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Group Meeting Minutes Log #18

M od ul e Ti tle

MED3052 Community Impact Project

P rod uc tio n T itl e

Cafe Track

Date 3/02/21 Ti me 4.15PM

Pres e nt Matt Hall, Bethan Murfitt and Christian Brown

Absent Lily Tunstall

Agenda • Music
• Pre-production Materials
• Product Research
• Interview questions for Tom
• Progress presentation
Mi n u te s Group Minutes:

4.20 - Christian adds to the music folder on MyPad - publishing music

inspirations for Cafe Track’s music theme.

4.35 - The group work on a presentation to give a progress update to Roy,

including what the group is currently working on and things that need to be
started on.

4.40 - Matt creates new document for the COVID-19 focused video and group
begin to discuss how the video will be structured.

5.00 - Group discuss about having the video structured with 3 perspectives to
show the community and how we would get in touch with a member. Matt
suggested the group ask if Tom could get in contact with a member on the
group’s behalf.

The group still haven’t heard back from Tom so Matt forwards the email again
in hoping to get a response.

A c t i o n Po i n t s • Complete the presentation for Friday

• Complete COVID-19 focused video document

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