of these prophetic references —like Clare Wright’s predictions— were made on the
29th of March. But first, I would like to take some acknowledgment personally for
forecasting Michelle Cooper’s murder about one month before it occurred. If you look at
my Twitter page account (see screenshot below) you can see on March 29th —the
same day UK television referred to the impending violence perpetrated towards the
three women— you can see I have placed a photograph of actor Bradley Cooper in one
tweet. Of course Bradley Cooper’s surname is the same as murder victim Michelle
Cooper. My next tweet was on April 4th and I tweeted: “Jewish mafia is planning on
killing a woman in California named Michelle.” And of course Michelle is the first name
of Ms Cooper who was the murder victim from Jaywick, Essex. So, over the course of
six days I accurately forecast the full name of one of the woman to be murdered in the
UK, Michelle Cooper. I cannot comment too much on how I personally arrived at such
an accurate forecast of Michelle Cooper’s death except to say I have studied visual arts
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and compose music and these pastimes essentially involve a lot of intuitive problem-
solving. Intuitive problem solving differs from mathematical or scientific problem-solving
in that there is no right or wrong answer, instead there are good and not-so-good
answers. In effect, intuitive problem solving develops the mind to problem solve —not
using logic and reason— but the subconscious mind instead and of course the
subconscious mind is a vast, little-known and unexplored region of the human mind. It is
evident in my prediction of Michelle Cooper’s murder that our subconscious minds are
constantly making predictions about what will happen in our lives (as asserted by Carl
Jung in his book Synchronicity). These subconscious predictions rarely make it into our
conscious minds and are not usually thought about by us in a conscious way. This time
however, one of my subconscious predictions about something to occur in life evidently
did make it into my conscious mind and I wrote about it on Twitter. As I said, I believe
intuitive problem solving training can make the mind more receptive to the insights of
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the subconscious and this was how I was able to personally forecast the name of
murder victim Michelle Cooper. I will strive to forecast more of these names in the future
to try to stem some of the many cruel murders aimed at so many females in society.

Regardless, to continue as to UK television’s forecasts of Michelle Cooper’s death, the

following refers to Michelle’s death before or after March 29th. On March 28th at about
12:30pm BST I was watching BBC’s Bargain Hunt a show about reselling antiques. I
noticed a peculiar scene of several plastic shell-fish. (see screenshot below) In

hindsight these three shell-fish forecast the name Michelle as “three-shell” rhymes
with Michelle. As well, there is a small bust of a head in the scene and Michelle was
violently bludgeoned over the head eventually causing her to die. So this scene from
BBC’s Bargain Hunt tacitly forecasts Michelle Cooper’s head injury. The next reference
to Michelle Cooper’s death occurs at about 3pm BST on the comedy Bless this House
on March 31st. In this reference to the violence soon to be faced by Michelle Cooper,
we see a man in a scene from the program with a red handkerchief tied to the top of his
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head. In one way, the red handkerchief appears like blood and, therefore, forecasts the
bloody head wound that Michelle Cooper will receive about a month after this image
was broadcast. (see screenshot below) In yet another reference to the impending death
of Michelle Cooper, this time on the ITV program: On the Buses on March 31st, we see
the bus inspector teaching a fitness class which is quite conspicuous as the inspector is
rarely out of his uniform on the program: On the Buses. (see screenshot above) He also
stands next to a human skeleton, a symbol of death. As it turns out Michelle Cooper
was a fitness instructor who died and this scene from On the Buses tacitly has the
subtext of the death of a fitness instructor by showing a fitness instructor next to a
skeleton. On the 6th of April we can observe another prophetic reference to Michelle
Cooper’s murder. On the ITV show Who Wants to be a Millionaire one of the responses
to a question asked is Yvette Cooper. (see screenshot below) This mention of Cooper is
a prophetic reference to Michelle Cooper who is to die. This connection is reinforced
due to the two French first names preceding both Coopers, Yvette and Michelle.
Another reference to Michelle Cooper’s death occurs on April 2nd on ITV’s Bless this
House. In this scene a policeman (or bobbie) has arrived at the front door with red paint
over his cap which appears like blood on his head and, once again, this is a tacit
reference to Michelle Cooper being violently beaten on the head. This reference is
made even stronger by the policeman, or “bobbie”, being the first name of the man
charged with Michelle’s murder, Bobby Nethercott. So this scene from Bless this House
not only refers to Michelle Cooper’s way of dying but refers to her alleged murderer as
well. Another tacit reference to Michelle Cooper's death occurs on April 23rd, on the
BBC the actual day that Ms Cooper was murdered. BBC’s program Bargain Hunt on
April 23rd refers tacitly to the impending death of Michelle Cooper. One of the ways
Bargain Hunt does so is that there are multiple references on the program to the
location of where Michelle was murdered, outside a post office in Jaywick, Essex. In the
screenshot I have reproduced of the program’s site on BBC iplayer, we see the host,
Christina Trevanion, next to a blood-red mail box which forecasts the death of Ms
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Cooper outside a post office. Curiously Ms Trevanion, 39-years-of age, is very close to
the age of Michelle Cooper who was 40 when she died which lends even more weight
to the notion that the BBC is referring tacitly to the impending death of Michelle Cooper.
This edition of Bargain Hunt was broadcast at about 12pm BST on Friday April 23rd and
Michelle Cooper “… was assaulted on Friday night [of the 23rd].” So it is obvious that
the BBC was forecasting this woman’s brutal assault the day she was attacked. As well,
in this edition of Bargain Hunt a stamp collector ominously states: “…recently deceased”
which is yet another post office reference to Michelle Cooper’s impending death.

Now to move on to the surreptitious forecasts by UK television of Clare Wright’s April

26th kidnapping/stabbing: On March 31st on ITV’s On the Buses we see the bus drivers
in their recreation room playing darts. Darts are a metaphor for stabbing so this is a
subtle reference to the stabbing that will occur to Clare Wright. The bus driver on the left
in the foreground, Stan, looks like he is taking out an ominous-looking knife which has
been hidden in his pants and so this aspect of the scene forecasts Clare Wright’s
stabbing assault. However, it is not really a knife in Stan’s pants it is a file to wear down
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the tips of darts. Nevertheless, it looks enough like a knife —and a large, dangerous
one at that— to suggest that this scene from On the Buses is a prophetic tacit reference
to the violent stabbing to occur to Clare Wright. (see screenshot below) Also, in the
upper-left hand part of this scene we see a pipe in the rec room which is crossed at a
right angle by the broadcaster’s logo ITV3. From a distance this scene (see screenshot

below) appears like a white cross and is therefore a tacit reference to Ms Wright’s

attacker, Christopher Crichton. And in a final reference to Clare Wright’s kidnapping in

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this scene from On the Buses, on the dartboard scoreboard to the right of the
screenshot we see the number 14X. This number is significant because it tacitly refers
to Christopher Crichton’s vehicle he used to kidnap Clare Wright with, a 4X4: “Villagers
said Ms Wright was reportedly seen being taken off in a white 4X4 car.”

And now for the surreptitious references in regards to volunteer police officer, Julia
James of Snowdown. First of all, as I write this part of the article it has been several
days since Ms James was bludgeoned over the head and no suspect has been arrested
as of yet for her murder. It is likely Ms James’ murder took place in an area with no
CCTV cameras to record possible suspects. Yet due to the fact that her death was
forecast well in advance, some individuals in UK intelligence services know who
murdered her as these plans were likely picked-up on by UK intelligence agency
surveillance. So I allege that some people in UK intelligence services know who
conspired to murder this woman but they cannot share the information due to fears
organized crime will attack them or their families. Regardless, here is the evidence that
Julia James’ murder on April 27th was forecast by UK television: I should mention that it
was not until the 1st of May that information on how Ms James was murdered was
released by police. The cause was: “…significant head injuries in woodland near
Dover.” So many of UK’s television references to Michelle Cooper’s death apply to Julia
James as well as both died as a result of head wounds. It is not uncommon for UK
television’s tacit references to tragedies to refer to two or three simultaneous tragedies.
Therefore, the screenshots that I discussed earlier beginning on the 31 of March refer to
Julia James’ murder as well. For example, in the screenshot from On the Buses above
where we see the bus drivers in the recreation room playing darts, they appear to
resemble UK police with flat-topped police hats and being dressed in black uniforms.
(page 15) One bus driver, a Sikh, wears a turban which resembles a bandage around
his head. So the tacit subtext of this image is of UK police, one of which appears to
have a bandage or serious head injury and in this context the image is an
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unmistakeable reference to Julia James’ head injuries and murder. In the next
screenshot to forecast Ms James’ murder we see the image from Bless this House (see
above page 11) with the man in the orange shirt and the red handkerchief on his head.
As I mentioned earlier, the red cloth resembles blood on the man’s head so it is a tacit
reference to Julia James’ deadly head injuries. In the next screenshot from Bless this
House broadcast on the 2nd of April we, again, see a tacit prophetic reference to the
impending murder of Julia James. (see above page 13) A policeman appears at the
door with blood-red paint all over his hat and head. The subtext of this scene is to
forecast the murder of Julia James by a terrible head injury. Closer to the time of Ms
James’ date of murder on April 20th ITV’s Who Wants to be a Millionaire makes tacit
references to this hapless murder victim. One of the questions on the program is about
the UK’s mountain peaks and one of the answers displayed on the screen is Snowdon
which is very close to the name of the village that Ms James lived in, Snowdown. (see
screenshot below) This reference on Who Wants to be a Millionaire is a little tenuous,
but when we combine it with the next reference on Who Wants to be a Millionaire it is
abundantly evident that this ITV program is prophesizing Julia James’ murder. This next
reference to Ms James’ murder broadcast on Who Wants to be a Millionaire occurs on
the same actual day that Ms James was murdered, the 27th of April. On Who Wants to
be a Millionaire on that day a question is asked about a UK Paralympian and one of the
answers is Ellie Simmonds. The name Simmonds is significant because it tacitly refers
to Julia James’ neighbour, Shawn Simmons: “…neighbour Shawn Simmons says he
believes he’s the last to see the tragic Julia alive.” The fact that Who Wants to be a
Millionaire is referring to Julia James’ neighbour on the very same day she was
murdered is incontrovertible evidence that Millionaire is prophesizing Ms James’ murder.
Even though Who Wants to be a Millionaire was broadcast at 8pm BST about two hours
after Ms James’ body was discovered, it must be remembered that programs like Who
Wants to be a Millionaire are pre-recorded a couple of weeks in advance of their air
dates. Nevertheless, the fact that Who Wants to be a Millionaire refers to the neighbour
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of Julia James on the same day she was murdered is ample enough evidence to allege
that ITV was forecasting Ms James’ murder.

To conclude, it is patently obvious that UK television was forecasting the violent assaults
on these three women several weeks in advance in some cases. This leads to
incontrovertible proof that these murders/assaults were not spontaneous events but pre-
meditated several weeks in advance. As well, it is evident that organized crime
instigated these murders/assaults not petty thugs. The fact that organized crime
operatives in security services muzzled intelligence services in regards to these
murders and due to the fact that these murders/assaults were pre-planned many weeks
in advance and were also framed to appear as spontaneous attacks, also points the
finger at organized crime as the instigator of these crimes not thugs acting-out
spontaneously. It is pedophiles who head up organized crime and due to this fact, and
due to the fact that so many of these murders framed-as-spontaneous occur towards
women, we must conclude that organized crime is committing a covert genocide
towards women of the UK. As I said, pedophiles are the overlords of organized crime
and pedophiles are contemptuous of women due to women’s intransigence towards
pedophilia and their efforts to proscribe pedophilia in society. For most of human history
pedophiles were ignored but after women got the vote, especially British women,
pedophiles began to be viewed as mentally-ill monsters who now face long prison terms
and total ostracization from society. Pedophiles in society are committing a covert
genocide towards Western women due to women’s ardent persecution of pedophiles in
modern society. I believe the only way to end this covert genocide is to segregate
pedophiles from the general population. Pedophiles control society to a great extent and
corrupt all of our institutions through communist and organized crime control. Our
corrupted social institutions can be co-opted at any time to facilitate pedophile-instigated
tragedies because pedophiles have inordinate control over these institutions through
organized crime and communist hegemony and through the coercive use of terror. The
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only way to end this genocide and cut-off pedophiles from controlling our social
institutions is by segregating them.

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