Americas Dumbest Criminals

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The first story I read was about two individuals who were involved in an attempted car robbery.

But what made them look like fools was the vehicle was an unmarked police car, with a

Detective sitting in the car with his gun waiting for him to open the door. The second story I read

was about a gentleman who thought it would be “funny” to go into a police station, with a towel

wrapped around his hand, and say “Give me all your money!” He was arrested for attempted

robbery. The final one was a woman had stolen tickets to a Jay-Z concert. Not only did she steal

the tickets she also dragged him with her car causing very severe injuries. How was she found?

Well not only did she do all this in the middle of the day with multiple witnesses, she also went

to the concert and sat in the seats in which the tickets were for. For the first and last story the

offenders had the same mindset it seems. Each of them wanted something and they found that

committing a crime to do it was their best option. While for the second story the gentleman

seemed to have done his crime just for pure pleasure. Or that man could be merely mocking the

justice system all together. His story was listed under Americas Dumbest Criminals, but he could

have possibly had a deeper message behind his actions. When discussing punishments in the law

they claim that it, “ should be deterrence rather than retribu-tion, and punishment should be

imposed to prevent offenders from committing additional crimes” (Smalleger 2021). Therefore,

it could have possibly been this gentleman’s intention to “laugh in the face” of the justice

system, by going straight to a police station and basically saying you do not stop me from doing

what I want.

Smalleger, F. (2020). Criminolgy. Hoboken: Pearson Education.

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