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Diocese of Imus Catholic Education System, Inc.


Saint Augustine School

Sta. Cruz St. Tanza, Cavite, Philippines 4108
Tel. No. (046) – 437-7075


Nowadays, people tend to use chemical fertilizer in our plants. But this toxic

chemical can affect fruits, vegetables and even in our health. Chemical fertilizers are

made from petroleum products, rocks or even organic sources. Chemical fertilizers are

primarily made from nonrenewable sources including fossil fuels. These toxic chemical

can affect fruits and vegetables. Aside from killing plants, it is an upset to the entire


Organic fertilizer can be the best replacement of chemical fertilizer. One of these

organic fertilizers is the banana peel fertilizer. Instead of chemical fertilizer, banana peel

can be used as fertilizer to live in harmony with nature and make a lasting improvement

on earth for the generations to come.

Banana peel fertilizers are renewable biodegradable, sustainable and

environmentally friendly. This kind of fertilizer improves the structure of soil and

increases its ability to hold water and nutrients. This banana peel fertilizer will make your

soil and plants healthy and strong.

The findings of the study entitled by peel of banana effectiveness on plants will

contribute to get benefits in the society as it will be an alternative fertilizer especially for

farmers. Since now, parasite is the common problem of farmers. Through this study, the

cases of parasite will be less than as of now. The community, especially for rural places

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

extends their knowledge in caring for their plants. The nutrition experts will have peel of

banana as an example of herbal medicine for treating this kind as plants. Also for the

future researchers, this will serve as a new reference relating to fertilizers. The

researchers aimed to let others to become creative in many ways like using banana peels as


The banana peel is kind of organic that cannot effect the growth of plant. We have

different kinds of fertilizers, organic and chemical. Organic is usually associated with the

idea of natural nutrition for plants and soil, while chemical is associated with artificial

nutrition. However, the Bananas are packed with nutrients and that includes their peels.

Your plants will benefit from the nutrients as the peels decay. Plants need nutrients to

thrive. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are required in the highest amounts, and

nutrients such as calcium, manganese, sodium and sulfur are necessary in lower amounts.

Banana Peel fertilizer is usually made from nutrients that will benefit your plants to grow

naturally and healthy. But if you use chemical type, it may have an effect on health of the

people. Not just on human, but also it can have possible effect on plant.

Chemical fertilizers can grow plants but do nothing to sustain the soil. The fillers

do not promote life or soil health, and even packages labeled complete do not include the

decaying matter necessary to improve soil structure. In fact, chemical fertilizers do not

place many trace elements that are gradually depleted by repeated crop plantings,

resulting in damage in soil.

However, the advantages of rural places to urban places have the possibility to

conduct a research because they are near in farm. But, urban places can also conduct a

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research because they have tools to analyze if this research will help to lessen the


The topic focuses on the effectiveness of banana peel as an organic fertilizer. For

the findings of the result, researchers conduct an experiment to determine if the banana

peels are effective as fertilizer. Based on the research, banana peel contains potassium

that is an essential plant nutrient and is important for strong rooting, flowering, and fruit

development in your vegetable garden plants.

Bananas are packed with nutrients, and that include their peel. Adding banana

peel around prized plants is a widespread gardening practice that can improve your soil.

Banana peel is rich in potassium that promotes the movement of water and nutrients cells.

It also strengthens stems and protects plants from disease. After the plant blooms,

potassium can improve the quality and size of any fruit or nuts.

Most plants need a certain amount of these top three macronutrients: nitrogen,

phosphorus and potassium. Some plants are more needful of nitrogen while other is more

needful of phosphorus and still other need a higher level of potassium. Tomatoes,

peppers, honeydew, melon and passion flower are all potassium loving plants and banana

peel is also rich in potassium so this is one of the best ingredients in making fertilizer in


At 42% potassium, banana peels are a fantastic source. They are one of the

highest organic potassium sources and load higher in potassium than even wood ash.

However, banana peel contains less nitrogen, which makes using this fertilizer for

tomatoes and peppers as perfect choice because they both have low nitrogen need.

Researchers evaluated a number of different stages of ripeness. The intent of their study

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was to figure out the composition of the peel to see if there is any potential use for the

waste product. There are ranges in the number of elements that banana peels have.

However, the most accurate assessment shows that banana peels are being comprised of

4.4- 6.3% dry weight of potassium with significant amounts of calcium.

Global awareness for the hazards of long-term chemical fertilizer use is growing.

Because of this, more and more farmers all over the world are shifting to organic

fertilizers. The agricultural market has also recognized this trend, and has recently

employed a full-blown campaign to promote organic and natural fertilizers. Among the

benefits of using organic fertilizers are non-toxic food, lower cost, better soil fertility, and

of course, a safer environment.

However, banana peel as the fertilizer does not contain everything your plant

needs. As they decompose, banana peels add potassium as well as small amount of

nitrogen, phosphorous and magnesium to the soil in a similar fashion is a slow release

fertilizer. Adding compost that contains banana peels to your plants helps provide them

with a variety of necessary nutrients, but beware of adding banana peels to compost to be

used around edible plants such as potted herbs.

According to the Pesticide action Network, bananas are often sprayed with

pesticides containing cryogen that can be dangerous if you consume them. These toxins

can seep into your potted plants through the roots as the peels decompose. If you plan to

use your peels in compost and put the compost around edible potted plants stick to

certified organic bananas.

According to Munroe (2017), “A big downside of using banana peels is that

insects love them. You're likely to attract gnats, fruit flies or regular flies, and ants if you

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have banana peels lying on top of your soil. You can also attract bees. The scent of

decaying banana is similar to a defence hormone bees secrete, so a bee that slips into

your house is likely to become aggressive near the banana and attack you if you get close.

Also undesirable are cockroaches, particularly German cockroaches, which love bananas

so much that the fruit is often used as bait for the pests.”

Putting banana peel in your compost pile will help add calcium, magnesium,

sulfur, phosphates, potassium and sodium, all of them are important to the healthy growth

of both flowering and fruiting plants. Bananas in compost also help add healthy organic

material, which help the compost retain water and make soil lighter when added to your

garden. Beyond this, banana peels will break down quickly in compost, which allows

them to add these important nutrients to the compost much more quickly than some other

compost material.

Feeding banana peels to plants is not just an old wives tale. There are practical

reasons why many people use this superfood as a substitute for chemical fertilizers.

Banana peels are quick to rot, so if you bury them, they offer rich stores of essential

nutrients to the soil. You can also use them to make a foliar spray to give a nutrient boost

to your plants.

When fertilizers are mixed into the soil, the nutrients are absorbed from the soil

by the roots of the plant. In synthetic fertilizers, these nutrients are in ready to use form

and when mixed into the soil, can be immediately absorbed by the roots and hence, the

plant. There is however a real danger that the roots absorb more nutrients than necessary,

causing the roots and plant to burn up. On the other hand, organic fertilizers do not

contain nutrients in an easily usable form. When they are mixed into the soil, the

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microorganisms like bacteria that are in the soil, have to work on the fertilizer, break it up

and release the nutrients. This is a slow process and so there is no danger that too many

nutrients are ever available to the plant. As such there is low chance for a ‘plant burn’

when organic fertilizers are used.

According to Clinton (2016), “The reason why farmers should use organic

fertilizer is that it upgrades the production quality and increase input of the soil, Organic

fertilizers can be produced at home or on farms by using compost turners, such as

hydraulic compost turner, groove type compost windrow turner etc., with raw materials

of animal manure along with crops wastes like leaves and dead plants. This is a great way

of getting rid of waste from your garden or farm and certainly a cheaper alternative to

purchasing chemical fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are rich in organic matter and various

nutrients, which provides nutrient to crops. The decomposition of organic fertilizers

supplies energy and nutrients for the soil microbial activity.”

Despite these benefits, the researcher suggests further investigation especially on

the banana peel if this plant will make the growth of plants healthier in a cheaper way.

The researchers want to know if the components of the banana peel are enough that

makes it a good fertilizer. (Clinton, 2016)

The researchers want to answer the general question which is:

 How effective is the banana peel as fertilizer?

For the specific problems, the researchers want to respond in the following


 Does banana peels affect the growth of plant?

 Does it make a good fertilizer?

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 What are the properties of banana peels that make it a good fertilizer?

For the objectives of the study:

Generally, this study aims to:

 Observe the effects of banana peel fertilizer to the plants and environment.

Specifically, this study aims to:

 To determine if it is possible to make a fertilizer out of banana peel.

 To determine the efficacy of banana peel fertilizer to the plants.

 Compare the costs of commercial fertilizer and banana peel fertilizer.

The outcome of this study entitled “Banana Peel as an Additive in Making

Organic Fertilizer” will benefit the society because plants always play an important role

in our country especially for farmers. The demand for cheap yet effective fertilizer

justifies the need for more ways of making organic fertilizer. In following the process of

making organic fertilizer that the result of this study will produce, we can make a cheaper

yet effective and environment friendly fertilizer. The readers will be guided through the

series of process on how to improve the growth of plants by the use of organic fertilizer.

This study helps the researchers to increase their prior knowledge in making an organic

fertilizer that other researchers were not able to study.

The following assumptions were considered in the conduct of the study: a) the effects

of banana peel fertilizer in the plants. b) The capability of the researchers to make the

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product c) it will be an alternative fertilizer especially for farmers. d) The farmers will

consider this as a convenient fertilizer than using other fertilizer.

This study will focus on increasing the growth of plants healthily. This study will

be using peel from bananas by soaking it into the water or dried and grind it into pieces.

The proposed study is limited only in increasing the growth of plants healthily and avoid

the number of pesticides. The organic fertilizer can be used in adding grind peel into soil

or pouring the soaked peel in the plants.



 Ingredients Production of Study about

 Cost making fertilizer Banana Peel as an
made with banana Alternative to
peel. Commercial
Data gathering

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the fertilizer made with banana peel.

Using all of the variables included and by following the steps, you will be able to

create an organic fertilizer using banana peel as an additive. First is to put a banana peel

into a container with water. Then let it sit for a couple of hours. After that, put another

banana peel into a tray and let it dry for a day. Next would be the mincing of dried

banana peel with the use of mortar and pestle. Lastly, apply it in the soil and pour some

banana peel and water solution into the plants.

Definition of Terms
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Additive- a substance added to something in small quantities, typically to improve or

preserve it.

Antioxidants- a substance that inhibits oxidation, especially one used to counteract the

deterioration of stored food products.

Botanically- relating to plants or plant Life.

Biochemical- relating to the chemical processes and substance which occur within living


Chemical- a compound or substance that has been purified or prepared, especially


Herbaceous- are plants that has no persistent woody stem above ground; or relating to


Parasites- a organisms that lives in or on other organism and benefits by deriving

nutrients at the host’s expense.

Plantains- a low-growing plant that typically has a rosette of leaves and a slender green

flower spike, widely growing as a weed in laws.

Purification- the process of extracting something from a substance.

Organic- produced or involving (of food or farming methods) produced or involving

production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents.

Wilt- (of a plant, leaf or flower) become limp through heat, loss of water, or disease;


Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Diocese of Imus Catholic Education System, Inc. (DICES)

Saint Augustine School

Sta. Cruz St. Tanza, Cavite, Philippines 4108
Tel. No. (046) – 437-7075


This part of the study presents the research design, research locale, research

participants, research experiment and materials, experimental procedures and data


Research Design

This study is experimental because it is concerned with examination of the effect

of banana peel as an additive in making fertilizer and the effects of those interventions

will be observed by the researchers.

Research Locale

The researchers are going to conduct the data gathering procedures in Julugan I,

Tanza, Cavite. It is one of the barangays in Tanza. This will determine by the farmers of

Colmenar Compound if the banana peel fertilizer is effective or not.

Research Participants

This study will have the farmers and the researches as the participants. The

researchers will use the banana peel as fertilizer. To conduct this study, the researchers

need a place that can be used to prove that the product is effective. The farmers will be

the best choice because they have a bigger land that has crops or plants. The farmers can

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also lend the researchers some place on their field that can be used for conducting the

study. The researchers will also give the organic fertilizer to the farmers so that they can

use it and observe if the banana peel fertilizer is effective.

Research Instrument and Materials

There are four instruments and materials that will be using to make a banana peel

fertilizer. First is the mortar and pestle. Mortar and pestle are implements used since

ancient times to prepare ingredients or substances by crushing and grinding them into a

fine paste or powder in the kitchen, medicine and pharmacy. The mortar is a bowl,

typically made of hard wood, metal, ceramic, or hard stone, such as granite. The pestle is

a heavy and blunt club-shaped object. The substance to be ground, which may be wet or

dry, is placed in the mortar, where the pestle is pressed and rotated onto it until the

desired texture is achieved.

Second is the container or a jar. Container/Jar is a rigid, cylindrical or slightly

conical container, typically made of glass, ceramic, or plastic, with a wide mouth or

opening that can be closed with a lid, screw cap, lug cap, cork stopper, roll-on cap,

crimp-on cap, press-on cap, plastic shrink; heat sealed lidding film, an inner seal, a

Tamper-evident band, or other suitable means. Jars are used to hold foods or other solids

too large to be removed from or cosmetics, medications, and chemicals too viscous to be

poured through a bottle's neck. Glass jars—among which the most popular is the Mason

jar—can be used for storing and preserving items.

Next is a spray bottle which is a bottle that can squirt, spray or mist fluids. A

common use for spray bottles is dispensing cool cleaners, cosmetics, and chemical

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specialties. Another wide use of spray bottles is mixing down concentrates such as pine

oil with water.

Fourth is the tray which is a shallow platform designed for the carrying of items.

Trays range in cost from inexpensive moulded pulp trays which are disposable, to

inexpensive melamine trays used in cafeterias, to mid-priced wooden trays used in a

home. It is also a flat, shallow container or receptacle made of wood, metal, etc., usually

with slightly raised edges, used for carrying, holding, or displaying articles of food, glass.

Lastly is the Banana peel. These are a wide variety of health benefits that are

associated with a curvy yellow fruit. Bananas are high in potassium and pectin, a form of

fiber. They can also a good way to get magnesium and vitamins c and B6, nitrogen,

phosphorous and potassium that would help benefit our plant grow effectively and


Experimental Procedures

This chapter presents methods and procedures that are used to attain and relevant

results for this study.

These are the steps for making banana as fertilizer. First is to fill a mason jar with

water, and add a banana peel. Let it sit for 48 hours. After 2 days, discard the peel then

leave the water in your mason jar. After you doing this step you may go to the second

part. Chop the peels, and then add to your garden’s soil directly if you made the banana

peel tea above, you’ll have leftovers to use up. Consider adding them to your garden

directly. Chop your banana peels into 1/4 inch pieces. By chopping them, you can now

start the composting process, and release some of the beneficial vitamins and minerals in

the peels. Then bury them anywhere from 4 inches down to just beneath the surface of

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the soil. After that dry the peels, then grind them into a fertilizer you may now dry your

banana peels and grind them into a fertilizer. If you only have a few peels to use up, but

want to use them effectively on many plants, this is a great option if you don’t have that


Table 1. Comparison of the costs of commercial fertilizer and banana peel fertilizer.

Commercial Fertilizer Banana Peel Fertilizer

Chemical fertilizer Php. 300.00 Banana Peel Php. 0.00

Total: Php. 300.00 Php. 0.00

Data Gathering

The study was conducted mainly at the house of the researchers from December

to March 2019. First, the researchers made a list of costs regarding the study. Next, the

researchers conducted an observation of making fertilizer out of banana peel. Afterwards,

the researchers observed the growth of the plants in terms of height and number of leaves.

Lastly, the researchers analyse each observation to provide a clear answer regarding the


Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Diocese of Imus Catholic Education System, Inc. (DICES)

Saint Augustine School

Sta. Cruz St. Tanza, Cavite, Philippines 4108
Tel. No. (046) – 437-7075


The analysis and interpretation of the data gathered in this chapter were based

from the responses of the researchers. This chapter discusses the results of the study

about the banana peel as fertilizer. This chapter shows the results through the analysis

and interpretation of data. It also presents all the data gathered from the observation of

the subject of the study in the following: without fertilizer, with chemical fertilizer, and

with banana peel fertilizer in terms of growth, height, and health of the subject and the

Effectivity of Banana Peel as fertilizer.


Table 2. As the researchers observed in the plants in terms of height of the stem:

Period Without fertilizer With Chemical With banana peel

fertilizer fertilizer
Week 1 The seed started to The seed started to grow The seed started to

grow slowly yet the slowly. The plant grow slowly but normal

plant shows a small already appeared with like other plants. The

stem. small stem. stem already appeared

in week 1.
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Week 2 The stem is now 6 cm. The stem is now 7.5 cm The stem is currently at

and the plant started to 7.8 cm.

grow more.
Week 3 The stem are growing The stem is The stem grows to 13.5

fast it is now 10 cm. continuously growing cm.

and it is also growing in

quantity with 12cm.

Week 4 The plant is healthy The plant stayed healthy The stem is still

and it is growing fast since Week 1. The stem growing since Week 1.

the stem is now 15 grew with 17.5cm. It is currently at 19.5

cm. cm and it is already

enough to be an outdoor


Table 3. As the researchers observed in the plants in terms of the number of leaves:

Period Without fertilizer With Chemical With banana peel

fertilizer fertilizer
Week 1 The plant already The plant has two small The plant already

appeared two leaves; leaves that are closed appeared three leaves

the leaves were and wrinkled to each and it is still growing.

wrinkled and small. other.

Week 2 The leaves are starting The plant appeared with The leaves started to

to grow more yet they three to seven leaves grow more with three to

are still close to each and it is still growing. seven leaves but the

other wrinkled part of the

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leaves were lessen.
Week 3 It has a lot of leaves The leaves are The leaves are growing

yet some of them are continuously growing fast but some of the

falling. and it is also growing in leaves around 1 to 3 are

quantity with a size of 4 falling.

cm. Some leaves are

falling but just 1 to 5

leaves only a day.

Week 4 The plant is healthy. The plant stayed healthy The leaves grew healthy

The plant has a lot of since Week 1. The since Week 1. The

leaves, it is already leaves are still growing leaves of the plant are

enough be an outdoor in quantity. But it is still growing in quantity

plant. already enough to be in and it is already enough

an outdoor plant. to be an outdoor plant.

Table 4. As the researchers observed in the plants in terms of scent:

Without fertilizer With chemical fertilizer With banana peel

The product is composed of The plant composed of The result shows unpleasant

water. Result shows natural chemical fertilizer shows a smell because of the

smell that comes from the strong smell because of its mixture. The potency of the

plants. chemical. Overall formula is present. Overall

percentage of the percentage of the

concoction is 100%. concoction is 100%.

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This part of the study presents the summary of the results, conclusion and

recommendations of the researchers.


This study was conducted at Julugan I, Tanza, Cavite from December to March

2019. This study helps the plant grow naturally and healthy. Generally, this study

assessed the effectiveness of banana peel fertilizer to San Francisco and specifically

aimed to: (a) determined the process involved in the production; (b) determine if the

contents of the banana peel are effective as organic fertilizer; and (c) determine the

efficacy of the banana peel fertilizer in terms of growth, height and health.

The result showed that the banana peel fertilizer could help the plants to grow

naturally. The San Francisco with banana peel fertilizer shows better appearance in

height and leaves. However, in the San Francisco with chemical fertilizer has better odor

than the banana peel fertilizer. While in the San Francisco without fertilizer, shows better

appearance in leaves but not in height.

The effectiveness of banana peel fertilizer extract the preparation of materials,

experimental design, formulation and experimentation as observed in the San Francisco.

The observation that the San Francisco with banana peels fertilizer had the longer height

than the San Francisco without a fertilizer did.


Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Based from the result, the study showed that the banana fertilizer showcased a

successful result considering its efficacy. The banana peel fertilizer shows its efficacy on

the San Francisco plants because of its height and leaves. The result shows that the plant

that has banana fertilizer is longer than the plant that has chemical fertilizer.

Taking into consideration the review above, it is certain that one can be able to

make the San Francisco longer using banana peel fertilizer.


We greatly recommend the use of banana peel as fertilizer for San Francisco

plant. In addition, for future researchers, further studies can be done to search for other

alternative, which could be used to other plants and fruits. It can provide a bigger scope

for us.

Furthermore, this study serves as a reference for future researchers that would

want to focus on the same and related study. The researchers recommend that they should

continue developing a unique process of making products out of it and discover new

variables that will support its durability, efficacy, and quality on producing a better



BalconyGardenWeb (2016).5 ways to use Dried Banana Peels As a Fertilizer. Retrieved


Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Clinton (2017). Banana Peel Fertilizer. Retrieved from

Maat (2017). 10 ways to use Banana Peels in the Garden. Retrieved from

Munroe, S. (2018). Banana Peels Work Potted Plants. Retrieved from (2015). Banana Peels Garden Uses. Retrieved from

Reed (2018). Nutritional Values of Banana Peels for Plants. Retrieved from

Ventures (2012 – 2017). Preparedness Mama Retrieved from

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APPENDIX A. Production Process of making Fertilizer with Banana Peel

a.) Putting of the Banana Peel on the tray.

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b.) Process before mincing the Banana Peel.

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c.) During mincing the Banana Peel.

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d.) After mincing the dried Banana Peel.

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e.) Putting the minced dried Banana Peel inside the container.

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f.) Putting of the Banana Peel on the container.

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g.) Adding water in the container with Banana Peel.

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h.) Banana Peel with water in the Mason jar.

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APPENDIX B. Photos of Observing Plants in Weeks.

a.) Week 1 of San Francisco plant without any fertilizer.

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b.) Week 1 of San Francisco plant with Chemical fertilizer.

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c.) Week 1 of San Francisco plant with Banana Peel fertilizer.

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d.) Week 2 of San Francisco plant without any fertilizer.

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e.) Week 2 of San Francisco plant with Chemical fertilizer.

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f. ) Week 2 of San Francisco plant with Banana Peel fertilizer.

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g.) Week 3 of San Francisco plant without any fertilizer.

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h.) Week 3 of San Francisco plant with Chemical fertilizer.

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i.) Week 3 of San Francisco plant with Banana Peel fertilizer.

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j.) Week 4 of San Francisco plant without any fertilizer.

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k.) Week 4 of San Francisco plant with Chemical fertilizer.

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l.) Week 4 of San Francisco plant with Banana Peel fertilizer.

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