02.03. Signs and Symptoms

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August 29,2013
Doc Jogé Los Baños Signs and Symptoms
“Future warns us through current symptoms in nature.” in Psychiatry
― Toba Beta

I. Introduction 1 o grossly impaired reality testing, that the person
II. Consciousness 1 incorrectly evaluates the accuracy of his perceptions
III. Emotion 2 and thoughts and makes incorrect inferences about
IV. Motor Behavior 3 external reality, even in the face of contrary evidence
VI. Speech 5 o it specifies the degree of ego regression as the
VII. Perception 9 criterion
VIII. Memory 10  Became synonymous with severe impairment of social
IX. Intelligence 11 and personal functioning characterized by social
X. Insight 11 withdrawal and an inability to perform the usual
XI. Judgement 11 household and occupational roles
XII. Uncategorized Additional Terms 11
 SIGNS  Refers to the fact that life events or difficulties play an
o observations & objective findings elicited by clinician important role in the genesis of many psychiatric
o subjective experiences described by patient DSM-IV-TR - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (4th Revision)
 SYNDROME  If the patient has 5 symptoms, look up each of these Sxs
o Constellation or group of signs and symptoms that and find which disease is so characterized under all 5
together make up the recognizable condition headings, then you’ll get the Dx

o A school of philosophy & psychiatry that focuses on s/sx  State of awareness
as an event that can be described & experienced A. DISTURBANCES OF CONSCIOUSNESS
o Developed by Edmund Husserl & Karl Jaspers  APPERCEPTION:
o Understand it through intuition & experience it through o perception modified by person’s own emotions &
empathy thought;
o awareness of the meaning and significance of a
 PERSONAL WORLD particular sensory stimulus as modified by one's own
o the way a person thinks or feels. experiences, knowledge, thoughts, and emotions
o It is abnormal when it:  SENSORIUM:
 Springs from a condition that is recognized o cognitive functioning of special senses
universally as abnormal o includes ability to perceive and to process ongoing
 Separates the person from others emotionally events in light of past experiences, future options, and
 Does not improve the person with sense of "spiritual current circumstances
& material" security o sometimes used as a synonym for consciousness
 Disturbances of consciousness is most often
 Chronic or recurrent non-psychotic disorder 1. DISORIENTATION: disturbance of orientation in time,
characterized mainly by ANXIETY place, or person (the position of the self in relation to
 It appears as a symptom such as obsession, compulsion, other persons). Characteristic of cognitive disorders
phobia, or sexual dysfunction
 According to DSM-III: 2. CONFUSION: disturbance of consciousness in which
a. Mental disorder in which the predominant reactions to environmental stimuli are inappropriate;
disturbance is a symptom or group of symptoms that manifested by disordered orientation in relation to time,
is distressing to the individual and is recognized by place, or person
him as “ego-dystonic” (unacceptable and alien)
b. reality testing is grossly intact 3. CLOUDING OF CONSCIOUSNESS: incomplete clear-
c. behavior → does not actively violate social norms, mindedness with disturbance in perception & attitudes;
but may be disabling the person is not fully awake, alert, and oriented. Occurs
d. disturbance is relatively enduring or recurrent in delirium, dementia, and cognitive disorder.
without treatment
e. not limited to a transitory reaction to stressors 4. DELIRIUM: bewildered, restless, confused, disoriented
f. no demonstrable organic etiology or factor reaction associated with fear and hallucinations; acute
reversible mental disorder characterized by confusion and
PSYCHOSIS impairment of consciousness; associated with emotional
 Loss of reality testing & impairment of mental lability, hallucinations or illusions, and inappropriate,
functioning- manifested by delusions, hallucinations, behavior
confusion, & impaired memory

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Signs and Symptoms

Continuation of Disturbances of consciousness… EMOTION

5. COMA: profound unconsciousness from which a person  Complex feeling state with psychic, somatic, & behavioral
cannot be roused, with minimal or no detectable components that is related to affect & mood
responsiveness to stimuli A. AFFECT
 Observed expression of emotion
6. COMA VIGIL: coma in which the patient appears to be
awake with eyes open but cannot be aroused (old trans 1. APPROPRIATE AFFECT: emotional tone is in harmony.
def’n); Coma in which a patient appears to be asleep, but Classified further as broad or full affect.
can be aroused (Kaplan); aka akinetic mutism 2. INAPPROPRIATE AFFECT: disharmony between
emotional feeling tone & idea, thought, or speech
7. STUPOR: lack of reaction to, & awareness of, accompanying it (Ex: May px na nagkwekwento nung
surroundings; state of decreased reactivity to stimuli and pinatay yung parents nya sa harap nya tapos tumatawa
less than full awareness of one's surroundings (Stuporous siya or nakangiti)
individuals are still responsive to painful stimuli) 3. BLUNTED AFFECT: severe reduction in intensity of
externalized feeling tone
8. SOMNOLENCE: Pathological/abnormal drowsiness or 4. FLAT AFFECT: absence or near absence of any signs of
sleepiness from which one can be aroused to a normal affective expression
state of consciousness. 5. RESTRICTED OR CONSTRICTED AFFECT: reduction in
intensity of feeling or tone
9. DROWSINESS: a state of impaired awareness assoc. 6. LABILE AFFECT: rapid and abrupt changes in emotional
with a desire to sleep feeling tone

10. TWILIGHT STATE: disturbed consciousness with B. MOOD

hallucinations  Pervasive & sustained emotion subjectively experienced
& reported by the patient & observed by others
11. DREAMY/DREAMLIKE STATE: complex partial
seizure/psychomotor epilepsy; altered state of
1. DYSPHORIC MOOD: unpleasant mood or discomfort;
consciousness, likened to a dream situation accompanied
dissatisfaction and restlessness
by visual, auditory, and olfactory hallucinations
2. EUTHYMIC MOOD: normal range of mood
3. EXPANSIVE MOOD: expression of feelings without
12. SUNDOWNING: syndrome in older persons that usually
restraint frequently with an overestimation of their
occurs at night & is characterized by drowsiness,
significance or importance (seen in mania and grandiose
confusion, ataxia and falling as aresult of being overly
sedated with medications; aka sundowner’s syndrome
4. IRRITABLE MOOD: person is easily annoyed &
provoked to anger
B. DISORDERS OF ATTENTION 5. MOOD SWINGS: oscillations between euphoria &
 ATTENTION: amount of effort exerted in focusing on depression or anxiety
certain portions of an experience; ability to sustain a focus 6. ELEVATED MOOD: mood more cheerful than usual but
on one activity; ability to concentrate not necessarily pathological; air of confidence and
1. DISTRACTIBILITY: inability to concentrate attention 7. ELATION: feelings of joy, euphoria, triumph, intense
2. SELECTIVE INATTENTION: blocking out only those self-satisfaction, or optimism
things that generate anxiety 8. EUPHORIA: intense elation with feelings of grandeur
3. HYPERVIGILANCE: excessive attention & focus in all 9. ECSTASY: feeling of intense rapture
internal & external stimuli; usually seen in paranoid and 10. DEPRESSION: psychopathological feeling of sadness
delusional states characterized by loneliness, despair and low self-esteem
4. HYPERPRAGIA: excessive thinking & mental activity; 11. MELANCHOLIA: severe depressive state
associated with manic episodes of bipolar I disorder. 12. ANHEDONIA: loss of interest in pleasurable activities
5. TRANCE: focused attention & altered consciousness (old 13. GRIEF: sadness appropriate to a real loss; self-limiting
trans def’n); Sleep-like state of reduced consciousness (aka bereavement)
and activity (Kaplan) 14. MOURNING: syndrome which includes preoccupation
6. DISINHIBITION : removal of an inhibitory effect that with the lost loved-one, weeping, sadness and reliving
permits persons to lose control of impulses (ex. reduction 15. ALEXITHYMIA: inability in describing or being aware of
of the inhibitory function of the cerebral cortex by emotions or mood
alcohol); In psychiatry, defined as greater freedom to act 16. SUICIDAL IDEATION: thoughts or act of taking one’s
in accordance with inner drives or feelings and with less own life.
regard for restraints dictated by cultural norms or one's 17. MANIA: characterized by elation, agitation,
superego. hyperactivity, hypersexuality, and accelerated thinking
and speaking
DISORDERS OF SUGGESTIBILITY 18. HYPOMANIA: mood abnormality with the qualitative
 SUGGESTIBILITY – state of uncritical compliance with characteristics of mania but less intense
influence or of uncritical acceptance of an idea, belief, or 19. LA BELLE INDIFFERENCE: inappropriate attitude of
attitude calm or lack of concern about one’s disability
1. FOLIE A DEUX/ FOLIE A TROIS: communicated
mental/emotional illness between 2 or 3 persons; usually C. OTHER EMOTIONS
involving a common delusional system; aka shared 1. ANXIETY: Feeling Of Apprehension Which May Be
delusion Internal Or External
2. HYPNOSIS: artificially induced modifications of 2. FREE-FLOATING ANXIETY: Pervasive, Unfocused Fear
consciousness characterized by heightened suggestibility Not Attached To Any Idea

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Signs and Symptoms

Continuation of “Other Emotions”(Mood)… Continuation of Physiological disturbances assoc. w/ Mood…

3. FEAR: Anxiety Caused By Consciously Recognized And 7. DIMINISHED LIBIDO: decrease sexual interest, drive,
Realistic Danger and performance
4. AGITATION: Severe Anxiety Associated With Motor 8. CONSTIPATION: inability or difficulty to defecate
Restlessness; Similar To Excitability With Easily Triggered 9. FATIGUE: feeling of weariness, sleepiness, or irritability
Anger Or Annoyance following a period of mental or bodily activity
5. TENSION: Increased And Unpleasant Motor And 10. PICA: craving/eating non-food substance (e.g. clay, paint)
Psychological Activity Characterized By Arousal And 11. PSEUDOCYESIS: patient has signs and symptoms of
Uneasiness pregnancy
6. PANIC: Acute, Episodic, Intense Attack Of Anxiety 12. ADYNAMIA: weakness and fatigability
Associated With Overwhelming Feelings Of Dread &
Autonomic Discharge; Apprehension Of Impending MOTOR BEHAVIOR (CONATION)
Doom; With Personality Disorganization  Includes impulses, motivations, wishes, drives, instincts, &
7. APATHY: Dulled Emotional Tone; With Detachment Or cravings, as expressed by a person’s behavior/ motor
Indifference activity
8. AMBIVALENCE: Coexistence Of 2 Opposing Impulses
Toward The Same Thing In The Same Person At The 1. ECHOPRAXIA: pathological imitation of movement of 1
Same Time person by another.
9. ABREACTION: Emotional Release Or Discharge After 2. CATATONIA & POSTURAL ABNORMALITIES: seen in
Recalling A Painful Experience; Repressed Material catatonic schizophrenia & some patients with brain
Brought Back To Consciousness; Relives Repression diseases, such as encephalitis
10. SHAME: Failure To Live Up To Self-Expectations; Often a. CATALEPSY: immobile position that is constantly
Associated With Fantasy Of How Person Will Be Seen By maintained
Others b. CATATONIC EXCITEMENT: agitated, purposeless
11. GUILT: Emotion Secondary To Doing What Is Perceived motor activity, uninfluenced by external stimuli; may
As Wrong; Emotional State Associated With Self- be violent
Reproach And The Need For Punishment c. CATATONIC STUPOR: slowed motor activity, often
to the point of immobility & seeming unawareness of
*Psychiatrists Distinguish Shame As A Less Internalized Form surroundings
Of Guilt That Relates More To Others Than To The Self d. CATATONIC RIGIDITY: voluntary assumption of a
rigid posture, held against all efforts to be moved
12. IMPULSE CONTROL: Ability To Resist An Impulse, e. CATATONIC POSTURING: voluntary assumption of
Drive, Or Temptation To Perform An Action an inappropriate or bizarre posture, generally
13. INEFFABILITY: Ecstatic State In Which Persons Insist maintained for long periods
That Their Experience Is Inexpressible And Indescribable f. CEREA FLEXIBILITAS (WAXY FLEXIBILITY):
And That It Is Impossible To Convey What It Is Like To person can be molded into a position that is then
One Who Has Never Experienced It. maintained; when an examiner moves the person’s
14. ACATHEXIS: Lack Of Feeling Associated With An limb, the limb feels as if it were made of wax
Ordinarily Emotionally Charged Subject; In Cathexis, g. AKINESIA: lack of physical movement, as in the
The Feeling Is Connected extreme immobility of catatonic schizophrenia; may
15. DECATHEXIS: detaching emotions from thoughts or also occur as an extrapyramidal adverse effect of
ideas. antipsychotic medication

D. PHYSIOLOGICAL DISTURBANCES 3. NEGATIVISM: motiveless resistance to all attempts to

ASSOCIATED WITH MOOD be moved or to all instructions; maybe verbal or non-
 Signs of somatic (usually autonomic) dysfunction most verbal
often associated with depression. (aka vegetative signs) 4. CATAPLEXY: temporary loss of muscle tone & weakness
precipitated by a variety of emotional states
1. ANOREXIA: loss or decreased appetite* 5. STEREOTYPY: repetitive fixed pattern of physical action
2. BULIMIA: insatiable hunger & voracious eating* or speech
*ANOREXIA NERVOSA: appetite is preserved but the 6. MANNERISM: ingrained, habitual involuntary movement
patient refuses to eat 7. AUTOMATISM: automatic performance of an act or acts
*BULIMIA NERVOSA: associated w/ binging and generally representing unconscious symbolic activity.
purging 8. COMMAND AUTOMATISM: automatic following of
suggestions. Also called automatic obedience.
3. HYPERPHAGIA: increase intake of food 9. MUTISM: voicelessness w/o structural abnormalities.

4. INSOMNIA: lack or diminished ability to sleep 10. OVERACTIVITY

a. Initial: difficulty falling asleep a. PSYCHOMOTOR AGITATION: excessive motor &
b. Middle: difficulty sleeping through the night cognitive activity, usually non-productive & in
without waking up and difficulty going back to sleep response to inner tension.
c. Terminal: early morning awakening; at least 2 b. HYPERACTIVITY (HYPERKINESIS): restless,
hours before expected time of awakening aggressive, destructive activity often associated with
some underlying brain pathology.
5. HYPERSOMNIA: excessive sleeping c. TIC: involuntary, spasmodic motor movement of
6. DIURNAL VARIATION: mood is regularly worst in the small group of muscles
morning, immediately after awakening and improves as d. SLEEPWALKING (SOMNAMBULISM): motor
the day progresses activity during sleep

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Signs and Symptoms

Continuation of Overactivity subtypes… (motor b.) Continuation of Motor Behavoir (Conation)…

e. AKATHISIA: subjective feeling of muscular tension 24. CONVULSION: involuntary, violent muscular
secondary to antipsychotic or other meds, which can contraction/ spasm.
cause restlessness, pacing, repeated sitting &  Clonic Convulsion: muscles alternately contracts &
standing; can be mistaken for psychotic agitation relax.
because of a constant need to move  Tonic Convulsion: muscle contraction is sustained.

f. COMPULSION: uncontrollable impulse to perform an 25. SEIZURE: sudden onset of symptoms such as
act repetitively. convulsions, LOC, & psychic or sensory disturbances seen
 Dipsomania: compulsion to drink alcohol. in epilepsy and can be substance induced.
 Kleptomania: compulsion to steal.  Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure: generalized
 Nymphomania: compulsion for coitus in woman. onset of tonic:clonic movements of the limbs, tongue
 Satyriasis: compulsion for coitus in a man. biting, & incontinence followed by slow, gradual
 Trichotillomania: compulsion to pull out hair. recovery of consciousness & cognition. Aka grand mal
 Ritual: automatic compulsive activity; may refer seizure & psychomotor seizure.
to a formalized activity to decrease anxiety or a  Simple Partial Seizure: localized ictal onset of
ceremonial activity of cultural origin seizure w/o altered consciousness.
 Complex Partial Seizure: localized ictal onset of
g. ATAXIA: failure of muscle coordination; irregularity of seizure w/ altered consciousness.
muscle action.
26. DYSTONIA: slow, sustained contractions of the trunk or
h. POLYPHAGIA: pathological overeating. limbs.
27. AMIMIA: inability to make gestures or to comprehend
i. TREMOR: rhythmical alteration in movement (usually those made by others
faster than 1 beat a second). Typically tremors
decrease during periods of relaxation and sleep and THINKING
increase during periods of anger and increased tension  Goal-directed flow of ideas, symbols & associations initiated
j. FLOCCILLATION: aimless picking usually at clothing by a problem or task & leading toward a reality-oriented
or bedclothes, commonly seen in delirium and conclusion.
dementia  Normal when logical sequence occurs.
Continuation of Motor Behavoir (Conation)… motivated lapse from logic; considered part of normal
11. HYPOACTIVITY (HYPOKINESIS): decreased motor &  ABSTRACT THINKING - is the ability to grasp the
cognitive activity, as in psychomotor retardation; visible essentials of a whole, to break the whole into parts & to
slowing of thought, speech and movements. discern common properties

12. MIMICRY: simple, imitative motor activity of childhood. GENERAL DISTURBANCES IN FORM OR PROCESS OF
13. AGGRESSION: forceful, goal-directed action that may 1. MENTAL DISORDER:
be verbal or physical; motor counterpart of rage, anger,  clinically significant behavior/ psychological syndrome
& hostility. associated with distress or disease, not just an
14. ACTING OUT: direct expression of an unconscious wish/ expected response to a particular event or limited to
impulse in action, living out unconscious fantasy relations between a person and society (OT, 9 th)
impulsively in behavior.  Manifestations are primarily characterized by
15. ABULIA: reduced impulse to act & think, associated with behavioral or psychological impairment of function,
indifference about consequences of action; a result of measured in terms of deviation from some normative
neurological deficit concept (10th)

16. ANERGIA: lack of energy (anergy). 2. PSYCHOSIS:

 inability to distinguish reality and fantasy
17. ASTASIA ABASIA: inability to stand or walk in a normal impaired reality testing, hallucinations, delusions, and
manner, even though normal leg movements can be illusions, creation of new reality
performed in a sitting or lying down position. gait is  Neurosis: mental disorder in which reality testing is
bizarre and does not suggest a specific organic lesion intact, behavior may not violate gross social norms,
relatively enduring without treatment
18. COPROPHAGIA: eating of filth or feces.
19. DYSKINESIA: difficulty performing voluntary  objective evaluation & judgment of the world outside
movements, as in extrapyramidal disorders. the self (9th, OT)
20. MUSCLE RIGIDITY: muscles remain immovable, seen in  Fundamental ego function that consists of tentative
schizophrenia. actions that test and objectively evaluate the nature
21. TWIRLING: present in autistic children who continually and limits of the environment
rotate in the direction in w/c their head is turned.  includes the ability to differentiate between the
22. BRADYKINESIA: slow motor activity w/ ↓ normal, external world and the internal world and to
spontaneous movement. accurately judge the relation between the self and the
23. CHOREA: random & involuntary quick, jerky, environment (10th)
purposeless movement.

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Signs and Symptoms

Continuation of General Disturbance of thinking… Continuation of Neologisms (FORM of thought)…

 Also been used to mean a word that has been
4. FORMAL THOUGHT DISORDER: incorrectly constructed but whose origins are
 disturbance in the form of thought rather than the nonetheless understandable
content of thought, o (e.g., headshoe to mean hat)
 thinking characterized by associations, neologisms, o However, such constructions are more properly
and illogical constructs. referred to as WORD APPROXIMATIONS (10th)
 Person is defined as psychotic.
 Characteristic of schizophrenia. Continuation of Disturbances in FORM of thought…


 thinking containing erroneous conclusions or internal  Incoherent, essentially incomprehensible, mixture of
contradictions words and phrases commonly seen in far-advanced
 Psychopathological only when it is marked and not cases of schizophrenia
caused by cultural values or intellectual deficit.  Examples:
1. “Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.”
6. DEREISM: 2. “I am fine…apple pie…no sale…furniture store…take
 Mental activity not concordant with logic or experience it slow…cellar door…”
(9th, OT). 3. “It was shockingly not of the best quality I have
 Mental activity that follows a totally subjective and known all such evildoers coming out of doors with
idiosyncratic system of logic and fails to take the facts the best of intentions!”
of reality or experience into consideration.
 Characteristic of schizophrenia (10th) 3. CIRCUMSTANTIALITY:
 indirect speech that is delayed in reaching the point but
7. AUTISTIC THINKING: eventually gets from original point to desired goal. (9 th,
 Preoccupation w/ inner private world. (9th) OT)
 Thinking in which the thoughts are largely narcissistic &  Disturbance in the associative thought and speech
egocentric, with emphasis on subjectivity rather than processes in which a patient digresses into unnecessary
objectivity, and without regard for reality details and inappropriate thoughts before
 Used interchangeably with autism and dereism. communicating the central idea.
 Seen in schizophrenia and autistic disorder. (10 th)  Observed in schizophrenia, obsessional disturbances,
and certain cases of dementia. (10th)
 A form of dereistic thought; thinking similar to that of 1. “My mother's job? She used to sit around the house
the preoperational phase in children, in which doing nothing but drinking, she'd just sit there and
thoughts, words, or actions assume power. stew, making noises, chugging her drinks. She
 (e.g., to cause or to prevent events). threw my dad out of the house. I'll never forget
that, the way she did it. Anyways, my mom was a
 Mental activity directly related to the functions of the id 2. When asked about a bruise on her arm, the patient
and characteristic of unconscious mental processes recounts everything else that happened that same
 Marked by primitive, prelogical thinking and by the day before explaining how she was injured.
tendency to seek immediate discharge and
gratification of instinctual demands. 4. TANGENTIALITY:
 Includes thinking that is dereistic, illogical, magical;  inability to have goal-directed associations of thought;
normally found in dreams, abnormally in psychosis. speaker never gets from point to desired goal (OT)
 Oblique, digressive, or even irrelevant manner of
10. SECONDARY PROCESS THINKING: speech in which the central idea is not communicated.
 the form of thinking that is logical, organized, reality (10th)
oriented, and influenced by the demands of the  Example: The patient begins to explain how she was
environment injured, but loses her train of thought and goes on to
 Characterizes the mental activity of the ego. other subjects.


 Deep level of understanding/ awareness that is likely to  thought that is not generally understandable (9th, OT)
lead to positive changes in personality & behavior (9 th,  running together of thoughts or words with no logical
OT) or grammatical connection, resulting in disorganization
 A level of understanding or awareness that one has  Communication that is disconnected, disorganized, or
emotional problems. It facilitates positive changes in incomprehensible (10th)
personality and behavior when present (10 th)
SPECIFIC DISTURBANCES IN FORM OF THOUGHT  Pathological repetition of the same response to
1. Neologism: different stimuli, as in a repetition of the same verbal
 New word or phrase whose derivation cannot be response to different questions.
understood  Seen in cognitive disorders, schizophrenia, and other
 Often by combining syllables of other words, for mental illness. (10th)
idiosyncratic psychological reasons (9th, OT)  Example: What day is it? “Monday”. What time is it?
 Often seen in schizophrenia. “Monday”. What month is it? “Monday.”
 Eg: I don’t want to go there, there are norks there.

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Signs and Symptoms

Continuation of Disturbances in FORM of thought…  Example of Clang association: “He went in entry in
trying tieing sighing dying ding-dong dangles dashing
7. VERBIGERATION: (Also known as cataphasia) dancing ding-a-ling!”
 Meaningless & stereotyped repetition of specific words
or phrases. Seen in schizophrenia. Continuation of Disturbances in FORM of thought…
 Ex: “Peter paid plenty for piping. Plenty for piping paid
Peter.” 15. BLOCKING:
 Abrupt interruption in train of thought before a thought
8. ECHOLALIA: or idea is finished
 Psychopathological repeating of words or phrases of  After a brief pause, person indicates no recall of what
one person by another. was being or going to be said.
Tends to be repetitive and persistent.  Also known as thought deprivation or increased
 Seen in certain kinds of schizophrenia, particularly the thought latency.
catatonic types.  Common in schizophrenia & severe anxiety
 Example: You greet a new patient by asking, “How are
you feeling today?” He replies, “Today? Feeling today? 16. GLOSSOLALIA/SPEAKING IN TONGUES:
How are YOU feeling today?”  Expression of a revelatory message through
unintelligible words.
9. CONDENSATION: fusion of various concepts into one;  Also known as cryptolalia; A private spoken language;
Mental process in which one symbol stands for a number Not considered a disturbance in thought if associated
of components. with Pentecostal religions. (9 th)
 Unintelligible jargon that has meaning to the speaker
10. IRRELEVANT ANSWER: answer that is not in harmony but not to the listener. Occurs in schizophrenia. (10)
with question asked. Not responsive to question. Person
appears to ignore or not attend to question. SPECIFIC DISTURBANCES IN CONTENT OF THOUGHT
1. POVERTY OF CONTENT: thought that gives little
11. LOOSENING OF ASSOCIATIONS: information because of vagueness, empty repetitions, or
 flow of thought in which ideas shift from one subject to obscure phrases.
another in a completely unrelated way. May be 2. OVERVALUED IDEA: unreasonable, sustained false
incoherent if severe (9th, OT) belief maintained less firmly than a delusion.
 Characteristic schizophrenic thinking or speech
disturbance involving a disorder in the logical 3. DELUSION: false belief, based on incorrect interference
progression of thoughts. about external reality, NOT CONSISTENT W/ PT’S
 Failure to communicate verbally adequately INTELLIGENCE & CULTURAL BACKGROUND. Cannot be
 Unrelated and unconnected ideas shift from one subject corrected by reasoning.
to another. (10th)
 Examples: Types of Delusion:
1. “He went to the ballpark and bought Frank’s beer a. BIZARRE DELUSION:
belly home in a bag of grass seed.” - false belief that is absurd, totally implausible,
2. “I can’t go to the zoo, no money, Oh... I have a hat, fantastic, strange. (Out of this world)
these members make no sense, man…What’s the - Common in schizophrenia.
problem?” - In nonbizarre delusion, content is usually within
the range of possibility.
12. DERAILMENT: - Example: invaders from space have implanted
 Gradual or sudden deviation in train of thought without electrodes in a person's brain
 Sometimes used synonymously with loosening of b. SYSTEMATIZED DELUSION:
association. - group of elaborate delusions united by/related to a
 Example: "…So after the storm we found the canoe a single event or theme.
bit down the river, and then, uh…my mother came to - Example: Px is being persecuted by the CIA, FBI,
see me today." Mafia


 Rapid, continuous verbalizations or plays on words - delusion with mood-appropriate content.
produce constant shifting from one idea to another, - Example: depressed patients who believe that they
but tend to be connected. are responsible for the destruction of the world
 Listener can follow in less severe forms. (9 th)
 Rapid succession of fragmentary thoughts or speech in d. MOOD-INCONGRUENT DELUSION:
which content changes abruptly and speech may be - Delusion based on incorrect reference about
incoherent. Seen in mania. (10 th) external reality, with content that has no
 Example: A man starts talking about his business, but association to mood or is mood inappropriate
quickly shifts to discussing the economy, the (10th)
government, and other countries. - Examples: (1) Depressed patients who believe that
they are the new Messiah. (2) Depressed patient
14. CLANG ASSOCIATION: has delusions of thought control or broadcasting
 Association or speech directed by sound of a word
rather than its meaning. Words have no logical e. NIHILISTIC DELUSION: false feeling that self,
connection. May include rhyming and punning. Seen others, or the world is nonexistent or coming to an
in schizophrenia & mania. end. (Eg. “Magugunaw ang mundo!”)

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Signs and Symptoms

Continuation of Types of Delusion… Continuation of Spcfc Disturbances in CONTENT of thought…

f. DELUSION OF POVERTY: false belief that one is 4. TREND/ PREOCCUPATION OF THOUGHT: centering of
bereft or will be deprived of all material possessions. thought content on a particular idea associated with a
g. SOMATIC DELUSION: false belief involving strong affective tone, such as a paranoid trend or a
functioning of the body; Ex: Belief that brain is rotting suicidal or homicidal preoccupation.
or melting
h. PARANOID DELUSIONS: include persecutory 5. EGOMANIA: pathological self-preoccupation or self-
delusions & delusions of reference, control, and centeredness.
grandeur. 6. MONOMANIA: preoccupation with single object/one
*Paranoid ideation, on the other hand, is subject
suspiciousness of less than delusional proportions. 7. RUMINATION: constant preoccupation with thinking
* Subtypes: about a single idea or theme, as in OCD
 DELUSION OF PERSECUTION: 8. HYPOCHONDRIA: exaggerated concern about health
o Most common delusion. that is based not on real organic pathology but, rather,
o Person’s false belief that he/she is being harassed, on unrealistic interpretation of physical signs or
cheated, or persecuted. sensations as abnormal. (Feeling mo may cancer ka)
o Often found in litigious patients who have a
pathological tendency to take legal action because 9. OBSESSION:
of imagined mistreatment. - Persistent and recurrent idea, thought, or impulse
 DELUSION OF GRANDEUR: that cannot be eliminated from consciousness by logic
o Exaggerated conception of his/her importance, or reasoning
power, or identity. - Involuntary and ego-dystonic.
o Example: Ako ang hari ng Pilipinas (in reality: - Example: His obsession with his coworker was
taong grasa yung nagsabi) beginning to affect his marriage; he ignored his wife
 DELUSION OF REFERENCE: and spent hours each day having imaginary
o False belief that the behavior of others refers to conversations with the other woman in his head.
oneself or that events, objects, or other people
have a particular and unusual significance, usually 10. COMPULSION:
of a negative nature - Pathological need to act on an impulse that, if
o derived from idea of reference, in which persons resisted, produces anxiety
falsely feel that others are talking about them - Repetitive behavior in response to an obsession or
o Example: Belief that person on TV or radio is performed according to certain rules, with no true end
talking to or about the person in itself other than to prevent something from occurring
in the future.
i. DELUSION OF SELF-ACCUSATION: false feeling of - Example: A woman must check the locks on all her
remorse & guilt. Seen in depression with psychotic doors and windows three times each before she can
features. retire in the evening. If prevented from performing this
j. DELUSION OF CONTROL: false feeling that a ritual, she can’t fall asleep.
person’s will thoughts, or feelings are being controlled
by external forces. 11. COPROLALIA: compulsive utterance of obscene words.
 Thought withdrawal: delusion that thoughts
are being removed from a person’s mind by 12. PHOBIA: persistent irrational, exaggerated, & invariably
other persons or forces. pathological dread of a specific stimulus or situation.
 Thought insertion: delusion that thoughts are Results in compelling desire to avoid feared stimulus.
being implanted in a person’s mind. a. Specific Phobia: circumscribed dread of a discrete
 Thought broadcasting: delusion that a object or situation. (Ex. dread of spiders & snakes)
person’s thought can be heard by others. b. Social Phobia: dread of public humiliation, as a fear
 Thought control: delusion that a person’s in public speaking, performing, or eating in public.
thoughts are being controlled by other persons c. Acrophobia: high places.
or forces. d. Agoraphobia: open places.
e. Algophobia: pain.
PATHOLOGICAL JEALOUSY): false belief derived g. Erythrophobia: blushing/ red.
from pathological jealousy about a person’s lover h. Panphobia: everything.
being unfaithful. i. Claustrophobia: closed places.
COMPLEX/ CLERAMBAULT SYNDROME: delusional k. Zoophobia: animals.
belief, more common in women, that someone is l. Needle Phobia/ Blood Injection Phobia:
deeply in love with them. persistent, pathological fear of receiving an injection.

m. PSEUDOLOGIA PHANTASTICA: 13. NOEISIS: a revelation in which immense illumination

- type of lying in w/c a person appears to believe in occurs in association w/ a sense that a person has been
the reality of his/ her fantasies & acts on them chosen to lead & command. Can occur in manic and
- associated w/ Munchausen syndrome(repeated dissociative stress
feigning of illness)(9th, OT) 14. Unio mystica: an oceanic feeling of mystic unity with an
- Disorder characterized by uncontrollable lying in infinite power; not considered a disturbance in thought
which patients elaborate extensive fantasies that content if congruent with person’s religious/ cultural
they freely communicate and act on. (10th) milieu.

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Signs and Symptoms

SPEECH Continuation of Speech Disturbances…

 Ideas, thoughts, feelings as expressed through language;
communication through the use of words & language. 12. ACULALIA: nonsense speech associated with markedly
DISTURBANCES IN SPEECH impaired comprehension. Occurs in mania, schizophrenia,
1. PRESSURED SPEECH: Increase in the amount of and neurological deficit.
spontaneous speech; rapid, loud, accelerated speech, 13. BRADYLALIA: abnormally slow speech.
difficult to interrupt, as occurs in mania, schizophrenia, 14. DYSPHONIA: difficulty or pain in speaking.
and cognitive disorders. 15. ACATAPHASIA:
- disordered speech in which statements are incorrectly
2. VOLUBILITY (LOGORRHEA): Copious, pressured, formulated.
logical, coherent speech; uncontrollable, excessive - Patients may express themselves with words that
talking; observed in manic episodes. AKA tachylogia, sound like the ones intended, but are not appropriate
verbomania to the thoughts, or they may use totally inappropriate
- restriction in the amount of speech used. APHASIC DISTURBANCES
- Monosyllabic replies.  Aphasic Disturbances = in language output
- aka Laconic Speech: Condition characterized by a 1. MOTOR APHASIA:
reduction in the quantity of spontaneous speech; - disturbance of speech caused by a cognitive disorder in
replies to questions are brief and unelaborated, and which understanding remains but ability to speak is
little or no unprompted additional information is grossly impaired.
provided. - Halting, laborious, and inaccurate speech
- Occurs in major depression, schizophrenia, and organic - aka Broca’s, nonfluent, and expressive aphasia
mental disorders. 2. SENSORY APHASIA:
- Example: A depressed man offers no spontaneous - organic loss of ability to comprehend the meaning of
commentary during conversation. He replies to direct words.
questions with, at most, one- or two-word answers. - Fluid and spontaneous but incoherent and nonsensical
4. NON-SPONTANEOUS SPEECH: verbal responses given - aka Wernicke’s, fluent and receptive aphasia
only when asked or spoken to directly; no self initiation of 3. Nominal aphasia/ Anomia/ Amnestic aphasia:
speech.(Wala na to sa 10th ed) difficulty finding correct name for an object.
4. Syntactical aphasia: inability to arrange words in
5. POVERTY OF CONTENT OF SPEECH: proper sequence.
- Speech that is adequate in amt but conveys little info 5. Jargon Aphasia: words produced are totally neologistic;
because of vagueness, emptiness or stereotyped nonsense words repeated with various intonations &
phrases. inflections.
- Example: You listen to the patient’s conventional 6. Global Aphasia: combination of a grossly non-fluent
phrases for 5 minutes, but are unable to extract a aphasia & a severe fluent aphasia.
single fact from all her vague talk. 7. Alogia: inability to speak because of mental deficiency or
an episode of dementia.
6. DYSPROSODY: 8. Coprophasia: involuntary use of vulgar or obscene
- Loss of normal speech melody (prosody). language. Seen in Tourette’s disorder and in some cases
- Example: A young schizophrenic patient ends every of schizophrenia (Wala na sa 10th ed)
statement with a bizarre and pronounced melodic lift, 9. PARAPHASIA:
as though everything he says is a question. - Abnormal speech in which one word is substituted for
7. DYSARTHRIA: difficulty in articulation, not in word - the irrelevant word generally resembling the required
finding or in grammar. one in morphology, meaning, or phonetic composition
- the inappropriate word may be a legitimate one used
8. DYSLALIA: Faulty articulation caused by structural incorrectly, (Ex. clover instead of hand) or a bizarre
abnormalities of the articulatory organs or impaired nonsense expression,(Ex. treen instead of train)
hearing. - Paraphasic speech may be seen in organic aphasias
and in mental disorders such as schizophrenia.
modulation of normal speech volume. - Speech disturbance common in schizophrenia; Affected
person uses a word or phrase that is related to the
10. STUTTERING: proper one but is not the one ordinarily used;
- frequent repetition or prolongation of a sound or - Example: The patient speaks of consuming a menu
syllable, leading to markedly impaired speech fluency. rather than a meal, or refers to losing the piece of
- Example: “p-p-Peter p-p-Piper p-p-picked a p-p-peck of string of the conversation, rather than the thread of the
p-p-pickled p-p-peppers (phew!)” conversation.
11. CLUTTERING: - Use of conventional words in an unconventional or
- erratic & dysrhythmic speech consisting of rapid & inappropriate way (metonymy or of new words that are
jerky spurts (9th, OT) developed by conventional rules of word formation)
- Disturbance of fluency involving an abnormally rapid - Distinguished from a neologism, which is a new word
rate and erratic rhythm of speech that impedes whose derivation cannot be understood.
intelligibility; the affected individual is usually unaware - Example:
of communicative impairment (10th) - handshoes for gloves and time measure for clock

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Signs and Symptoms

PERCEPTION 14. Delirium Tremens / Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium

 Process of transferring physical stimulation into - acute and sometimes fatal reaction to withdrawal from
psychological information alcohol
 Mental process by which sensory stimuli are brought to - usually occurring 72 to 96 hours after the cessation of
awareness heavy drinking
- marked autonomic hyperactivity (tachycardia, fever,
DISTURBANCE IN PERCEPTION hyperhidrosis, and dilated pupils)
 HALLUCINATION - false sensory perception not - usually accompanied by tremulousness, hallucinations,
associated with real external stimuli illusions, and delusions
15. Synesthesia
1. Hypnagogic hallucination - Condition in which the stimulation of one sensory
- occurring while falling asleep, not ordinarily considered modality is perceived as sensation in a different
pathological modality
- Ex: Some people, may feel like they are falling, and - Ex: When a sound produces a sensation of color, A
jerk themselves awake to avoid hitting the ground. patient reports that environmental sounds cause his
2. Hypnopompic hallucination skin to tingle, and that being touched causes him to
- occurring while awakening from sleep, not ordinarily see fireworks.
considered pathological 16. Trailing Phenomenon
- Ex: People experiencing the phenomenon of awareness - perceptual abnormality associated with hallucinogenic
during sleep paralysis, where they feel awake not being drugs in which moving objects are seen as a series of
able to move a muscle discrete and discontinuous images
3. Auditory hallucination - Ex: The patient notices that moving objects seem
- false perception of sound, usually voices, but also other pursued by a series of “ghosts” which fade to
noises, such as music invisibility in less than a second.
- Most common hallucination in psychiatric disorders 17. Command Hallucination
- Ex: When someone hears voices conversing even if - false perception of orders that a person may feel
there are no people talking obliged to obey or unable to resist
4. Visual hallucination - primarily involve sense of sight - Ex: Voices may tell the person to do something,
- Ex: one may perceive a person standing before them contents of the hallucinations can range from the
when no one is there innocuous to commands to cause harm to the self or
5. Olfactory hallucination-primarily involve smell or odors others
- Most common in medical disorders, especially in the
temporal lobe  ILLUSION - perceptual misinterpretation of a real
- Ex: Person may smell decaying fish, dead bodies, or external stimulus
burning rubber Ex: A breeze stirs the curtains, you see the motion out of
6. Gustatory hallucination- primarily involving taste; Ex: the corner of your eye, and you briefly think you see a
An individual may complain of a persistent taste of metal lurking attacker
7. Tactile/ Haptic hallucination- primarily involve the
sense of touch; Ex: Phantom Limb: sensation from DISTURBANCE ASSOCIATED WITH COGNITIVE
8. Formication: crawling sensation on or under the skin. 1. Agnosia
9. Somatic/Cenesthesic hallucination- involving the - inability to understand the importance or significance
perception of a physical experience localized within the of sensory stimuli
body - Cannot be explained by a defect in sensory pathways
10. Lilliputian hallucination/Micropsia or cerebral lesion
- false perception that objects are smaller than they - Used to refer to the selective loss or disuse of
really are knowledge of specific objects because of emotional
- Ex: The patient reports episodes in which the entire circumstances
world looks shrunken, “like looking through the wrong - Occurs with neurological deficit
end of binoculars.” - Ex: There is no medical reason for the patient to have
11. Mood-congruent hallucination lost her sense of smell, but you can put a sample of
- content that is consistent with a depressed or manic anything under her nose – onion, pepper, ammonia –
mood and she doesn’t react.
- Ex: Depressed patients hearing voices telling them
that they are bad persons and manic patients hearing 2. Anosognosia (Ignorance of Illness) - inability to
voices telling them that they have inflated worth, recognize a physical deficit in oneself; Ex: Patient denies
power, or knowledge paralyzed limb
12. Mood-incongruent hallucination 3. Somatopagnosia (Ignorance of the Body)/
- not associated with real external stimuli, with content Autopagnosia- inability to recognize a part of one's
that is not consistent with depressed or manic mood body as one's own
- Ex: In depression, hallucinations not involving such 4. Visual Agnosia- inability to recognize objects or persons
themes as guilt, deserved punishment, or inadequacy; - Ex: A patient would not be able to match a pine tree to
in mania, not involving such themes as inflated worth a maple, a green apple to a red one, or a cursive to a
or power printed word
13. Hallucinosis 5. Astereognosis- inability to recognize objects by touch
- State in which a person experiences hallucinations - Seen with neurological deficit
without any impairment of consciousness - Ex: The doctor has her patient close his eyes, places a
- Associated with chronic alcohol abuse & that occur key in his hand, and asks him to identify the object but
within a clear sensorium. the patient can’t identify it.

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Signs and Symptoms

Continuation of Perceptual Disturbance Assoc. With MEMORY AND ORIENTATION

Cognitive Disorder & Medical Conditions…  Memory
- information stored in the brain is latter related to
6. Prosopagnosia- inability to recognize faces unconsciousness
7. Apraxia - Process whereby what is experienced or learned is
- Inability to perform a voluntary purposeful motor established as a record in the CNS (registration)
activity; No paralysis or other motor or sensory - Persists with a variable degree of permanence (retention)
impairment - can be recollected or retrieved from storage at will (recall)
- constructional apraxia- patient cannot draw two- or
three-dimensional forms  Orientation- state of awareness of oneself and one's
8. Simultagnosia- impairment in the perception or surroundings in terms of time, place, and person
integration of visual stimuli appearing simultaneously
9. Adiadochokinesia DISTURBANCE OF MEMORY
- inability to perform rapid alternating movements 1. AMNESIA- partial or total inability to recall past
- Occurs with neurological deficit and cerebellar lesions experiences
10. Aura o Anterograde- after a point in time
- warning sensations such as automatisms, fullness in o Retrograde- before a point in time
the stomach, blushing, & changes in respiration, o Amnestic disorder - organic in origin
cognitive sensations, & mood states usually o Dissociative amnesia – emotional in origin
experienced before a seizure; A sensory prodrome
that precedes a classic migraine headache 2. PARAMNESIA
- falsification of memory by distortion of recall
DISTURBANCE ASSOCIATED WITH CONVERSION & - Reality and fantasy are confused
DISSOCIATIVE PHENOMENA - Observed in dreams and in certain types of schizophrenia
1. Hysterical Anesthesia- loss of sensory modalities and organic mental disorders
resulting from emotional conflicts. a. Fausse reconnaissance- false recognition
2. Macropsia- objects seem larger than what they are. b. Retrospective Falsification- memory becomes
3. Micropsia/ Lilliputian Hallucination- objects seem unintentionally distorted
smaller than what they are. Ex: A business deal goes sour and litigation ensues
over the partners’ differing recollections of their
4. DEPERSONALIZATION original verbal agreement.
- sensation of unreality concerning oneself, parts of c. Confabulation- unconscious filling of gaps in memory by
oneself, or one's environment that occurs under imagining experiences or events that have no basis in
extreme stress or fatigue fact, commonly seen in amnestic syndromes
- Seen in schizophrenia, depersonalization disorder, and Ex: A patient describes in vivid detail a visit from her
schizotypal personality disorder parents the previous day. You later discover that her
- Ex: A woman awakens from a frightening dream and parents have been dead for years.
feels strangely unlike her usual self. When she gets up d. Déjà vu- illusion of visual recognition in which a new
to wash her face, she gets the strange feeling that she situation is incorrectly regarded as a repetition of a
is outside of her body, watching herself from the previous memory
bathroom doorway. Ex: A tourist enters Vatican City for the first time and
5. DEREALIZATION is struck by an eerie sense of familiarity as she views
- sensation of changed reality or that one's surroundings this new scene.
have altered; Usually seen in schizophrenia, panic e. Deja entendu- illusion that what one is hearing one has
attacks, and dissociative disorders heard previously
- Ex: A man awakens from a nightmare and finds Ex: A new song on the radio seems strangely familiar;
everything in the room looks like it’s from another subsequent research shows it to be unrelated to
planet, though he’s lived in this house for years. anything you’ve heard before.
6. FUGUE f. Deja pense- illusion that a new thought is recognized as
- taking on a new identity with amnesia for the old a thought previously felt or expressed
identity; characterized by a period of almost complete - Condition in which a thought never entertained before
amnesia, during which a person actually flees from an is incorrectly regarded as a repetition of a previous
immediate life situation and begins a different life thought
pattern; mental faculties & skills- usually unimpaired g. Jamais vu- false feeling of unfamiliarity with a real
- Ex: A soldier is found wandering in a minefield, several situation that a person has experienced
miles from a hot firefight, unable to state his own h. False Memory- a person's recollection and belief of an
name and with no recollection of having left his unit. event that did not actually occur
7. Multiple Personality- one person who appears at *false memory syndrome- persons erroneously believe
different times to be 2 or more entirely different that they sustained an emotional or physical (e.g.,
personalities sexual) trauma in early life
- unconscious defense mechanism involving the 3. Hypermnesia
segregation of any group of mental or behavioral - exaggerated degree of retention & recall
processes from the rest of the person’s psychic activity - Can be elicited by hypnosis and may be seen in certain
- May entail the separation of an idea from its prodigies
accompanying emotional tone 4. Eidetic Image- unusually vivid or exact mental image of
- Ex: A man understands his traumatic nightmares only objects previously seen or imagined
after he finds an old letter in which he described a
terrifying, forgotten incident.

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Signs and Symptoms

Continuation of Memory Disturbances… Continuation of Intelligence…

5. Screen Memory- consciously tolerable memory covering 5. ABSTRACT THINKING

for a painful memory - ability to appreciate nuances of meaning; multi-
6. Repression- characterized by unconscious forgetting of dimensional thinking
unacceptable ideas and impulses - Ability to grasp the essentials of a whole, to break a
o repression proper- repressed material was once in whole into its parts, and to discern common properties
the conscious domain - To think symbolically
o primal repression- repressed material was never in
the conscious realm INSIGHT
7. Lethologica- momentary forgetting of a name or proper  Ability to understand the true cause & meaning of situation
noun  Conscious recognition of one's own condition
8. Blackout  Conscious awareness and understanding of one's own
- amnesia experienced by alcoholics about behavior psychodynamics and symptoms of maladaptive behavior
during drinking bouts
Usually indicates reversible brain damage 1. INTELLECTUAL INSIGHT- knowledge of the reality of a
- Ex: A woman wakes up in bed with a stranger after an situation without the ability to use that knowledge
evening of drinking. She can’t recall meeting him or successfully to effect an adaptive change in behavior or to
anything after that. master the situation
2. TRUE INSIGHT- understanding of the objective reality of a
LEVELS OF MEMORY situation, coupled with the motivation & the emotional
1. Immediate- reproduction or recall of perceived material impetus to master the situation or change behavior
within seconds to minutes. 3. IMPAIRED INSIGHT- diminished ability to understand the
2. Recent- recall of events over past few days. objective reality of a situation
3. Recent Past- recall of events over past few months.
4. Remote- recall of events in distant past. JUDGMENT
 Ability to assess situation correctly & act appropriately in
INTELLIGENCE the situation
 Ability to understand, recall, mobilize, & constructively  Mental act of comparing or evaluating choices within the
integrate previous learning in meeting new situations framework of a given set of values for the purpose of
electing a course of action
1. MENTAL RETARDATION  Intact Or Normal- course of action chosen is consonant
- subaverage general intellectual functioning that with reality or with mature adult standards of behavior
originates in the developmental period  Impaired- if the chosen course of action is frankly
- Associated with impaired maturation and learning, and maladaptive, results from impulsive decisions based on the
social maladjustment need for immediate gratification, or is otherwise not
 Mild- (IQbet 50 and 55 to 70) consistent with reality as measured by mature adult
 Moderate- (IQ bet 35 and 40 to bet 50 and 55) standards.
 Severe- (IQ bet 20 and 25 to bet 35 and 40)
 Profound- (IQ below 20 to 25) 1. CRITICAL JUDGMENT- ability to assess, discern, and
choose among various options in a situation.
2. DEMENTIA 2. AUTOMATIC JUDGMENT- reflex performance of an action
- organic or global deterioration of intellectual 3. IMPAIRED JUDGMENT- diminished ability to understand a
functioning without clouding of consciousness situation correctly & to act appropriately
- IRREVERSIBLE - because of underlying progressive
degenerative brain disease
- REVERSIBLE- if the cause can be treated
*Kaplan, 10th ed.
- Characterized by:
 failing memory
1. Aerophagia- excessive swallowing of air.
 difficulty with calculations
2. Androgyny- combination of culturally determined female
 distractibility
and male characteristics in one person.
 alterations in mood and affect
3. Bruxism- grinding or gnashing of the teeth, typically
 impaired judgment and abstraction
occurring during sleep.
 reduced facility with language
4. Carebaria- sensation of discomfort or pressure in the
 disturbance of orientation
5. Causalgia- burning pain that can be organic or psychic
in origin.
- clinical features resembling a dementia not caused by
6. Cephalagia- headache.
organic condition
7. Cycloplegia- paralysis of the muscles of accommodation
- Patients show exaggerated indifference to their
in the eye; observed, at times, as an autonomic adverse
surroundings in the absence of a mental disorder
effect (anticholinergic effect) of antipsychotic or
- Occurs in depression and factitious disorders
antidepressant medication.
8. Dyspareunia- physical pain in sexual intercourse,
usually emotionally caused and more commonly
- literal thinking; limited use of metaphor without
experienced by women; can also result from cystitis,
understanding nuances of meaning
urethritis, or other medical conditions
- Characterized by actual things, events, and immediate
9. Encopresis- involuntary passage of feces, usually
experience; Seen in young children
occurring at night or during sleep.

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Signs and Symptoms


B. Specific Disturbance (Form of Thought)
Neologism Flight of ideas
10. Galactorrhea- abnormal discharge of milk from the
Echolalia Irrelevant answer
breast; may result from the endocrine influence (e.g., Perseveration Circumstantiality
prolactin) of dopamine receptor antagonists. Word Salad Clang associations
11. Gynecomastia- female-like development of the male C. Specific Disturbance (Content of Thought)
breasts; Delusion (Bizarre, Nihilistic)
12. Hebephrenia- complex of symptoms, considered a form Poverty of Content
of schizophrenia, characterized by wild or silly behavior Obsession Compusion
Hypochondria Phobia
or mannerisms, inappropriate affect, and delusions and
hallucinations that are transient and unsystematized. A. Speech Disturbance
Hebephrenic schizophrenia is now called disorganized Stuttering Cluttering
schizophrenia. Dysprosody Aculalia
13. Intoxication:-mental disorder caused by recent Volubility (logorrhea) Bradylalia
ingestion or presence in the body of an exogenous B. Aphasic Disturbance
substance producing maladaptive behavior by virtue of its Broca’s Aphasia Alogia
Wernicke’s Aphasia Coprophrasia
effects on the central nervous system (CNS).
14. Microcephaly- condition in which the head is unusually A. Disturbances of Perception
small as a result of defective brain development and Hallucination Illusion
premature ossification of the skull. B. Assoc. w/ Cognitive Disorder/ Medical Conditions
15. Scotoma- figurative blind spot in a person's Agnosia Apraxia
psychological awareness. Astereognosis Aura
16. Tinnitus: noises in one or both ears, such as ringing, Adiadachokinesia Simultagnosia
C. Assoc. w/ Conversion & Dissociative Phenomenon
buzzing, or clicking
Macropsia Micropsia
17. Vertigo- sensation that one or the world around one is Depersonalisation Derealization
spinning or revolving; a hallmark of vestibular Fugue Dissociation
dysfunction, not to be confused with dizziness. Multiple personality Hysterical Anesthesia
Sources: A. Disturbances of Memory
Amnesia ( Anterograde, retrograde)
Kaplan and Upper batch Transes (Sec C_2014)
Paramnesia (Confabulation, Dejavu, Jamais vu)
SUMMARY TABLE: B. Levels of Memory
I. CONSCIOUSNESS Immediate, Recent, Recent Past, Remote
A. Disturbances of Consciousness VIII. INTELLIGENCE
Disorientation Clouding of consciousness A. Mental Retardation
Confusion Stupor B. Dementia
Somnolence Drowsiness C. Pseudodementia
Delirium Sundowning D. Concrete thinking
Twilight State Coma E. Abstract Thinking
Dreamlike State Coma Vigil IX. INSIGHT
B. Disturbances of Attention A. Intellectual Insight
Distractibility Selective inattention B. True Insight
Hypervigilance Trance C. Impaired Insight
Disinhibition X. JUDGEMENT
C. Disturbances of Suggestibility A. Critical Judgment
Folie a deux (folie a trios) B. Automatic Judgement
Hypnosis C. Impaired Judgment
A. Affect *Note: NOT ALL examples for each subtypes are written here in this
Appropriate, Inappropriate, Blunted, Flat, Labile, summary table.*
Restricted or Constricted
Dysphoric, Euthymic, Expansive, Elevated, Euphoric,
Deppressed, Anhedonia, Grief, Alexythemia,
Category: Thought content; DELUSION TYPE
Hypomania, Suicidal ideation  Delusion of Grandeur = thought that you’re the most
C. Other Emotions powerful and greatest creature in the world
Anxiety, Fear Panic  Delusion of Control = thought that you’re being
Apathy Shame,Guilt controlled
Ambivalence Tension  Capgras Syndrome = thought that someone’s
Acathexis Decathexis
fake/duplicate and the original one is taken or abducted
D. Physiological Disturbance Associated with Mood
Anorexia Bulimia
 Othello Syndrome = delusion of jealousy
Insomnia Hyperphagia  Nihilism = thought that you or parts of yourself, others, or
Constipation Pica the world are not existing
Diminished Libido Hypersomnia  Ideas of reference = thought that you are being talked
III. MOTOR BEHAVIOR about or referred in radio, tv, etc…
Echopraxia Catatonia  Category: Consciousness = Obtunded
Stereotypy Negativism
 Category: Insight = Blames illness on another (Level 3)
Sleepwalking Chorea
 Category: Mood = Alexithymia = inability in describing or
A. General Disturbance (Process of Thought) being aware of emotions or mood
Magical Thinking Mental Disorder END
Reality testing Illogical thinking 
Primary process Secondary process

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