Geography School Based Assessment: Investigation of The Decline of The Bauxite Mining Industry in Mandeville, Manchester

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Geography School Based


Investigation of the Decline of

the Bauxite Mining Industry in
Mandeville, Manchester

Year of examination: 2019


Registration Number:

Research Question: What are the causes and impact of the decline of
the Bauxite Industry in Mandeville, Manchester.

Teacher’s name: Mrs Sutton-Facey


Table of Contents

Introduction 4

Aim of Study 5

Location of Study 6

Methodology 8

Presentation and Analysis of Data 9

Conclusion 12

Bibliography 13

Appendix 14


Bauxite mining began in Jamaica in the 1950’s and has since then influenced the
country's economy and population. It would follow that the decline in the Bauxite Mining
Industry would have a reverse effect.

The purpose of this School Based Assessment is to investigate what caused the
decline of the bauxite industry in Mandeville and how this has affected its population.
The research will be confined to the area of Mandeville however areas outside of
Mandeville which relate to the aims will be mentioned.


1. To investigate the causes of the decline of the mining industry in Mandeville, Manchester.

2. To identify how the decline of the bauxite industry affected the population of Mandeville,

Location of Study Area

Figure 1: Map of Jamaica

Location of Study Area
Figure 2: Map of Mandeville, Manchester


The data in this study was obtained using interviews, questionnaires and online

A questionnaire was constructed to identify how the decline of the bauxite industry
affected the residents of Mandeville. Fifteen questionnaires were distributed randomly to
pedestrians in the Central Business District of Mandeville, Mandeville, on October 7th,
2018. A questionnaire was used because it allowed the researcher to garner information from
a large group of people in a short period of time. A questionnaire may be disadvantageous in
that it may not provide enough details. For this reason, an interview was also conducted.

The in-depth interview was conducted with a geologist, who is an expert in the
Bauxite industry and resident of the town of Mandeville. The interview was aimed at
garnering knowledge on the cause of the decline of the mining industry in Mandeville. The
interview was conducted on October 10th, 2018.

Secondary data was collected from online research and textbooks.

Presentation and Analysis of Data
Causes of the Decline in the Bauxite Industry

The first objective of this School Based Assessment was to identify the cause of the
decline of the Bauxite Mining Industry in Mandeville and surrounding regions. The main
source of data for this section was supplied by a geologist, an expert in the field.

Research found that there were several factors which resulted in the decline of the
mining industry. These factors included: the decrease in price of aluminium on the world
market, inefficient mining equipment and government-imposed levies. All these factors
made the production of alumina very inefficient and expensive and thus not profitable.

This statement was echoed by 81% of respondents said they believed the decline was
due to ore not being profitable.




The geologist explained that Jamaican companies were using less efficient
equipment than competitors thus reducing the overall output of the company. This
inefficiency was a problem because the global fall in aluminium prices meant companies
needed to make large amounts of product to remain profitable. The final blow was made by
the Jamaican government who imposed levies on the companies before they could mine. By
the early 2000’s most companies had left the island to seek bauxite deposits elsewhere.

Dennis (2014) stated that the industry started to decline as global prices fell, new
competition emerged, and the companies retaliated against government imposed levies.
Additionally, some participants of the questionnaire who had jobs at the bauxite plant in
Nain, St. Elizabth (See Figuure 1) also testified to the fact the equipment used in the
factories were older and less efficient models.

Impact of the Decline

Personal Impact
The study revealed that most respondents, 57%, stated they were affected negatively
by the decline, Figure 4 illustrates their responses.

Fig. 4

Of the people affected negatively 100% said they were affected financially through
reduction in income. Of the people affected positively 100% said the decline encouraged them
to find better jobs in other fields such as commerce, real estate and education.

Economic impact
Popular responses to the question pertaining to the negative impact of the decline of
the industry in Mandeville included claims of less money entering the town, loss of jobs and
slowing down of the commercial industry. Davis (2014) confirmed that with the start of the
mining industry the country grew economically, educationally and public health services
improved. It follows that the decline of the bauxite industry would have the opposite effect
on the economy.

However, most respondents stated that a positive impact may be the growth of more
commercial means of income such as the opening of businesses to sell goods or services
(See Plate 1)

Plate 1. (Photograph of the busy town of Mandeville)

Environmental impact
Most participants agreed that with the decline of the bauxite industry came a reduction in
environmental pollution. 80% of respondents claimed that they noticed a reduction in dust

and air pollution, see figure 5. Some residents even noted that their metal gutters were
no longer being corroded due to acidulated rain water.

Environmental Impact of Decline

Improved breathing conditions


Reduced caustic smell


Reduction in dust

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Percentage of Respondents

Fig. 5


The research concluded that multiple factors were responsible for the decline of the
industry in Mandeville namely: government-imposed levies, inefficient machinery and a fall
in price on the world market.

The population of Mandeville was affected both negatively and positively however
most people thought that the decline was negative. Jobs were lost and many people had to
search other fields for a source of income. The town became more commercial than industrial.
The consensus was that there was an improvement in the environment.


Davis, C. (February 12, 2014). The Future Of Alumina Sector Hinges On Energy Cost . Retrieved
January 3, 2019 from:

Dennis, D. (October 19, 2014). A brief history of Ja's modern economic performance: The rise
and fall. Retrieved December 19, 2018 from:


Ottley, J. & Gentles, M. (2011) Longman Geography for CSEC, Kingston: Carlong Publishers.

Young, B.S. (1965). Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Retrieved from:


Questionnaire Distributed during Data Gathering Phase

Geography S.B.A. Questionnaire

Responses from the following questionnaire will be used in a report which investigates the
decline of the bauxite mining industry in Mandeville. All responses given will remain anonymous.
The completion of this questionnaire assumes that you agree that there has been a decline in the
bauxite mining industry and that it has affected Mandeville.

Please answer all questions to the best of your knowledge. More than one answer may
be selected for the multiple choice questions.

Please select your age range:

❏ 18- 40

❏ 41- 60

❏ 61+

Select your gender:

❏ Male

❏ Female

1.Do you believe that there has been a decline of the bauxite industry which has affected Mandeville?

❏ Yes

❏ No

2. In what year would you say that the decline of the industry began affecting the town of Mandeville
in a noticeable way.

3. Why do you think the mining industry within the Manchester region slowed down?

❏ There was no more bauxite to mine

❏ Mining the ore was not profitable

❏ The environmental impact was too great.

❏ Other

4. In what way would you say the decline of the industry positively impacted the town of Mandeville.

❏ Reduced environmental pollution

❏ It influenced the town of Mandeville to turn to a more commercial means of income rather
than industrial

❏ There were no positives

❏ Other

5.In what ways would you say the decline of the industry negatively impacted the town of Mandeville

❏ It resulted in less money coming into the town

❏ Many people lost their jobs

❏ It caused the commercial industry in the town to slow down

❏ There were no negatives

❏ Other

6. Were you financially impacted due to the decline of the industry?

❏ Yes

❏ No

7. If you selected “yes” please tick any of the following may have applied/ apply to you.

❏ You were prompted to find another job

❏ You experienced a decrease in income

❏ other

8.The decline of the bauxite mining industry

❏ Affected me positively

❏ Affected me negatively

❏ Had no effect on me

9. If you selected “affected me positively” please identify which may apply to you

❏ Benefitted me financially

❏ Encouraged me to find a better job

❏ Positively changed my surrounding environment

❏ other

10.If you selected “affected me negatively” please select which may apply to you.

❏ Affected me financially

❏ Forced me to find a job elsewhere

❏ Altered my surrounding environment in a negative way

❏ Other

11. Have you noticed any environmental changes due to the decline of the bauxite mining industry.

❏ Yes

❏ No

If “yes” please explain in what way

Thank you for your participation!


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