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Method, Standards and Work Design

Manual Work Design

Week 6


Manual Work
(n) work involving the hands

Manual Work Design

Design work according to human capabilities
and limitations


1. The Use of The Human Body

2. The Arrangement and Conditions of The
3. The Design of Tools and Equipment

Anatomical Physiological

The Musculo-skeletal System

Human Locomotive (Movement) System

Muscle Skeleton


Principles of Work Design
Human capabilities and Motion Economy
1. Achieve the max muscle
strength at midrange of motion

• At the resting length, optimal

bonding occurs between 2
filaments. In the stretched state,
there is minimal bonding
between those filaments,
resulting decreased muscle
force to zero
• A task requiring considerable
muscle force should be
performed at optimum position.

Example of
optimal position

2. Achieve the max muscle strength with Slow
The faster the bonding are formed, broken, and
reformed, the less effective is the bonding and the less
muscular force is produced.

3. Design tasks to Optimize

Human Strength:
• Human strength capability depends on 3
mayor task factors: the type of strength,
the muscle or joint motion being utilized,
and posture.
• Isometric strength is greater than dynamic
strength because of the efficient bonding
in the slower sliding muscle filaments.

4. Use large Muscles for Tasks

Requiring Strength:
Muscle strength is directly proportional to
the size of muscle as defined by cross
sectional area. Leg muscle should be used
in heavy load lifting, rather than weaker
arm muscles.

5. Stay Below 15 Percent of
Max Muscle Force :
• Muscle fatigue is a very important but
little utilized criterion in designing
tasks. The human body and muscles
rely on 2 type of energy sources,
aerobic and anaerobic.
• An aerobic metabolism can supply
energy for only a very short period of
time, the oxygen supplied to the muscle
fibers via blood flow become critical in
determining how long the muscle
contractions will last. The harder the
muscle fibers contract, the more
capillaries are compressed, the more
supplies are restricted, the faster the
muscle fatigue.

6. Use short, frequent, intermittent work-rest cycles

7. Design tasks so that most worker can do them
8. Use low force for precise movements
9. Do not attempt precise movements after heavy work
10. Use ballistic movements for speed
11. Begin and end motions with both hands simultaneously
12. Move the hands symmetrically and simultaneously to and
from the center of the body
13. Use the natural rhythms of the body
14. Use continuous curved motions
15. Use the lowest practical classification of movement
16. Work with both hands and feet simultaneously
17. Minimize eye fixations

Motion Study

• Motion study adalah suatu analisa yang

dilakukan terhadap gerakan tubuh yang
terjadi ketika melakukan suatu operasi.

• Tujuan dari dilakukannya motion study

adalah untuk menghilangkan atau
mengurangi gerakan yang tidak efektif
serta meningkatkan gerakan efektif.

• Tools : Two-Hand Process Chart


• Istilah therblig berasal dari nama Gilbreth, yang

dibaca terbalik, kecuali untuk kedua huruf “t” dan
“h”. Therblig diciptakan oleh Frank dan Lilian

• Therblig ini adalah adalah suatu sistem yang

memberi landasan untuk mengkategorikan berbagai
elemen-elemen gerakan dasar yang dapat ditemui
di semua jenis pekerjaan dan menganalisanya
(efisien/tidak efisien)


Terbagi dua yaitu :

• Effective therblighs
Therblig yang secara langsung membawa suatu
proses kerja ke tahap selanjutnya. Therblig-therblig
ini dapat diperpendek waktunya, tetapi tidak dapat
dihilangkan semuanya
• Ineffective therblighs
Tidak memajukan suatu proses kerja ke tahap lanjut.
Sebisa mungkin dihilangkan

Effective Therblighs

Therbligh Symbol

Reach: gerakan tangan kosong dari atau menuju benda RE

Move: tangan bergerak dengan memegang/membawa M
Grasp:gerakan jari-jari tangan untuk memegang benda G
Release: melepaskan benda/menghilangkan kontrol RL
terhadap benda
Pre-Position: meletakkan benda pada posisi tertentu PP
untuk nantinya digunakan
Use:menggunakan benda sesuai fungsinya U
Assemble: dua komponen yang berpasangan dirakit A
Disassemble: kebalikan dari assemble DA

Ineffective Therblighs

Therbligh Symbol
Search: mata atau tangan mencari benda S
Select: memilih sebuah benda dari sekumpulan benda SE
Position: merubah posisi benda selagi bekerja P
Inspect: membandingkan benda dengan standar yang telah I
Plan: berhenti untuk menentukan langkah selanjutnya PL
Unavoidable Delay: penundaan yang terjadi di luar kendali UD
Avoidable Delay: operator bertanggung jawab atas D
terjadinya delay
Rest to overcome fatigue: terjadi secara periodik dan tidak R
selalu terjadi pada setiap siklus kerja
Hold: satu tangan memegang atau menahan sebuah benda H
dan tangan yang lainnya melakukan kerja

Micromotion studies :

• Meneliti gerakan dengan sangat

detail dengan menggunakan kamera.
• Direkam dalam simultaneous motion
(simo) chart.
• Metode ini biasanya digunakan untuk
pekerjaan yang ekstrem dan tingkat
pengulangan yang tinggi.

Manual Work and Design
Meskipun automasi menurunkan permintaan untuk tenaga manusia
di industri modern, kekuatan otot masih tetap menjadi bagian
yang esensial di dalam bidang pekerjaan, terutama Manual
Material Handling (MMH) atau manual work.

Overexertion : pemakaian tenaga yang berlebihan.

Energy Expenditure and

Workload Guidelines

Karbohidrat Aerobic Glycolisis
Lemak Energy
Protein Anaerobic Glycolisis
(lactic acid formation)

Energy Expenditure and
Workload Guidelines

Measuring Energy Expenditure

E (kcal/min) = 4.9*V(0.21-Eo2)

E = energy expenditure (kcal/min)

V = volume of air inspired (liters/min)
Eo2 = fraction of oxygen in expired air (0.16-0.18)

Energy expended varies
by the type of task being
performed :
- Posture maintained
- Type of Load Carriage

Rest Allocation

R = (W - 5.33) / (W – 1.33)

R = time required for rest

W = average energy expenditure during work (kcal/min)

Estimate how much rest is
needed for an average
male performing a shoveling
task (with approximately 16
lb in each shovel)? If it is
known that energy
expenditure = W = 8.5
kcal / min.

Heart Rate Guidelines

An increase in heart rate during steady-state work, termed heart rate creep, indicates an
increasing buildup of fatigue and insufficient recovery during rest pauses (Brouha, 1967). This
fatigue most likely results from the physical workload, but could also result from heat and
mental stress, and a greater proportion of static rather than dynamic work. In any case, heart
rate creep should be avoided by providing additional rest.

Subjective Ratings of
Perceived Exertion
Most popular scale for
assessing Perceived Exertion
during dynamic whole-body
activities – the Borg Rating
of Percieved Exertion
(RPE) Scale

Low Back Compressive Forces

• Human spine (tulang belakang)

ada 25 tulang yang terpisah
yang disebut sebagai
• Tulang belakang ini terbagi
menjadi 4 regions
• 7 di leher, 12 di upper back, 5
di lower back, 1 di pelvic area

Niosh Lifting Guidelines

• NIOSH = National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

• Purpose :
computes recommended with limit: maximum weight for safe lifting
• Limitations : not for
- lifting/lowering with one hand
- lifting/lowering for over 6 hours
- lifting/lowering while seated or kneeling
- etc

Niosh Lifting Equations
Recommended Weight Limit (RWL)

RWL = LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM x CM

• horizontal (HM) and vertical (VM) location of load

• the distance the load will be moved (DM)
• asymmetry (AM) – twisting angle
• frequency of the lift (FM)-(average number of lifts per minute over a 15 minute
• hand coupling for the load (CM) – good/fair/poor, and the load constant (LC).

LI = Weight / RWL
Must be less than 1


Single lift:
• Lift 30 lb box from the ground (V=0”) onto a
25” high table (D=25”).
• Worker must twist 90 degrees to get box on
table (A = 90 degrees).
• The box must be held out 10” from the body
center to get it on the table (H = 10”).
• Assume this is a one time lift (FM = 1).
• The box is small and compact but has no
handles (coupling is fair = 0.95)
• Calculate the RWL and LI!


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