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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gathers additional data to Uses data from a variety of Uses data from multiple Uses comprehensive
through data provided by learn about individual formal and informal measures to make knowledge of students to
the school and/or students. sources to learn about adjustments to instruction make ongoing adjustments
assessments. students and guide and meet individual and accommodations in
selection of instructional identified learning needs. instruction.
Using knowledge of strategies to meet diverse
students to engage learning needs.
them in learning Students actively utilize a Students take ownership of
Some students may engage Students engage in single Student engage in learning variety of instructional their learning by choosing
in learning using lessons or sequence of through the use of strategies and technologies from a wide range of
instructional strategies lessons that include some adjustments in instruction in learning that ensure methods to further their
focused on the class as a adjustments based on to meet their needs. equitable access to the learning that are responsive
whole. assessments. curriculum. to their learning needs.
Evidence In the beginning of the After reading with each Throughout the year I have learned that when
year I choose 3 different student I place them in students can move into teaching math, the students
leveled reading passages groups according to their different reading groups if enjoy when I use examples
and read with each student reading level. Throughout need be. with classmates names and
individually to asses their the school year, I read After teaching a language hands on activities. The
reading fluency. 7/20/2020 three times a week with 4 arts lesson, students will students enjoy coming up
small reading groups. work independently. I walk to the front of the class to
Students are placed in around the room observing show their work and also
different reading group their work and answering using their own
depending on their fluency questions. If students need whiteboards. 7/20/2020
rate and comprehension. help I will reteach by using
7/20/2020 different examples that are For spelling concepts, I
related to the same have students use a lot of
concept. 7/20/2020. repetition when learning a
new spelling rule. On
Monday we learn the rule
and do a call and repeat of
each spelling word. Then
students write the words on
their whiteboards.
Throughout the week,
students do spelling centers
and I try to do a spelling
game whole class once a

As I use technology more

throughout the school year,
I have learned more about
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
i-ready. This site allows me
to assign certain
assignments to each
student based on their
level. For example, I have
a student that is struggling
with phonics. I am able to
assign her just phonics
assignments to help her
while I am also able to
assign more challenging
things to my higher
readers. 11/16/20
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered information Uses school resources and Integrates broad knowledge Develops and
prior knowledge, culture, about students’ prior family contacts to expand of students and their systematically uses
backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural understanding of students’ communities to inform extensive information
experiences, and interests backgrounds, life prior knowledge, cultural instruction. regarding students’ cultural
represented among experiences, and interest to backgrounds, life backgrounds, prior
Connecting learning students. support student learning. experiences, and interests knowledge, life
to students’ prior to connect to student experiences, and interests.
knowledge, learning.
backgrounds, life Students participate in
experiences, and single lessons or sequences Students make connections Students can articulate the
interests Some students connect of lessons related to their between curriculum, and Students are actively relevance and impact of
learning activities to their interests and experiences. their prior knowledge, engaged in curriculum, lessons on their lives and
own lives. backgrounds, life which relates their prior society.
experiences, and interests. knowledge, experiences,
and interests within and
across learning activities.
Evidence When reading stories aloud We do a Flat Stanley In math, I connect student's Our school recently started
students share connections project all year. Students prior knowledge by punching more SEL
of their own life in relation take their Flat Stanley on a completing a five-minute opportunities. I have
to the story. 7/20/2020 trip with them. Usually check from the previous changed our journals for
they take it on a trip to days lesson to ensure they the entire team to make
where they are from or they understand before moving them more SEL related.
send their Flat Stanley in on. 10/20/2020 Students use experiences
the mail to a family they have been through to
member where they are write or draw about. They
from. They take pictures on can use past experiences or
their Flat Stanley near how they would handle
major monuments and then being put in that situation.
bring in the pictures to There are different traits
share with the class. At the that we teach for each
end of the year we have a month. For example, the
Flat Stanley party where first month we are teaching
families make a cultural about fairness. I have had
dish and everybody gets to them write about what they
try it. They also share with think fairness means and
the class parts of their then I will create pretend
cultural such as important senerios and ask how those
dances, outfits or holidays. characters can solve the
7/20/2020 problem by being fair. I
remind the students to put
themselves in the
characters shoes.

This relates to the TLS

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
because our school asked
us to integrate SEL and I
went to our team with a
TPT that I found and asked
if we could integrate it into
our journals. I also made a
list if books that I want the
school to purchase for us to
read to our classes.
Here is the bundle I am
using. I use some of their
examples and others I
change but keep the main

In math, I teach students to

be able to explain their
findings either by showing
their work or sharing it out
loud with the class. They
are to use math vocabulary
when explaining such as
numerator, denominator,
sum, difference.

Students write how they

would express themselves
in certain situations. They
use problem solving skills
that they are taught and
make sure to be fair and
kind. Students can share
out loud with the class what
they chose to write about.

In math, students express

how they solved each math
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
word problem by showing
their word or explaining it
to the class. They make
sure to use math
vocabulary words.

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses real-life connections Explore using additional Integrates connections Integrates connections to Engages student in actively
during instruction as real-life connections to from subject matter to meaningful, real-life making connections to
identified to curriculum. subject matter in single meaningful, real-life contexts in planning relevant, meaningful, and
lessons or sequence of contexts, including those subject matter instruction real-life contexts
lessons to support specific to students’ family and is responsive during throughout subject matter
understanding. and community. instruction to engage instruction.
Connecting subject students in relating to
matter to meaningful, subject matter.
real-life contexts Students routinely integrate
Some students relate Students make use of real- Students utilize real-life Students actively engage in subject matter into their
subject matter to real-life. life connections provided connections regularly to making and using real-life own thinking and make
in single lessons or develop understandings of connections to subject relevant applications of
sequence of lessons to subject matter. matter to extend their subject matter during
support understanding of understanding. learning activities.
subject matter.
Every morning, my When solving math For each subject, I try and
students come into the problems, I will create ask students if they have
classroom with a journal word problems using real experienced or noticing
prompt on the board. The life subject matter that whatever I am teaching
prompts change daily but relates to students. As I about. This allows students
most f them are about their state examples, students to make connections. As
lives or their feelings. This will begin to make their the year goes on they will
allows them to use their own word problems similar start to raise their hand on
grammar and writing skills to mine using subject their own to share their
when writing about heir matter of their choosing. own experiences.
life experiences. 10/25/2020 For example, when
7/20/2020 teaching social studies, I
Evidence will ask the students to
share their own
experiences about
something their family
does that is related to that

Students share their life

experiences with the class
during daily lessons.

Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Using a variety of Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of Creates, adapts, and Refines the flexible use of
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
strategies, resources, and instructional strategies, strategies including integrates a broad range of an extensive repertoire of
technologies as provided resources, and technologies culturally responsive strategies, resources, and strategies, resources, and
by school and/or district. in single lessons or pedagogy, resources, and technologies into technologies to meet
sequence of lessons to technologies during instruction designed to students’ diverse learning
meet students’ diverse ongoing instruction to meet meet students’ diverse needs.
learning needs. students’ diverse learning learning needs.
strategies, resources,
and technologies to
meet students’ diverse
Some students participate Students participate in Students participate in Students actively engage in Students take
learning needs
in instructional strategies, single lessons or sequence instruction using strategies, instruction and make use of responsibilities for using a
using resources and of lessons related to their resources, and technologies a variety of targeted wide range of strategies,
technologies provided. interests and experiences. matched to their learning strategies, resources, and resources, and technologies
needs. technologies to meet their that successfully advance
individual students needs. their learning.
At Heritage Oak we have If I notice a student When a unit is complete, I Students use their iPads
Prom boards. I love having struggling I will reteach in give a unit test. This is a independently to complete
students come up to the a different way. I usually chance for students to use a variety of tasks. They use
board to show their work. try to provide something the strategies they have a variety of different apps
We only have 4 iPads in hands on. For example learned. When writing in as well, such as, studies
the classroom. I mostly use when teaching money, I journals daily, students use weekly, iReady, seesaw
the iPads for AR tests. always have the student their grammar and writing and Pearson just to name a
7/20/2020 use play money so they can strategies. 7/20/2020 few. They are responsible
see the different sizes of for logging into each app
coins and understanding on their own and
their value. completing different
When teaching reading assignments. 10/25/2020
comprehension, I teach
Evidence students strategies that help ISTE 3a. Integrating
them find answers. Such as
reading the questions This year, I researched hot
before the reading and to use I-ready in a new
noticing key words. way. This relates to TLS
7/20/2020 because I introduced this
concept to my team and
taught them how to use it

Students use I-ready to

complete individual
assigned lessons.

Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Promoting critical Asks questions that focus Includes questions in Guide students to think Supports students to Facilitates systematic
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
on factual knowledge and single lessons or a critically through use of initiate critical thinking opportunities for student to
comprehension. sequence of lessons that questioning strategies, through independently apply critical thinking by
require students to recall, posing/solving problems, developing questions, designing structured
interpret, and think and reflection on issues in posing problems and inquiries into complex
critically. content. reflecting on multiple problems.
thinking though
inquiry, problem
Some students respond to Students respond to varied Students respond to Students pose problems Students pose and answer a
solving, and reflection
questions regarding facts questions or tasks designed questions and problems and construct questions of wide-range of complex
and comprehension. to promote comprehension posed by the teacher and their own to support questions and problems,
and critical thinking in begin to pose and solve inquiries into content. reflect, and communicate
single lessons or a problems of their own understandings based on in
sequence of lessons. related to the content. depth analysis of content
Evidence I do reading Students respond to As I am reading a story I When solving math We complete reading
comprehension weekly questions that I ask as I may pose questions to have problems, I will create comprehension weekly.
with my class. Each week I read a story to them. Then them think of a time when word problems using real The questions are very in-
read a different story. We on Friday, students answer they could relate to the life subject matter that depth questions asking
read the story at least 3 different reading story or what they would relates to students. As I about genre, their opinion
times throughout the week. comprehension questions do to solve the problem in state examples, students and to site evidence from
On Monday, I read the that are related to the same the story. 7/20/2020 will begin to make their the reading. Throughout
story to them and ask story they have read own word problems similar the week, I will read the
comprehension questions throughout the week. This to mine using subject story and provide
as I read. 7/20/2020 has them think critically matter of their choosing. opportunities for students
and recall information. 10/25/2020 to answer critical thinking
7/20/2020 questions that I ask. They
are also encouraged to ask
their own questions.
We also meet in small
reading groups three times
a week. Each group reads a
different story. During that
time, I am also asking
critical thinking questions.

Students answer critically

thinking questions written
every Friday. They answer
critical thinking questions
out loud throughout the
week during whole class
instruction and small group
instruction. Students also
take AR test in their free
time to answer questions
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
related to books they are
reading. 4/29

Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Implements lessons Seeks to clarify instruction Makes ongoing Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to
following curriculum and learning activities to adjustments to instruction instruction based on the extend learning
guidelines. support student based on observation of ongoing monitoring of opportunities and provide
understanding. student engagement and individual student needs assistance to students in
regular checks for for assistance, support, or mastering the concepts
Monitoring student understanding. challenge. flexibly and effectively.
learning and adjusting
instruction while Students monitor their
teaching. Some students receive Students receive assistance Students successfully Students are able to progress in learning and
individual assistance individually or in small participate and stay articulate their level of provide information to
during instruction. groups during instruction. engaged in learning understanding and use teacher that informs
activities. teacher guidance to meet adjustments in instruction.
their needs during
Throughout the year I I meet in small reading Students may change If my students are not If a student is really
begin to notice which groups three times a week. reading groups based on understanding a lesson I struggling, I will pull them
students need extra help in Each reading group is my observations. will reteach it in a from PE and teach them
certain areas. When I am based on the students’ 7/20/2020 completely different way. I one on one or suggest
teaching that subject I will reading level. 7/20/2020 have found that student tutoring with the parents.
be sure to check in with involvement helps students 7/20/2020
those certain students by learn better. If some
them a certain questions students are excelling in I will also remove a student
and carefully reviewing math I send home more from tutoring if I notice
their work. 7/20/2020 difficult homework to they are capable of doing
challenge them. 7/20/2020 things more on their own to
promote confidence and
My students know they can
ask for more challenge in
or difficult work from me.
This year, I have been
working on i on
challenging my high
students in math. So they
know they are welcome to
join this math group for an
extra challenge. If I notice
a student needs a challenge
and is too shy or scared to
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
try it on their own I will
assign it to them
independently to still give
them the challenge. 4/7/21

This relates to NBPTS 3

teachers and responsible
for managing and
monitoring student

Students ask for help when

needed or if something is
too easy, they ask for more
difficult work. 4/7

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