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Assignment: PMBOK Ch# 1 Introduction

Submitted to: Sir Shahid Naseer

Submitted by: M Saad Sarfraz

Date : 24-3-2017

PMP – Assignment Ch # 1 by Saad Sarfraz Page 1


Table of Contents
Purpose of PMBOK:.................................................................................................................................3
Project Management...............................................................................................................................3
Types of People involved in Project Management..................................................................................3
10 Knowledge Areas................................................................................................................................3
Process Groups........................................................................................................................................4
Attributes of PM......................................................................................................................................5

PMP – Assignment Ch # 1 by Saad Sarfraz Page 2


Purpose of PMBOK:
PMBOK stands for Project Management Body of Knowledge and contain best practices to be followed during
Project management. Those best practices are written in 13 chapters in PMBOK.PMBOK teaches project oriented

Project is a unique effort (endeavor) having a starting date, Ending date, Goal, Budget and produces a unique

Operations are a routine work which has starting date but no ending date. Class in school is operational work being
done. An activity cannot be project and operations at the same time. Project can contain small operations and
similarly operations can contain small projects.

Management is the art of getting work done by other people.

Project Management
Project management is the application of Knowledge, skills, tools & techniques to complete a project.

Types of People involved in Project Management

Two types of people are involved in project management: Product oriented and Project Oriented.

Product oriented people work directly on project like designer, developer, coder etc.Project Oriented people
manage time management, cost management, quality management, HR management .etc.

Project manager need knowledge of product and project oriented skills to manage a project. Project manager has
to look on a project from 10 different angles (10 knowledge areas) to successfully manage it.

10 Knowledge Areas
Below mention are 10 knowledge areas (10 checklists) to manage a project

1. Integration Management
2. Scope Management
3. Time Management
4. Cost Management
5. Quality Management
6. HR Management
7. Communication Management
8. Risk Management
9. Procurement Management
10. Stakeholder Management

Each Area represents a complete area of specialization including jargon, tools, concepts and tasks. In other words,
you need to know about each of them in order to be able to successfully manage a project.

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Process Groups

There are 5 stages of Project Management

1. Imitating
2. Planning
3. Execution
4. Monitoring & Controlling
5. Closing

Process group are logical way of grouping together things you have to do.

There are 47 processes in 10 knowledge areas. These are the 47 best practices to be applied during the project.47
processes are from 10 knowledge areas and are categorized on project stage basis.

Program is a group of interrelated projects. To gain more advantage companies do program having same nature of

Types of projects, operations and programs being done by the company describe the company’s portfolio.

PMO can be ‘Project Management Office’ or ‘Portfolio Management Office’. PMO is a department/Group of People
which decides which types of project a company will take.

Three types of PMO are involved in Project.

Supportive PMO plays a consultative role and gives policies, procedures and templates.

Controlling PMO has moderate level of control over project and gives policies, procedures, templates and training.

Directing PMO has high level of control over project and gives policies, procedures, templates, training and helps in
project oriented work. They step in to help in the project when PM needs.

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Attributes of PM

Project manager should have following attributes to handle and manage the project:

 Skills
 Knowledge
 Tools & Techniques
 Good Leader
 Good Communication skills
 Soft Skills
 Negotiation Skills
 Convincing Skills

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