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Osias Colleges Incorporated

F. Tanedo St., San Nicolas

Tarlac City

Written Report in Personnel Management

MBA |208( AY 2020-2021T)

Submitted By:

Arianne D. Perez


Submitted To:

Dr. Teody F. Dupitas




1. Define what is Social- Psychology.

2. Determine the importance of Social Psychology in the personnel management.

3. Identify the important roles of Personnel Manager.

Social Psychology.

It is a branch of psychology concerned with how social influences affect how people

think, feel, and act. It is the study of how individual or group behavior is influenced by

the presence and behavior of others. Socio-Psychological Theory asserts that individual

and society are interlinked. This means, an individual strives to meet the needs of the

society and the society helps him to attain his goals. Through this interaction, the

personality of an individual is determined.

The Socio-Psychological theory is the contribution of Adler, Horney, Forman and

Sullivan. According to this theory, the social variables and not the biological instincts, are

the important determinants in shaping the individual’s personality. Here, the motivation

is conscious, i.e. an individual knows what are his needs and wants and what kind of

behavior is required to meet these needs. It is the society from where the individual

inculcates the cultural values and the social norms, which helps him in shaping his

personality and influences his behavior according to the external situations.


Social psychology plays crucial and indispensable role in business and management in

the world today. With the assistance of social psychology, we can understand the

behavior of employees, customers and business partners. As a result, we can assist

companies in better management and fatten or extend our businesses. Contributes to the

elimination of challenges during the management process. It helps the managers answer

the following questions

1. How to resolve conflicts with staff in favor of the company ?

2. How to accept employees and ensure them to adopt to new position?

3. What kind of measures can be used in case staff does not fulfill its liability or defaults

in fulfillment?

4. How to eliminate stress professionally?

5. How to resolve conflicts within the company in optimal way?

6. How to motivate and encourage employees?


In many cases, the activity of the company is assessed after analyzing the outcome of the

labor. But it must not be forgotten that the managers, together with the department of

human resources, have to always assess the psychological environment in order not to

lose the workers, to prevent delays, slowdowns, mishaps in the company. If the social and

psychological environment is properly managed in the company, then the workers have

the opportunity to show their maximum potential in the groups. But if this environment is

not properly managed, the members of the groups feel themselves uncomfortable, they
don’t work productively and try to leave the group. When we mean the social and

psychological environment in the groups then we mean the following:

- The social and psychological batch of the features of the company;

- The dominant and durable psychological preparation of the group;

- The character of mutual relations in the group;

- The total characteristic condition of the group;

The social and psychological environment is the stimulus in the company, the success of

the activity depends on it.

The social and psychological environment shows itself in the mutual relations between

group members and in the relations towards himself. The social and psychological

environment affects self evaluation, provides feeling of personality in the group.

Good social and psychological environment is characterized as optimism, merry

communication, belief, feeling of protection, security and comfort, mutual support,

warmness and attention in the relations, sympathy among personalities, transparency in

communication, encouragement, opportunity to express himself, development of the

company, professionally and intellectually development, making mistake without the fare

of punishment and etc.

Good social and psychological environment causes the success in the company. At the

same time it increases the satisfaction with the process and result and increases the

relations in the company. And puts forward personal development of each member of the


Bad social and psychological environment leads to pessimism, nervousness, distress,

yearning, disinterest, high pressure in the company, conflicts in the relations, lost of self
reliance, fear of making mistake or bad thought, fear of punishment, enmity among


suspicious matters, unbelief, not wanting to take part in general development of the

company, dissatisfaction and etc.

Bad social and psychological environment reduces productivity and the feeling of

belonging to the company or a group, hampers professional development and realization

of personal potentiality. The conflicts take great role in forming bad social and

psychological environment in the company. Generally, the conflict factor, accepted as the

reality of the social life, as the result of many factors appears in every stage of life of

persons or groups with different levels and affects their performance and activity.

The managers of the company must define the causes of the conflicts and manage them in

a right way, because conflicts may appear in every sphere and affect the performance of

persons or groups.




-Merry communication, belief,

-Feeling of protection,

-Security and comfort,

-Mutual support, warmness and attention in the relations,

-Sympathy among personalities,

-Transparency in communication,

-opportunity to express himself,

-development of the company,

-professionally and intellectually development,

-making mistake without the fare of punishment.

In order to evaluate the climate in the company, the manager answer the ff. questions

1. First of all, do the workers like the work that they do?

2. Do they want to change their work (either inside or outside do

they look for a new job)?

3. To what extent are they interested in the work? Do the

conditions of the work satisfy them?

4. Are they satisfied with the equipments and provisions?

5. Are they satisfied with the salary?

6. Is there any opportunity to develop their professions or is there

any opportunity to take advantage of it?

7. Are they especially you satisfied with the volume of the work?

8. Do they have tension? Do they feel like to work out of working

hours or do you make them work out of working hours?

9. To what extent are they active in team work and what changes

do they offer or are they passive?

10. As for you, how do the workers evaluate the environment in labour collective

(friendship relations, mutual respect and belief, jealousy, not understanding each other,

tension in relations)?

Human Resources Managers are the persons who increase efficiency in the company,

make the required arrangements for productivity, at the same time and struggle for the

development of the workers’ lifestyle.

Personnel manager is the head of personnel department. He performs both managerial

and operative functions of management



Counseling is one of the main functions of personnel manager. As a counsellor,

personnel manager discusses the problems with employees related to career, health,

family, finance, social life and try to solve their problems and offer advice on how to

overcome them.

Initiating Policies

Initiating policies is another main function of personnel manager. Initiating

policies and formulating them are two important tasks of a personnel manager. He assists

the senior management in creating policies pertaining to personnel management, salary

administration, welfare activities, transfers, working environment, records, and


The Advisory Role

In any organization, on a daily basis, line managers face a wide range of problems

pertaining to personnel management. This is where a personnel manager steps in and

offers advice on such matters since he is familiar with the laws and practices that

surround human resources.
The Link between the Employees and the Management

Apart from personnel management, the personnel manager tries to maintain good

industrial relation within the organization. So, he helps the trade unions in understanding

the different policies of the organization. He also communicates the views and concerns

of the union leaders to the senior management.

Representative Role

The personnel manager is also responsible to represent the company and

communicate management policies which affect the people in the organization. This role

is best-suited to him because he has a better overall picture of the company’s operations.

Decision-making Role

He plays an important part in decision-making on human resources-related issues.

He also formulates and designs policies and programs of personnel management.

Mediator Role

In case of a conflict between employees or groups of employees, a superior and a

subordinate, or even the management and employees, the personnel manager plays the

role of a mediator. His role is to ensure peace and harmony in the organization.

Leadership Role

He offers leadership and guidance to employees. Further, a personnel manager

ensures effective communication in the organization and motivates employees to work

towards achieving the organization’s objectives.

Welfare Role

In most organizations, the personnel manager also acts as the welfare officer.

Therefore, he ensures facilities and services like canteen, transport, hospitalization, and

other employee welfare services are available to the workers.

Research Role

He maintains a record of all employees in the organization. He also researches

various personnel areas like absenteeism, alcoholism, labor turnover, etc. Further, post-

analysis, he recommends apt measures to help eradicate them to the senior management.
Having a motivating, safe and happy working environment contributes to the productivity

of every employees. When employees feel that they are valued and heard and most

importantly appreciated, they are more inspired to go to work and they will consider

everyone in the organization as their family. Just like me when I was still a bank

employee, though my compensation is not that high, I still can’t afford not to go to work

because I really missed the bond we have while working. My co- employees at Saint

Michael Rural Bank INC., shows genuine love and concern to every one of us there. We

eat together during lunch breaks. I can still remember our cashier “Ma’am Bebz” asking

me “ Yhanie nanu ulaman tamu bukas?” I feel loved and appreciated that everyday I am

motivated to go at work and though there is a heavy work load, It feels like time passes

by without you knowing. Our Manager Miss Janet Aguas also plays a big part why we

have that kind of environment in our branch. As a manager she ensures that we are doing

our job properly but in a very nice technique that she uses that if you committed

mistakes, she knows how to handle it and she knows how to tell it to the concerned

person without you being offended. The Socio-psychological environment really plays a

significant role in personnel management.













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